Neil Diamond -Thank You Australia Interview - 1976 - subs en español

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Neil Diamond one of the world's biggest selling pop stars he's more commonly known as a superstar peers despite his world-renowned a man we know little about the reason for that is simple Neil Diamond has never given a television interview accepted occasional press conferences never has Neil Diamond actually talked about himself I've been given the privilege of conducting this exclusive interview with a man who is making show business history a man who gave up singing for three years because he wanted to find himself he wanted to be more than just a complete songwriter or complete performer he wanted to be a complete person and a complete father 35 years old he's a multi-millionaire one record album of his hot August night made records selling history in Australia you'll find a copy of it in 1 out of every 4 Australian homes tonight let's meet Neil Diamond a songwriter the artist the superstar and the solitary man well it was mine to the time but I found her oh yeah love win then you came along love me strong that's what I thought for the night too like you can you stay place what I during man sure looks like me Neil Diamond welcome and thank you for being here thank you Michael are you a solitary man I suppose that I am but probably no more than most other people you know when you're when you're exposed to the public when you're put in the public's eye you you confronted with pressures and the situations that that the the average person doesn't really experience and so like just every other person around the world I seek out my time for myself and for the things that I consider important above and beyond what I do the work that I do do you like making friends um oh it's I like friends friends but friends are rare I think if over a lifetime if I have three or four friends I'd be very happy you should do you don't have many close friends I have many friends I have a few close friends do when you meet people do want to keep contact with them or do you say hello it nice to meet you and that's it well there are there are people that you want to have contact with that you want to have continuing relationship relationships with because they're either interesting or there's something compatible about them that's that's it makes you feel good for many reasons but you've had three years now to find yourself what did you achieve during those three years well I think the most important thing I achieved was the ability to - I guess the belt I developed an ability to to remove myself from the arena you know before then I was I was always in the arena whether I was on stage or not I was always in the arena in psychologically my mind was there and being away for this period of time having the chance to learn to develop a taste for relaxation and for to remove myself and I thought it was one high points of the last three years the ability to relax and remove myself from from the extraordinary situation that I got into in the first place which is the public arena here was it a hard decision for you to make to say right I'm going to risk leaving everything for a couple of years and hope that I can be accepted back again it wasn't very hard at all I wanted to do it for about two years prior to the time that I had done it and the year before I did my final tour I had decided that this would be my last tour for a while I felt that there were important things that I had to do and it was a very easy decision to make and I look forward to it would you need to do this again periodically oh yes I think it's important I think it's important not only for me but for anybody who finds himself in a kind of work that that puts you under extraordinary pressure I think it's important to remove yourself to - to find yourself again to replenish the all of those juices that make people go and make them function and make them productive yes I want to take sabbaticals periodically I think it's important you've said that you need to be a complete person and this is why you're doing this can you be a complete person while you're a superstar well you know superstars is an invention that that word is an invention and it doesn't really relate to me it may relate to the press or to the record companies it doesn't relate to what I am as a person yes you don't think that you're because you've reached this and because other people are calling you that that it has an effect on you it doesn't have very much of an effect on me I'm motivated and I get my Joy's from from the work that I do frankly I can't deal with the enormity of this success and acceptance and so I don't deal with it I deal with my work and whatever happens beyond that is the fates you know so when people react the way they do towards you and what you read about yourself and see about yourself you try and disconnect that from the real you that's right i I do that I have to do that do you care about what the people think about us of course absolutely but I I care more about what they think of my work and what they think of me or well I want them to like me I mean anybody who puts himself in front of the public wants to be accepted and to be liked but I would hope that at some point I would be able to be accepted just on the nature of my work and the quality of my work well we talked to a few people at one of your shows and to get some reaction of what they really think of you and I think we might just have a look and see what they say let you hear it what does Neil Diamond mean to you terrific right this is the mission I've ever seen on earth you think of him as a superstar or as a person himself as a person but as a person what's the first music very young state lot of meaning behind what he writes let oh it's a singer who's a good entertainer that's all you ever think about is personal identity what sort of a person he is not particularly Brian to people's private lives when you listen to his music do you think of him as a person or just as a superstar away I'll be a superstar spas do you ever stop to think about him as a person in his own right not really we had the same burster right give us time to think about him as a person really what do you think of him as a man beautiful do you think