Neil Oliver – ‘…that’s what’s coming, it’s all about control’

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i can i can remember years ago and a lot of years ago when i i probably if i considered myself politically motivated at all maybe back in university days i i probably liked to imagine myself as having a green agenda which i understood to mean loving the planet and taking care of it and and not making a mess uh you know take only photos leave only footprints all that kind of idea uh you know i i was an archaeology student at university and i was a field working archaeologist for a few years after so i was i was out i was out in the wilds and appreciating the natural world was was part of it you know part of the part of the pleasure part of the joy of the subject was was the opportunity to be out in nature you know we were we were digging holes right enough but we always did our best and took care to put it all back together again when we were finished you know and to relay the carefully cut turf so that in a few months after our presence there there should have been little little trace of us having passed that way so i was i was green minded i think all all young people are aren't they i think i think there's a there's something innate in children and and in people through their teens and in the first part of life where you care about the environment it i think it comes i think it's a natural instinct a bit more recently i've been thinking about the green agenda that's being fostered upon us um that manifests itself in the in the green levy on on fuel bills and energy bills that's in this time of uh cost of lockdown crisis uh where people are starting to feel real financial pain uh and the green levy on on energy bills is only adding to that suffering the the move away from the much maligned fossil fuels gas coal oil to renewables so-called wind and solar agenda 2030 which is really just the idiot child of agenda 21 which was an earlier iteration of the same objective uh by the in the main the unelected cabals that that protest that they know best about how we the peasants should live uh you know and they're trying to they're trying to force us into into this world which as far as i'm concerned is not about going green it's about going without it's about grooming the world's population and especially the populations of the developed west to live meaner colder hungrier smaller lives that's what agenda 2030 boils down to and and to add insult to injury to rub salt into the wounds the priestly class that preaches agenda 2030 are doing so from their private jets as they flit around the planet coming together in davos and wherever else they like to foregather so that they can lecture we the pros about what we should do without you know while they continue to live their high protein high altitude mile high lives and i'm infuriated by it the candidates for the leadership of the tory party are at it as well you know the uh at this at this moment in time uh you know it's down to rishi sunak or or liz truss um i don't care which one of them wins i think it's irrelevant which one of them comes to the fore i don't believe as i've said before i don't believe meaningful decisions are made in westminster i think what we get from westminster is a is a script delivered by bad actors written elsewhere uh you know so that we're we're watching a puppet show punching judy it's meaningless who who takes that that top job but there they are uh all of the candidates you know before and after whatever stage of the contest were actually at by the time you listened to this uh you know some of the merely mouthed qualification around the green levy and and you know and they and they make uh they offer platitudes about how we the people and businesses you know have to be given a soft landing as far as possible as the as the green agenda go ahead but none of them are talking about undoing it so it's just more of the same nonsense that will destroy communities destroy our society and ultimately destroy lives um as far as i'm concerned the green agenda needs to be gone in its present iteration it's not green anyway it's hiding behind a cloak of green you know renewable energy we've been sold at pop there wind farms and solar farms um you know i mean we had to begin we're to begin in in contemplating the hypocrisy of all of that sites for for wind farm sites for solar farms take your pick but they've all to be cleared of all life before anything is built before they start pouring the concrete the great mass cubes of concrete that will hold the turbines upright or before the or before they set the acres of solar panels in place the sites are cleared of all life notionally the creatures that are that are taken from their burrows or their nests are relocated elsewhere but you know un unpublicized research indicates that most of that relocated life dies you know wherever it's been put down so their sterility is left behind in any case the turbines when they're in action harvest millions of birds that fly into them and through them solar farms are equally as hostile to life wind turbines are hugely demanding of energy and resources to make them in the first place when they're in their when they're in place they're filled with gallons of oils and other lubricants are the product of fossil fuels by any other name solar panels are filthy to make they use coal uh in in their in the production process and other fossil fuels besides and to cut a long story short without subsidy without without massive subsidy bribes basically from from nation states no private company would go would go near the making of either they just wouldn't there would not be profit in it if they were just forced to operate in the open market none of them would bother because the returns would be so compromised by the by the expense and the inconvenience and all the rest of it and if you look around you know you'll see images online uh of uh of of wind turbine blades uh come to the end of their life you know after 20 years or so there's nothing can be done with them because of the because of what they're made of they can't be recycled so the the wind turbines are disassembled and buried they just become the stuff of yet more colossal landfill similarly with with solar panels which come to the end of their natural lives there's nothing can be done with them and then there are images too of of the of the mining that goes on for the necessary rare earth minerals upon which all of these renewable technologies depend uh lithium lithium for for car batteries and batteries for for for all of these rechargeables cobalt um these rare earth minerals and others besides require the kind of invasive strip mining and damage to environments uh which are equal to or greater than the worst excesses of anything that was done to extract any other any fossil fuels you know the the damage that is being contemplated in the name of a green agenda it it's it's hypocrisy of an of an obscene level and then you get you get beyond the you get beyond the renewables uh and and you consider what the what the what the green lobby stand by and watch or their order or their cheerleaders profit from plastic plastic in the oceans look at the images