Needle Felted Hare Part 2: Ears and Shapes

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[Music] so we're ready to start our ears which is made with 22 gauge wire and our pre-felt um i feel like i have i got kind of into a personal lunge space and now i'm trying to get back um so i find the center of the wire and then i want to fold these back this is going to be the little bump over the head but i want to fold these back up about a half of an inch apart someone had a super cool little trick to do that and i don't remember what it was but you want a centered half inch um space at the bottom here so from there we want to go three and a half inches so i think that my this hair this hair i was like why does he look like a bunny and it's because his ears weren't big enough so this one i made them bigger very hairy yeah and then i take that i just turn that around just turn turn the corner a little bit so that this outside line is more like vertical put it on here so you can see i thought you were going to break into song for a moment what what did i say i said turn around new meaning i finally understand what it means i get it bonnie tyler okay we don't need to talk about that song anymore because i feel like i talk about it every video and i say how i made john dobbett watch it okay so i just want to cut this out with a little bit like a quarter inch on each side and we save this because we're going to use that for feets and then here come around down the center and then around here down the center just kind of basically making the outline and then i just pull it in half because it's it's easier um to work on one ear at a time okay so we have this new tool that's great for teasing out your fiber edge and you do want to tease out the edges so that you don't have a big chunk be careful this can sort of pull it right apart so but we do want to get this nice and fringy so that when we fold our pieces over they incorporate smoothly this um it your ear is going to lose its shape a little bit it doesn't matter you're going to pull it back into the right right place okay so now we get to blend some fiber mainly chestnut and this natural brown so i'm going to take a little take the end and pull it of each one i could put a little autumn gold in there i'll save that for later and then just pull it and restack it and these colors are real similar in value so they're going to blend relatively easily all right some floofy floofy stuff i know it's great and then you just go right across this is like this is one of the more time consuming parts of this project because there's a lot of detail that you can get in the ear so hopefully i don't know if i'll work on one and then we'll like i don't know if we want to film both i like to go dark at the tip so i'm using the um this is also natural color the smooth brown top just a little bit across the tip of the ear and then i can put a tiny bit more of that like a thin little glaze just to blend it i'm going to use the punch tool to start to bring it together and flatten it out and because it makes a very satisfying sound [Music] and that's good to come at it from the other way a little bit [Music] it's gonna get stabbed so much more that just getting it to begin to come together is good it doesn't have to be fully felted okay then we take the ear and put it on here okay i think it's easiest just to get one side over try not to close your ear you need this width like you need the the shape to stay the width that it is and then um the other side and then i can even like make my ears a tiny bit longer by not perfectly following the wire let's try that so instead of pulling tight to the wire i'm going to come up here and make my own shape at the top so my wire is like right here but now i have another quarter of an inch the punch tool can work over wire pretty well because the needles are spaced out look how nice that looks on the back so i want to punch it from the back before i put the accent colors on the inside of the ear because i don't want a lot of punch through when i put the pink on here well it's going to do it anyway but now normally i would say build both of your ears at the same time but i think this is so time consuming i'm going to build one and not show both on what do you think yeah yeah it's just it's a lot of detail so we'd be here forever and you you can apply what i'm saying to each ear so ah definitely take a look at some um inspirational reference images they go black right here i like to put a little pink in their ears so i mix this geranium with some of the caramel core and i'm just going to go ahead and mix what i think will be enough for both ears the caramel core just tones it a little like tones it down a tiny bit you could even put some chestnut in here but i think this is going to work well is there a very standard hair ear look or is there some variation i think there's some variation but if you look at a bunch of images you'll see there's just there's a standard i guess but um all right so take a little bit of this fluff and just go right in the center here i'm going vertically so that the fringe blends i put a tiny tiny glaze of this pink it's a little too a little too salmony okay then they go um a little bit of