Needle Felted Bees

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[Music] you [Music] do I bite it or wax we do I watched you do it before and then go yeah that feels like a stupid thing to do so hey everybody we're we're here and check this out it's B time it's time it's time to be it to be or not to be we're gonna be we have had a lot of fun pulling these together and figuring this out and it's a really fun project and I overcomplicated it a little bit in the beginning with armatures not over complicated but that was the direction I was going so this one has an armature and it's just harder to make them smaller and it's a little tricky because now you're wrapping tiny wire and you know all those little armature things so then when we talked about making a supply pack I wanted it to be beginner-friendly so I ditched the armature and this is just another armature one just to show you do do and all these are sends armature so I'm counting on blacks wax to do a little bit of work here on the antenna and eyes and legs and I'm gonna show you how it all comes together and what's what's fun is that even though this is the beginner well everyone's going to enjoy it and there's so many possibilities of how to do this and what to use for the wings what to use for the yellow and the black and the white so we have a supply pack which is a more simplified version the supply pack is going to make a be like this with the little lock wings or this cute or this these are all supply pack keys made in slightly different ways this bee has a different wing that I made using this one is Arctic and papper pole this one is power Tech's I know Co G we know what it means this is platinum mohair with power Tex so I'll show I'll show that just to show you how it's done huh so that actually let me do that and go over a little bit of the alternate things that you can do in the beginning because then I can just get them out of the way and then we'll just work from the supply pack so this is the Platinum mohair and like I said it very well could be Arctic or any any smooth like long staple smooth fiber and I just took two thin sections and kind of crisscross them and then you want to really sort of mess it up so it's not so it doesn't look criss-crossed kind of tease it out and we very rarely do this and lay with it until it looks like even somewhat even you know you don't want to need big holes anywhere but you do want it to be gossamer and and see-through and random and then I put it if you have a bag leftover from a supply pack or something put it on the plastic I fin to the power text with water um not quite half and half but I just send it a little bit and you can use a paintbrush and you just paint this with that mixture and your paintbrush will be fine just wash it with soap and water and it's you know still a good paintbrush and what you get is this and it's so it's firm and stuck together I sprinkled a little bit of mica on this that's what that shininess is it's a little random I didn't do a very good job then from this you can cut out wings and I like having um I like the randomness of the fiber I don't I I don't like to over control over control things because I feel like that's what we're doing is we're we're utilizing the fibers natural characteristics to make a little sculpture so that makes something like these and I'll show you how to felt those in in a bit so I'm gonna I'm gonna move the armature ones um although I wanted to show this one is done with a fur technique so I stabbed the fiber in the center pulled it up and then after it was all fluffed I trimmed it so you could use you could use duckling fluff you could use any of the any of the top coats you could mix your own mix together you could use janista or yoke merino any of the yellow marinos so do you put a staple on that yeah I did I cut that teeny tiny staple yeah you don't have to because these end up being somewhat delicate little things you know and they're going to can you grab the hanging one yeah they're going to get a little fishing line maybe and just hang it's a little hard to show something hanging from a from this camera angle but so he's on fishing line and he just hangs so they're not going to get like handled a lot or repositioned so the they're a little bit delicate the wings are delicate oh these wings were made with with an interfacing just a piece of interfacing which is yeah the legs you know are just are stabbed on at the ends the antennae are stabbed on just at the ends so I mean they're a little donut don't let your cat get it okay so now I'm going to show the supply pack and what we chose to put in the supply pack oh did I not turn that okay and I'm going to show you what I have around me here I'm using pretty much every needle because I want my strong needle for tacking I want my regular or or your 38 you know you need your 38 I'm using the 40 and 42 at different times and then that you might want to use a reverse needle to fuzz something out I think I buzzed this one out with the reverse needle alright there's no and your supply pack will make like a swarm I didn't even I didn't even figure out how many bees it would make because we wouldn't be able to bring you this video until next month it okay so this is a first because we wanted this to be beginner friendly and we didn't you know we know not everybody has the black pigment and you know we didn't want to deter a beginner by being like you have to buy this this this we are including this special little blacks I know it's so cool so I just turned to my nan I have it I have it heating up here if you're new to swags this is so cool