nearly 27 minutes of calming KickThePJ videos

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[Music] comforting things to him when you're feeling uneasy waking up earlier than your alarm is set to go off and having an extra phantom an hour or two of sleep before you need to get up the distant childhood memory of falling asleep in your parents car on their long nights driving home then waking up as you arrived at your house but still pretending to be asleep so your dad would carry you to bed you'll want small enough to be carried to your bed you might still be small enough to be carried to your bed playing pokemon blue on your gameboy on set drive home using the brief flashes of passing streetlights to see your screen even just for a moment the sound of the words serendipity the definition of the word serendipity finding joy and beauty in unexpected places Doakes exists nobody's thinking about that really embarrassing thing you did that keeps you up at night everyone's too busy thinking about the really embarrassing thing they did that keeps them up at night that strange muffled silence when it is snowed in a usually bustling and noisy place and then focusing your hearing on specific things like your Wellington boot pressing into the untouched snow a feeling of breathing again through your nose after a week-long cold napping in the afternoon but for just the right amount of time not so much that you feel like you've wasted the day but just enough to make you feel that you've recharged the satisfying clacking of a keyboard with mechanical keys how many C's in case there were in that sentence when you strip away all the scientific facts Pluto is just an insignificant rock floating in space four and a half billion miles away yet there are still debates going on about what kind of insignificant floating Rock we want to classify it as four and a half billion miles away stepping in a wet patch in the kitchen and then immediately changing your socks to a fresh new pair the realization that you do not need to wear matching socks is just feet who cares you share a birthday with millions of people and animals all around the world and you've most likely crossed paths with some of them as well after taking a bites of popping candy chocolate and you sit there with your mouths gape listening to the unnatural fizzling ticking so a period of time in your life where you didn't understand how reflective surfaces work so when you looked into the tool vertical mirror in your hallway you thought about how amazing it would be to step through into a world where ever is backward this was a legitimate thought I had as a child this was a legitimate thought I had as a child the legend that was Bob Ross his calming voice all his beautiful paintings and his squirrels the sound of the heating firing up and rattling the cold pipes in your apartment during the winter knowing you'll be warm soon when your favorite place to go out he introduced his sweet potato fries to the menu that's just a personal thing to me I don't think anyone else cares about that magikarp is considered the most useless pokemon but through persistence and hard work it becomes an enormous flying sea serpent then capable of becoming a dragon it's just a good thing to remember when you feel that you can't do something and you're failing wildly and original there's this game you can play where you tried to think of a sentence that has never been thought by anyone ever in history he piece it together with any variation of unusual words and ideas until you're satisfied that there is zero percent chance that anybody has ever thought about this series of words in this order before with how vast and unending the universe seems to be there absolutely has to be another form of life somewhere out there no matter how minuscule it might be you are valid this has been my list of comforting things to hear when you're feeling uneasy I hope it helped thank you for watching [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know I'm not done for a while played me ukelele do you know what I'm gonna do play my ukulele [Music] without the wage yeah it's come to my style and everything [Music] I felt good just noodling away not having to worry about what it is not trying to write song I'm not trying to play a specific song I'm just playing and that's just lovely so thank you very much for watching I'll see you in the next Christmas advent calendar door bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jillian
Views: 7,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kickthepj, ukulele, pj liguori
Id: ej0o7bnSRsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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