Neil deGrasse Tyson- Debunks Creation (Intelligent Design)

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cute I flew in from New York City this morning so it's dinner time actually so I'm ready you got dinner for me here thank you first for this invitation to come present and I'm familiar with many of your names and faces and even close friends with some of you out there what I wanted to do was put some issues on the table that I have not seen commonly discussed and that I think they ought to be front and center for these next several days unfortunately I missed professor Weinberg's talk because I try to get her I woke up at 4 o'clock this morning in New York City to get here and the best I could do was halfway through I missed her talk completely but I got a half you forgive ok but I learned from informants that in fact we have some some significant overlap in our discussion of Islam from a thousand years ago so forgive me if I repeat some of what you might have already heard but I was going to bring it out anyway because there's a context there's a broader context that I want to share with you and I'm told I have full control here let's see if this works Oh case you're wondering that's the Eagle Nebula one of the few photos that you'll see that or this beautiful they're not by the Hubble telescope this is a one meter telescope at Kipp Peak Observatory in and in Arizona and the shape of the eagle is not discernible it's almost barely discernible in this frame because the Eagle is what is about two or three times the size of this and the head of the eagle would be up here so up here and the wings off to the left and off to the right perhaps the most famous image of Hubble is a close-up of this zone right here which was been variously be called the pillars of creation God's fingers and all sorts of other sort of religious references people feel that way when they look at images of the cosmos of course I was always curious though that in the same universe you have things like the underbelly of a tarantula and when magnified no one thinks religious thoughts when they make those observations when it's it's part of the same universe so but I'll get back to that in a few moments so here what I want to do is I want to highlight a few issues and these are issues that came together for essay I wrote that appeared Natural History Magazine the Darwin issue it was the opening of our Darwin exhibit that is now traveling it's no longer there at the Museum but the Darwin issue collected together stories articles on the relevance of evolution not only as a important concept in biology but an important concept in all of science and I thought long and hard about how could I possibly contribute to this because I I don't know enough biology to be meaningful in that issue and then I realized that there are elements of in fact the intelligent design movement that clearly there's a lot of teeth that members the people attending this workshop have put into that subject and I ask myself do I have anything to contribute to that and I realized that I did and so I want to sort of fill a niche that I think is left unfilled let's so so let's go through let me first start off with arm Ptolemy I don't know if we know that he really looked like this but Tommy you know it was one of the greatest scientists ever and most influential scientist and his most important work is of course Almagest which is which is Arabic for the greatest and in it he sort of codifies the heal the geocentric universe and this earth-centered universe prevailed for centuries until Copernicus and Galileo turned that around but what I want to call your attention to are notes that he penned in the margin of the manuscript of his work let me remind you that back then you would look up at the night sky and the planets would move against the background stars they would wander because that's what the word means in Greek is wanderer and there was seven of these objects the Sun and Moon included and they would just kind of move they go to the left and then they'd slow down and pause and then they'd back up and then they reverse again and this was cut this is a mystery complete mystery and of course the heavens were not earth and so the fact that you didn't really understand what was going up there was kind of okay and expected because that was the work of the gods and we being mortal down here on earth with you can't understand it don't lose sleep over that fact you perhaps never will now Ptolemy had sort of the best going explanation anyone had put forth with the epicycles and the like but nonetheless this is the lit this is the boundary between what is known and unknown about how the machinery of the universe works and he pens these words which for me one of the most beautiful and poetic references to the state of one's knowledge ever written I know that I'm mortal by nature and ephemeral but when I trace at my pleasure the windings to and fro of the heavenly bodies I know order touch earth with my feet I stand in the presence of Zeus himself and take my fill of ambrosia and so therein is this emotional he's got this sort of religious feeling at the limits of his knowledge and this is a trend that will continue for thousands of years to follow this at least 2,000 years to follow this and you don't have and this whole notion of intelligent design this is intelligent design this this this quote that I just read to you is Ptolemy invoking intelligent design no he's not trying to get it get that into the classroom he's not you know there's the politics of intelligent design in modern times but what I think has been swept under the rug that we have to contend with as a community of people who are sort of truth seekers is the fact that some of the greatest minds that have preceded us have done just this okay that's Ptolemy that we can go on who else do we have a Galileo interesting case Galileo was kind of an exception to this we all know he was a deeply religious man a lot of the trouble he got into was because he was just kind of obnoxious alright he could have made nice with the Pope