because this is this is an awesome introduction just wax yeah and I really am counting on it here that's also why we included it because it's not really optional it's necessary in this kit so I have a mug warmer an electric one there's ones that plug into your laptop there's all different kinds of ones and just to either a glass or ceramic dish don't overpay no no don't know of it you shouldn't be behind more than 50 cents for that and then I'm just put it I have my swags on here and hopefully by the time I wrap this be that will be that will be melted I'm gonna leave this little wax paper bag out because I'm going to show you how I end up using that at times I had another swags thought what was it Oh some people are using candle warmers I think they're not quite as hot and so um the mug warmer does the trick I've tried silicone now silicone might be good with the candle warmer but with the mug warmer I feel like it's too thin so and if it gets too hot so swags does not want to get super hot it it just sort of changes the property a little bit so just enough to melt so I'm gonna get that out of the way so that I can get rese entered here okie dokie we have a little bundle of our Seraphina yellow oh my gosh it's so so nice we have Serafina white we have black Shetland just I kind of like an off black you know it's kind of fun and this is um this is a little straight-up black guy black core this is a little of that dark Shetland so it's just a little just a little different and you can even mix them together I wanted there to be an option okay so the locks we die these these are border Lester lambs so they have this this is like the perfect lock structure for this a little bit of kink a little bit of curl but like a nice nice defined pieces I've been using this as a wing I just love it you could even power pull this if you want I like I'm fuzzy but you could just pull it apart like that and then paint it with the power pole but leave yourself a little fuzzy end for power touch for stabbing into the B the yellow is locks are for this is we rarely do this but they're like I said they are they're lamb so they're little in little and kinky they're a little kinky you wanna fuzz them out and then they get stabbed in all floofy and make that fuzzy fuzzy bud and fuzzy stripes so that's what your locks are for and you can do the white fuzzy on the on the white butts as well so i'ma set those aside for now then we have Chung hunka hunka Serafina black coral like I said this will make you ten zillion bees I don't even know how many if someone gets through the whole supply pack let me know how many bees you're making oh this is kind of a random piece of coral okay here we go so using I I'm I end up using the face piece and this so I would I would invest in this it's I'm using it so much but what's cool about it is because of the taper it just automatically makes the right body shape by the way if you're making eggs birds eggs that taper works really well for that too in addition to all the face shapes that it was originally intended for I had wrapped some white butt ones with black I'll show you how to do that real quick and then I'm gonna wrap one that's more yellow so I actually use yellow coral so to do the white we want to take I'd say about a six inch piece of the Serafina white and then go ahead and quarter it and that's that right there's four V's or more and I like to do the white all the way wrapped because if you use the reverse needle if you do the whole thing in black and then put weight on top it pollutes and and and comes back out so somewhere in the first let's say 1/2 so between two and four dots right at about four I'm gonna wrap my white but I like to do the white first because it's primarily black and then the black can just go over it so pretty much wrapping straight around give it a little stab just to hold it there then I'm gonna work with the similar length of black you want also the similar thickness so this particular piece of black core is a little on the thin side so I'm only gonna split it in half and now I'm going to build up the front of the B the other thing about no armature and on the facies is if you want to go smaller you can really you can really work it making these even smaller so for you beginners beginner okay I'm gonna slow down a little bit because I realize I'm not doing that all the beginners speak wrapping these smoothly and tightly is kind of the key to success and that does take a little bit of practice so when you're working with your fiber you want to have a consistent smooth piece so like if there's like a weird big fluff just just pull it off you're like I said your your goal is to have a tight and smooth wrap and learning to kind of control the wool and not let it control you is part of this of this whole journey so when I wrap I find kind of across the board that you want to wrap away from yourself when you're going over so if you're right-handed it's gonna look like this I'm gonna point that little fluffy end towards me and every time I go over I'm gonna pull this tightly the closer you hold your hands together the harder you can pull if you're out here trying to do it and you pull hard it's just going to rip so to keep it tight you want to keep your hands together see here I can pull as hard as I want and when you get to the end just keep smoothing it around and if it's nice and tight honestly it will just stay all by itself like you don't even have to needle felted no that was a little wonky because I'm left-handed um without stabbing my feces just going back along it I'm stabbing this back in on itself and I'll do the same