off-white thin little roll in your fingers goes down the outside of the ear and this is a little tricky because your wire's there i try to get it just to the outside of the wire so that i get a nice thin edge to the ear sometimes when you have to make a thin shape even if the center is a little thicker than it is in real life if you can really thin the edge it gives the illusion that the whole thing is thin and then on the inside of the ear they have a little fluffy um fluffy spot i'm gonna take some oatmeal and some off-white chunky and blend it together like a little inch of each and i'm going to save i just pull it apart save half for my other ear and then take this put it along the side and i'm just gonna felt the center so almost like a fur technique i want the edges to fluff up their ear kind of folds around so we're trying to get a lot of detail into a rather small rather small piece of sculpture here so to help it look kind of like fringy and fold it around we can take this tool and pull this fiber out to lose that that rolled edge look and then felt that and then when you fold your ear you can kind of kind of fold it around a little bit i think i want a little black line right here too i don't have my reference picture i have to admit but i just made two so you've looked at a lot of pictures yeah okay this is going to get further shaped when i finish my other side so it goes this goes on then we did you could do the pink and then the black or the black and the pink you might even go back and forth a little bit off-white chunky core down the outside and your more fluffy blend on the inside of the ear when i get this done we will put them on okay i did both ears i did it i lost my rabbit it's under the fluff oh my gosh okey dokey all right so we're going to close these at the bottom just pinch them for now i mean you could you can felt it together a little bit i guess with me i'm like maybe maybe you want to do this do what you want and then set that actually before we before we set that on i'm going to add a tiny little step let's just use i have this little piece of um of oats and i'm going to wrap it on the round side of the zuli tool it's about a quarter maybe three inches long i'm just gonna go straight around i felt like the ears kept sinking down the head and this is going to hold them up so i'm gonna put this around the back of the head side to side like that so now that gives us a place to land so i'm putting these on top of the head with the backs of the ears just resting on that new little piece i added and then these i just want to twist up each side under the chin so just as tight as you can like so and then i want to take um i think i'll use caramel and criss-cross this into place so i'm gonna take a nice long sh oh i have a piece here about a quarter of a six inch piece not sure why i had that but maybe you still have that and i'm going to go around the head and then i want to come back here and go in between the ears and then go around the head and then go in between the ears the other way and that holds everything on and then close this out that was from the leg tendon so you should have it good why wasn't the rabbit crowned king um i don't know he he wasn't the true hair to the throne [Laughter] felt like he just got crowned with his yes that was with his ears so timely well you know i try we're so elevated in our joke telling these are nice big ears i like that idea of the extract yeah all right we're gonna step away from the head but we do we did have to get that on there all right we did that we did that we did that next page shapes three times the flat side of the zuli tool you know i don't know about this we're gonna do it once and see see where we are i did it three times on the last hair you'll see what i'm saying let's take a nine inch piece and quarter it off white chunky core and then we're gonna wrap a three inch um rectangle on the zula tool i'm gonna use two of the nine inch pieces so like one goes the distance but whenever you make a shape like this you've got to go back so my other piece is going back all right i would take this and it's going to be a rib cage and a chest so i'm putting the bulk of it as the rib cage and then i'm going to turn the corner and come just to the base of the neck and tack that on so in my notes i have to make this shape three times but rather it was a little the other two were going on the sides but rather than do that we're just going to wrap this shape in place and that will put more wool on the sides because it was not it moved around too much telling you guys a lot of stuff that you don't need to know okay so rather than take these and make more shapes we're going to take these and just go right around this piece and that's going to give us a little bit more bulk on the sides that we needed those ears are going to be in the way now i know they are the hair is kind of cat-like and it's like it's lean under there but there's a lot of moving skin nobody wants moving skin all right and then shoulders yes we're gonna make two double decker tacos they have a pretty prominent um shoulder muscle and um collarbone and shoulder blades so we're just gonna make that with one piece we're gonna take a four inch piece of core