and he did not and of course I'm paraphrasing I mean I'm dumb that's the Reader's Digest version of what happened over that period but let me share with you some lines that he wrote to Christina who is the Grand Duchess of Tuscany some of these quotes you've heard before but I think they're they're worth taking to heart the Bible tells you how to go to heaven and not how the heavens go that's one of the famous quotes attributed to Galileo another one is I don't feel obliged to believe that the same God who was endowed us with senses reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and so he was kind of I see him as one of the first to say all right if religion has a if there's any point in purpose to it it's not to be certain to serve as a science textbook okay so he was kind of the first to suggest this division not to get rid of religion of course like I said he was a religious fellow himself but it gets interesting when we get sort of philosophically interesting when we get to this gentleman I can back up here Sir Isaac Newton I don't know what you know of Isaac Newton but everything I've read of his tells me that there's no greater genius to ever walk the surface of this earth I'm just just I don't know if you've ever felt that about anybody I didn't feel that about anybody to just read what this man wrote okay line by line by line this this guy was plugged in to the machinery of the universe I think there's he's unimpeachably brilliant unimpeachably brilliant and let me read again what we heard from Mike Shermer earlier in Isaac Newton's writings by the way in his Principia here's the page one page zero of Principia in it he'd like to discover the laws of motion F equals MA discover the laws of gravity it's you know it's all there and he did this all before he turned 26 and in this when he talks about motion there's no reference to God when he talks about his his to body force that he deduced this universal law of gravitation there is no mention of God it's just not anywhere there because he understood it he was on top of it he was there even though the understanding of the motions of the planets before he came along was given unto God because nobody understood it well nobody interested well enough to really believe that they had a full predictive handle on it in the way the universal law of gravitation supplied and so what you have is Isaac Newton abandoning reference to God until he realizes that if all you do is calculate the two body problem here we have like the moon and Earth yes he's got that calculated now you have the Sun and the earth you got that but wait a minute now the earth and the moon go around the Sun and sometimes we're close to Mars and sometimes we're not when it comes near Mars there's a tug that's stronger there than in any other part in the orbit and then it comes over here and then Jupiter tugs and all these many tugs and so he's got to do this to body problem for Earth the moon earth and Sun Earth Moon and Mars Earth Moon Mars and Jupiter and it becomes a rapidly complex problem and he realizes that in fact applying this simple sort of approach to calculating the stability of the solar system he finds he can't stabilize the solar system he can't account for how we have stayed this way for as long as what was possibly necessary from the beginning of the universe and so what does he say he's he's he's at his limits he's at his limits and so you read prohibit God is nowhere until you get to the general Sholem and then he says the six primary planets back then there were six planets okay now there's eight in case you haven't been keeping track even if you thought there were nine there now eight the six primary planets are revolved about the Sun in circles concentric with the Sun and with motions directed towards the same parts and almost in the same plane he's got the whole picture now and he's trying to sort of account for that but he can't just simply doing two body calculations certainly not without a computer without a new kind of mathematics he says but it is not to be conceived but is it not to be conceived that mere mechanical cause as could give birth to so many regular motions this most beautiful system of the Sun planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being this is Isaac Newton invoking intelligent design at the limits of his knowledge and I want to put on the table the fact that you have school systems wanting to put intelligent design into the classroom but you also have the most brilliant people who ever walk this earth doing the same thing and so the prophets so it's a deeper challenge than simply educating the public it's deeper than as you know by the books written by our scientific colleagues that do that do take these these these deeply resonant and charitable positions towards their religious beliefs maybe the real question here let me back up for a moment you know that we've all seen the data 40 percent there's 90 whatever percent of the West or the American public believes in a personal God that responds to their prayers and then you ask what does that percentage for scientist average over disciplines it's about 40% and then you say how about the elite scientists members of the National Academy of Sciences an article on that those data recently in nature it said 85% of the National Academy reject a personal god and then they compared to 90 percent of the public you know that's not the story there they missed the story the story what that article should have said is how come this number isn't zero that's the story okay so my Steam colleague here cross-eyed professor Krauss professor Krauss here says all we have to do is make a scientifically literate public well when you do how can they do better than the scientist themselves in their percentages of who is religious and who isn't that's kind of unrealistic I think so there's something else going on that nobody seems to be talking about that as you become more scientific yes the religiosity drops off but it asymptotes it asymptotes not at zero it has in terms of some other level so they should be the subject