thing on the butt so I you know if I were just starting I would actually sit and just try to make several of these don't even worry about the rest of the beat yet just get your little your little bee population going like these I have a little bit of a weird spot just because I did that right-handed where this got fin what a beat your toriel do you know what that means what so many jokes oh oh wow I'm not even letting you talk like we didn't open and no okay hit me hit me there's so many yeah I wanna be married to be trust the bees favorite singer the Bee Gees that's very good that's your favorite group the favorite solo artists is sting okay let me if I'm gonna let you talk but just raise yourself so on this this is the face end so I want this to get a little kind of tapered and tight so I'm stabbing that and in on itself if you always stab flat you're gonna get a flat B so I'm sort of trying to encourage this rounded like be flying kind of shape as I stab and you want to stab in on the butt so that it does not you know elongate out so let me wrap another one hopefully even a little better I'm gonna do yellow and the yellow B I'm making doesn't have a white butt so I'm doing it the same as the white and black but I'm starting with yellow so I'm going to start with a 6 inch piece going to quarter it I'm gonna wrap my butt area I'm in a truck try it a little harder to do a good job on this one you're wrapping ribbon stays flat like a ribbon you don't twist as you go over you always keep the fiber flat so I have this little knot and I might even go back with a little more yellow 6 inch 1/2 of black and I just have to start by building it up because I've got sort of one you know big hunk going here and nothing over here so my first rap is just to start to match this up this is where it's a little tricky in this you have to overlap your yellow because if you just wrap this and then wrap this you're going to get instead of a nice big consistent shape you're gonna get a big dip here so I put a little more yellow on here that's probably too much so by alternating back and forth I'm trying to avoid having a dent here and now I'll do my other piece of black overlapping that whether this is yellow or white you want to overlap it come over it not just next to it I realize I'm saying the same thing over and over again but I'm thinking about the sleepy mouse and how to me it was simple but you know if this wrapping wrapping stuff is does take practice so I'm trying to avoid the pitfalls this one is better than my first one that's why I'm saying if you're just doing this like just make a bunch of these get the feel of it if you go down work farther down here it's gonna be even smaller and tighter which is fine now I'm gonna start to encourage that curl stab in on the butt I love the little black and yellow it's so cute and just make sure this is all holding together it's all going to get stabbed a lot more as you put your stripes and stuff lon okay now it's time to move forward mice wax is all melted yeah let me show ya and I have an applicator maybe oh no you oh I see it okay can you get that finger okay favorite female singer by the way oh yeah okay I think you'll think of it exists your work piece oh yeah today's tough say yes Beyonce oh I can switch gears okay let's make a little white like white but it'd be can I ask you another I my I don't know my notes yeah because I wrote down I've done this up several different ways where I've done the face first and then the fluff and um okay no I'm I know it's not very thorough okay so let's make a locky one the eyes are going to go on the sides of this little beanie head and I realize we're working with black and you're probably going to want to zoom and it's gonna be a little hard to see oh okay I miss I'm using this wooden tool that I have it's very small you could use the small Pindell you could use a toothpick you could use a skewer we have a lot of options but you want something thin and thin and strong with two pieces of black about two inches long and on the thinner then probably about a quarter like thinner than what we just wrapped the B on your skinny little implement you want a criss cross and by criss-cross I mean when I go around I'm pointing to the left and then when I come around I'm pointing to the right with my wrap it's very subtle and you're probably thinking she's not really Criss crossing but what that does is it tightens the fiber in on itself and it builds up the center more if you just went around you would kind of have a flat log yeah you could just sit here and make eyes several eyes these are gonna go on the sides of the head let me first delineate where the head is by putting a yellow fluff um B's I looked online I'm an expert I loved online Marsha is actually an entomologist and she's very helpful to have here but they are all different ways don't be a slave to the stripe pattern like just have fun with it generally I am giving mine a yellow stripe by the head this looks totally like your like what is happening but there's no other way to do it you just make this all fuzzy and then you stab it in yes Hey yes that was brown I behaved what was that movie the one with Colin Firth who I love and he's the dad and the mom died and oh and with Emma Thompson Nanny McPhee yeah there's a whole beyhive scene okay so now he has a little little collar and I am intentionally keeping this a little fuzzy messy yeah now I know where the eyes go and this is you know this is small projects or tedious I'm putting it up and down so long way this way and then I stab at the top and the bottom their eyes really kind of wrap