split it in half and we're gonna make two double decker tacos i have done this shape on the zulu tool as well but the double decker taco having the um fringy edge is good so i'm stabbing a third of the way down i'm going to fold it over and then i'm going to stab a third and then fold it up what i just think it's funny that there's now a lot of people out there who are like oh yeah double decker taco like that's the shape i'm making and it just makes sense so that gives us this nice like as if you wrapped a tool but then we still have this more manipulable manipulable yes [Laughter] fringy edge so this shape that i'm making is a little over an inch wide this way it's two inches wide the other way all right these are some seriously grabby needles okay so we want the rolled edge to be forward and we're going to come up to the shoulder blades like the rabbits withers i don't know if that's what they're called and then kind of make this point of the shoulder here by forcing the shape into a little angle and then this one goes down to the elbow and the fringe comes back we really should have named all the shapes after something food related that would have been what would a ghost be i don't know i was just thinking about that that would have been the way to go yeah i mean we've got triangles and bells and no this isn't cool what this is a call it's not food i mean the triangle is a slice of pizza yeah tacos [Laughter] then we should just make up shapes after food that we like yes yeah like i love to use the tortellini shape that's a good shake you're making that right now kind of what yeah all right so this is how it looks from the front and from the sides i was really trying to get stabbing with this angle in mind almost a right angle following the leg back and then coming from the point of the shoulder back to the withers yeah double decker taco is just it's great because it it has the bulk it has the fringe it attaches completely so satisfying as would be as a double-decker taco should be okay then we're going to two times two times soft pillow oh okay let's stick with off-white chunky core um do a four inch piece quarters and then just fold this in your hand thinking three quarters of an inch but it's going to end up an inch and one's going to go on the front of the neck and and blend into the chest they have a really pronounced neck and chest so this is just starting to aid in that but the rest of it's done with floof i can feel my tricep arm getting moving speaking of skating [Laughter] and then i said the back of the head but we kind of already did that with the piece that i added but i'm gonna just do slightly less wool and go on the back of the neck up to that piece that we added nice i wonder if i was supposed to i'm gonna back up in my notes and get um caramel on the legs here so that they match these i like to keep everything at the same piece so i'm going to do four inches and quarter it and then use a quarter on each leg kind of going a little more at the top of the leg and then taper as it comes down give their leg a little bit of shape italian italian proverb yeah when the lion is dead the hairs jump upon his carcass i'm supposed to go like this when the lion is dead the german version every the hairs jump upon the carcass that was more philly sorry yeah that's philly that's okay every hair may pluck the dead lion's mane that's like the german version i don't know why the lion and the hair that's just brutal what does it mean does it like it doesn't matter who you are once you're dead you're dead i think i mean once you're dead and people will be rejoicing in your death and stealing your hair your hair your hair okay all right we need two full like three inch pieces of off-white chunky core i just grab it like so that it's at the end of my fist that's more like four maybe and spread those out and we're gonna put one of these as a big old shingle or taco on each side so try to let it extend i'm going to put just a little bit more i'm adding a tiny bit because i want it to go from the back leg all the way to the front leg this is hanging down about three quarters of an inch interesting this is like a non-shape shape it is an on-shape shape and it really it just it works well to fill out what's happening that skin i was telling you and then fold that over so not a total taco because not a total taco you want it's a shingle you want to felt the center and then fold that over and felt it down so it gives you a staggered um fringe so you can see how it hangs down from the other side yeah hopefully this is a cl even because it's kind of a non shape shape oh it's clear what you're doing you don't do it very often yeah i feel like right this is where when i had this pillow and then two on the sides it was too like wibbly wobbly so i like the wrap technique better i was lovely of you for for you to figure that out for everyone this is going to give you more of that filling in this space here and because it's all vertical it can move it all goes this way it can move with the with the leg it kind of gets ends up getting tapped in together under the belly all right but that is the extent of the hair shapes like i'm not going to not going too crazy there next page uh we're on the