NEET 2024 Expected Cut Off 🔥 Marks Vs Rank Vs College 🚀 Vedantu NEET English

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good evening my dear n Warriers good evening B yes this is your captain Shas and your Dosa ma'am yes definitely and uh today we are here to give you all important databased uh you know information based on the previous Trends and the expectations the expected cut offs the expected Government College cut offs what about the ranks versus the marks marks so everything you will get to know in this video so watch this video till the end and uh for you guys also very important uh for you to get more information please please please subscribe to the channel number one number to like the video because then YouTube will suggest them similar videos okay or else you will be getting again you know random suggestions so better to always like such videos so that you will get relevant information definitely so let's proceed ma'am yes sir okay let's proceed so guys uh let's start with the past year Trends ma'am so I think it's very important to see how things are shifting from year over year and you know right from uh the number of students to the cut offs to the ranks so that we get an idea of what might happen you know in this year 2024 yeah ma'am would you like to tell about the previous P year Trend so students as you can see earlier these were the number of students that registered as you can see the number of students are increasing right the number of students are increasing year by year right and also you can see the number of seats are also increasing and this year also you have around 91,000 something seats and students next is difficulty level that is variable that you can see first is moderate then it is around little bit diff little bit tricky questions then again it is moderate moderate to difficult and students last year 2023 and this year 2024 examp was easy to modit sir I guess it was so ma'am basically why are we showing them this it's because you know they should understand that it was not like suddenly the paper was very difficult to the paper became very easy almost every year the difficulty of the paper is very very similar number one and every year who is setting the paper ma'am NTA so that means you can expect similar Trends but the problem is with the ranks because the ranks for the same marks are not the same because of you know the number of students registering for the you know neat examination and definitely a number of students and also the level of that exam right it is getting easier also moderate also right so let us see next slide next slide so this is this year ma'am yes and this year if you see 24 lakh students have written the exam the seats have marginally increased if you see from the last year 88,000 it has gone to close to 92,000 it's like a balance if the registrations are increasing the seats are also little bit increasing so you can see but will it but will it matter to the general students in uh you know overall because some students might become very happy that sir from 88,000 it went to 92,000 do you think really it will matter so definitely because see the number of appeared students are also increased but you can see that even if this number of students appeared there will be only some of the students who are actually sincere about that exam but see it's like key we can see all the things it is dependent it is directly proportional to all the things here number of students number of STS also and the easy moderate and the difficulty and the cut off of that exam is also dependent on that so basically there will be extra three to sorry 4,000 lucky people who would get the Government College seat because of the increase extra 4,000 that's that's the uh you know overall outcome that you can make out from this now if you see the paper level this time it was again ncrt based easy to moderate level was the difficulty of the paper it was not very difficult it was not very very lengthy it was not out of the thing and let me remind you some channels made a video ma'am saying that there was a bonus in this and that chemistry was there a bonus no no no no everything was right everything was fine in physics some people claimed there was a bonus there is no such bonus thing everything was proper there were no mistakes as such you know syllabus wise now if you talk about physics right physics was again easy to moderate many questions were direct there were few questions where you had to do some bit of calculations but that was very few so some people said the paper was very lengthy guys the paper was not very lengthy because biology will generally finish very early chemistry will spend decent time and physics you will generally leave more than an hour to solve the paper so in that time you can easily complete the paper and in physics there are many statement based questions in chemistry and biology ma'am in chemistry as you can see the organic partt was very very simple guys if you have done a simple practice simple questions were there and second thing is about inorganic again it was moderate it was not very difficult it was moderate and then if you talk about physical chemistry sir they are scared of calculation the calculation part was very easy there right I was there even when ma'am was solving the paper I didn't find any question which required too much time and some questions were very direct from 9 10th standard level even in physics and chemistry also some basic