Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief Exercises & Yoga Stretches Jen Hilman

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psyche truth life wisdom hey guys gentlemen here and I've got to follow along yoga video for you today we are gonna be focusing on loosening up tension through the neck and shoulders I know that's a problem area for most people out there so this is gonna be a great video to help target this whole area we're gonna be seated the whole time so you can do this video anywhere you can do it sitting at your desk you can do it sitting on a couch you can do it sitting in your bed or sitting on the floor wherever you are just find a nice comfortable seat and we will go ahead and get started so to start we're going to just loosen up the neck by lowering your right ear to your right shoulder and just notice here how the sensation feels in your left side of your neck so there's a little gentle stretch here and to take this stretch a little bit further reach your right hand up and over and bring your left hand to your left shoulder sometimes people have told me they don't quite have the flexibility to put their hand here so you can bring your hand in front and place your hand here so either way just bring your left hand to your left shoulder and then gently apply a little traction to gently assist yourself in taking this stretch a bit deeper so we're just gonna breathe here for a few moments so I was giving some massages yesterday and I got to massage a celebrity yesterday it was very exciting maybe some of you guys remember Rebecca Lowe be she was on the very first season of The Voice so it was really excited for her and excited to get to massage her yesterday and I was just wondering like who are you guys's favorite people from The Voice you still watch that show who do you love who's your favorite and don't you think I think Karina should be on The Voice right she would totally win let's come up and over to the left side just gently coming back to Center then you'll start to lower your left ear to your left shoulder and we just pause here for a moment and just take notice how does it feel then bring your left hand up and over and your right hand to your right shoulder and gently pull your hands apart stretching into the right side of your neck [Music] so I know that the voice kind of stepped in over American Idol do you guys still watch American Idol or are you more are the voice fans I'm a little out of the loop so you got to catch me up and let me know what school you guys I'm just doing yoga all the time haha leave your comments below it's always great to hear from you guys it's nice to know our videos are reaching people bring your head back to Center so I ready you's gonna start feeling a little bit more loose than when we started just a moment ago we've got a lot more stretches for you guys I'm going to start stretching into the back of your neck by lowering your chin down to your chest and so again just take a moment and notice the subtle stretching across the back of your neck [Music] and then we'll take it a little bit deeper by interlacing your hands at the back of your head and lower your elbows towards the floor and let the weight of your arms apply a gentle traction along the back of your neck so I don't know about you guys but this is feeling really good for me today definitely feels good to stretch out the muscles and the backs of your neck and you can gently roll your head slightly from side to side [Music] and just notice how it increases the stretch from one side to the other it's pretty nice so just find that juicy hot spot where it feels the best and breathe into it and you can get even more out of this stretch by gently rounding your shoulders forward this is going to take the stretch further down your spine [Music] slowly release and all the way back up to Center let's just gently roll your head around in some circles you don't have to go fast it's better if you take your time and try and feel every little inch of this movement every little centimeter for everyone who's watching this video not in the United States while you're heading the other way [Music] come all the way back to centre so we're going to start doing a little bit of mobilization from side to side so look to your right and then look to your left look to the right [Music] and went to the left so I'm going to look as far as you can to give you a little stretch through your spine [Music] right and left [Music] all right so we're gonna do one of my favorite exercises this is Karina's favorite - she loves it we call this one the face smush so I want you to turn your chin towards the right side then bring your right hand up to your right cheek now press your hand into your cheek and press your cheek back into your hand so you're creating resistance and a really great smush face so press press press press press and release your hand and see if you can turn your chin a little bit further it's kind of like magic let's come to the left side got a smush both sides so turn your chin to the left notice how far you can turn and bring your hand up to your left cheek press your cheek into your hand press your hand into your cheek smush face hopefully there are lots of people around that can see you right now maybe they're pointing and laughing that's great maybe you're on a YouTube video in front of millions of people that's cool too press press then release and see if you can turn just a bit further let's come back to Center so another important part of getting into this neck and upper body is stretching into your shoulders as well so let's take a tricep stretch reach your right arm up to the sky then bend your elbow so your hand comes back behind your neck reach up with your left hand to grab that right elbow and give a little pull stretching into your triceps and into your shoulders too just breathe keep sitting up nice and tall wherever you are so don't slouch in your seat sit up nice and tall lift through your spine [Music] and then release the right side and switch so you're gonna bend your left elbow and reach across with your right hand grab your left elbow and pull oh it's a little tighter on this left side for me it's really common that people hold tension in different places from one side to the other so don't be surprised if you notice that it's different from one side to the other it's really normal just breathe and stretch [Music] release your left arm now bring your right arm across your chest and again use your left hand on your right elbow to pull your right arm across so you might get a little stretch into your tricep again also across the deltoids that's the muscles across your shoulders maybe even starting to feel a stretch in your rhomboids those are the muscles between your spine and your shoulder blade so a lot of people carry tension in there as well so wherever