oh boy you can't it's hard to see how can we the black you know is so hard to see it's like here is the crease so this is the piece going around the side of the head I'm gonna have to make a can be just too just so everybody can see CBB there was a children's book and the whole thing was written with just object letters BBS a B ZB so now his eyes are on his fridge so we got our yellow fluff boost that up a little bit with a little bit more feel like he needs a little more there it's so funny random booth for the black I will do the FIR technique so that you can see how that works you don't have to do the fur technique you could just pile on some black cord I don't worry too much about the bottom you know I sort of come around the sides but they end up getting you know legs and everything down here and you know whoever sees the bottom of the be anyway your option with this fluff is to leave it like this or to trim it which will give it a little bit more of a kind of furry look okay tiny teeny tiny fur I think I will cut this in half it's almost a 4 inch staple if I fur this and point it up it's you know I'm cutting a lot off so I'm gonna just start with it cut in half I'm using the natural black right now alright and then I'd like to restock it just to try and sort of get rid of totally blunt to ends and I'm going to work with a piece that's about as wide as maybe about an inch thick inch wide so now this is they're 2 inches long I'm on yeah this is a 2 inch mark okay so I put some fluff forward fringy and forward and a fringe II end back and I stab the center down and I am tucked in right behind right behind the yellow so if I pull this back you'll see my line is right behind that yellow line and with the black core I can take just a little strip and put that across just stabbing in that line stabbing in that line sometimes they turn it around because I'm better at getting the left side because I'm left-handed then I am I getting the right side then all of this points up all of the floof comes up I'm Don King Hippo it Don King stop and then just stick to the needle felting and not indulge in my impressions okay and then it's kind of fun to put all this on and then cut it but I'm gonna cut it I cut it coming even with the yellow cut fiber for me always gets its own pile because because I don't I don't use it again I don't put it into little bits or anything like that just goes all right so now we have a black strip of floof um I've done different things here I've put the wings on now I've waited to put the wings on but let's just work front to back and put the wings on so I want to find two similar locks I know I had a good one some are gonna be better for wings and some are gonna be better for but fluff okay that is a good one what I'm looking for is a little bit of straightness a little bit of straightness stop eating I don't know what chubby okay these are too long I know I don't like cutting locks but if you cut it to about two inches so almost in half to get rid of that end yeah good idea good idea okay with the locks when you're working with locks the best way to pull a lock is to find what we call the pretty end they naturally tapering and this is the end that's farther away from the Sheep and then work back until you get to the cut end so this is where it was shorn from the Sheep if you kind of start just fluffing your locks out you're gonna lose your lock structure so always just kind of find an end and then pull until the other end is released sometimes it's called cutting sometimes the end near the Sheep kind of gets a little little Felton so that's why you have to sometimes have to pull it um okay on the cut end that you also cut again get a little bit of Seraphina white this is a very small amount and just felt a little got some black pollution felt I'm gonna use my pen tool it's so faster felt that Seraphina white onto the that cut end of your lock putting a little bit on each side that just gives me a better fiber for attaching into the B so now I have instead of you know this blunt cut fiber I have a little white flute so I'm gonna I'm gonna push this fir that we just put on forward tuck this right in there and I'm not worried about white you know if it sticks back a little bit it's all going to get covered with the black so I'm just felting that on really well I'm a little bit off to the side you know maybe like 1 o'clock and 11 o'clock and I'm using right now I'm using my my 38 hit me with a joke because I'm P I'm doing a second wing are there proverbs you know how I like proverb I don't know why to get a buzz cut honeycomb yeah that sounds like a mess okay I'm gonna put another black fuzz I still had some of that cut that piece that was cut in half it's probably gonna take two they're their center of their body let me do a little bee listen just to back up a moment I probably should have oh there's my oh can you reach that for me I I looked a lot and talked to Marcia and was trying to figure out what is what with these bees so their little head is here this is my yellow stripe this is their thorax everything happens in the thorax the legs and the wings all come out of the thorax it doesn't always look like it but that's what I determined and then this is their abdomen and so the thorax on the top of the abdomen are all black so they have this kind of like bigger area of black so I go black face yellow black thorax and black stripe on the abdomen yellow black white that's how that's how I've been making them and I don't know what kind of stain is figure that one out maybe one of the pigments for the UM for the wings I was messing around yeah it's