of everybody's investigation not the public I'll tell you so it's not 85 percent reject is that 15 percent of the most brilliant minds the the nation has accepts it and that's something that we can't just sweep under the rug otherwise we're being disingenuous to our to the efforts here and I'll to go I know I'm standing between you and lunch here so let me try to go quickly if you don't think I mean I think Newton is one of the most brilliant like the most brilliant ever to sort of walk the earth and I'm not alone in feeling this this is a statue in Trinity Church in Cambridge and he's through the open doorway there and so you get close to the statue he's without his curls here I was deeply upset by that I thought he was like really trendy with his long hair but apparently that was probably just a wig at all times you look at the base of the statue loosely translated of the genus of all who have ever been human there is no greater intellect than this man and so I'm not alone in this sentiment and this man wrote those words so but let's move on because there's more to talk about here we'd like to stop at Newton let's go to Christian Huygens all right brilliant brilliant scientist I'm a he was great at chemistry biology physics math Dutch scientist and he died the year that this work was published one of my favorite works of science writing and it's cosmos eros which is a an exploration on the like of there being life on the known planets using the available knowledge of the day so for example they knew that by late Huygens like it was the first to identify Saturn's ring as a ring if I got that right Carolyn is that correct oh no I thought he was the first to calculate that it would be a ring he was then plugins would be the first to observe it okay we have Madame Saturn here in the room in case you don't know okay my colleague Carolyn Porco who we'll be hearing from later I've just been told but anyhow so Huygens brilliant fellow and one of the probes on the Cassini spacecraft was called Huygens a European probe that descended to the surface of Titan and so he's in he's an important figure in the history of science so what is what what does he say in his writings well you look at the year 1696 gravity was well known laws of motion were well known Newton was quite influential well before the turn of the century there and so when he talks about the orbits of the planets it's done talks about the moons of Jupiter Dunn talks about the new rings rings around sad done it's all fine but when he talks about biology and life something that's not well understood then or today boom there goes his references to God but references got were nowhere else in those writings nowhere else he says I suppose nobody would deny but that there's somewhat more of contrivance somewhat more of miracle in the production and growth of plants and animals than in lifeless heaps of inanimate bodies for the finger of God and the wisdom of divine providence is in them much more clearly manifested than than the other he doesn't say that about the orbits we're done with the orbits as Mike Shermer had noted we're done he's in a place where nobody really know has the answer so he invokes this is intelligent design once again pure out flat and simple so you know this story I have to tell it because it's just great all right so Laplace PhD I'm on little plus at the end of the 18th century wrote a five volume tome on celestial mechanics a brilliant piece of work it's there it weighs a lot on the Shelf and it what it does is it takes Newton's laws of gravity and brings them into the into a full expression with the hammer of calculus okay he brings all the armament of mathematics to bear on the laws of physics that were put forth by Isaac Newton Isaac Newton only touched on them they were not fully developed and in this work he demonstrates he he further developed something that had been percolating in the mathematical community but he developed and one might even say perfects a branch of math we would call perturbation theory where instead of pulling your hair out saying well how do you calculate this pair of forces and this pair and this pair and all the equations go to hell in perturbation Theory it allows you to systematically and reliably calculate the effect of a small tug in the presence a series of small tugs in the presence of singular big tugs and it's kind of what most of the salt what's going on in most of the solar system and when you do that and you do that properly you can demonstrate not withstanding the effects of chaos which have other timescales related to them you can demonstrate that in fact the solar system was stable beyond the predictions of Isaac Newton so he figures this out does not invoke God because he figured it out and in a story that may be apocryphal but I see more in support of it than against it this is this time coincides of course with the era of Napoleon Napoleon being French and Laplace being France do no translation necessary Napoleon if you visit his library it's not just sort of books of world history and battles it's engineering books it's physics books this man wanted to know where his cannonballs would land alright it was much more than just sort of a lucky general he was into the physics the engineering and the material science of war and so he immediately summoned up the five volume production of Laplace read it through cover-to-cover called in Laplace and said sir I have the exact quote here hang on Napoleon asked him what role God played in the construction and regulation of the heavens this is kind of like that's what Newton would ask right Laplace replies sir I had no need for that hypothesis and so what concerns me now is even if you're as brilliant as Newton you reach a point where you start basking in the majesty of God and then your discovery stops it just stops you're kind of no good anymore for advancing that frontier waiting for somebody else to come behind you who doesn't have God on the brain and who says that's a really cool problem I want to solve it they come in and solve it but look at the time delay