NE #83 Isolated Ground PDU Conversion

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[Music] welcome to the network engineering video blog I am your host Michael crane in this lengthy follow-up to video number 82 making an isolated ground CyberPower PDU we go full monty by stripping the old AC receptacles out of our CyberPower PDU and replacing them with the Levington 53 62 - IG isolated ground receptacles okay the problem is the footprints of the new receptacles are not the same as the old receptacles so we have to do some customizing to our new Levington Levitan receptacles but we've got to make it work right so let's get started okay so we're gonna start converting this thing so excuse the reach and I grab my screw gun here and kind of speed things up a little bit and I'm just gonna start but the case grows alright pull the cover off this guy okay since we're gonna go ahead and replace this ground wire I'm just gonna go ahead and and clip it off okay okay excuse our each clip this guy off now I'm gonna save the nut and the shake proof washer in case one of these days I want to convert it back all right I'll move that off to the side okay and we've got another one down in there I don't know if you guys can see it you see if I can zoom in yeah there we go yeah that's right down there now this one's a little harder to get the get the wrench in there so I go ahead and clip them off because I am going not gonna use that that Ike that I connector okay and now I'm gonna go ahead and and pull the receptacles out so I'm gonna go ahead and just oops remove the screws now when I did this originally I was trying to figure out the puzzle of how to get this guy out or or should I try pulling this one out before pulling these out or trying to pull these out before pulling this out and I I played around with it for I don't know 20 minutes and I finally determined that I can't get either one of them out the way it is and I'm not exactly sure how they manufactured this but my guess is that it was spread apart a little bit when they assembled it so that's what I'm going to do now to keep from scratching the enclosure I'm gonna go ahead and wrap a little tape around it that should be enough I'm gonna very gently get in there and it doesn't really matter if I put it on the connector or not or the receptacle but I do want the bottom of the jaw as close as possible to this corner right here because otherwise I'll put a crease in the middle and we won't be able to straighten that out so I'm gonna get in there the best I can gently pull it out just a tad okay I'm just gonna go down I'm just doing it a little bit as you can see that's going along here all right a little bit more right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't want to do it too much because we got to push it get it back into place all right that looks pretty I can see I kind of yeah I got too high up on this kind of dented it well hopefully we won't see that when we're done yeah you just have to be real careful when doing this okay so let's go ahead and see if we can get these guys out okay you want to keep these so don't throw those out or damage them and we are going to reuse them okay we're getting their hair so let's keep all these guys [Music] if you're wondering what these are these go over the the screw connectors also covers this little tab right here which this is electrically active on I'm surprised it it's even up there like that but yes I definitely wanted to cover that up because it's getting real close to the enclosure as you'll see when we go to install the isolated ground receptacles I'm not gonna do a full teardown but I will take a picture of this and we'll see if we can I identify some of those but oh I'm not on the other side of that see these jumpers right here so they've got a jumper jumper right there and a jumper right there you see these jumpers right here well if you flip this guy over those actually go up into this receptacle right here and are mounted to this receptacle yeah check this out this is this is kind of clever I guess when I was first taking this apart I couldn't figure out how well how that receptacle was tied to that board and vice versa see look at that yes that's pretty clever let's zoom back out here okay so let's go ahead and finish disassembling this guy so I know cuz I've already done one of these and I'm not gonna reuse this ground wire right here so I'm going to clip that out and we'll go ahead and remove this is this is these are all just tightened series right here this is the output from the surge protector [Music] okay they've got these things jammed in there so this is actually stranded wire that they've soldered and literally shoved in these holes but I mean it's okay it's it's probably not the the cleanest looking job but I guess it's okay okay so we've got let's start here I shouldn't be using these little cutters for that I should be using my my lineman's pliers all right [Music] you don't want to cut this one too short right here we're gonna reuse that wire with this this ground right here this whole set of ground wires with these with these connectors on there we're not going to reuse because of space inside there and you'll see later but uh they look all pretty good this one it's barely hanging on there but it's okay and they've got all shrink wrapped it's all very nice this looks all nice and neat so I mean we are gonna reuse these wires so I'm going to keep those let's see what else we got here folks okay let's go ahead and now we can get to this guy pretty easy I'll take him out all right so let's see here we need to guess well go ahead