NEET 2024 | How to Guess the Correct Option🔥 | Tukka Strategy🔥| NTA Shocked😂

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hey guys good evening and welcome back again to your unacademy n English Channel I believe all of you are doing great all of you having the good time I know you all were desperately waiting for this particular session because in this particular session my dear students I'm going to let you know how to guess the options when it comes to the neat examination right there are four rules which I'm going to give you with the help of which you can guess the options easily when it comes to your neat examination right so without wasting a lot of a time let's have a look on the rules and the examples try to understand people say well first of all first of all whatever rules I'm going to give you please and please do not follow these rules in the whole paper avoid that but there are definitely some set of questions wherein you need to guess the options right perfect but please and please do not follow it throughout okay some set of questions are there which you can guess for sure okay so in order to solve those questions in order to give the correct guess for those questions there are four rules and here comes our rule number one well it is written over here the unit value or words the unit value or words that gets repeated the most is usually the correct option the unit value words that gets repeated the most is usually the correct option try to understand what it means for example this was one of the question which was asked in need 2023 right this was one of the question which was asked in need 2023 my dear students without looking at the question just look at the options look at the options try to understand over here it is mentioned that something increases by the factor of three here it's mentioned that by a factor of nine here it's mentioned that by the factor of six and here it's mentioned that by the factor of nine where do you see the res resemblance resemblance is there in option number two and option number three option number four there is a resemblance factor of N9 factor of nine so just erase these these cannot be the answers right either it's going to be option b or it's going to be option D perfect now what you need to do in the question in the question we are given with the rate law and they are asking you what will happen to the rate when you uh when you when you when you do what when you triple the concentration of something some reactant and you know when you increase the concentration of reactant rate increases when you increase the concentration of reactant rate increases except zero Order Perfect so my dear students rate increases perfect over here they're mentioning a decreases so this cannot be the answer so the answer of this question has to be option D right perfect if you do not know if you did not know this particular technique my dear students then if you were supposed to guess there was only 25% of the chance that whatever you are guessing has to be right but you're first of all uh eliminating two options now answer has to be either option b or option D perfect now it's a 50/50 so you are increasing the probability for the uh for the option which you are choosing to be right perfect I believe this is clear let me show you one more example let me show you one more example have a look over this one I did not read the question the question was asked in need 2022 I did not read the question perfect I'm just having a look at the options my dear students look at the resemblance look at the resemblance 158 158 15.8 uh 1.58 perfect so which options resemble here I mean this one and this one they resemble perfect right so I'm just erasing these two I'm just erasing these two now what what all other things are common see this is angstrom this is picometers Pomers picometers so the most probably the answer has to be picometers perfect so what I'm guessing over here out of these two options it has to be option b which has to be the correct answer perfect it has to be the correct answer and absolutely option B is the correct answer okay now if you look at this particular case if you look at this particular case I'm not reading the question I'm just looking at the options look at the resemblance starting with f negative starting with CN Nega s CN negative s CN negative so I'm these two cannot be because C or D has to be the answer right C or D has to be the answer perfect C or D has to be the answer because there is resemblance over here so again what you did in this particular question what you did in this this particular question you already erased these two after erasing these two now now your chance are 50/50 earlier it was not 50/50 now the chance are 50/50 now there are 50% chances that one of these options will be right okay perfect and once you did the elimination method right once you eliminated these two right now there are high chances for these two to be correct perfect 50/50 chances Now read the question one or two hints you'll get from the question and accordingly you can uh select your answer over here among C and D perfect so among C and D over here option C is correct okay so basically you are increasing the probability of that option which you guessing you're increasing its probability to be right perfect now people rule number two rule number two when there's a relation shown between the formula when there's a relation shown between the formula and the difference lies in the sign those options often tend to be correct those options often tend to be correct again read the statement when there's a relation shown between the formulas right and the only difference lies in the sign those options those options wherein the only difference lies in the signs basically those options they tend to be correct for example for example the question was asked in need 2023 look at the options look at the options Delta h plus Delta U equal Delta NR Delta H