this was a hundred year time delay and the math that's in perturbation theory is like crumbs for Newton he could have come up with that the guy invented calculus just on a dare practically when someone asked him what what you know you know Ike how come planets orbit in ellipses and not some other shape and he couldn't answer that he goes home for two months comes back out comes integral differential calculus because he needed that to answer that court to answer that question and so so this is this is the kind of mind we were dealing with with Newton he could have gone there but he didn't he didn't his religiosity stopped him and so we're left with the realization of course that intelligent design while real in the history of science while real in the presence of sort of philosophical drivers is nonetheless a philosophy of ignorance and so regardless of what our political agenda is all you have to say is science is a philosophy of discovery intelligent design philosophy of ignorance that's all I don't need to see well I don't need have you discovered anything lately if not get out of the science classroom but I'm not going to say don't teach this because if it's real it happened so I don't want people to sweep it under the rug because if you do you're neglecting something fundamental it's going on in people's minds when they confront things they don't understand and it happens to the greatest of the minds as it happens to everyone else many if not most other people in the public so let me blow through some last set of slides here I want to call something to your attention that we all know we all know intuitively whether or not you've thought about it explicitly you go around the world and you find times in places where nations have excelled in one subject or another there's a birth of that period of where they excel and then there is a peak and sometimes it drops off and sometimes they hang on and so you can ask the culture of that what was going on in that nation to support those discoveries and then what happened when they ended and so I I call that sort of naming rights if you were there first and you did it best you name things particle physics in this country in the United States was like going gangbusters after the Second World War and in the discovery of atomic elements look at the periodic table is Berkeley in California you know we got half the United States up there in the upper heavier elements of the periodic table am i right there sir okay that's that's not because the world liked California or Berkeley it's because the work was done here it's because there was a there was a an effort to excel in just those subjects and it shows up in other ways I'll give you just briefly you know part of the naming rights is that you don't have to name it so for example while we didn't invent the internet we certainly exploited it here in America we did that sort of first and best and so your email address does not end in dot u.s. everybody else is in the world they got to say what country they came from we don't okay it's as simple but it's the consequence of being there first and doing it better than anyone had done it before do you know that the British postage stamp is the only postage stamp in the world that does not identify the country of origin because they invented postage stamps so why should they have to say what country it is it's their invention okay check them out it's just the facts of this the constellations of the night sky we is the Greek and Roman and that's last - this time because they did a really good job thinking that stuff up all the mythology's are the heavens that really stuck with us alright so I'm going to make a larger point not to get rich itis on you here but September 11 2001 as we all know this was going on in New York City this is the view outside of my window I live four blocks from ground zero excuse me this is the corner of the building in which I live I went outside to get this view I was at the time judging whether I should go collect my daughter who was in elementary school two blocks north of the North Tower North is to the right in this picture so I want to get a closer view with the highly magnified zoom lens to see what while that was happening the plane flew into the South Tower and so no one was thinking terrorism until the second one was hit the first one was just sort of a bad tragedy and so these are just three frames from my camcorder this is at T equals zero this is one second with like actually a fraction of a second the plane was moving probably 500 miles an hour and just to understand the black building that black sort of monolithic building that is 50 stories tall this is New York City people so tall buildings are kind of they're just all over the place and that's just a hotel a 50-story hotel and it's the towers of foreshorten because they're the angle at which this is shown I put these up because a few days after this President Bush I don't remember where he said this on the steps of the White House in the Rose Garden or at the Capitol in an attempt to distinguish whe from they the terrorists who flew these planes into the buildings and into the that went down in Pennsylvania and it at in Washington to distinguish we from a he loosely caught quotes a phrase out of the Bible by saying our God is the God who named the stars now this is before I was on his rolodex okay because I could have helped them out there the fact is of all the stars that have names two-thirds of them have Arabic names so this was not I don't think his intent with that message okay well the constellations are Greek and Roman the names are Arabic all right and the list just goes on and on and on and on and so where does this come from how does it how do how do you get us how does this happen how do you get stars named with Arabic names how does this happen and it happens because of course because hang on just catching up with myself here okay it happens because there was this particularly fertile fertile period that Professor Weinberg duly discussed and around that period that's 300 year period the