of him as a man huh what sort of man is it beautiful man all right now you can get any other name look it's more personality what sort of a man is he what makes him tick music do you care about him as a man not really just as music I don't think you mean that what sort of terms do they give him you don't care about him as a personality at all well that the sort of reaction would have expected or hopeful I'm not sure it's it's very interesting because I've never really I've never really seen people have reacted after a show during a show it's very rare that you have a chance to sit down with people and it's it's it's embarrassing to ask someone what you know I can't do it but that's interesting yes I would differ with one of the girls who spoke and said no I don't really think of him as a person just his music the reality is that if they're familiar with my music then they're familiar with me because the music is a really direct reflection of what I am as a person and I like some of the reactions in the respect that some of those people seem to were relate to or didn't want to relate to me as a as a superstar or a celebrity is very important to defuse the myth because in reality I am just a man like any other man I happen to write music and songs and I've been lucky enough to have great deal of acceptance but I'm not talking about anything in my music that any other human being on this earth is not felt or cannot feel ie Moody I used to be very moody I've learned to deal with it I've come out of myself a great deal in the last 3 1/2 years I like myself better and I'm not nearly as moody as I was why did you decide to give this interview when you haven't done so before uh well I first I felt it that it was very important after seeing the kind of press that was coming out when when I got here that that the Australian audience get a chance to to see beyond that celebrity kind of a thing you know the front page of newspapers all the time and then realize that there were actually was a human being behind that I don't think it's productive to represent a person purely on the basis of superstar celebrity it's not real it's not if you're not seeing a person and I felt that there was another side and that it might it might be good if people got to got some insight into the other side of the Neil Diamond and why don't you do it more frequently why haven't you done it before well I don't do it death for many reasons first of all because it's primarily not what I do I'm a writer I'm a performer if you wanted to if you permitted it then you would I could do interviews from morning until night every day of the year it's it takes your energy it's not the primary thing that's a you know I'm fond of saying that my father told me when I was when I was a boy said Neil I want you to always remember this he said keep your eye on the doughnut and not on the hole and and the stage and the writing and the Performing and the recordings that's the doughnut and I don't want to take the analogy any further this is not the hole it's less importantly so I don't do it you like to communicate with people aren't you yes yes in fact even with an audience of twenty thirty thousand sure do you try and communicate with them almost individually well I see an audience more as an individual I don't see it numbers it doesn't matter once you get past a thousand people you cannot deal with them you know in terms of numbers it's one person whether it's 40,000 people or you know 5000 people it's one person that I'm relating to well I watched you communicate doing a song song song blue and I'd like you to watch yourself communicating as we can this is a very short piece of film but you can't see it with a ride it stopped the feeling good we got no choice son we have a wonderful opportunity here tonight and that is to create the largest choir known in the history of man the first Sydney all mixed choir 38,000 voices strong dare you sing with me will you sing it with me do you enjoy performing it oh that song yeah well you see that song gives me an opportunity to to put myself in a very scary position because it's one of the exciting things about doing the concert is the unpredictability of any given moment and I that to me is the great fear and the great excitement it's the charge that I get out of performing the audience gets the music and I get the spaces in between the music you know which are unpredictable and I like to let things happen so this song in particular gives me the opportunity to to not only relate to that particular audience but also to let things happen that would not happen anywhere else but at that moment in that air in that audience and for that reason for the fear of it you know alrights the man who climbs Mount Everest and looks down you know but it's also enormous ly exhilarating and exciting especially when something exciting happens what was the inspiration behind that particular song well you know inspiration is a large word whenever I think of inspiration I see with a capital i' and it's a it's a I've only had inspirations in my life maybe three times or four times the kind of inspiration when you felt your heart pounding and you know just life rushing through your veins but the song was I remember listening to until Mozart piano piece recording and I was very very attracted by a part of the melody and it's stuck in my mind and I found myself writing a song the next day that we're the first two melodic phrases were very similar and I took it my own direction and took it in my own way after that but I supposed that Mozart piecing piano concerto 21 was the starting spark for that song we're and when do you write best well writing best happens when it needs to happen writing comes at the least predictable moments I've written some of my best songs in the back of cars and buses and hotel rooms it's it's really quite unpredictable if you are told to write something can you yes is that difficult when it doesn't want to come it's very difficult I can write something when I have to write something but you it's not always it's not always that very special thing I much prefer to write when it comes and to leave myself open and to leave my schedule open so that when I feel like writing everything else ceases because writing is first for me all my appointments