the same questions were there next is about from baswa s and gopika ma'am right they told that statement based question in zoogy was little bit that you have to use your brain and little bit tricky was there but by boty statement based question were easy overall the paper was easy for biology Okay so basically that is the thing now last year the need cuto for 50 percentile that's how the cut offs are decided uh it was 117 in 2022 the year before that I mean or rather in 2023 it was 137 okay so this is the most U sort of you know category and in OBC and other categories you can see it was 93 934 107 121 basic trend is it has increased what will happen this year this year it will go up this year this cut off will go up but my point is do you think ma'am this cut off matters because 50th percentile means the kids rank will be you know for 24 lakh it will be 12 lakh 12 so for a 12th laak rank student do you think he can get a college I think he can get no I think he will not get in India for sure India abroad he can get a college he will get a college abroad I think the cut off will be around 1 50 the cut off will go to 150 yeah so abroad he can get a college because only neat clear is important for that right yeah so guys this this will not Government College not even private colleges you can get here correct so the cut offs will increase from 137 to slightly more maybe 140 150 types so why is this important only for those students who want to take admission in private college or in uh donation seed or in abroad because you have to clear neat to get a seat in mbbs or any other two colleges that that actually take 150 or 100 plus marks but that are very expensive very they are very expensive so usually I'll tell you if you're getting between 150 marks to let's say 400 marks or 500 marks the fees that you pay is anywhere between 20 lakhs to 1 CR minimum okay 20 lakhs to 25 lakh per year it like per year it is sometimes it can go to 25 LS per year also so guys please be very careful when you are getting a seat the fees can be really really high if you're score is very very less okay it is inversely proportional score and fees correct then if you talk about the ranks last year ma'am above 700 and all there were you know 50 plus students this year I was talking to manyu of our kids I can find many kids who are getting about 700 in fact many kids are also saying sir I'm getting 720 out of 720 also in chemistry also students yes students are saying they messaging me that ma'am whatever you predicted was there in the exam and we are sure that we will get 170 plus wow 170 plus so if it is going to be 170 Plus in cam physics also many students are telling me sir with your uh teachings and whatever I have learned from you in the past 4 months easily I'm getting 160 150 very easily very easily I'm saying then it 100% means that above 700 the number of students will be much much more so even at 700 score your all India rank might go up to 100 also or all India rank might go up to 80 90 like that this is sad for those students who have prepared really well for tricky questions as well and it is good for those students who have like moderate level of preparation correct so if you have worked very hard just like ma'am said it will be very very sad and about 600 if you see the rank goes to ma'am around 50,000 so I feel this time for six sorry so 600 the rank goes to 21,000 my bad so this time for 600 score I have a feeling this might go up to even uh you will 25,000 and yeah it will go little bit higher around 25,000 so this is what you should expect below this above 600 or sorry below 600 marks I feel that the colleges that you get will be very less for 500 and all that ma'am can you see how bad it is uh so if you are in 550 range see this you will go to 50,000 R close to so I think it will go to 55,000 then after that I think above 600 you can get government seat but below 600 there will obviously there will be different different colleges regarding the state that you are in okay we will make a different video on that specific video on specific state that is coming right right but that is overall overall thing that what will be your rank according to your mark see as the marks are getting lower the ranks are getting high inversely proportional to inversely proportional but the main thing is guys please understand uh there are around 990,000 seats so uh for the colleges that you can get so for 90,000 you can see somewhere over here this is uh this is the rough estimate but understand that also includes categories so lot of seats will also go in different categories so do not just see oh where is 90,000 Rank and what is the score I need for that no those are just the number of seats a lot of seats will be also distributed in different categories keep that in mind you have to be very active because there will be State quota there will be all India rank everything be there all those things now the main main slide which students are waiting for are you guys ready for it have you smashed the like button have you smashed the like button what I'm saying like button students everyone in the chat box everyone so let us see what we are expecting in 2024 okay let's show them the slide yes yes ma'am you want to say okay so for uh General category students as you can see expected cut off is 605 to 615 marks you can from General category here we are saying now for ews student for ews it's around 600 OBC 613 604 SC it is around 470 and St it's around 