and pull this ground off real quick we can just throw this guy away we're not gonna reuse it in this video all right so now what we've got to do is I'm gonna start moving the wires from here from the old receptacles to the new receptacles but first we've got to do some modifications to the new receptacles okay so let's see if I can zoom in here so that's the the old receptacle that this one came out of the other box or the other PDU I mean here's the new receptacle yeah and there's a few differences and I looked and looked I probably spent an hour on the internet trying to find an isolated ground receptacle like this or an isolated ground receptacle in this form factor and I could not find it so these are pretty close to right here these are Levington I believe just to remind you an isolated ground so this ground right here is not connected in any way to this mount this mount or this mount now these mounts are tied together and that's very easy to see on the back so here's the little tabs for for the middle mount and of course it's just one piece of metal that's been bent over like that it's not a better view so neither this ground or this ground is tied to any of these now with this guy right here if you can clearly see there's a ground screw it's just one piece of metal right there there's the the mount for the middle right there you can see it's just a block pressed in there it looks like and and these two right here these brass rivets it looks like are tied to the ground so these two grounds and Nizar are all tied together right so we need to make this guy more like this guy so we're gonna have to remove these these mounting tabs we don't need them anyway because it mounts in the middle and you can see that let's see if I can get a good shot of this well you might not be able to see it on camera the isg receptacle has these like protectors right here this is to you know protect the screws from hitting the side of the case right so if you have a metal box it protects it but I learned when I was doing the first one that these are too big so we need to cut them down a little bit and I've got an example right here of one that fits and the e is for example so what we need to do and I hopefully you can see this is we need to shave these guys down right and we need to remove the mounting tabs right here on both sides and we also in this example doesn't have it we also need to remove this little this little brass plate right there okay and we need to do that so when we put the wire around the screw just like they used to do in the olden days but when we tighten it down we want it we don't want it poking out beyond this no protection ridges I really don't know what to call them okay that makes sense all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna take the camera out and our workshop and we're gonna modify some of these all right okay well we're out into the off this cup aka the garage and how game shirt start down getting these things fixed up shall we first thing we need to do is remove the screw and it's got keepers on these degrees that's why they don't fall out get why so I'm just gonna push them through so I can get a grip on them and make them out alright and I might as well do them all while I'm thinking about it alright and of course we have the example which is already done ok ok so the next thing we want to do is we're gonna cut the tabs off and I'm gonna use my little dremel tool right here and this is kind of little metal cutting blade it feels like it's made out of some kind of stone yeah alright I'm right-handed so let me see if I can set this up and and do this so everyone can see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so I'm not actually cutting all the way through let's see if I can I'm just I don't know if you can see it on camera I'm just coring it okay just enough so when I yeah I say it's not snapping right I want it so when I first bend it down it should start breaking so I didn't score it enough so we need to score it just a little bit more okay here let's try that again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right there you go ya see that felt really soft don't try to break these off without scoring it first because these things are are used to hold this receptacle together and you'll bend it all up and yeah it's it's not pretty all right and we're gonna come back and blow all a dust off these as soon as we're done all right [Music] all right excellent so now what I'm gonna what I'm going to do is I'm gonna remove this this cutting blade and I'm gonna put the sand disc on there for lack of a better term I and that's for the plastic he pouts let's just call me keep out that makes sense okay so I've change fits out and what I'm gonna do is very carefully just take this and and grind these key pouts down to the same sizes as the example I showed earlier alright alright so let's go okay so now I'm just gonna take my knife and and deburr the edges on these keep outs okay and after I clean them blue strands off get them all cleaned up I'm just gonna take some canned air here and blow em all out there you go all right okay so we've got the the new Levitan isolated ground plugs all modified well almost all modified and ready for installation we need to take these little I don't know what these are called so you can put two two wires in there but it's it's adding too much height to our screw right here and we're as you can see we're we're really struggling for height and that's what's nice and bad about this PDU a lot of PD is he's one you PDUs will only have like single plugs right here and it's because it's