small - all right so I'm putting my putting my little for putting my little staple is this really is this a level one because we are doing a lot of things here this is like a with no armature not a teeny tiny wrapping I'm gonna do another one I'm gonna do another one you think it's a one am I being thorough enough okay so okay we're gonna hear about it I'm doing two two rows over here I just heard a buzz words are like these they have honey and a sting yeah they have honey they can be honey I don't know is that a proper at the German proverb oh yeah yeah yeah okay yeah it's stinging and yang all right now I'm gonna trim this so cute don't trim your wings you got to be careful Spanish proverb no bees no honey yeah yeah you gotta take that to one of those you gotta take the take it all together I gotta get a little bit of dark in between the wings here I don't want the wings to look like they're right on top of each other okay another yellow stripe this is my favorite your locks might have a little bit of variation because we dye them here so if some might be a little lighter some might be a little brighter we always say watch the video first right yep and yesterday I had a lovely conversation with Stu who just started needle felting he's 80 Oh Stu yeah and he's totally loving it um and he said that he's like I listened I listened I watched I finally watched the video all the way through he's like I understand why so that was really nice to hear and he is having such a good time with it which is awesome hi Stu if you're watching okay now we need another black stripe did I have some black left I think I did Adam tiny bit more this one can just be one that doesn't need to be a double but that's what I'm gonna do you do you I made it kind of a big one I'm gonna go this way what is not good for the swarm is not good for the bees yes we were just talking about that how we are a collective mass and how when the mass is suffering we all feel it but deep here and we're Bravo oh I might have gone a little too short I might have given him that buzz cut oh my gosh I love this little B so this is just stabbed through a little white kind of fuzz stuff there I'll just cut that off so it doesn't keep I'm gonna put a fuzzy white lock on his a little bum see how they I don't know if they can I don't know the yellow just kind of looks fuzzy I love it okay feel like it's all very loose and I don't try to get that little curl fuzzed out tv-station do these like to watch the white I do take all the way around the butt they like to watch BBC you know like I said you could trim these tiniest little tiniest little lock ends but I like the way this one's looking and I'm gonna leave it on untrimmed and just like this little random curliness okay now the next part you're either gonna find like fun and fascinating or totally annoying it's wax time yeah well should I just show a different option first and then I'll just do this wax in case everybody's like I'm ready to move on and just be okay here's what you need you need eight teeny tiny black poof's so I'm just pulling some of the fiber off I'm twisting it in my finger I'll just show you against the face ace it's an inch these are inch marks I mean it's a tiny bit more than an inch but that's just fluff they are going to end up I say just take it like that and pull and whatever comes off that's my that's my piece don't worry about making them perfectly the same because you want some smaller and you want some bigger and that's just naturally gonna happen because we are humans and this is wool needle felting we are humans and this is wool because the tinier ones are going to be the antenna and the bigger ones are gonna be they have different size legs too so some small legs some big legs notice I'm just rolling and twisting one end that's gonna gets waxed and the other end is my stabbing in end 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 now this this is where it gets real okay I'm gonna move this over a little bit I have been doing this just against my finger you might think it's too hot and not want to do that and that's what this is for so I will show you just zoom out just I'll show both ways that's miss wax okay it does get ready I just hot wax and I know okay so this is my rolled kind of tapered end I have a silicone tip applicator these are called color shapers and they are come in sets of two on our website so I take I just dip it into the swags and then touch it on this and this is what I was saying where like I'm using my finger but if you don't want to use your finger put it down like this and wipe it on to your your wax bag and then your wax bag is also a good place to set this now if you have a bunny butter oh my gosh it left like half my fingers across the table you want to give this a second to cool then rub a little bunny butter on your fingers and then press it in if you don't have bunny butter you're gonna be fine it just helps kind of smooth it out and so that gives me this like thin sculpted yeah kind of shiny this is a little too random there I'm gonna set that off so that might be a front like that one black you know including the the black pigment in here and in your kit it's because if you just used regular slacks it's gonna it's gonna get a little opaque and lighten up the black too much even though it's basically clear so the black pigment just helps keep everything black if you touch your swak stu soon as I did it's gonna stick to your fingers so just give it a minute and you can you can pull it off and put it back into into the swag spot but I just made a big ol mess all over my my fingers so I'll show it