face all right this is how it goes it goes ghost chin two little ghost muzzles little double decker taco cheekbones double decker taco forehead nose bell nose eyes eyebrows done okay that quick yep um all right we're gonna take six inches and take a quarter i'm just pulling a quarter without worrying about the rest and we're going to wrap the round end of the zoli tool i think you could also use the um the middle-ish of the feces and i'm gonna crisscross up here once all right when we slide that off you want to stab the tip back in really nice and round this is this little chin and it's okay that this is a it's a pretty bulky shape but we got quite a little cavity to fill under the eyes here i mean under the nose all right so i really like rounded that out kind of looks like my finger hopefully it looks like yours too okay then we're gonna put this right in here i'm letting the chin just go right up to this bent wire you don't want to tuck it behind it he'll look weird um go right up even with it and tack that down does that end up getting any top coat or is that just that that's just the um that's just the piece as well i did put a little brown on there but the tip of the chin just stays yeah i've been leaving it off white nice oh boy okay we want to make i've gone back and forth with the muzzle color um i'm going to use oats because it's so neutral but you could go off white and then tone it um this one i went oats and then added a little off-white and caramel to it so it can get further um further detail so if we take a four inch piece of oats and make quarters i think this will be a good amount it might still be too much but we will find out shortly okay i'm going to use the widest part of the feces and just go right around here maybe a little bit of travel to make sure i'm getting a good healthy half to three quarters of an inch and then when i slide it off same thing i just want to stab this a little bit round not too too much because i've got to stab it on as well but this is going here to make the muzzle but we need one on each side i used to make this with one piece that i pulled on the zoe tool but i didn't have i think it's just a little harder to control not as clear maybe the one piece with the indentation yeah i think this gives gives everybody a little more control these need to meet in front they can't they need to come together for a good quarter of an inch so make sure you allow it to go around the turn and i want it to hang just over the chin a little bit so you're stabbing this fringe kind of into the space between the chin and the head so i'm really trying to give you a good explanation of and then you're going to come at it probably with a single needle stronger stronger [Laughter] what oh i smell like handsome already i also added this little detail of a little extra nose bump because they have kind of a prominent nose and we are going to make a shape here but there's a pretty good indent right here so i want to fill that in a little bit so this is just some black it's not their nose it's just a piece to fill the space just fold it a little soft seed i should have showed that more clearly i took a piece like this and i just folded it almost kind of like i make a eye but not even that doesn't have to be that round okay now double decker taco time i'm gonna use the dark gray double decker taco dark gray two inches okay two inches this way put it vertically i got it kind of scrunched up into about an inch same deal a third a third a third this is a great shape okay the hairs the hairs the brown hair has a really distinctive shape to its head so make sure that you find a reference image so you can see what we're going after they go here and then they turn a corner and then their eyes are like just bulging out of all of that um it's very different from the snow hair who's very just sort of sloped and and contained and the eyes are smaller and set well into the head this piece is going to help us get this turn so we have this but we need to have this come out straighter so that it can make the turn so i'm going to put it at the back of the head can let the fringe go between or around the ears and let each side come down he looks a little bit like a coyote right now so just letting this turn the corner don't pull it too tight let it um you kind of want to build a bit of a of an angle there almost like you're trying to make a square around the head and his eye is actually going to go into this almost like above the wrapped um wire shape it's real important to get all your face shapes locked into the solid form that's underneath oh it looks cool okay we need a tiny little double decker taco for their little squared off um cheekbone so i'm just going to use some caramel it's about a half an inch wide and i just need a small indication here it's not a big shape and this is just gonna finish out this cheekbone area just just hanging a little bit past the chin they don't poof out and they're like the opposite of rabbits they don't poof out in their cheek at all in fact it's like even a little bit farther in than their eyes so that's why this is such a lean shape but we do want to get something here so it's not just a void okay i'm gonna go ahead and get the eyes in so