hard to squeeze something like this and this small of a form factor as you can tell it's you know the plug itself is using that pretty much one you anyway let's go ahead and remove all these so anyway that's what I'm gonna do I'm not I'm gonna stop I'll do this off camera I'm really interested and seeing me do this and I'll be back alrighty so I've got them all removed they can just go in the trash or the recycle bin alright so now we're ready to start moving the wires and basically what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to take them apart one at a time and then just start assembling these just exactly the way these are set up I will need to modify the wire a little bit so let's get started okay so I rejected the camera a little bit I noticed when I was reviewing some of the video my hand was getting in the way of the lens and was actually focusing on my hand and not on what I'm doing since we don't have those those little keepers or whatever they're called to hold these wires like so I'm going to have to bend loops in them alright and I'll try to do this on camera where everyone can see so first straighten it up a little bit and I need a little bit more wires for the are loops this is 12 gauge wire I can get that off there there we go my 12 gauge this does not on these strippers this doesn't seem to work too good it's probably worn out there we go okay so that should be enough so we want our receptacles like this and we want the wire so when we tighten them up righty-tighty lefty-loosey we want the wire to wrap around this way so I need to bend my my loops I guess to the left okay let's see if I can show you how to do this all right okay and I know they're not complete loops but as you'll see it's it's kind of hard to get these in there especially if there is our already wires connected so we just need to use these partials and get down in there [Music] but you can see it's got a pretty good bite on the wire it's it's got most of it under there I mean I've seen people do almost complete loops with them which would be that would be okay I guess I could pull these screws out and try to do something like you know screw it back in but I don't think it's I don't think it's I think this is a good enough bite for what we're doing [Music] and it's definitely more of a bite if you think about it it's definitely more of a bite going from here looped around here than it is it's going straight down like it would be underneath that metal that metal tab right where that metal keep so make sure they're nice and tight okay and I'm just gonna now I'm going to do the other side I don't know how to do this where you can see oops so I'm just gonna put just the tip of my lineman's pliers and just turn it like that and then let's see is this work better [Music] and don't like that yeah you can use your lineman's pliers to kind of straighten them up a little bit [Music] hey you can make the loop a little bit smaller if you need to I think those a bit that'll be okay yeah we just whoops got to put it on there the right direction okay you know put this one on it see you might need to make some adjustment on these guys to get it down in there it'd be easier if it was sitting right in front of me that's why I'm struggling to do this because I'm trying not to cover the camera up at the same time I'm trying to put it together this one's gonna need a little help okay so you can see I got it I got it down in there it's not tight yet make sure all the adjustments are okay you definitely don't want the insulation underneath the screw all right you also don't want it pulled too far back either because then it could act accidentally touch on something else but I think we're good there so I'm going to tighten them up there we go all right now for the next ones [Music] okay so now that that's done let's get our ground on there this is this is gonna be a little bit different than in the common in the or the neutral and the the line voltage wires because there's only one screw and it only really holds there's only originally designed to hold one wire but we've got to make it hold two wires so I went to get some number twelve ground where I don't know if you can read that anyway it's solid core 12 gauge and I'm just going to you know I cut a little bit extra right here I'm gonna bend it up now so what I'm gonna do on this one is since it's only as one it's gotta it's got a hole right here I don't know if you can see that anyway it's got a hole right there the slide of wire up underneath there okay so you can stick the wire off in there and and this tightens up on it but we also want to use the top side now so for the first one I guess I should say the last one if they're sitting in there like this then this is to me this is the last one this is the first one so this one we can we can go just straight you know hold the hole but these others I'm gonna have to put two wires on right and what I learned is it's easier to put the looped wire in the top and then put the straight wire in the bottom so in other words it's gonna go loop straight loop it's gonna go this is gonna be straight straight then loop straight yeah loop too straight and loop too straight and loop that's straight and you'll see what I'm talking about when we start doing this so okay that's first off let's go ahead and this is gonna be the simple one straight - straight so it's going to go in there like that now we need to come down to about right there bend it up and if you notice I'm cutting it a little bit longer before I strip it can I do this and yeah I'm gonna have some scrap but it really if you try cutting and