are canceled my you know I lock the doors because say and it's a good feeling to it's a very up feeling so when I feel like writing everything else stops I write you work had to perform you have to keep fit for that you do have to keep fit for performing what I find the best way to to get fit is to actually go out and perform and it's very difficult the first few times that you do it I remember we did some some concerts in Sacramento in California when we first started in preparation for this tour and when I got off the stage the first day I hadn't been onstage for almost three and a half years my body hurt I felt that I had been in a prizefight for 10 rounds against Cassius Clay you know was my kidneys my you know stomach muscles everything hurt you know I'd used muscles that I haven't used in years but now now I'm accustomed to it and I feel as though I'm getting stronger each time I do it do you do much else do you play sport not really I'm not very much of a sportsman I prefer to sit and read or think or write I was lucky in Sydney because the hotel sent up a ping-pong table in my room and just anyone who happen to pass through we played and which is fantastic exercise you know nearly you nervous before a show I'm a little nervous I have butterflies and doubts and all those things yes have those doubts ever come true have you had problems are they're all there the potential when you're performing for an audience and of course the show is so complicated and intricate there the lighting and the sounds and the music and everything has to work smoothly for it to work smoothly so there are many many places for things to go wrong and so I just expect things to go wrong and it doesn't bother me when they do you haven't always had it easy have you no I don't think I have it easy now you don't think everything but at the times that you don't have it easy do you are you concerned about the future you worry when you say easy do you mean the show is not going well or my writing is not coming is that what you mean I meant you and and upbringing and wealth and the things that go with going through hard times not just one particular show are you talking about financially yeah use that as an example well the most difficult times that I have or when my work isn't coming when I'm not writing when I'm not being productive when I don't feel as though I'm functioning as a person because when I'm not writing I have nothing to do and those are the most difficult times I find that if the money and the financial thing is fine but it best what it can give you is it can buy you privacy to a degree which most people get for nothing but it can do that it can buy material things I've never really developed a taste for material things so no the most productive and fulfilling times that when I'm working and working well I believe you were quick to throw a punch in your youth actually I was very much quicker to duck from a punch we lived in a number of sections of Brooklyn that were poor sections and when you have poor kids running around not very much to do they tend to get into all kinds of trouble I really wasn't part of that thing I just passed through a number of neighborhoods where the prevailing sentiment was that you know the gang thing and there was and I did I became a member I was the youngest member of one gang and being the youngest and most fragile member I I didn't really get involved in anything with the rest of the guys alloy did a number of gang fights I did end up carrying weapons and things like that it was what they didn't trust me to it was much too thin and fragile so I was the gofer for the group what role is your childhood played in late a lot oh well it's you know a childhood shapes you you're very yes you're like soft clay when you're a child in every respect and it there were many positive things that I got out of it done my I started working when I was nine years old with my father I worked every day after school and I worked every weekend in the farmers markets around New York I developed a very close relationship with my father because of it and I also developed a love for work you know and stood it very early in my life and I came to the rive a satisfaction from it and what society did you realize that this was going to be a work this work well I suppose it was back of my mind for quite a while I remember when I was 10 or 11 years old we had just moved back from Cheyenne Wyoming where we moved out there and we lived out west for three or four years and I was exposed to Cowboys and guitars and singing Cowboys which were my first heroes you know the cowboy would sit on his beautiful white stallion and with his guitar and and win the girl because of this beautiful song and so I became afflicted with that thing one while I was in Wyoming and we came back to New York and remember even as a child they had these advertisements in the back of comic books and I'd read them if he sold this many Christmas cards you would win a pair of skates or a guitar the thing I always wanted was the guitar you like writing poetry don't you I did write poetry if you could call it poetry when I was a teenager but I found it that writing songs which was I found it to be much more satisfying because the music adds a dimension that the purely words cannot even begin to touch you know music goes directly to the soul do you try and get a message across with your music with the songs well you are talking about something with every song that you write whether it's an emotional state or relationship or some fantasy and of course the message is whatever that song is about yeah do you try though and get a message across or do you think really in terms of a best-seller no I have I've never really thought about bestsellers while until the thing was finished I could sit and listen to and say that seems to me to have potential as far as the public is concerned but while you're doing it no I tried that for a long time when I first started writing songs I I came into New York City and I started to knock on doors and then try and get what I was writing at that time heard they didn't like it obviously I was a new writer and there were always suggestions you know we don't like this we don't like that change this and I tried for a number of years seven or eight years