NEEL 47 Trimaran. Guided Tour and our Review. 3 hulls are better?

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okay welcome back to cruising off-duty we're about to get a guided tour of the Neil trimaran we did one last year there's bigger than those yes yes and we didn't have a guided tour so we definitely do a guided tour so we don't miss any of the features like we did last year this is a slightly smaller version which is probably better for our price range so hopefully it's great stay tuned hoist the sail okay just as clarification as to missing features last year last year we did a walkthrough review of the Neal 51 foot trimaran and we missed a bunch of features because we didn't know enough about the Neal and the sails people on board didn't really show us that the attention or point out anything so we missed up and we got a little bit of flack about that so this year we've only done guided tours and this episode's gonna be the guided tour of the Neal 47 a little smaller than last year's boat it's gonna be from the North American sales manager now this gentleman is clearly from France so English is not his first language but we got to give him a round of applause because he gave every feature of this boat in a foreign language now if I tried to do that in French it would be a nightmare so he did an awesome job I think and if you're interested in a Neal trimaran this episode will be well worth it so I know I asked him to introduce himself at the beginning of this video but he didn't say his name so I have a business card I hope that's his name because that's the name you're seeing right now I work for the shipyard so I work for the new factory and I'm sales area managers who I'm I work to bring the ID of a trimaran in the US market right so that's why we had last year's of 51 you can now we have the 47 so basically the main idea of trimaran is the weight distribution any vehicles have to put all the weights in the middle together better weight distribution so anybody killed like playing like car and for both oh of course it's better to have all the heavy stuff here in a central hub so we check off the habitability of the central hub and we put that in a main level above the sweetheart okay so the idea is to have something quite wide open very comfortable orange for the owner very nice area and good performance so for the same level of comfort you have a faster boat because that's due to you know the structure of a trainer on the trainer and it's more faster more safer and more comfortable compared to the same level of comfort so that's why we built tremor so structurally we are in Amman aha okay so with to Hamas to stabilize the boobs so the motion of a trimaran it's much more smoother than a cat on a rough sea and on very soft and you know very live win for five knots of wind to 30 knots of wind 13 days sorry we go you can reach the wind speed okay with a regular sail pan you know so it's quite good we design both for the owners okay for the sailors so the idea is to have something very comfortable but also have very huge technical area so okay at this point all voice over because once I stick my shotgun mic and my camera in there you really can't hear what he's saying this is that big engine room that everybody complained we didn't film last year and I go to admit it is huge in there unfortunately don't there's a lot of shelving I think they could have used the space a little bit back space to be able to work here so here we have these parts we named that the cocoon so that is the merge between the saloon the saloon inside saloon and the cut pips so with these sliding doors we have two sliding doors and we can you know split this area in two parts and also we can close this area with a tent face you know with many possibility outside inside private outside the cockpits here so it's now just for the viewers because I noticed you ducked getting through there and they're gonna ask why did you need to duck you're very tall the duke3d dock through their doorway and people will want to know how tall are you ah are you meters it's one part 95 okay I'm sneaking at least 65 feet you feel yeah something like that so he's tall that's all you've done people are gonna think is this boat really sure yeah just really I don't we have we have a very nice space yeah I've no problem with the Headroom but I just you're a very tall man so yeah so here we have a very this is a very cutting edge layouts so here we have the inside space for you know to enter the boat year so it's very young very comfortable and we are directly home the owner coming just right here so the idea is too popular to be able to reach each part of the book very you know quickly yeah so to go kawaii here to the saloon we can also watch you know the chart table very easily here we can have something for a kid you know all are for people because it's like known or to take a nap for the watch yeah so it's and we have storage underneath so here's a guy with to think okay with two big drawers so one fridge I want to - fridge - good capacity okay and storage we can equip you know the boat with oven with any other equipment we need on board and also on the back you can't have here some storage and also here here lag on the 51 we have also a technical room so there is one to can access for only 51 for the technical room right and here we have one access to but from the yeah that's what we missed last year when we did our rear we didn't know about this and so people were