doing all this stuff without any waste you're gonna have lots of waste because you're gonna mess up here it's not gonna be bent right you need to trim a little more and let's just believe me it it can be a hassle alright so this one is odd man out cuz it's just straight - hmm yeah see I even made this one too long look at that yeah let's trim this guy down about right there looks good now let's see oh I'll make a t-shirt that's okay Wow see it I mean it's so you definitely want to give yourself some some extra there we go that looks pretty good right you don't want the plastic up underneath the conductor there we go okay now this one I can tighten up as he has done you can put a good amount of torque on these things and and you want to because you know you don't want your your conductors falling off okay so this one we need a loop and a straight something I do is I'm just gonna cut some wire plenty of wire okay this one's gonna be a loop so I'm just gonna give myself a little bit extra there strip it off I'm on a little bit of a little bit of plastic right there all right that's probably a little too long for our loop about right yeah but right there okay alright maybe tighten it up a little bit okay now we got to get it underneath this guy and this is not as easy as it sounds whoops okay yeah so see how it fell out now the way this thing works is has this got a little plate on the bottom that that when you tighten the screws up it sucks up against this brass conductor right there well when it's when you pull the screw out you can't just stick this on there and put the screw in there because the screws not long enough with the wire under it to to reach that metal plate so you got to hold it upside down and you need at least a couple threads in this ground screw to they'll hold it in place okay you know like that so now we've got a couple threads in alright I just need it to hold it in place long enough to so I can get this conductor in there and see I got too many threads in there Jeremy I need to tighten this loop up a little bit there we go well oh no is it coming out ah yeah this this is not the easy it's not easy you know one you can get in there get along [Music] oh but they can go in there very smooth yeah like so okay all right so I'm gonna get everything back in place here now I need another Bend see if I can get this right this time right there that looks a little bit long we'll try it [Music] all right well this one's gonna go down right all right there okay straighten all this stuff out okay yeah I could have shortened this up a little bit maybe I should and the reason why you want to shorten it up is especially when you go and buy this thing right here this the protection circuitry is you don't want a bunch of wires you know pushing against all this stuff so I'm gonna go ahead and trim them a little bit more shorten this wire up okay [Music] and there we go that's better okay so II gotta go over and under and I am NOT going to tighten this guy up because we need to put another one of these in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all righty it's the last thing you want to do before you stick this back in there is you need three leader wires these are simple enough you just let's start with a green that's the hardest to do for sure [Music] all right [Music] [Music] and what one went on there surprisingly easy oops oh I stand corrected yes this is early tight squeeze for this thing but the good news is we're getting plenty of threads on it so I'm not worried that it's gonna fall off or doesn't have a good connection it's just not easy to put together yeah alright so I'm just gonna run it straight out that way straight to the left all right and it's safe might as well do the white since we've ever the common or neutral whatever you want to call it next well looks kind of long let's trim that guy down a little bit there we go taking them up now that's much easier okay write them out to the left and we'll do the line side nope there we go telling them up Oh there oh yeah and I'm not gonna install it right now just be in the way while we're working but it's ready to be installed all right so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna work on and there are a last receptacle here so I guess we'll go ahead and get this guy mounted on next let's get this thing right here needs to be that isolated ground plug is a little bit wider you know just the outside part than the then on one or the original one and as you can see the the hole spacing right here is a little bit wider these are closer together then and these are gonna be on I could get a ruler but believe me I'm party I've already done this I said what I'm gonna do is very carefully bend these they need to go they need to spread out just a little bit and they also need to go out this way I don't wanna say a lot but whether but quite a bit and unfortunately we can't leave them angled like this so this is where it gets a little bit a little bit tricky so what I'm gonna do is I want to put an L Bend of some some kind in this and I don't know how to explain it so I'll just show it to you so I want the bottom part to go out at a 45 and then I want the top to go up because we want it to go be perpendicular to the board if you want out and yeah something like that and he wanted to be as close to the to the PCB as possible so when this when we put our new connector on there it mounts flat and doesn't push out too much it's all right let's see what that looks like kind of straightening out a little bit can you kind of see that see how the angle going out then up all right yes see how