Negligent Neighbor’s kIDS Vandalize My Property Parents Legally Obligated To Pay And Apologize!

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hey guys welcome back I hope you are having an amazing day let's get right into the stories the first one is a pro Revenge story this draft is garbage Ethan snapped at me he'd been practicing law for 5 years and the firm assigned him as my mentor to guide me a fresh paralal through the ropes of litigation I disliked Ethan for several reasons he lacked legal knowledge and his writing skills were subpar for a litigator those were major strikes strike three was his courtroom anxiety I noticed this when he took me to a schedule hearing and His Hands trembled as he spoke he was scared in a damn scheduling hearing where you just set trial dates what's wrong with what I wrote I asked not what I requested he said turning away but when I checked his email from two weeks ago I saw that my draft matched his instructions precisely I knew what was up he'd delete my billable hours for the draft and claim he did it himself leaving me short of my monthly quota he'd done this before my work would end up on a partner's desk without my name our firm's Advanced internal Network allowed me to find evidence of him plagiarizing my work Ethan embodied the typical young downtown lawyer his shoes always gleamed he wore tailored suits thanks to his wealthy background everyone assumed he'd make partner me on the other hand I was going nowhere special so maybe he thought it was okay to mess with me big mistake I resented having my billable hours messed with I was already labeled as one of the Juniors who didn't Bill enough and the partner overseeing our team was pressuring me I reported Ethan's actions but the partner didn't care it was like being back in school showing up with bruises and the principal shrugging it off you'll just have to work harder or smarter the partner said when I reported Ethan's latest stunt I couldn't work harder I was already pulling six day weeks but I could work smarter that night I hatched a plan with Christmas approaching I'd give Ethan a little present on December 24th a memo purportedly from the partner landed on Ethan's desk the old school partner preferred paper over emails so a physical memo wasn't unusual Ethan walked over to the junior cubicles and handed me the same memo retyped by his secretary making it an assignment from him to me the task required delving deep into admiralty laws relationship to common law and constitutional separation of powers but this is a huge assignment I whed and I'll be away can't someone else do it is it really urgent the memo I'd forged stressed its urgency but Ethan couldn't double check with the vacationing partner no can do Ethan said this is a big deal let HR no maybe they'll give you overtime he turned thinking he'd ruined my holidays but he was mistaken I'd written a paper covering the same topic for a class so I only needed to find the old floppy disc make some tweaks and voila a detailed memo on obscure admiralty law with references dating back to Lord Ko's time I put it together and took my holidays as planned staying local since I couldn't afford to travel I dropped by the office during the break sending emails and docketing time for the alleged research when the holidays ended I was back in my cubicle with a mountain of work and Ethan approached me dressed impeccably with a gold watch and cufflinks where's that memo you were supposed to have it on my desk when I got back I've got a meeting at noon just finished it this morning I said handing him the lengthy warm from the printer memo Ethan felt its heft and smiled turning away without a word just before lunch I heard a commotion down the hall a loud and then a door flung open it was the partner screaming for Ethan to get his ass into his office now I had the pleasure of watching Ethan scramble down the hall just what the is this the partner said holding my handiwork at arms length Ethan mumbled something and the partner ushered him inside I heard more shouting muffled excuses and then the partner's door flung open again Alex get your ass in here too the partner said and I hustled in did you write this memo the partner said I took it from him and looked it over I wrote it the cover page has been changed to remove my name but other than that it's mine I spent all Christmas on it is there something wrong with it the partner exploded is there something wrong with it something wrong I'll tell you what's wrong with it it's useless totally useless I explained that I'd followed Ethan's instructions to the letter and docketed over a 100 hours on it at this the partner really lost it he told me to fetch Ethan's memo when he read it his face turned Crimson he dismissed me and from my cubicle I couldn't hear the full chewing out Ethan got but the Grapevine soon filled me in the partners were Furious that Ethan had wasted over a 100 hours of a Junior's time on a useless prank task and questioned how he hadn't realized it was a prank was he an idiot I wasn't blamed of course I'd been working under Ethan's close supervision Ethan didn't get fired but there were good outcomes for me the partner instructed