that we know where they are i've got a three inch strip that i'm gonna split in half they can be really big i mean not huge but i do sometimes even end up making them bigger so to get a round shape i really try to make the entire orbit the not orbit um sphere um i just keep folding the sides in and folding it up in my hands those are some big eyes compared to the snow hair yes and then i stab at the edges so that it stays nice and round and i put it close high on the head that's the other thing is the snow hair has a lot of forehead between its eyes whereas this hair does not have a lot above its eyes very little in fact is this in your way i like that you i do keep i do keep looking around i'm watching very intently hit me with the proverb well where'd you there's not many we like used all the rabbit jokes in the world okay this one's really weird but it has to be shared indian proverb turkeys parrots and hares don't know what gratitude is neither does a snail [Laughter] turkey this thing it does it sounds like a news bulletin they p it's the most random animals turkeys who parrots parrots maybe this is a zodiac thing i think i think a parrot might have a clue turkeys too maybe they all do i don't know i think we don't give animals enough credit the turkeys are just clueless we used to get wild turkeys into the there's like super high fence on the organic produce farm to keep the deer out and the turkeys would like swoop down in and land in there but then they couldn't get back out because they didn't they didn't have the same amount of space we need to let them out they're just like running into the fence all right looking crazy but this next piece is going to bring it all together it's the nose bell it needs a name needs a food name nose belt oats with color that's my note okay so we're gonna take i'm gonna try to get like a one square piece of oats might take a little re-stacking like you're trying to get a nice little um condensed one-inch square with the fringe going to the side and then do we have any of our blend left yeah and then our chestnut and minx blend that was your ear color yes and for now that's it i'm not gonna go crazier than that then you flip that over and we stab the bell now it's a bell because we want it to have a point at the tip of the nose and then we want it to come along long and narrow along the bridge of the nose it's just like your nose really little point septum bridge and then we want it to branch out over the brows it's not really a belt it's more like an upside down funnel oh funnel cake wrong shape those are round and then this shape is going to get a little bit like kind of pull it and mess with it but i do want to get the tip pretty well um pointy but the rest of it is manipul that is a hard word i'm having i don't know manipulative manipulation easily manipulated is that what i need to say malleable malleable maybe malleable manipulatible i mean just go with it i do i do i make up my own words all the time all right i'm going to fringe out along the bridge of the nose a tiny bit i'm going to use my new tool yes it's manipulable to lee you got it yeah butcher just rest your little head right there okay he's got like a missing a leg from a cannonball oh brutal i didn't i don't like civil war movies i mean no war was a good time okay so i tried to leave that point so that i could bend it around and get their little little nose like that oh that looks good i did good okay and then this stuff we want just to come over the eye and it's great to have fringe right here because this is a part of the head that often gets shortened up on people and on animals there is some distance between the ear and the eye and i'm going to make a brow so this doesn't have to be the perfect brow in addition to everything else it's doing that face did quite a bit it does oh that's good and then it's good to kind of go around the eyes because they really get defined so all the face shapes and i say this on a lot of the things that we make they're they're there for you to further sculpt once they're on it's not like you put the face shape on i mean there are little like voila moments but you still have to like i'm looking at this eye it's sinking down i've got to shove it keep felting it up okay so i did that and now this one's down so i need to keep checking yeah shifting definitely you know going from right to left it's very hard for us to stay symmetrical so check your sculpture looking down from the top generally my animals left gets shoved back farther because i'm left-handed so i'm kind of coming this way and then i have to make sure that i do the same thing to the right side okay they have remember we'd use that dark gray they have a little bit of darkness here so i can use the smooth brown top a little bit of black i could use a little bit of dark gray you don't need to be this i'm just like looking all these colors and thinking i want to use all three blend them together and then before i wanna before i put details on i do want to get this darkness it goes kind of from the eye right to the edge of the muzzle so that it's there if we decide to pull it back out just a little bit just a little bit because i don't want to add bulk i just want to add color here and