equal Delta uus Delta RT Delta h Al Delta U plus Delta RT Delta hus Delta U is equal to this so which formulas are resembling B and C they are resembling basically perfect B and C are resembling so itas this one itas this one now the probability of B or C to be right is 50% perfect right people right so you are directly eliminating these two now the answer has to be either this or this perfect so I want you guys to have a look on this particular statement again the statement says when there's a relation when there's a relation shown between the formulas and the only difference lies in the sign right those options wherein the only difference lies in between the sign they often tend to be correct right so it is either option b or option C perfect which is going to be the right and absolutely it's option C which is right over perfect now for example this particular question I'm not looking at the question I'm looking at the options these are formulas right perfect which two formulas resemble and the difference only is in the sign CP plus CV equal r c pus CV is equal to R right leave these two leave these two the correct option is either B or C and you know CP minus CV is equal to R right so correct option is either this or this perfect people this is the question this is the proof of what I'm saying option number three this is the most important one I mean rule number three this is the most important rule which you can follow right while answering the questions in the numerical options whenever options are numerical ones in the numerical options a value that is largest or the smallest the value which will be largest or the smallest may not be correct may not be correct therefore try to check those options which are close to these values what is meant by that what is meant by that I did not read the question here I'm just looking at the options right all the options are numerical based all the options are numerical based right what are the extreme high and extreme low values over here extreme ex high is 2.64 extreme low is 1.12 so this cannot be this cannot be now the answer is either a or b right again again now there is a high probability for your answer to be correct among A and B so answer is either a or b answer is either a or b and it has to be here it is the B here okay look at again look at again these options again they are numerical based now ignore the extreme highs and extreme lows EX extremely low value here is 24 so leave it extremely high value here is 30 so leave it right now now your answer has to be either b or d perfect again the probability for your guessing has increased right okay and the correct answer here is B look at one more question look at one more question right do not do in all the questions okay please and please follow this technique where when you are stuck okay all right find the extreme high value extremely highest high value over is 150 extremely lowest value here is 1.2 so leave them aside now the answer is either a or D answer is either a or D again 50/50 so the answer here is d right okay extreme High Extreme high value is this one extreme low value is this one so leave them aside so it's either C or D again the probability has increased the answer is C right the answer is C similarly over here extreme High value this is extremely high value and this extremely low value this extremely low value so the correct answer is either C or D right you're already you're first of all eliminating these two perfect now it's C or D so the answer of this question is actually C perfect similarly look at this one look at this one my dear students extreme high value leave it extremely low value leave it the answer is either a or D check it out the answer is a the answer is a perfect moving ahead extreme high value this one leave it perfect extremely low value this one leave it the answer is either C or D check it out the answer is D okay the answer is D and these are all the asked questions people which have been asked in different I mean in the neat examination in different year right similarly uh extreme highest value highest value is this one cannot be lowest value is this one cannot be now answer is either C or D again again is D perfect that question is asked in E 2021 perfect similarly look at this one look at this one again my dear students you can follow the same technique right ignore the highest and the least values and you can get the answer ignore the highest and least values right whatever options are left you'll get the answer among those two options okay all right those questions were in those questions wherein the option one of the option will be all the above those question they are very less less number of questions will be there wherein one of the option will be all of the above perfect most of the times all of the above is the correct answer most of the times all of the above is the correct answer or if there are two statements given S1 S2 right most of the times most of the times I'll give you the proof as well most of the times the answer is the answer is statement one is correct as well as statement two is correct try to check let's say this was the question n 2023 I'm not reading I'm not reading the question I'm not reading the question statement one statement two right I'll mark it option b I'll mark it option b it will be the correct answer right in most of most of the cases guys please and please right understand what I'm what I'm trying to say okay I know you are liking it for sure okay again the similar sort of question I'm not reading equation S1 S2 has to be true in most of the cases in most of the cases right in most of the cases this is the question wherein they have given the option as all of the above I'm giving I'm marking it I'm not I'm not bothered about the question what they asking etc etc perfect I'm not bothered about that I'm not B bothered about there is one more question right us in need 2021 I'll go with statement one and statement