actually to write what other people thought was what I should be writing and I was very very unsuccessful at it wasn't satisfying to me and you know I those songs fade from memory very quickly not be fair to say that you can put your message forward in fairly unusual sort of manner because sometimes the the words are quite unusual for example I am I said which is what I thought we might just have a listen to a cup of those words now while forming them I'd like you to talk about afterwards it is fun a Sun shines most attack human is labor palm trees growing Roetzel oh but you know keep thinking about making my way back New York c1r is but nowadays I'm lost between two Shores and it's fine but it ain't home the gods home good it ain't mine ah I - no one Blair you know one I even the chair he'll cry hello lost I can even say one leaving in lawless do you feel confident you got a message across in that song well see I'm not really aiming so much to get a message across as I am to express some particular emotion or feeling I think there is a message in that song it's it's just a story of someone who's experiencing the kind of intense aloneness that that most of us have experienced at one point or other in their life on the subject of London apparently you see you receive quite a bit of mail from people who have alumnus yes and communicate with you yes how do you react to that well obviously I identify with it I sympathize with it but I also understand at this point that dumb as you mature and as you grow older you if you're fortunate in a few if you're looking into yourself and examining yourself that you can eventually come to terms I was alone because I wanted to be alone I was afraid to have people come to close for me to me to fear that they might find out what I really was and I didn't think very much of myself you're a thinker aren't you probably too much of a thinker yeah I'm getting out of that I'm learning not to think as much irresponsible responsible well I try to be yeah because I'm combining the two you have I suppose you've considered this too quite enormous power you can reach a lot of people and get your message across to well I have the yes I can reach a lot of people and get it's not so much message is saying I don't like messages messages go by Railway Express or American telephone and telegraph but you can communicate your thoughts to have feelings my feelings my music is mostly emotional it's mostly on an emotional level let's say you wanted to introduce that into political thinking you could do it emotional the emotional aspect into a political area I take it one step further if you wanted to get on a tight like word message if you wanted to get communicate your feelings your thoughts you can into political areas I suppose I could but I frankly I've never really been that interested in politics I I find most of it certainly in the United States very trivial and very temporary and I find very few real thinkers in American politics of people really have an understanding of the future and you know beyond when the next time they come up for election you wouldn't get behind a political candidate and try and help him win oh yes I have done that Teddy Kennedy isn't well not so much Teddy Kennedy although it's possible he's asked me if I would do some things from this year very selective people that I felt that yes the public should know about these people they might have been underdogs or I just felt that these were substantial people sensitive people who really cared about what they were doing well then it's just where your thought your emotions your feelings can do a lot more well there is that potential although the reality of it is is that the public really comes to their own conclusions based on many things based on what they read in the papers on television based on their own instincts I don't think there's anyone with enough power to to motivate or to to shape the thinking of a public in a direction other than that the public's prepared to think in and and you wouldn't try go in say you decided to back Ted Kennedy would you try and mould their thoughts no I I don't think that's not what I do I could express my own feelings and I suppose it would be up to people then to reach their own conclusions how important is money to you well money is reasonably important for for a number of reasons first of all I suppose that my background had something to do with it I never had much exposure to money when I was a kid I I never really missed it but it was just so something that didn't really enter into my life very very much for very often but I find that the that money has two main real functions that are productive first for privacy which which is important especially for a writer and the second because because I'm just talking ahead you what do you mean by that well you you be must buy your privacy when you're a public person you must live in areas that are that are exclusive simply because you want to go about your your everyday life like everyone else and if you're too much in front of the public then you can't do that you know everybody wants their two minutes or their ten seconds which seems very small from the individuals point of view but of course when you realize that there are thousands and maybe even hundreds of thousands people who want that time you must protect that first comes my work and my family and what else does money mean money also in a sense means freedom the freedom to stop performing for three years the freedom to study and read and to get to know myself also it's being in the public favor is extraordinary and exhilarating but it's it's not one of those things that you can count on for the rest of your life and so you hope that you able to put enough in the bank so that when the public finally does say we no longer like you we like that person that you do you don't have to go around and work it to jobs that that you don't want to work at that you can live your life and still maintain some semblance of self-respect do you know how much money you now really have do you keep it chicken what you I don't really know it's it gets very complicated after after a while it gets complicated it's a business really and I'm I'm one of the employees of the business I I receive a salary and but I haven't really