on the paper again because I think um it might be a little easier to see just turn it over and get the other side as well I mean it's drops and you generally don't want to dip it in because the wools like and it just sucks this wax up and then you just have way too much on there so I'm giving it a minute so that it doesn't stick to my fingers and then I can go in and and it helps to kind of roll it to because then if you don't you get it kind of flat but bees do have really interesting shape legs and so if you wanted to put a little more on and kind of play with how their legs are shaped you could do that why do bees hum so much I don't know why they forgot the words to the song okay I'm gonna finish all these out and then show them show you how to put them on okay before I move on to putting the legs on I just want to show on the eyes we can stick with this setup because I'm gonna keep using a swag you want to make sure your eye is really firmly felted which it should be a nice tight little this is a good job for the UM for the 40 or the 42 because you can stab right into the eye and not flatten it too much um because we can swak sit and then it'll look kind of B I like and shiny you don't have to but when things are well felted thus wax works better so I'm just taking a little more time on the eyes and the face here so to swacked the eyes let me show you one I did I didn't swacked the eyes I just put a little light in his eye enough we're gonna be able to see okay he's swak stow the eye has a little bit of shine to it he or she I just did a white dot so just kind of like pretending they're shine with the white dot and no slacks so that's an option the little white dot but to do this wax you want a clean applicator I've got swags on my applicator and no fuzz pull everything out of the way like make sure it's all nice and clean it's a thing with these bees is it's real easy to get fiber kind of in the way and then with your applicator you put the swags right on the eye just little dabs with slacks it's always better to do a small amount press it in and then if you need more do more like don't go don't go too crazy putting a ton on so I'm letting that cool for a few seconds and then I can press it in and smooth it out and it shine so I'm gonna do the other one and then I'm probably gonna do them again getting all the way around till no more decide usually the second coat is like kind of the the real shiny one because it's because it the first coat just has to get into the wool you know and then the second coat it's like okay I'm gonna sit on top and be be shiny yeah if you ever overdo it or get a big clump or you know something goes terribly wrong you can get a hairdryer or no even better is like a clicker like a little propane clicker and just just warm it up again and then that'll let you manipulate it a little bit so I've also been doing the mouth area and I pretty much just swacked the top and bottom just lay it on there and press it in and then I'll show you how I cut that am I getting blurry if I go high I think I'd feel like I am I'll stay down low okay pressing that in I'm gonna put another coat cuz that's a little mushy what do you call a feed that's born in May a maybe yes it's on fire today you are okay so now that the tip of this little faces all slacks they actually have little too kind of pinchers they're not like pointy here so I take my scissors and I cut at an angle to the right and I cut at an angle to the left and because this has swags on it I can pinch that into a point and then that gives me their little email fine okay now I want to take my two smallest I'll see these were sitting over here getting all fuzzy my two smallest um pieces that I made and use them for my antennae okay so you have this waxy straight end and then this fuzzy end I've been putting the antenna between the eyes put this down a little bit from the eyes and then the black fuzz I just stab in and you can kind of hopefully I'm on camera here hold the antenna up out of the way sorry I know I don't know I hear it though and I'm sorry my fingers are in the way but there's no other other way to do this okay emmalin's longer than the other I can I can trim that make it smaller and then the legs turn them over and I try to take the two more smaller ones and I sort of point them forward they have two legs that little front legs kind of come forward and I'm putting that on like I said in that black area between the two yellows but it's like it's pointing forward so it looks it looks like it's coming out farther forward and you just use the fuzz like the fuzz just stabs in and you don't have to worry about where it is or what it looks like because he's all black under here and then two more and sometimes you even can pull off some of the fuzz so I encourage you to do a little research and you know look at look at pictures and get creative with with the fiber and how you want to use it where the stripes are what the pattern is I did in the beginning make some that were too long so they look cutest when they're when they're kind of compact and I think we're all aiming for cute um with this project so if they get too long they look a little more mean just just telling you what I learned and I love their little dangly legs like when they're flying their little legs just dangle so the legs now you can sort of position where you want them and how they look so that one is finished and I feel like that kind of took a long time but I was trying to explain a lot but they don't take long and they're really fun and you can make a line up and and do several I did want to show a different technique