make sure that you're not stabbing something if you're trying to get color on stabbing something too flat or too much all right we're going to make a little brow i like to use the face ace and a little piece of off-white chunky core maybe about two inches thin strip we'll see and then go around like two to three dots up one two three do you do a top and bottom brow or i do a top brow and then just like a little bottom rim okay so you want the bulk of the brow to come around the back and then just the corner to come around the front so most of it is like on top and in back and then just a teeny bit coming down the front and i like to do one two three um a little bit of fringe just so the shape is real easy to add and this eye is smaller than the other eye so i check him and then under the eye i take a little bit of off-white tiny tiny bit and i almost just kind of like roll it in my fingers to make a little noodle actually we're going to wait because we want to put the um we want to put the top coat shingle on there so on the cheek under the eye i want to take my blend i think i'm gonna put a little bit of autumn gold in it just so that it's slightly different so i've got the chestnut the minx and the autumn gold take half of that and then we're gonna do have the fringe come down and just stab right up under the eye and then let this come down that no poofy cheek is a very big it's a very big difference yeah very big difference now this is a little much so i get to decide do i want to trim it do i want to just stack i think i'm just going to stab it like stab it in you know all right i could have cut this in half but then i think it would have been too short so i'm just going to work with it long trying to find about halfway get up under the eye i can feel it there that's how i know where it is you can you can check all right then we can put oh my gosh my left side always looks so much better then we can put our little off-white rim here and sometimes on the eyes i have to go back and forth like i have to re-add black or you'll see when we get into the into the color and that's okay as long as you're not getting just like bigger and bigger and bigger and out of control yeah you don't use a whole lot of fiber really yeah all right a few more details on the face i'm gonna mix a color i'm gonna take manx chestnut and smooth brown top and mix them to get a little darker to go across the forehead this one i gotta cut in half because i'm trying to fill a narrow space i feel like i want a little bit more chestnuts all right we're gonna send this right across the forehead i gotta trim it again sorry if my head's in the way but nope okay so i'm letting the fringe travel out towards the brows and then i just want to stab it so that it doesn't totally cover it kind of gives it a natural edge like i said trying to create some space between the ear and the eye is good you know how that spot in needle felting i have to work on that my techniques as i build the head getting that more naturally taken care of okay to do the eye i'm blending this um it's yolk merino and the core caramel just to tone down the yellow a tiny bit and this you can sort of break apart john cracks a lot and then you need a tiny bit to make a little round kind of pancake shape just kind of folding the edges in to try to make it round but the stabbing is really going to do it am i well positioned so yeah i'm gonna zoom in a little extra this is where i re-rim the eye with black just a tiny little twist goes right over re-rimming it is way easier than trying to control exactly where the edge of the yellow goes the gold and then i want to put the black dot which i mean pretty much normally i would have it sort of under the lid but part of the hair look is that their pupil is completely exposed wide-eyed yes good luck getting both eyes the same this is this is your work and then we definitely need a little bit of seraphina white to make i'm talking a tiny tiny bit to make a little life what a little life spark a little slife is that what i said i think so yeah i was gonna say spark of life spark of life yes you aren't the spark of life is this life okay with a reverse needle we can play around with pulling some of the darks out well any color that's under there there's all kinds of colors under there but they have a fairly pronounced little dent here you'll see in the pictures the reverse needle is a lot of fun on something that has a lot of color changes and different things going on because it interrupts your efforts to make uh natural color changes and gives it a much better like a much more natural look i like to put on these guys a little black they definitely have quite a bit of depth to their nostrils so a nice black um accent here is good kind of in a y shape to each side of the nose he's very handsome is he and then another tiny little bit of black right to here i keep having fluff floating around in my way occupational hazard yes [Music] you
Channel: Sarafina Fiber Art
Views: 3,678
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Id: u0Uy0I2vC-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 57sec (3897 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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