me to send him copies of any memos I wrote for Ethan ending him taking credit for my work Ethan also stopped deleting my billable hours plus I got a belated Christmas bonus for sacrificing my alleged vacation to write the stupid memo I hated working there but whenever times were tough I'd think back to the case of the forged memo and that always brought a smile to my face the next one is an entitled people story I've lived in my house for over 15 years now and have never had any issues with my neighbors we all respected each other's privacy and property that changed when the Jones family moved in next door about a year ago right from the start I could tell they were going to be Troublesome neighbors they have three young kids who are often unsupervised and out of control the parents Mike and Sue don't seem to care at all about disciplining them or keeping an eye on them the first incident happened only a couple weeks after they moved in I came home from work one day to find my mailbox smashed and the post laying all over my lawn I also noticed toilet paper strewn about in my trees it was obvious some mischievous kids had done it I went over and knocked on the Jones door to ask if they had seen anything Mike answered and when I told him what happened he just Shrugged and said kids will be kids he didn't even bother to ask his own kids if they had done it or apologize I let it slide that time but started keeping a closer eye on things over the next few months there were more minor incidents like that things broken or moved around my yard sometimes garbage strewn about I even witnessed the Jones kids trampling my flower beds a couple times but they ran off when I yelled at them each time I brought it up to the parents they made excuses like they're just being playful or boys will be boys they never once apologized or offered to make things right it was infuriating how little they seemed to care the final came on Halloween night I was away for the evening at a work event and didn't get home until close to midnight as I pulled into my driveway I was horrified to see that my front yard had been totally trashed toilet paper was everywhere draping the trees and bushes eggs had been thrown all over my front door and walls but worst of all several of my Halloween decorations had been destroyed smashed pumpkins broken tombstones ghosts hanging in trees with holes ripped through them I was livid this was no longer just harmless Mischief it was Mass destru of property I immediately called the police to file a report the officer who came by said it was obviously done by a group of kids but with no proof there wasn't much he could do the next morning I wasted no time marching next door to the Jones House Mike answered the door wreaking of alcohol clearly just waking up before he could even say hello I launched into an angry rant about what his rotten kids had done to my yard I told him I had enough of their vandalism and illegal behavior and that they had gone too far this time destroying hundreds of dollars of decorations and damaging my property Mike just stood there blinking at me stunned when I demanded he pay to replace my ruined decorations and apologize on behalf of his children he finally spoke up hey now don't go making accusations without proof it was my kids I couldn't believe his audacity to try and defend them I pointed out that I had been documenting every incident since they moved in I told Mike that since he refused to take responsibility and control his kids I would be taking legal action he smugly replied that I didn't have any evidence so good luck with that well that did it for me I immediately went home and reviewed my security camera footage sure enough it clearly showed his three kids wreaking havoc on my lawn Halloween night taking baseball bats to my decorations while laughing gotcha I wasted no time calling my lawyer and scheduling a consultation about my options he looked over my documentation and the video footage and agreed I had an excellent case for a civil suit against the family we ended up filing papers suing the Jones family for the cost of replacing my destroyed decorations plus emotional damages lawyer fees and court costs that finally got their attention they were served the paperwork and realized I meant business shortly after I received a call from a much more sober and concerned sounding Mike Jones he apologized profusely and assured me they wanted to make things right and settle no need to go to court I told him I would only discuss a settlement with their lawyer present in the end we settled out of court the Jones family paid me over $2,000 to replace the destroyed items and cover court and lawyer fees even better as part part of the settlement Mr and Mrs Jones had to sign legal documents assuming all liability for any future vandalism theft or damage their kids cause on my property and they had to write me a formal letter of apology success those bratty kids did a real number on my decorations so the money came in handy to replace it all and now I had legal recourse if their misbehavior continued but best of all I finally received an apology and admission of responsibility from those negligent parents