which would be on this guy I would do a yellow but let's see I can yeah scoot that get this a little more centered if you if you had top coat or merino and wanted to do a yellow fur that's really really funs you should do the same thing I did with the UM with the black on the B I just finished except you're using your yellow and you trim it and it's really fun to make them all furry fuzzy like that and then this time I'll just show you a different black instead of the fur if you happen to have some super dark locks you could do that they're very hard to get so we did not put them in the kit because we would never have the kit in stock but you can take black core and just kind of like again fuzz it out so it's random that's a little bit much and then when I stab it on I'm intentionally trying to give it loft and not um you know not uniformity so that it has that fluff and that interest you are using single single needles yeah because it's you know you got a control where you're going and what you're doing here and then we want to go yellow again so in this one you're working back to front yeah cuz I did well the last one I wanted to I wanted to show where the head was it doesn't matter but but I felt like we didn't know where the eyes went until okay I got that line of yellow on some if you can see how you know here's my shape and then all this is like getting fluffier and fluffier so let me do the black again I can have a little more black here because this part of the bee is a little this black part of the bee is generally a little thicker and so in this case I would just tack the wings kind of into this you know and you might have to put a little more black on top can you show the wings if they use their power text yeah how would you cut yeah that I can it so that one's a little easier to tuck into into fluff but I'll try cuz they need a little more to hold them on because it's not just loose fiber at the end there I've done this just with core - no no curls so the yellow is you know is the yellow coral and the black is the back and that's that's where the the reverse needle comes in handy so I can use a reverse needle yeah to to pull the black back out fuzzy it's not gonna show very well on camera and then I would probably it gets a little random so I'd probably trim it okay the wings I would cut I like using this using this random edge somebody might want a neater wing you know and therefore cut that off so okay so I'll just do it that way you could cut all this off and really shape your wing they actually have two sets of wings I'm not getting that somebody might yeah I've done these where just to kind of mimic that I took this and I crease it to kind of look like it's to their wings don't let their wings get too too big because it starts to look weird it's not quite there wings are pretty small compared to their body so just keep them keep them on the small side so I'm gonna try something a little different since I have this black core here and I'm not tucking these in-between sections of fur I'm gonna try adding some black core to the base of the of the wing like we did the lock and see if that helps me stick it on because there's not a lot of fiber here to felt you know so basically felting fiber through this this weave is what's gonna hold it on so we're just stabbing the fiber through it and then we're gonna stab that into the B so I'm gonna try and make a little I'm gonna try and make a little hole so I can really get it down in there yeah I think that's I think that's the ticket is putting that putting that yeah fibre gonna definitely stuck so it's tricky getting them in this symmetrical way in place okay so the Danish proverb I'm not quite understanding you must knock a long while against an older Bush before you get a swarm of bees out of it why what does that mean I know what is the significance of the older Bush and why do you want to swarm of bees yeah you I don't mind me but yeah yeah keep knocking don't come out just keep knocking means once the bees come out for a long time yeah that's probably what it means you're so good at this I like this little bean oh so nice oh my gosh beautiful Oh pollen pockets they they get little um where's the bee that I just made it I do not know yeah okay so on their hind legs they get a little pollen pocket so that could be something different like like the yellow core or if you have like maybe a darker lock but it's just this little this is where Marcia wanted me to have MC Hammer pants and do the bee dance do the hammer time bee dance cuz they get these little there's a little poof's it's at top of their hind legs collects it so that's kind of a fun little thing to put on but you don't have to that's it do you have it closing oh my some closing humor what do you call a bee that prefers nectar to pollen I don't know Bobby Bobby I'm look at it I think nectar is like fancier ah who says like who's deeming nectar better than pollen oh here's a good maybe because of the gods what B is good for your health vitamin B yes vitamin B you get that out of the park today I know I'm so smart today you're on it put the bees that's a lot of bees what are we gonna do with all these bees I don't know do we know we might know give them to your friends hey have fun out there have fun thank you for joining us don't get stung right yes your being [Music]
Channel: Sarafina Fiber Art
Views: 14,112
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Id: ntcOev08RvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 8sec (4268 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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