470 to 450 marks I would like to tell students one thing for all those students who have ews certificate students you are in general category only see there is no difference is there right even for OBC ma'am it's almost for SC and STD there is a benefit right there is definitely a benefit but for General ews and OBC it's almost one to two marks difference so if we have to give a safe score for getting a Government College in the open category or in general ews or OBC category in the all India level quot I would say the safe score will be above 615 615 to get something something right but students are also interested ma'am in seeing which bran sorry which college they might get for their rank do we have something for that yes sure we have that so students we have rank predictor for you so see according to the marks already we have done paper discussion you know that what is around your marks what it whether it's 600 whether it's 700 whether it's 500 so according to that what is going to be your rank predictor you can see the link is in the description and also you can scan this QR code let's show them let's show them let show so as you watching this video even it's there in the pinned comments uh in the pinned chat you not like this no no it will get refreshed yeah so like this first of all and hit the Subscribe button guys daa's heart just broke if you guys don't like it it will she will become very like Angry she'll become like s anger so don't do that I want Hearts yeah please put it out right and hit the Subscribe button too you can see ma'am over here the link is there just click on this link and once you click on this link see you can check the entire answer key we have put it you can also explain uh see the entire Solutions playlist is also there and you can also predict the rank so you just have to enter your score application number date of birth your state because for State quota and category and you will get predict your rank wow this is amazing this is this has made most of the time task that you were expecting so easy for you so actually if you know your rank students students actually get very confused what will be the rank and after that even if they're getting that se because of that uh I can say lack of knowledge because of that lack of knowledge even when they were like about to get into that college because of lack of lack of knowledge and rank and marks there is no one to uh do the counseling for them that is why they uh lose that medical seat we don't want that for you so it's very important you see where you stand and some student was also asking sir what is the cut off I just told you the cut off for clearing need will be close to 150 okay expect around that score but that is of no use unless you want to pay money but the government seat in general it will be around 615 will be the safe score I would say to get a government seat but some students are like sir what about jipmer I was seeing the comment what about don't worry don't worry we know what you are expecting yeah so ma'am uh for afmc ma'am look at it it's crazily high it's around 640 640 plus this year it might go up to 650 660 also so guys 650 to 660 will be the rough cut off marks but that is not the end of the story because to get into afmc there's also you know other things which you need to do rounds are there so guys this is a bare minimum bare minimum cutof which I'm saying 650 to 660 will be your afmc cut off safe score right and after that your multiple rounds obviously are going into the army it's like double damaka you're serving the nation you're serving the people you're uh you know doing what you love to do and for as ma'am for am students we have different Delhi bhesh jodpur we have different different names and according to that as you can see this is your general category rank isn't this crazy rank 57 as Deli that is everyone's dream right everyone's dream now for wnes for accordingly you can see according to the cities the rank are division right bhes it is 496 rank right and jpur it is 469 and it is going uh up and up up and up down down and if you see it's closing at around 5,000 madur mad 5,200 rank ma'am now for 5,200 rank what should be our expected score if you go back and see for uh 5,000 rank somewhere over here around 650 so 660 plus would be the the safe score 660 plus would be the safe score for getting into as any as basically as and afmc 660 is the safe safe score how many of you are there about 660 plus who are expecting put up green hearts yeah everyone spam green hearts in the chat box so that is as ma'am it's crazy high crazily High what about jipmer ma'am jipmer s next like okay so guys for General category the cut off marks are 700 700 students and the air rank that was 2023 is 27 p my God this is crazy so guys jar piter crazily high cut offs it's like all in the rank 277 even for scst it's 633 marks that is also amazing exactly so even for karakal the cut off in 2023 for jipmer it's around 4,000 Rank and cut off marks 660 this will obviously go up this year okay expected to 670 add 10 to 20 marks everywhere 10 to 20 marks everywhere but if you want some other colleges these are private colleges right so Christian Medical College this is a very good college by the way it's a one of the top it's got NF yeah CMC Medical College NRF rank three it's in wello even Amita Vishal curba Medical College Dy pael Vidya pet in Pune all these are SRM Chennai all these are amazing colleges D Medical College this