intellectual center of the world was Baghdad Baghdad it was completely open to all visitors all travelers Jews Christians doubters which today we might call atheists they were all there exchanging ideas oh all of them and it was that period we had the advances in like engineering and biology and medicine and and and mathematics all right our numerals are called what Arabic numerals they have it stop and think about that you know who as in America do we pause take pause at this why they call Arabic numerals okay they fully exploit the the discovery of the zero create a whole field called algebra itself an Arabic word algorithm is an Arabic word all this is going on and it's all traceable not to some long thousand-year tradition in the in Islam is traceable to this 300 year period this 300 year period and then so they had naming rights the most expensive beautifully carved astrolabes come out of this period there's a great collection of these at the Adler plan in Chicago if you ever want to check them out so navigation celestial area all of this is traceable to this period and so something happened and what happened as was previously described I would hold it and I get forgive me for repeating from what you might have heard twelfth-century kicks in and then you get the influence of this scholar al-ghazali alright and so so out of his work you get the philosophy that mathematics is the work of the devil and nothing good can come of that philosophy that combined with other sort of codification philosophical codification of what Islam would was and would become the entire intellectual foundation of that enterprise collapse and it has not recovered since over that period all these books were translated into Arabic on a scale not seen since then and so so so why am I even going here because I'm trying to explain to you that the you fast forward the dangers here is that what you fast forward to 21st century America and ask what influences do we are we feeling now because that period that naming period in Islam stopped and would never recovered because the the the the way of thinking about the natural world revelation replaced investigation ok so I fast forward to twenty twenty first century and what do you find you get things like this okay this is in America all right so now what I find interesting is it's a level of passion that it requires to actually do you gotta like pay for this okay and it means a lot of you pissed off at the Big Bang they're pissed off at the Big Bang at our Museum in New York the American Museum of Natural History they come to the Big Bang exhibit and sometimes I don't feel like having that conversation I say why don't you go to our Hall of human biology first and then come to us and this we have sort of monkeys holding hands with people in skeleton forms and then they never make it back to the big back they're gone forever okay so however egregious the Big Bang is monkeys and people is a worse the green is a worse transgression apparently so there's that but there's also here's a little bit of intelligent design here here's one that is wants to accept the science but then is like what's before the Big Bang we don't quite know yet so God was there so so of course intelligent design is basically a God of the gaps but my favorite way to end this then is to just reflect on I want to do it just a fast tirade on stupid design and this will be fast look at all the things that just want to kill us okay most planet orbits are unstable star formation is completely inefficient most places in the universe will kill life instantly instantly the people who say all the forces of nature are just right for life excuse me okay look at the volume of the universe where you can't live you will die instantly that is not that's not that's not what I call the Garden of Eden all right a galaxy orbits that we orbit once every couple hundred million years you're bound to come close to a supernova that will wipe out your ozone layer and kill everybody on the surface who doesn't otherwise have dark skin because you're high-energy rays will give you skin cancer we're on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy gone is this beautiful spiral that we have and of course we're in a one-way expanding universe as we wind down to oblivion as the temperature the universe asymptotically approaches absolutely that's the universe then earth volcanoes tsunami just killed you know I think that numbers higher it up 200,000 people floods tornado this is any sign that there's a benevolent anything out there and this 90% it should be 99 percent as was earlier noted that's a of all life that has ever lived is now extinct inner solar system is a shooting gallery comets asteroids duck and look how long it took to make multicellular life not from the beginning of the earth life happened quickly but not multicellular life the you needed your cyanobacteria to sort of crank on the oxygen get the oxygen budget going then you could have sort of that's sort of rocket fuel for multicellular creatures but that took a half billion years that's hardly an efficient plan with us in mind and in human beings this is like the most tragic of them I don't even include here the expression of free will where people want to kill each other I'm talking about nature killing us without the help of human beings aggressor childhood leukemia hemophilia all of this all of this and we so much praise about the human eye but anyone who's seen the full breadth of the electromagnetic spectrum will recognize how blind we are ok and part of that blindness means we can't see we can't detect magnetic fields ionizing radiation radon we are like sitting ducks for for ionizing radiation we have to eat constantly because we're warm-blooded crocodile eat a chicken a month it's fine ok so we're always looking for food these gases at the bottom you can't smell them taste them you breathe them in you're dead ok so I'm almost done I'm sorry I'm taking up your time here so so and with the birth defects most others week it's like abuse and infection and the stuff that human beings have something