does this guide mount on there we want let's see mounts like this so the neutrals at the top the neat roller this side right here so we want it like and it's like this and I'm gonna slide these guys there we go so I got the neutral side in yep and quite get all that there we go yeah see how it's pushing away from the PCB so very carefully I'm going to push down on this because we want to hold it as close to the PCB as possible and then tighten these guys up okay there you go okay let's go ahead and strip this fall I'm thinking about it I'm sorry I need to tie to that all right very good I'll strip him while we're stripping stuff there we go I do believe we are ready to assemble okay so before we assemble I need to we need to put these guys back on there and the way the easiest way I found who it is and and what these are these little plastic pieces I don't know what kind of plastic it is it feels very durable and it's probably made that way on purpose you know if any sharp pieces won't go through it right and it's it's so won't so the the mains power lines won't touch the enclosure oh I did see something we forgot I need to put in a leader for this ground right here okay so let me go get some more alrighty sure that's unscrewed there we go make sure we don't have any insulation under the conductor right and I'm up nicely there we go okay where were we oh yeah we were putting these plastic I don't know what to call them conductor protection pieces and like I said I what I do is I I hold them on with us grew and then I put electrical tape to hold them in place because obviously you can't leave the screw and then when you're assembling it okay and I just take some much cold type about yay much I just kind of put it on there like that make sure that's in the right spot and let's tape it like that and I know there's it's probably a lot of people out there that do not like electrical tape it does get a little bit gooey if it gets hot and old it does work I mean I thought about I could get I could probably go buy some really big heat shrink you know and cut out you know doughnut pieces to put on this but I think this will work just fine and we won't have any problems I mean that also gives me a little bit extra added protection okay so now if that's held in place with the electrical tape we can remove our screw all right and now I I'm pretty comfortable kind of moving this thing around inside there and it's really I could have probably held this in with my fingers putting this one on but one of the things I noticed when I was doing the other one is is making sure this bottom one didn't slip out so electrical tape I know will hold everything in place long enough for me to get this back together okay and I think we're actually ready to put this on go ahead and just mount this guy right up I think we are ready so I'll slide them just want to slide them oh there we go there we go excellent okay already put these this guy in huh I can't get this wire up this is our ground for PCB [Applause] sour ground for a receptacle all right now I need to put those these plastic pieces on all our receptacles here so I'm gonna and get started doing this and I'll show you a cup all probably turn off the video this isn't this isn't rocket science and it's not very interesting and someone actually might know of a better way to do this then this multi-step process of putting the screws on and that sort of thing so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and put all the plastic on these I'll be back okay so now that I have all the plastic pieces held on there were some the screws and they go ahead and I put the electrical tape one and I just push it down like that and like that oh I don't know if you can see that but like I said the goal is just to hold it in place for assembly and adds a little extra protection I guess maybe want to make sure that the plastic covers the mount that the conductor mounting screws okay so that's I'm gonna do that with all the rest of them annul I'll be back okay and while the tape holding the plastic protectors on go ahead and remove these he's mounting screws real quick now I do believe we're good to go I've been these up a little bit we've got to probably put it over these I don't remember how I did my last one but I think I went over the power input wires so yeah let's go ahead and pop this baby in there here carefully yeah I'll just have to work with this there we get it come on okay snug them up a little bit okay and every thinking that's that it's that these plugs here you know they're hitting the enclosure and that's what's making it hard to put in it's it's not really it's it's the the stiff 12-gauge wire holding these things they kind of if you don't get them exactly lined up you got to kind of push them around and and if you've ever worked with 12-gauge wire you know what stuff doesn't Bend easily and we've got three we've got the ground the neutral and the and the line volt wires all on there so you got three wires per receptacle all right well I've got those in there okay they all look pretty good you can see you can see we have plenty of clearance underneath there all right bend this back and place a little bit okay yeah let's start uh yes I'm just to connect all the wires now now there's a couple of ways to do this I'm going to make it to where it's I can take this thing apart and service it and so I'm not gonna use like crimp-on connectors I'm gonna use wire nuts okay so here's some wire nuts I have and I'm gonna use the yellow ones it says the yellow ones are for 14 or 22 through 14 but I have they worked just fine on the 12 I could