is near my near my hometown this is an amazing college I can tell you all these colleges are like amazing you can see the nirf ranking here it's between one like one to 40 40 so these are the top private colleges again they need a score of above 550 at least I'm saying above 55 whatever you do so that is the bare minimum but most of these colleges close about 630 640 also let me tell you that now I want to know from you do you want us to make a separate dedicated video for you know South colleges like for Andra for Kerala for Karnataka for Tamil Nadu we can do that low PES low cut offs if you want we can do that also but how many of you missed these cut offs by 50 marks by 100 marks by 200 marks just let us know quickly 600 plus score how many of you missed it by how many marks I want to see it in the chats everyone you can type cross in the like chat so that we can know how many of you uh feel that you know today or maybe just yesterday your dreams were shattered you wanted to be here you wanted to do this you wanted to be a surgeon you wanted to be a doctor you wanted to be a medical expert but somehow you feel heartbroken there were so many messages yesterday that we found this uh Channel late ma'am I know very very depressing it was for me to read those messages uh guys I was not able to respond to many of your messages but we have seen it generally on the groups and um overall even on Instagram and even ma'am got many messages gopika M and Bas s were also telling uh that sir we found you guys late that was the most heartbreaking uh message that we could get and not one to many of them so qualifying marks like I said cash we 615 for a government seat below that it is private below that you have to spend 20 lakhs 25 lakhs 30 lakhs per year okay that is how it is in medical colleges right 20 marks for a now there are two options from hence forth one option is you are doing some course which has minimal fees and then preparing for NE 2025 which is called partial drop obviously you cannot take a seat in private college spend 102 lakhs and then decide I will give neat again next year if you are planning to do that I would say please don't do it because why would you waste your hard-earned money 10 20 lakhs take a seat in private college and then think that sir I will uh you know I'm simultaneously going to prepare for need 2025 that is definitely not a decision which is wise either you take a complete drop or if you are taking a partial drop your college should have very low fees which will not pinch you which will not hurt you but the problem with that is that if you're going into a college which has low fees and which is not a great course maybe you might just take up some random BC course bed course BBA course guys then you should think will you be willing to continue in that if you don't crack neat 2025 yeah exactly if you have dreamed for this thing now why you want to give up on your dream why you want to give up right we have so many options for you right you can take partial drop you can continue your study you can even earn right and you can pay your fees right we are here to teach you we are here to make your dream come true right and it was U so disheartening to know that actually what if uh like we were doing everything but we were not able to reach that audience that needed us that is why we say like share because you never know what are the blessings that you are getting from your friends maybe your friend is sitting beside you and he's thinking my father is not able to pay this and if you are here you are you are actually thinking that these guys are excellent why you not sharing that with your friend right you are what your circle is if you're sharing your blessings are added to your that account right so believe in Sharing all those students I really wish I really wish even even if one month back they attended our classes they would have not uh you know felt so disheartened at this point of Time how many questions in chemistry were from your sessions totally if there even if they attended my last 20 days classes no they would have scored 150 to 160 plus easily it was so easy it was so predictable it was so predictable it it actually it was like he we did so much hard work for for you guys because totally free of cost we were providing you everything right it was just one share it was just one share basically see guys sometimes it's also probably not your fault and uh you know you discovered it late but is it worth compromising this for some weird course that you don't even like I know many of you are thinking sir I have taken already one drop or two drops how many of you are there like that is it worth doing this because I'll tell you when you know one of my close relatives they got a fracture and they had a shoulder uh you know what is that the shoulder came out huh and I think you can also relate so you know when I went to the orthopedist and when I saw the doctor I'm not kidding guys and his personality was so good it's not because he's looking good or anything that quot that stetoscope his posture his confidence and he was from I think jipmer if I'm not wrong okay and the way he entered and the way interns were around him one intern is roting down One symptom one intern is helping the my relative one intern or one scholar is uh you know seeing the X-ray one scholar is helping the doctor with something and also noting down notes that aura which he had around him I cannot describe we enter he takes