commenting we did we miss the best part which is the energy if you want to go down hello so here we have a very nice working around technical area with all the feature for the electronics the boiler here all the pipes so it's very clear very easy to you know tune to have maintenance to work on it yeah so here's the water heater and and here we have also batteries this holding tank just over there and batteries here just yet so everything is access accessible it's very simple you know easy to work yeah and an escape patch it's not here so here we have the washing machine - Oh watching machine look up cute cute the washing machine washing washer dryer machine and under we have all the volume to the amount of fuel tanks exactly and the water tank here so all the weights are here in a manner in the seven here in the Proms we want something very you know a huge shower parts and heads for the owner so when you go dude okay I see your sink Jonnie entrance so sink doors loker's yeah and here we are you know yeah so it's very very good capacity and also a wet locker just over there okay this is a locker in here all your switches right here in the main area little switches okay here you have their heads okay people people shower very you know also on te reflects windows some readers windows it's to have no roof no longer protect you know from the Sun because when you have the video like this the Senate's reasons it's more heat inside so we want something more protective to have you know very cool area here and we have a very nice view when we are in the kitchen here on the gala it's very you can have a nice view and even if we hard on the back on the outside carpet we see very well the difference you go to the ham station we have the very safe like I said here way with this the stairs and we can go also by outside and it's very secure because you go this way and this way but it's not outside Thanks so when you are you know in a rusty it's very you know so here on this station we have everything to maneuver the boat so we can you know use roads with a very small crew so with what just one people or two it's very easy to maneuver the sails because every iron reef line everything our inner shoe or three people can sit here on this area so it's very it's nice area for people because it's a social area too so the the skipper it's not alone you know you know a temptation so you can do it with you know some you know with it's true it's very accessible to so you can store you know the sales very easily we just with the scribes like this it's very simple nosy and here we have ascended on to the standard option we want something very it's a very cutting edge our layouts other same so we have this copied this come in with an act outside access for two reason because we have we want some Siebert private for the owner and that's jr. you know break the inside living area so the beds we made it's for a good performance boats we want something quite narrow will for a very you know very fast boats and on this volume we have very roomy and nice you know guests coming for the you know for four people they have a lot of privacy this this this will start room is wet starter room okay so you can unaware you or many things here so you can use this space for storage thing is it's wet area to be used so okay what can we use the shower tano spoke okay for privacy so people want to go down at all yeah tall guy fits in here you don't sue us collides here big windows a really nice level bed here indecision yeah so so it's a very nice little bed we died so and here Sturridge yeah and also very story attendance yeah that's quite a spot to stove things under there huge and on this area we can also other heads that we diagram over here of the future I see yeah we can't have a head here on earth under the stairs yeah because people want sometimes nothing in this era because there are just two of us yeah but if we have guests and so we have these very nice I mean and Canton stop here a feminine yet okay so under the lighter so that speeds perfectly and it's a like a swing ladder yeah actually matter so you can open it and you can use it otherwise the other option is because the head is in the center away from the owners birth they can just go straight to the middle of it not be it's a very good there yeah but for privacy for us okay [Music] to the bow and you have a liquor dispute might be quite deep and it here we all can I have an additional heavy here so there there is a spinnaker that's yeah yeah it's it's this one it's nice because you can go down and you can you know take off you are belonging here so a one point 10 meters bed while and so here we have the locker the chain Locker contain occur and the doctor stir with batteries that he could be dedicated batteries for the windlass and for the bow thruster okay so the bow thruster is that standard or an optimum yeah it's it's an opponent platitude you know we are each both reproduce oh they're just before the show work elsewhere okay you two just opening popping ah geez good it's it's the same side than the other one and here exactly the same so so you know I could make one my family here we have a very nice bowsprit with the David's we can have you know tons of chain and if you have pity for the spinnaker so on this version cabin mast we can add a removable staysail so these goats attack very easily without the stage salads you know you know it's very simple and it's do also with the devotes library is elliptical we are