Neil Degrasse Tyson Shut Her Up Using FACTS ( She Cried )

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foreign [Music] at the end of the day the thing is manned space flight kind of awesome kind of wish I could be part of it but there isn't the budget in the world right now to do it right we want to learn we want to explore we want to do science and we have to use robots to do that hold on I'm sorry should I just calm down no bring it on Dr T here's the program testify plus we got a question tell the truth and I want to make sure we get the question but I got him about that rebut that okay uh to say there's no budget in the world the federal budget is three point something trillion dollars doesn't go as far as it used to if you you used to be real money if you want to count to a trillion it would take you 100 000 years and that's one number per second every waking and sleeping moment of your life that's how big that number is 0.1.2 it's not that we can't afford it it's that we have chosen to not afford it I tweeted recently I tweeted recently that the U.S bailout of the banks exceeded the 50-year budget of NASA you want to put something in context if you want to do something with three and a half trillion dollars you can do whatever you want whatever you judge to be important to the profile of the nation that you're trying to just build and to sustain so I submit to you that when you look at the NASA budget and I'm tired of saying this but I'll have to say it again the NASA budget is four tenths of one penny on a tax dollar if I held up the tax dollar and I cut horizontally into it four tenths of one percent of its width it doesn't even get you into the ink so I will not accept a statement that says we can't afford it I gotta say that's Dr T and do the thing I really do look at it differently if you're going to tell me I can cut uh that much of a bill off or right up to the ink that's a lot of money that's I mean to me if you gave me the budgets being slashed from 19 to 18.7 now to 16 point something yeah if you gave me 16.9 billion dollars I should be able to do something exactly it's something done but we have a legacy of these NASA centers all over the country that's left over from the cold war and that's got to be shaken out it's a long way to go but but there's another yeah well I mean the scope overrun is less than the cost of air conditioning in Afghanistan yeah yeah okay I'm right there no I'm a huge fan of James Webb I mean bring it on and he said that one of the elephants in the room around space travel in terms of Tourism space tourism is the impact on global warming do any of you know anything about that he said it was astronomical I forget the figures is he talking about the carbon footprint yes mostly I think oh yeah no it is kind of gross well we'll cross that bridge people uh and climate change you know is the biggest problem and so when you look at the Earth from space I submit you're going to make discoveries about climate change that you wouldn't make but we're cutting the looking at Earth that's the problem we've also got the missions that are going to look at Earth from space to probe climate change what's the carbon footprint on a hydrogen oxygen fuel tank it's uh that the fuel tank isn't the thing it's hauling the fuel there uh cooling the cooling yeah yeah um it may be making the time petroleum products that maintain the refrigerator and all that stuff it's like your Prius is made of plastic and that's a problem and they're solid rocket but we got to get questions and the solid Rockets I have a very simple and slightly juvenile question for all five of you um I just want to know what each of you think is like the next big thing that we should be doing like there's a lot of people that say Mars earth-like planets or robotic missions what is each of your next big thing that you think we should be doing you double NASA's budget and you do it all um the trouble is you won't do it all if you double the NASA budget so uh for me there's two things I want to know why the universe is accelerating that's a big deal for me because I suspect it's the next relativity it's the next classical physics it's the next world changing and maybe even source of energy then the other thing no no it'll never sorry sorry let me make that clear no it won't be can't be a source of energy please don't say that you're going to encourage lots of crackpots it is not a source of energy it's the energy of empty space if the energy of empty space is getting lower by working then it wouldn't have energy it's it's not a source of energy please no no don't tell people we will never break the sound barrier yeah exactly no uh the energy of empty space which I agree with Lawrence well no my claim is that by looking for this thing you will make discoveries that's my claim uh then the other thing that I'd like to specifically do I'd like to send the right instrument to some Gully on Mars where there's a underground under sand Glacier oozing super salty water off the wall on a summer day and look for fossil Mars probes and stranger yet crazier yet something that's still alive if we discovered life on another world it would change this one in the same way Copernicus and Galileo and those guys change it now this is something you don't just throw a few trillion dollars at it you work at it take a few decades but that Discovery or that uh proof that there was no such thing it would also be remarkable and it wouldn't be that expensive most of it could be done without humans yeah well humans would build this stuff but I think the discovery of light of at least conditions for life elsewhere is something that is driving and probably one of the most interesting things it doesn't I agree I think we need to go to I would be amazed if we didn't find evidence of Life on Mars and find it was our cousins because we pollute each other and and and we've discovered that uh the objects go between the two planets and and certainly microbes can live long enough for that for that short duration but we will also look at you can't find Mars rocks on the moon yeah