concerned myself with money I it's my understanding that I I have enough to do to live the way I live now and that's that's right where I wanted do you spend easily yes I spend very easily I don't find yourself not so much on myself but when I want something I get it like what anything a new pair of shoes as many record albums as I want the best high five systems the best guitars whatever it is that whatever it is that I want what about your kids my kids our know I have to be undock I have to have that under much more control you see a much more experience that having no money than it having money and so I'm just really learning to deal with it as far as my children are concerned I try to give them what they need irrespective of money and of course children with their the limitless vision want everything that they see and of course you can't do you can't do that but you think you should virtually give them what they want whatever they need not what they want because they want everything what I think they need what I think is important to their life have you talked to your kids why he been away yes I spoke to my son just about an hour before the show what sort of conversation do you have with you we had a good conversation he's he's anxious for me to come home and I spoke to him for a little while and I told him about a gift that I got him and can you tell us what that was yes I got him a little pencil box with a secret compartment in it to keep his pencils and and then I spoke to to his mother for a little while and I wanted to talk to him again but he was very emotional about and he was he was very tearful and crying and he wouldn't go back on the phone so I told him I told my wife that I call back tomorrow and try come again why can't your wife crebbil with you she can and she does occasionally it's very difficult and while I'm touring it's work it's it's work it's very difficult work and it's very intense and I find it difficult to be a husband and and a worker at the same time I think the two have to be separate so that when I come home I can be a father and a husband again without any distractions now women play quite a role in life in terms of songs anyway yes I want to talk about perhaps one individual woman where we just listened to your one of your bestsellers so tune in for a moment to Sweet Caroline and we stopped the building okay here we go look slapping yeah sweet Oh who was Caroline what Caroline is probably uh I guess every woman that I've ever met you know I don't know if there was a Caroline it's a story about a relationship between a man and a woman and you can use any name that you care to use it's not happen that Caroline worked beautifully in the song so no particular reason there's no Caroline that you thought up at the time no although subconsciously you know it it's very difficult for me to to analyze the songs you know they come I try to let them come as freely as possible without intellectualizing on them I did not ask myself when I wrote that song who is Caroline it was the name that came to mind and so that was that was good enough reason now a few years later do you get sick of Caroline no I don't it's one of those songs that have sustained for me that's one of the beautiful things about songs is that when you do when you do them well they can sustain you and give something to you for many years whereas a concert performances it's a thing of the moment it lasts for its period of time and it's exhilarating like no other experience that I experience in my life but when it's over it's over a piece of music a song yes ten years later a hundred years later still Neil Diamond might have some vices yes of course I have more vices than we have time to talk about here open I have a couple hmm well I'm addicted to cigarette smoking I tend to overwork those two you know really fit for extended discussion the cigarette smoking caused damage to you though but to get blood yes it does I've been warned by my doctors that but my singing career will be shortened considerably by it I've tried just about everything hypnotism self-discipline stopping work trying other brands of cigarettes but I'm addicted to them without any question show business personalities and drugs are often connected yes it's right in your life they were for a while to a very limited degree I don't I don't like to take any kind of drugs into my body I prefer not to take even aspirin I don't drink I've hardly had any alcohol in my life so there hasn't been very much of a problem in that regard I don't like taking manufactured things and taking because I don't really know what they do and frankly I don't think anyone else even the manufacturers know really what they do so the drug thing hasn't been very much of a problem I think cigarettes it will be more of a problem do you have any major dislikes oh of course yes I like my dislikes I like instant I dislike insensitive people I dislike rude people yeah oh god yes I could go on forever your patient person when when my energy is is there I could be very patient but when my energy is goes and I've been able to predict it fairly well I have no patience at all I become a whole different personality I believe one of your likes is flower yes and from a special fan thank you someone who specially sent it in for you this is this is you know really perfect creation you know I look at a rose and I say yeah God if I could ever create a song that were that beautiful I would I would never have to have any doubts in my whole life but this is this is a perfect creation is that why you have a beautiful bouquet or a huge set up of flowers on your stage yes yes it's unusual for doesn't like it it puts me and what I do in perspective you know tendency is very awful when you're standing in front of an audience of 20 or 30 or 40 thousand people to think gee you know you're really terrific in turnaround look at Rose it puts you in perspective he's laughable Gabor oh no life is life is ever changing ever interesting ever expanding ever incomprehensible and ever wondrous after the first million two million or so what are the goals after the first million or two million haha the goals have always been the same a self perfection self analysis really perfection of myself and to understand what it is that I could contribute