very rocker central health so that's work like when you wanna have a the theme and that's give you you know very you know it's very simple to tack and because we have on trimaran we have the better of the both wall you know compared to Mona health and category those catamaran needs to find the best you know compromise between very rocker hell okay to attack easily or very straight folks to avoid the peachy but we have both because the varies the central herb is very rocker so you tack very easily and the Straits roads avoid the peachy so you have the boat very very comfortable in a rough sea both go through the ways much more cooler continuous so because you are very stable and their healing is quite the same yeah it's quite the same catamaran so maybe you is more suited when you're concentrating on one-on-one time you are gonna stay on there you can you can cook him like a stone and you are no you know you don't need to you know course an RFC of nanny boats and your people with a saying of course but yeah you know you know in the Clancy normal condition you know it's number one to two to walk around the votes you know safely so that way it's a very very nice that's just something I know that people get so we have just one foot out of the water but it's like this so it's not a lot so you feel the lows you build about a little bit more than the catchment and that is good because you know you you you feel you feel you know both it is good if you are over power yeah exactly exactly it so I can't look at it's always too like this so you don't know where if your rigging is suffering or now so here you feel about more like a model or you feel if you're over pal yeah and also for the week Hillary the reading it's because here a catenary she need to have a very you know restraint these future and oceans in breach neck because there is a lot of compression due to the mast and the reading so here we are on the central black in the house you know we don't need to restricts the structure at the church or you know where we do that devotees it's quite light so this goes it's ready to sail at ten point six tone so it's quite light for this village this is the guest cabin that has a sink in it there's our guest cabins with bow that don't have any big head facilities and like you said under here under these stairs they could put a toilet ahead before you go that's thing that have this stairs be swing out if you want let's go it does when ladder is a different looking yeah yeah it's a ladder we can add a ladder on the middle floats so here it's you know a simple ladder and the dinghy goes there to cradle right and we used a topping leaf right so I can just show you the wait up okay yeah yeah yeah it's a very simple system so we use this top [Applause] and of Moon so we can you not a remote command so with one hand I am the remote come out and I lived because the chopping lift is connected to a line driver it's a flat winch okay so with two direction and the topping lift go down and I take down the water so it's a very steady set walk yeah and and I you know and also on the PR here so it's very secure okay so here also just a fuse we have locker blocker so we very simple access and we can use until this turn oh this area okay so we can't store a lot of things here here and here okay great what size need you have one motoric as to what size in order it's a 60 HP 60 yeah very responsive with a big runner without also a theme it's a sacrificial piece so it's not cruel under now just you know blue yeah and so you get something you know it's a so means numbering very easy popular because it's quite powerful and also it's under so amaz so when you use it it's very efficient because you don't just you know the folks the the water is not you know yeah yeah Pantone or the other foot they are over a mass so that's quite efficient so when you use it we have a base price around in Europe we are the best rides around for 50,000 euro and water coups we can be you know around 550 650 if you take the carbon read to be more that was a water maker yeah yeah it's it's a fix 650 650 oh yeah at 650 and will the cavalry and yeah six we feel good it's good price very well okay appreciate your time while the planer hello good evening and welcome back to cruising off duty and our postgame show so to speak we just reviewed the footage of this Neil 47 yeah I'm sure what I think but I'm gonna let you go first pros cons anything yeah well it was unique for sure had a different layout and there were some nice things and like the master cabin had a huge bed in it and obviously was very breaks edit all the windows that you can ever ask for in it in a cabin the layout like when you had that money the sliding doors open the seating areas the combined cocoon he called it was very open and nice and the kitchenette had you know two sinks it was a u-shape and it was okay look I found that the finishings very you know there were euro I guess that's very IKEA yeah sort of very edgy free edges yeah a lot of sharp edges of edges yeah um but the salon was my favorite part of the boat I mean if you had I did like it and the open concept thing was good what ya did right guy and the cockpit slash salon was nice and big and bright I did like the that you could see out perfectly like nice 360 big yeah and like you said there straight up and down so the Sun doesn't beat in warm up the inside so there were some nice features I wasn't totally sold on this master bedroom being like kind of right