yeah and you can find them on the earth that's right but um yeah as we've just heard but um the the we also want to look for Life else where and we'll be able to eventually be able to image planets and look for oxygen atmospheres for example which is there's the oxygen on Earth only exists because of Life there was no free oxygen on Earth before life so that would be a wonderful wonderful probe as one of the people who helped discover Dark Energy the energy of empty space I'm fascinated by but I actually think unfortunately that's going to be it's unlikely that we're going to learn much about that in the lifetime of anyone in this room experimentally it's just a problem and I could go into it that's very very that's un there it's a it's the most fundamental problem in science in my opinion but I think it's going to require a good idea before an experimental health so we shouldn't inspire people to look for it yeah yeah we should because it's impossible yeah I'll add that jwst is would go a long way towards figuring out it's just cool what what jwst will go a long way towards uh oh it will not that it'll go a long way towards discovering the primordial black holes and the origin of structure in the universe that is profoundly interesting but I think it's unfair to say I really worry about hyping things when I know they're not going to do what you say they're going to do and I think jwst is plenty interesting without pretending it's going to tell us anything about Dark Energy Hubble Telescope did a hundred times more than what anyone ever projected exactly but the stuff we didn't expect not the stuff we did okay so let's so why don't we well no hang on okay so you're saying lower our expectations for the things we expect and heighten our expectations for the things we can't figure out what to predict JW every time we open a new window on the universe we are surprised and that's the reason that's the reason to open the new windows because you shouldn't listen to theorists like me uh because we figured it out earlier because this is the good ones actually that's your best line so far now so what uh it's new over this new horizon what are you going to find we don't know we don't know exactly it's a surprise New Horizons is going to find the surface details of Pluto oh man that's gonna be no listen I took the wheelbarrow full of uh postcards to mikulski's Senator mikulski's office to keep the mission to Pluto going you know it's going to arrive in 2015. so stay tuned it will it will be fabulous can I just give my favorite Mission which doesn't exist and isn't funded now but it'd be really cool it would be to go to Jupiter's moon Europa yeah outer surface the the gravitational stress on Europa from Jupiter and other surrounding moons is pumping energy into it much the same way when you warm up a racquetball by hitting it you distort it it bounces back to shape you're pumping energy into it that has melted the interior ice it has had a ocean of liquid water that's been liquid for billions of years and every place on Earth we find liquid water we have found life I want to go ice fishing on Europa put lower submersible look around and for me the biggest question will be what you call that life would it have to be like Europeans right because it's Europe that's what I think your your opinions around here only one of us can answer we have to answer quickly so we can get through everybody you want to talk about dreaming an impossible Dreams we're not going to get to everybody but we're going to have one more one more good one here do you think the concept of a space elevator is possible and if when no no but bear in mind the space however is this thing that's so strong for its weight you could just take an elevator into space but once again the political problems are going to be the hard thing you know if the thing comes loose and starts whipping around and uh and then who's going to build who's gonna be responsible the ultimate High ground and all that stuff but uh but you might use it to drill into the Earth and drop a black hole okay next question those materials will change I knew it manned interplanetary spacecraft solid Shields or electromagnetic electromagnetic uh you mean like solar sails no he means Chile oh okay I'll go electromagnetic yeah I go not at all cancer I rarely have an opinion about Hardware for real last question here we go why don't we spend more time talking about the economic benefit of big government science which is technology development the spin-off of which has paid for the Space Program dozens of times over I I agree that we that that every time we spend a lot of money they're huge spin-offs but one of the problems that I think about doing that and the SSC had this problem is we talked about all the spin-offs of doing particle physics but we didn't do what what Bill said you need to do which is you can't justify a program by its spin-offs you got to say it's worth doing because it's worth doing and if you start to justified by the spin-offs people are saying start to say well you know why are you doing in the first place so there's no doubt that when we spend any amount of money we we make technological breakthroughs but I think you have to justify it for its own sake first I would claim that if all you did was say we're going to innovate technologically as one pathway towards economic growth and the other pathway would be we're going to Mars who's coming and everyone body who's the best student in their class chooses that as their profession rather than becoming investment bankers then you're going to innovate yeah [Applause]
Channel: Algobotics
Views: 574,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quantum Mechanics, Physics, Star Talk, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Neil degrasse Tyson interview, science fiction, Stephen Colbert, Planet X, Asteroid Apophis, Wolf moon, Dark Energy, Pluto, God Particle, Multiverse, Black Hole, Isaac Newton, Dark Matter, Bill Nye
Id: ucV3naNdP2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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