and to make that contribution that always has been the goal and I suspect that it always will be you an emotional person I am but in very specific times at I'm mostly emotional when I'm writing music I tend to let my emotions go freely when I'm writing and to keep them very much in containment when I'm doing other things apparently for a while you needed even medical attention was that because of the emotions within you medical attention and what was the terms of needed help that you I believed needed some help at Wednesday just original yeah yes I spent the last three years with it with an analyst who really helped me change my life because it was an opportunity really for me to begin to speak I never really did talk very much I always saved the speaking for when I was writing the music what I had to say came out of the music and merely sitting and talking with a man three four or five days a week four years gave me the experience and the ability to to verbalize and to talk and not the fear of it either how did you have the right confidence in that particular person I mean do you model yourself on anyone in particular I suppose that there are a number of people that I aspire to model myself after anyone that we would know or someone that you've met privately um people that I've met privately I mean I meet people all the time and there are things about people whether it's a driver in this city or a man that I met in a pub in that city or the man who does the construction work on my home in Los Angeles who's who's 85 years old and is and is accrued the wisdom that ie that I have not nearly come to know I learn and I model myself after people that I respect and that I am that I like you basically happy or sad now I'm basically happy because I'm content and fulfilled in my work I wasn't always happy I was there was always that conflict between what you were and what you wanted to be and what you aspire to and what other people thought you should be into you know but I've I've come to terms with that to a large degree and I know pretty well what I want out of my life and so on I'm pretty happy now clothes are important to clothes I would hardly go anywhere without them onstage your selection of club yes absolutely why absolutely what you want to feel very special when you go out on a stage before an audience same way when you go out for dinner with friends you want to feel good you want to you know especially on a stage when you have so many people tell you color kind of clothing that you wear it has to reflect your mood that evening I never decide on what I'm going to wear until just before the show it's yes it is very important and has reflected my my emotional state also when I first started to perform I wore pure black black boots black pants black shirt black guitar in a sense it was a way of hiding behind that that solid black front of mystery you know and as I progressed and grew older and began to learn things that was interesting because the color has kind of changed into lighter colors and now I find it difficult to wear purely dark colors Neil Diamond do you a religious person no doesn't mean anything to you oh it means a great deal to me but I'm not religious I tend to be very spiritual person but religion organized religion has created by people who are fallible and how do you believe in God yes yes your children do I have children now do your children is that what you're teaching it well I think that they'll have to reach their own conclusions that much too important a subject for me to inflict on them I think they'll reach their own conclusions about life when they as they grow older they're too young now do you fear what's around the corner for you I did I did fear it I'm not afraid of it now I'm willing to accept whatever it is and I don't expect to as funny I've had this vision for most of my life that I would not live a very long life and so I understand that I'm willing to accept that and do what I can within that period and that was my main fear of death will you know when your time has come in show business oh I think I'll know it long before anyone else does will you try and hang on or will you get the message I'll get the message and depart or will you try and you'll actually get the message and go or will you try and go on with it well you know there are many other things that can satisfy people one of my dreams that have I've had for many years was to be able to subsidize and to open up a camp for children when I was a child I was fortunate enough to be accepted into a a camp it was a charity camp but I went and it exposed me to all kinds of new things it's one of the things I want to do now with my success I've been saving money for my concerts now for the last five years I have a substantial sum put away and next year my goal is to start buying a piece of land and to build my camp have you ever thought of being a factory worker or a bus driver of action seriously of actually doing it no no I work with my father when I was young in a shop and I learned very quickly the limitations of that I spent most of my youth looking out of the shop window at the rest of the world and wondering what was happening I don't want to do that anymore Neil Diamond is up the real name that's the real name no change no change well I think our time has come I'd like to ask you now how you felt during the last hour and this sort of interview I thought it was relatively painless but then again I expected it today I heard that you were quite bright and did the Judoon it did have a brain to go along with personality in the looks really the purpose of it was to give some insight beyond death so that people didn't only think of me as someone I saw on the front page dashing from the airplane to the limousine to the hotel if you leave achieve that huh to a certain extent I think probably people know me a little better now than they did before thank you very much for coming in and spend tremendous talking to you thank you let us see ah do you leave Oh
Channel: dosnohacenuna
Views: 228,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TA, Interview
Id: GBfmEz7XIhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 21sec (2841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2011
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