two are correct okay statement one and two are correct so what I'm trying to say over here is what I'm trying to say over here is whenever there will be a lot of questions wherein one of the option will be all of the above right most of the times is that all of the is correct answer right state in the statement ones in the statement ones most of the times S1 S2 both are true right here also I'm marking S1 S2 true I don't know oh wait what happened here what happened here this hair only hair only see this is the guessing technique by the way right you cannot be correct always perfect there will be there will be somewhere let's say you are guessing 10 questions if you follow these at least eight you'll Mark right eight will you'll Mark right if you follow all these rules right but there will there are high there are chances that you can Mark incorrectly also perfect so my dear students these are four rules which you need to know okay which you need to know while guessing the options but please and please first study these 15 days almost 15 days are left right some sorry 12 13 days are left just work hard these 12 to 13 days I know there will be like 10 20 questions will be there in your examination wherein you'll have to guess and please and please do follow these techniques with the help of which the probability of guessing the correct option becomes more right that was the main motive of coming up with this particular video okay so please and please follow this and and and and and and my dear students at the end if you do not know if you do not know the Plus subscription for one complete year right its price has been reduced all the I mean your Plus subscription you're just getting it at 49 sorry it's not 49 right now it's 549 549 and it's for a limited period of time for a limited period of time okay perfect all the I mean the Plus subscription in an academy is right now only at 5 49 Perfect by joining the Plus subscription by getting the Plus subscription my dear students all the batches which will be there in unacademy be it for class 11th for class 12th for the droppers in English as well as in Hindi all the batches you will have access of right you'll have exess of all the batches which are going to run in unacademy for one complete year perfect and my dear students if you do not know if you do not know your unacademy English team me Yar HSP Amika maam we are star three fresh batches one for 11th students one for 12th students and one for droppers right and if you are taking the Plus subscription all these things are absolutely free for all of you for one complete Year all these batches whatever batch you want to join in you can join in right only at the rate of 549 and my dear students you already know you already you must be knowing like there is the nimbers neet English batch which is particularly for class 11 students your entire syllabus will be completed followed by the test followed by the assignments right and the live classes with us perfect in just six to seven months your whole syllabus of class 11th will be completed with the revision as well right follow the the test series followed by the study material every single thing will be provided to you okay every single thing will be provided to you similarly we are starting one more batch for class 12th again your whole syllabus will be complete by this particular panel which you can see over here your unacademy n English Channel and my dear students your whole syllabus test series study material Right Live classes doubt solving right everything every single parameter which is needed for the competive examination to be cracked all those parameters are Incorporated in this batch as well and at the end at the end we are starting the batch for those students who have already made their mind of taking a drop and they want to write the need examination in 2025 for all those students as well we are launching a batch completely in English language where these are going to be the trainers who are going to train you in different subjects right and your whole syllabus of class 11th class 12th will be completed number one on every Sunday there'll be tests right number two all the class will be live classes number three if by chance you were unable to join the live session you can watch the recording session PDFs handwritten notes will be provided to you study material will be provided to you dpps will be provided to you there'll be separate DPP discussions there'll be test discussions etc etc so all the parameters which are required for the competive examination like neat 2025 or 2026 to get cracked all those parameters are Incorporated here in this particular batch and my dear students in order to join the batch there there's a link in the description box you just need to take the Plus subscription for one year automatically you'll be having the excess you'll be getting the excess of all these batches which we are launching on an academy not in only English also you'll be getting the access to Hindi batches as well so join it as soon as possible Right the Plus subscription is only right now at 549 and it is for the limited offer of limited period of time right so do get included as soon as possible and I'm pretty much you all like the session right if you actually like the session do let me know in the comment section of this particular video take care God bless you all and love you all guys bye-bye
Channel: Unacademy NEET English
Views: 408,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unacademy neet english, neet english, unacademy neet, neet english unacademy, neet english by unacademy, neet, neet 2024, neet 2025, How to Guess the Correct Option, best strategy for neet 2024, best strategy for neet preparation, neet preparation by wassim sir, medical aspirants, neet 2024 aspirants, neet 2025 aspirants, wassim bhat
Id: g88xwufp4PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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