it just goes to show it really pays off to document issues and stand up for yourself against unjust behavior I'm just glad I decided to invest in security cameras a while back now the Jones know I won't tolerate destruction of my property maybe they'll finally start disciplining their kids the next one is a petty Revenge story so this one is actually about my late mother who wasn't one for putting up with other people's crap I was around 7 or8 at the time we had gone on summer holiday to Italy and we're going to Venice for the day my parents hadn't traveled much and it was actually my father's first trip abro so we get to Venice in our car and park up my parents are trying to find a place where they can buy tickets for a ferry or boat across nobody speaks a lot of English a man sees them looking around and approaches them and guides us towards this small boat there's another couple in the boat and he gives a decent quote for sailing us across my parents accept however once on the boat the price changes drastically and the man and his two partners become quite threatening and are refusing to let anyone of the boat if they don't pay after a very long discussion my parents and the other couple end up just having to pay they basically all pay all the money they have in cash which when traveling in the ADI was quite a lot the boat docks in a small passage and at the end of it you can see the St Mark Square my mother makes sure that she is the last one to leave the boat as she prepares to get off the boat she quickly grabs all the money from the man's back pocket yes he was stupid enough to put it there and it stuck up a bit jumps off the boat and because the men on the boat are so surprised that anyone would dare to do that they don't immediately react and we all manag to make it to the square and so they can't follow my mother of course gives the other couple their money back and my parents have their money back and the trip actually ended up costing them nothing thinking back I have to say I am still impressed that she had the courage to do so the next one is a malicious compliance story let it be known that this story isn't coming from someone delivering malicious compliance but rather I was the victim in all seriousness it's a funny story that me and my mother look back fondly on to preface this I had a bit of a drinking problem not with alcohol but with soda as a kid whenever we go out to eat my drink of choice was Dr Pepper pib extra or similar drinks like that throughout the waiting time dinner and as we're finishing up and waiting for the check I would get refill after refill my mother would comment that I drink like a fish you get the idea this happened in a local Mexican restaurant and bar where we had a family dinner it was me my sister my mother and my stepfather and Stepbrother at the time we sat at the table and ordered our Meals by the time our plates were brought to the table I had already down two two Tall Glasses of soda as we were eating our meals I would get refill after refill of more and more soda when I had asked the waiter for my fifth maybe 63 refill my mother was understandably annoying most likely the waiter was even more annoyed having to go back and forward so frequently just to quench my thirst but then he had an idea with none of us the wiser he plotted some juicy Revenge while we were finishing up the waiter had snuck to the bar to find the biggest beer mug he could find one that can hold a gallon of liquid then he went to the soda fountain to fill that mug up to the Bri R to add insult to injury he even grabbed like five ice cubes and plopped them in he presented his Masterpiece of karma right in front of me and with a smug look he put my straw in that straw just sank to the bottom Asis was just too short for this absolute pool of soda my entire table was just howling with laughter as I sat there mouth a gape and taking it all in I soon regained enough composure to joking say now that's more like it laughing through my embarrassment I barely had a sip from that cup before deciding I'm done my relatives commended the waiter for making their day while I apologized for my gluttony we still go back to the restaurant from time to time talking about that event like the fond memory it is I of course don't drink as much anymore and try to keep my sodas in moderation going for the zero sugar ones or even drinking Alternatives like tea looks like revenge is best served cold the next one is an entitled people story I went out with my friends for my birthday back in February with my friends my one friend bought me lunch three beautiful gifts that mean so much to me and even a beautiful birthday cake I was so surprised and I really felt so special she even posted a lovely Instagram story about me it was really the sweetest most meaningful thing ever as for my other friend goes she attended my birthday celebration with me and my other friend we all met up for dinner my other friend didn't get me a gift help pay for the cake or for the dinner I'm not looking for anything and I'm sure I sound very selfish but the thing is my friend always spend so much money on her boyfriend like she dropped $2,500 on his Christmas and