of plastic in the oceans you know there used to be campaigns about about removing plastic from the ocean as if that was even possible because as the as the plastic breaks down in the ocean it becomes microplastic which there's nothing you can do about it because it's it's ingested by fish and other marine life that we then eat so that all of us walking around today are partly made of ingested plastic there's a measurable quantity of microplastic in all of our bodies um the whole thing the the very notion that any of this is clean and green and respects the environment is farcical and it was all it was all cast into the hypocrisy of it was was brutally exposed during covert the masks the the millions billions maybe it's even trillions of plasticized masks that people were encouraged to wear and that were then discarded so that there are billions of them in landfills billions of them in the ocean they'll be there forever they'll take centuries to break down and as they break down they too will uh will will be ingested by marine life they will they will they will choke the life out of sea birds uh and other marine life and no one seems to care about that all the plastics of the pcr tests and the lateral flow tests and the and the personal protective equipment it's all plastic all just being mass produced at huge profit and then dumped you know where was the green lobby then to lament the the mass production of all that shite that ended up in the oceans and that will be there for centuries to come and you know when you get to you we're all encouraged to recycle you know putting separating our plastic and our cardboard and our tin cans and all the rest of it 90 of plastic that we use on a daily basis cannot be recycled ninety percent of it okay and the rest that can be recycled it too breaks down into micro plastics you know the 10 biggest recycling companies in the world made it make 60 billion pounds worth of profit each year the plastics industry that generates the stuff in the first place is worth 800 billion a year it's about profit it's about profit if we really cared about the planet it wouldn't be this way we in the uk are the world's fourth biggest producer of plastic waste per head of population and 50 of that 50 of the plastic that we produce which is to say 688 000 tons a year is shipped to turkey and malaysia where it piles up in landfills in that part of the world or it's burned okay it's burned putting pollutants into the atmosphere and the uk government counts all of that as recycled when you see the figures for the quantities of plastics that we produce that are recycled it includes the 688 000 tons that gets shipped out to get buried or burned elsewhere so we're just we're just offshoring our own filth and yet this we're being told that this is all under the auspices of a green agenda agenda 2030. what troubles me most of all i think is ours is a culture of waste it's just waste we've we've evolved into a species that we just consume and waste we make or have made for us out of sight and out of mind cheap clothes that are worn once and then discarded everything's everything's got built in obsolescence so computers and phones all of it everything all these units are made in the expectation after a year or so they'll just be scrapped and and replaced with more every every day millions of tons of food edible food get bulldozed into landfills you know and that all of that food is wrapped in plastic wrapped in cellophane water moved in plastic bottles and this is this is in a world a western world dominated by a green agenda we're not we've become filthy creatures what kind of mindset is that that encourages generations of people to just leave their own mess behind them and walk away from it but the whole thing is a sham and a farce and an exercise in hubris and hypocrisy and now we've been never being handed this so-called green agenda and there's nothing green about it as far as i'm concerned it's the antithesis of care for the world love of nature it's wasteful it's wasteful what we're being offered there's nothing in the renewables there's nothing in mass consumerism there's nothing in mass consumption there's nothing in shoveling fresh food into landfills there's nothing about that the harvesting of lithium the harvesting of cobalt and the rest the this and the rest of it copper you need something like 18 tons of copper per megawatt of electricity that's that's carried from wind turbines any idea how much copper that is you know if you want to replace all of the coal-fired olive oil fired all of the all of the nuclear power stations with with wind the you know the electric cables that have to come from those that have to come from those that apparatus is going to devour the world's rare minerals and and rare metals we should be teaching children about nature we should be teaching children how to how to care for the soil actually how to care for the soil how to maintain its fertility we should be teaching children how to grow food we should be teaching them that food should be grown locally and organically not in that suicidally stupid way that was attempted in sri lanka but there are those who know how to grow organically so that people should be focused on on living locally eating locally growing food raising animals slaughtering them locally and and living upon the the food that is possible you know in the immediate hinterland of where people live but as it turns out in a few generations we have been utterly divorced from the land we've been utterly divorced from our food so that we've lost the power to make our own food we have been uneducated we have been disabled and made incapable so that we're dependent henry kissinger said control the food and you control the people control the energy and you control whole continents control the money and you control the world and that's what's coming that's what's here it's all about control you know where are we now now we're looking at spiking costs of energy of food this winter there's going to be catastrophic pain for people because a situation has been engineered whereby they won't be able to heat their homes and they won't be able to feed their families they're forcing people into an increasingly dependent reality dependent upon the state divorced from the land divorce from all the means to feed and take care of themselves as used to be the case for most people no more than no more than 50 no more than 100 years ago we were a very different animal and it's happening right before our eyes and we have to waken up and remember that the world the land the soil belongs to us belongs to us the people each and every one of us has a shared stake in planet earth and the green agenda that's being pushed rammed down our throats at the moment is not green it's anti-human it's inhuman it's anti-nature and it doesn't have to be this way there's a hot dog gracie do you need a drink do you need a drink it's nice and cool in here yeah i have to get that big i have to get that big girl a cool towel that i drink
Channel: Neil Oliver
Views: 430,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y_Jk4dt-VjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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