the X-ray he sees the MRI scan and he sees the symptoms he asks few questions within 2 minutes he has diagnosed and after the 2 minutes this is type two fracture this that location dislocation we need to do Category 3 this this this operation we need to do this on priority within 3 days after 3 days this this this can happen this can be done by a robotic surgery you have two options you can also do it you know by hand and this will cost this much that's this that's it that was the level of confidence and that's it we are done okay bye-bye and he did the operation so neatly I was super duper impressed do you want to be that or do you want to give up on your dreams and just take up some random course is my real question I actually want to add on to this because I can actually relate sir you know that uh 10 15 days back I uh got my like shoulder was totally dead because of cervical spelis I have and do you remember I got anesthesia on my neck the kind of trust that I had on that doctor right he entered I was crying I was like my student are waiting for me there is neat exam I said can I take class can I take class I was again asking he was like please relax he was like you want to take class I said yes please do something then he said okay I'll inject one thing and I'll give you some medications and some exercise do that I never asked him why what nothing I was like he's God he's saying something he injected five injection on my neck I didn't even move why because of that trust that I was like mind trust over him like he was God for me at that time and that is the point when I realized that we are actually making these doctors that was and you know what that doctor told me like I respect you because you're making us that was his dialogue to me that that was I would be so happy to see such a doctor from this batch and I'm pretty sure there will be few there will be few students who realize what their dream is what their true ambition and goal is and last year we produced 1,500 plus doctors from a very small batch 1,500 plus doctors students scoring 700 plus this year this number will be even higher now the real question is do you want to be one of these doctors and if you want to be we have the DNA batch where dsha maam me gopika maam Bas sir all of us are going to teach alongside the most exper teachers the hods people who have published books people who have contributed a lot in producing ranks and in English medium which we call as the DNA batch d stands for Doctor n stands for need a stands for aspirations so doctor need aspirations guys so you Aspire first you write need and become a doctor and this batch is a part of the vantu Prime which was a revolution in itself where every deserving student who cannot afford High coaching fees or who does not want to feel the pinch and who wants the best teachers the best content at an affordable price we did it we made it happen many batches are there which might be costly which might be cheap but I'll tell you one thing there are many batches which don't even complete the portion you ask in the market they will tell you oh we are going to do this we are going to teach but they never do that they will not give you complete assignments the test series are horrible the revision does not happen for the sake of completion of courses they will do it for you know just getting admissions they'll get the admissions and then launch new batches guys this is not like that vantu you know this once we start we complete it till the end and we have proved them what we have done four months four months we have completed the full syllabus right we have done pyqs we have done thousand ncrt line by line we have have done what not easy kill tricky question everything we have provided you right now we will have one year one year what magic we can create we need your support in that right and for this particular DNA batch the classes will be in the afternoon let me remind you yes the classes will be in the afternoon it will be in English I think the first class starts around 11:00 goes on till around 3 4:00 that's the timing so you'll get enough time for self-study uh all the syllabus 11th and 12th standard will be completed MO test will be conducted on Sundays after chapters are completed sufficient portions are done after every you know one or two weeks then you will have dpps I'll show you in fact the batch starts by the way on 15th and the price is $39.99 but obviously this is introductory price the actual price if you see on the internet it is 6,200 which will be discounted I'm telling you which will be discounted to $4,999 but that is after you know some time and that will be after filling up few seats and once once the badge date is closed this price is going to go up this is basically for the early birds if you're waiting for August and October then guys please don't do that mistake please don't do that mistake so the p uh so the batch link is there in the description box you can see it right over here it's called as a DNA 2025 batch in English just click on this link yes done that very good now you can see physics chemistry biology all the teachers are there you can see our gopika M Bas dsha ma'am and we have other teachers to help us support why we have other teachers because when you want to win a war you won't use just a gun or a cannon you'll use granites you'll use rocket launchers every single thing what is there in your Armory because you want to win the war because the enemy is very