birthday gift no I'm not looking for anything like that my friend goes from spending so much money on her boyfriend to getting herself in financial problems and constantly getting her card declined I'm so confused by her financial situation TBH I'm pretty hurt that she didn't get me a gift I'm not looking for anything crazy but just a token of appreciation will be nice so the thing is my friend's birthday is in June and she's and is already planning for her birthday it seems the generous friend the one that gave me such a lovely gift cake Etc won't come because she just started a new job so would be me my friend's brother and possibly her toxic boyfriend my friend is already talking about going out for her birthday dinner she's already making plans and suggested that we have to go out for her birthday dinner she's very excited and deep in making these plans but I don't know how to tell her that I'm not covering her half or if she even expects me to cover her for her birthday for my birthday I really was not looking for anything expensive but I wish she at least made me a card or get me a little gift for under $110 I know she has money since she buys everything for her boyfriend and she's always spending money on anything and everything for him really the update in all of this is my friend most likely won't come for her birthday I don't know what to do now since this is all falling on me should I try and find a way out of going or should I just go and not pay for her this is all so awkward and I'm confused of what to do the next one is an entitled parents story so context here I'm F28 and had my daughter EA 3 months ago my wife F35 Taylor my stepmother Mary 45 and Stepbrother Tom 11 Tom and I weren't close until I was pregnant during the pregnancy he became really interested in me and the baby and actually became quite clingy and needy on me I felt weird but when I tried to retreat Mary and my dad said I was being cruel and miserable and I had the chance to be a good sister but was being selfish and rejecting him along with the pregnancy hormones it made me feel guilty so I let him still come around a lot Taylor has a chilled attitude so has kept calm and just said she wants what I want even though he has become resentful of her I made it clear she was my wife and any disrespect to her would mean he had to leave he became focused on my bump and was touching it all the time Mary thinks he's autistic but no doctor has ever diagnosed him I had EA 3 months ago and she's the best baby ever she's so perfect and I've loved seeing my wife become a mother she's a natural at it and it's depend on our love for each other I've decided to breastfeed and then pump so Taylor can use the bottle to feed as well it's been going pretty smoothly and honestly it's something that allows us to bond with AA often Taylor will lay with me whilst I breastfeed and we will spend time together with sleeping on my chest apparently Tom was very angry when he wasn't allowed into the hospital to see me or the baby and he kicked off when we said only my mom and Mill were allowed over until 2 weeks postpartum when they did come over he kept touching ita's face even though we had asked not to as we are both in the medical profession so don't want to expose our newborn to germs when we had to get firm Mary told us we were being horrible to a child and needed to stop I had to feed so went to the nursery but he had followed and when I started feeding he came in and watched before I realized he was there and he stared asking me questions about breastfeeding that was fine but he's been watching me feed whenever he comes over when I don't realize and then whenever he's been near me he's started saying booby and reaching for my boobs and saying he wants to try and it's unfair only ITA gets it we've tried reminding him that he's a big boy and she's only a baby but then last week I woke up from a postfeeding nap to find him lead on top of me with his hands and face on my chest area when we tried telling Mary and my dad that this was getting out of hand she said we were discriminating against his autism and we just didn't understand that I was his special person he focused on and I should be honored I told her it had to stop as I was uncomfortable and Mary said if I wanted him to stop I would have to stop breastfeeding as it was cruel to tease him without this is stupid right my boobs did get significantly bigger during my pregnancy and have stayed that way after giving birth so I could see how he would notice them but it still feels wrong thank you for watching I would really appreciate it if you could like the video video And subscribe to our Channel if you haven't already we'll see you again tomorrow
Channel: The Readers
Views: 5,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, podcast, entitledpeople, entitledparents, entitled parents, prorevenge, revenge, funny story, funny video, neighborstories, neighbor, hoa stories, hoa story, homeowner association, justnohoa, karen, smug karen, aita, amitheasshole, amithejerk, best of reddit, bestof, reddit podcast
Id: 25i4p37ghj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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