you're feeling this stretch just breathe and let it open [Music] gently release and switch left arm across drop a hold of your elbow with your right hand and pull your arm across your chest [Music] my lease so while we're stretching into our arms let's just go ahead and stretch into our forearms and wrists so take a hold of your fingers pull them back as you press your palm forward this is gonna give you a stretch through your forearms here so you might ask yourself why would I stretch my arms from trying to work out my neck and shoulders but the truth is that all of our muscles are connected and they're part of one complete system called your body so stretching out tension through your wrists and hands has an effect on how your shoulders and neck and spine feel [Music] then turn your palm over grab the top of your hand and pull towards you so now you're stretching the tops of your forearms and your wrists and oftentimes people don't think about having tension in your forearms or your hands but if you spend time at a computer like you are right now have you spent time at a desk or if you write a lot if you're a student studying over books and all these kinds of things are gonna build tension in your wrists and hands we don't ever think about it but it's there so release the right side and let's take the left so press your palm forward and I guarantee that as you start to move into these stretches you're gonna start to become aware of some tendons of some tension you didn't even know was there that's really common so it's a nice discovery of what's happening in your body there's a whole universe in here that needs your attention so if you wanted to just watch this video and you're not actually doing it come on just sit there and stretch your wrists and hands it's gonna feel awesome and your body is gonna thank you for it [Music] then let's turn your palm over grab on to the backside of your hand and pull towards you stretching into your wrists [Music] all right nice work just roll your wrists around a few times the other way [Music] great now let's take a little twist here just twist through your spine bring your right hand across to your left knee grow tall and twist turn your gaze all the way over your left shoulder so that it stretches into your neck [Music] and come back to Center and switch to the other side bring your left hand across lift up nice and tall and twist turn your gaze all the way to the right [Music] and just breathe while use twist and stretch [Music] [Music] and make your way back to centre I'm gonna take a little side body stretch here so reach your left hand all the way out to the left and reach your right arm up and over this is gonna give you a stretch across the side of your ribs the side of your waist really reach through your right hand really really reach so no chicken arms no like dead fish arms reach all the way so that your whole body is engaged stretching over [Music] will come all the way up then walk your right arm over to the right as far as you can and stretch up and over with the left arm reach through your left fingertips all the way stretching [Music] and we'll come a howl the way up Thanks can roll your shoulders around a few times making big circles with your shoulders and then come forward reversing the circles just getting some movement in there and let's roll your head again notice how it might feel different than when we started hopefully it's feeling a little more loose in reverse directions [Music] come back to stillness now one final thing we're gonna do in our stretch video today this is really the best part you guys a little bit of self massage so just start with your right side and just start to squeeze the tops of your shoulders here so this is actually the top part of your trapezius muscle and this is where we get a lot of trigger points a lot of knots and hold a lot of tension so I'm just using my hand and just squeezing just like the super easy and you can apply as much pressure as you need that's one of the best things about self massage is you know how much pressure you need you know where it feels good so just squeeze in there and if you notice any knots and the tops of your shoulders just using your finger pads just make some circles there are little circles pressing into those tight knots [Music] you know it's always better if you can have someone massage for you but that's not always an option so we got to do it for ourselves sometimes just squeeze it out and we'll do the left so move your hair out of the wave got long hair maybe move some clothing out of the way if you need to and just start to squeeze a few places on your left shoulder wherever you feel it wherever it's tight just work into it squeeze it squeeze it good yeah it feels really nice and then again if you have any knots in there you're gonna feel them using your finger pads just make a few circles in there you have to use a lot of pressure but you can use as much pressure as you need to really get in there and work into those tight spots you're gonna feel them for sure you know don't be fooled I seems like I'm making these videos for you guys but maybe I'm doing it for me cuz it feels pretty good to me to just squeeze out that left shoulder a little bit more yeah that we can really so just this little bit of time is all it takes to loosen up your neck and shoulders and we even did some stuff to loosen up your spine as well so whenever you're feeling tired you start to feel tension building up in your neck and shoulders just come back to this video it doesn't take very long it's not a huge commitment all you have to do is just press play and follow along with me and you're gonna feel so much better in just a few short minutes thank you so much for watching and joining me today I hope you favorited this video so it's easy to find when you need it later and you can visit my website gentlemen calm to learn more about me and my practice and don't forget to subscribe to the psyche truth Channel there's lots of great videos here for you and we want to make sure you get access and all the updates and all the info about great new videos coming out leave your comments below I love hearing from you guys thank you so much for watching I hope you're feeling better and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: PsycheTruth
Views: 4,072,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neck pain relief exercise, shoulder pain relief exercises, Neck Pain Yoga, Yoga, Neck pain, Shoulder pain yoga, shoulder pain, yoga for neck pain, yoga for shoulder pain, exercises, workout, stretches, stretches for, jen, jen hilman, psychetruth, Stretching (Medical Treatment), Neck (Anatomical Structure), Shoulder Problem (Disease Or Medical Condition), Pain (Symptom)
Id: Ub8afedu5GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2015
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