tough so that's why we are using all our Firepower over here to win this battle against neat and you can see these are live classes with discussions practices leaderboards quizzes in class and in class doubt solving with study material PDF now you're asking sir will I receive hard copy of the study material guys the cost of the hard hard copy material is more than 10 to 20,000 rupees we are making this batch happen at 3,999 rupees so you understand for us it is not feasible to give you the hard copy number two you don't have to buy any book many institutes will tell you you don't buy any book we'll give you all the materials dpps but they never do that I have been there done that so I have come out of all those things understand that so you know in vantu all those random things don't happen you will get access to ebooks which has Theory separate books Concepts separate books problem solving separate books pyq separate books now we have tied up with the top-notch Publishers in the country topnotch Publishers so that's why we will get access to the ebooks so imagine you go and buy these books also on you know either online or even offline you will waste at least 20 to 30,000 rupees all of this you are getting it at 3,999 you are getting handwritten teacher notes you are getting all India mock test series even if you join any mock test series anywhere at least the price for a decent good mock test series will be 1,000 to 2,000 Rupees at least this one is 39.99 with classes 11 12th standard syllabus and we'll be teaching on the wave platform our own platform not on Zoom not on Google meet not on YouTube this is our own platform because we have leaderboards quizzes one to one uh you know interaction we also have secondary teacher who is solving your doubts all these things are happening and so what about this unlimited unlimited DPP generator so guys if you feel like okay my equilibrium is not good I am you know uh giving wrong answer to that I need more practice ma'am so what you have you don't need to worry about about that you just need to go this type the topic here whatever topic even if you feel no ma'am I am weak in PH calculation go to that okay generate DPP for yourself right there is unlimited questions that you will get true for just 3999 399 some students are asking for Emi let me tell you guys when you click on buy full course and enter your details you can use credit card option or even you can use Easy Pay and all those options are there so you can ease out the burden I know there are some students for whom even this might feel high I'll tell you why because I have met some students uh whose parents had sold their land in some District I will not name but they after selling they just got 40,000 rupees imagine that is because they were in a village you don't get so much price and the parent told sir we just have 40,000 rupees obviously we cannot join big big coaching offline forget it I can afford only 5,000 4,000 3,000 rupees that is why we have made this but at the same time we didn't compromise on the quality we are giving you all the top-notch teachers in the country we are giving you the same material study material which any offline Institute will give you we are giving you the same books we are giving you the same all India level test series at this price so if you are even a normal middle class upper middle class family don't think oh this is only for you know low income group no it is not like that it is something which we want to do for the community we want every student who dreams of need should clear neat should become a doctor should not feel that regret or that compromise I and the next time you see a doctor passing by I wanted to be this but I gave up on this dream I never want you to feel that right so guys that's it from our side and I hope you guys got the all the information whatever you needed regarding the batch regarding the expected cut offs regarding the percentiles everything right so that's it from our side yes so I just want all of you to write it down in the comment section I know there are students who are feeling very heartbroken right now I want you to promise yourself that this year I am going to give my 100% 100% with this team and you are going to write it in the comment section that I'm going to give my 100% neat 2025 I will will be in my dream College I will not give up write it down in the comment section after we end this stream I will not give up on my dream this is all we want for you we are here for you if your teachers are here for you what do you need what do you need we are not giving up on you then why you want to give up exactly thank you so much guys I'm feeling very very bad for all the heart Boran students don't worry we are there okay see you in the comments bye-bye take care
Channel: Vedantu NEET English
Views: 16,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vedantu neet english, neet english, vedantu neet 2024, neet 2024, vedantu neet english 2024, neet english 2024, vedantu, neet, neet 2024 expected cut off, neet 2024 cut off, neet cut off 2024, neet 2024 expected cutoff, neet 2024 strategy, neet expected cut off 2024, neet 2024 safe score, expected cut off 2024, cut off neet 2024, neet 2024 st cut off, neet 2024 sc cut off, neet 2024 gen cut off, neet 2024 obc cut off, neet 2024 aiq cut off, neet 2024 cut off high, diksha mam
Id: MXt_B4jeqbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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