to do with yes we have no idea oops I pushed a button by accident sorry no idea no idea and you know and birth defects are tragic they're tragic particularly they happen to the family afflicted by it and you just look at images of these aborted feces because fetuses because of the and most of these are stillborn others are born you know born with heart outside the body and so this is all simply stupid design and the problem is if you look for what is intelligent and you can find some things that are just really beautiful and really hey that's the guts of clever you know the ball socket of the shoulder and a lot of things you could point to but then you stop looking at all the things that confound that revelation and so if I came upon a frozen waterfall and it just struck me for all its beauty I would then turn over the rock and try to find a millipede okay or some kind of deadly Newt and then put that in context and realize of course the universe is not here for us for any singular purpose my favorite of all is of course you breathe eat and drink through the same hole in your body guaranteeing that some percentage of us will choke to death every year okay imagine if you had a separate hole for breathing and eating and talking that would be just really cool right that's who could drink breathe and just talk and you would never choke alright and it's not it's not a hard request dolphins breathe and eat through different holes in their body and that's a mammal so I'm not asking I'm not you know this is like Santa Claus could bring this one and this one of course my favorite of all like what's this going on between our legs right as you've heard it's we have you heard it if I get entertainment complex in the middle of a sewage system no engineer would design that at all ever it's like the wrong just to could juxtaposition of elements so what I want to put on the table is the fact that I don't want the religious person in the lab telling me that God is responsible for what it is they cannot discover because look at the hubris of that you're in the lab and you say I don't know how this works and not only that no one alive on earth knows how this works and not only that no one who will ever be born will know how this works that's kind of audacious when you think about it and then you put it down and go on to the next problem this problem is a cure for Alzheimer's or cancer or whatever else I don't want them in the science classroom and so the issue is simply about progress and discovery and in my recent forays into Washington well I've been closer to a community of Republicans than I have ever been in my life because I grew up in New York City and in New York City it's I think that person is Republican back there you see that no not that with the one behind that person yeah that's the Republican there's another one that's in New York that so you grow up this way and I get sort of baptized into a Republican administration I had two consecutive appointments in the Bush administration one on aerospace get on the aerospace industry and one on space exploration but NASA's future basically and I realized something spending that much time in the community of powerful Republicans that Republicans above all else do not want to die poor so there's a limit to how far this will go and I bet most people in this room even those assembled at this table were highly concerned about the Dover trial wondering how that would turn and I looked at that and I said I'm not worried because it's a Republican judge and in the end if you put people who are not making discoveries in the science classroom that is the end of the foundation of your future economy and so I had a little more confidence than others did because of this a sensitivity to the the money aspect of it but we all know tomorrow's economies will be founded on on on innovations in science and technology and of course that gives cut short if we lose our civilization as what happened in Islam in 1100 and last thought I'll leave you with concerns me greatly if you do the math okay yeah just look you look at all the Nobel Prize winners there ever were some even in this room and ask how many were Muslim and it's like one maybe two okay I think a second one was in economics and the one we referred to was described earlier the co-winner of the Nobel Prize with Professor Weinberg Abdul Salam and he's not Middle Eastern Muslim he's Pakistani Muslim okay now how many Nobel Prize are won by Jews it's like the fourth of the Nobel Prizes okay some high fraction of the total and then you look how many Muslims are there interval is like a billion Muslims how many Jews fifteen million tops okay so you did ratio these numbers had Islam not collapsed in its intellectual standing in the Year 1100 and he just do the ratios they would have every single Nobel Prize today so the fact that it's not only just a few it's near zero it is deeply worrying I'm concerned about what lost what what what what brilliance may have expressed itself and did not in that community over the past thousand years and so what I want to put on the table is why so that's that's the end of my talk I want to say I want to put on the table not why 85% of the National Academy rejects God I want to know why 15% don't and that's really that what we got to address here otherwise the public is is secondary to this thank you for your attention here
Channel: fsx23
Views: 1,301,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intelligent design, Creationism (Religion), Darwin, Richard, Debate, Darwin (programming Game), Intelligent, Truth, Logic, Proof, fsx23, neil degrasse tyson, Response, Design, Kent, Theory, Belief, csi, science, atheist, religion, Dawkins, Atheism (Religion), creation, hovind, eric, Kent Hovind (Person), Florida, creation today, ken hamm, banana, evolution, God, Evidence, Earth, universe, star, talk, sye, Reason, nova, Morality, Theism, Challenge, Delusion, Theist, Miami, Talking, Neil deGrasse Tyson
Id: epLhaGGjfRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2013
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