there where the galley is and everything because I'm thinking I'm always picturing us having at least one other couple visiting us and not everybody wants to go to bed at the same time so if the master bedroom people are trying to go to sleep and somebody else decides they want to stay up and in the salon and talk don't do something in the galley or even here's them only one and only real bathroom on the bow they're walking right by the master cabin so I don't know you're not getting a lot of privacy that way it's nice to be so close to the action like you said I do like the idea of going down into my owners Holland being away from ya privacy it Garriott LC and you don't have that you're kind of right in the middle of the hub when you're sleeping so that's it and then of course your gas which we're assuming we'd have you know a couple guests that a lot of the time you know not all the time but enough of the time that does that's a fact you got to look into do you want your guests being in an essence a skinny little capsule with really no full fledge head it's a sink with a hand shower no toilet but they say they can put one in if you really really want one under the stairs with the swinging thing I don't know that's pretty roughing it for your guests I think so it wasn't in love my guests will likely be my children yeah yeah probably what a doll children coming with their maybe their children you know and then I know there's privacy he was selling it as the privacy of the the separate cabin out there the owners and the guests don't have to really interact but I kind of want to interact with people a little bit more than that it's nice to have you know you're on one hall and a normal camera and you're in one hall and your guests are on the other hall yeah so I don't even go up and go over make tea and do whatever you're not very good disturbing right and they have their own full-fledged head in their site with a mutant there's a full stand-up shower and you know a real toilet not one that's under a staircase and so not saying I love it like that the utilities brings more where's nice great there was yeah I'm too big space yeah a lot of people like that her sister's room that had the washer and dryer in it a spot to have a laundry room yeah you gotta go down there to do your laundry go down a ladder yeah so it's like a cellar yeah so what I think this book has for those people who like it it is a model he kind of mad it is a monohull so if your monohull sailor he was saying how this will tack really easy through the wind because it in essence is a monohull with two pontoons sticking out the side so that's a pro for mono mile people because it will tack well into men it'll tack quickly much more quickly than a normal catamaran feel it will feel more like a mono because it will lean it does heal and sales he even said that one one pontoon will be deep in the water if you're you know it have been a pretty good blow and the other one will be up out of the water and I'll throw some pictures of what it looks like when it's sailing and you can see it is heeled over which we're not really wanting because one thing I loved about the two transatlantic I've done in catamarans is you can literally put your coffee mug down a jar of peanuts whatever and go to the head come back and it's still going to be on the table if you're in a boat that's healing through waves and it's always on the heals stuffs just gonna slide out that feeling is one of the main things that don't get a kick out of ya not cuz I'm afraid of it I just find it annoying and put everything away when you want your sailing so great the mono haul people who really love monohulls this might be a boat for you it's probably good performance it probably tacks well it up wind it probably sails really fast but it's a mono haul with two pontoons on the side so if that's what you're looking for this might be the book for you I don't think it's the boat for us see myself on it no but it was nice yeah we didn't dislike you know but we didn't love it so there we go okay hopefully you found this entertaining or informative more likely informative this time if so show the channel some love by give me a thumbs up and subscribe yep so until next time this is Craig and Jenna signing off wishing you safe cruising and ciao for now wank alright hoist us Sam a special shout out to our patrons that show the channel some love with more than just thumbs up we love you guys if you want to know more about that go to ocean media the easiest way is probably just to go to cruising off-duty calm and all the links are there if you're one of those lucky people that has a sailboat in some beautiful tropical area being able to sail 12 months of the year just know that we are super jealous can't wait for the day when we can do the same thing because we are living with winter here in Canada and it's tough so we have a Caribbean cruise booked for this January just to get away from it because we hate winter anyways enjoy your sailing and chow hall you
Channel: Cruising Off Duty
Views: 124,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Caramaran, Favourite Catamaran, Xquisite X5, Transatlantic, Sailing, annapolis sailboat show 2019, cruising off duty, catamaran review, Catamaran review 2019, neel trimaran, neel trimaran 51, Neel trimaran 47, neel 47, Boat Review, trimaran sailing, Trimaran review
Id: qMBVTf3jbGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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