even go up to the red ones but we don't we don't need to go that big it'll work just fine in this this warned that the goal is is both the wires need to be in that little spring area so you want to make sure the wire is nice and clean no straggly edges off of it you just put it on there make sure they're there even both wires or all the wires that you're using if you're doing more than two make sure they even push it down on there and you just screw it on and you really have to put some effort into these guys I mean not enough to break the wires but you want them really tight and these things will not come off they're used in home wiring all the time as a added safety precaution I'm going to put some electrical tape around them just in case one of them decides to shake loose which it probably won't I'm sure all the people that hate electrical tape are just screaming at me there's a lot of people that don't like electrical tape alright okay so we'll go ahead and push them down in there like that alright he's all tucked away okay now go ahead and do the neutral are common you notice I give myself a lot of slack in here instead of making it real tight and short and I do that so I can easily move them around and and work on it and sometimes you can't do that if you're in an electrical box it gets it gets too crowded but you've got plenty of real estate in this and this enclosure alright oops I lined everything up wearing it on there right down nice and tight alright yeah we'll just tuck them away down there okay very good hey here's one of those crimp-on connectors I was telling you about these these are kind of the same way they've got metal inside there you stick the wires up in there and crimp it on problem is is you can't really UNCHR imp it you just have to cut it off and if I want to come back and serve as this later all I have to do is take the electrical tape off and unscrew the where nuts right okay so now we need the ground I can't get that one and we need one to go to the other side over here oh I made that wire a little bit short mmm let me go get a little longer piece of wire all right ouch stranded wire man this stuff will poke you like a needle okay so I'll see how I got them all all lined up even this time I'm gonna use a red one you can see it's a little bigger to get all three of those wires in there I'm just gonna put it on there and tighten her up and you can pull on the individual ones make sure that nothing's gonna come out usually won't if you if you install it properly you won't ever have any problems only time that I really have any problems with wire nuts as as when I'm if I'm putting a really small 22 gauge tied to like a a 12 gauge wire as you can kind of over-torque the small wire and they'll end up breaking it but we don't have that problem here all right yeah we'll just run him through here like this a little nice and tucked in there I'm just doing this last ground right here yeah I don't want all these be the exact same length all right sorry hopefully you guys can I'm not sticking my big paws in the in the way of the camera there all right this one's a little tighter to get to that hopefully we get it on there okay there we go [Applause] all right get him taped up yeah another scratch on there all right well sorry to interrupt but I had another wireless microphone meltdown if you watched my previous video the same thing happened I think last time it was a cable was flaky and this time the battery died so I'm gonna try to do a voice over of what's going on here if I can remember so I'm just talking about the receptacles right now and we just finished wiring it up so one of the things I wanted to point out let's see here is oh yeah so these these metal brackets on the back of these receptacles are normally tied to the mounting ears or tabs on the receptacle and and it's grounded but there's a the screw right here actually ties to that back tab and that's what I'm saying and so that little metal tab back there is actually going to be grounded to the chassis yeah are they enclosure so that's okay so this is going to be protected even if a wire jumps off and you know power wire and hits that guy and so that'll be protected as well I just wanted to bring that up so and now I'm gonna do some testing of the unit okay so we're gonna redo some of the testing that's uh in this PDU and there's a couple reasons why the first reason is is the audio died with my remote mic in the middle of right when I started testing actually it was in the middle of the video right when I first started testing so I wanted to go through that again plus I want to take a little more time and look at what we got so first things first I've got the the fluke set on ohms I'm going to test for Schwartz okay so zero point two is a direct short all right so first thing we're going to test is between the ground pin and the ground on the receptacles okay 0.4 0.3 all right there there we go right okay and I'll I'm just gonna go ahead and check them all real quick okay okay all the grounds are good now we're gonna this is the common or the neutral really in our case so let's go ahead and test the neutrals okay now we're gonna check our power pin all right hope gotta be turned on all right oh and I did forget to check the front one so go ahead and test em real quick let's see we're on power I guess I should call it the line voltage okay and here's a neutral okay so we know the connectivity have the new wiring we put in this is good okay so now we're gonna check for shorts the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put on the ground pin and I'm gonna check the the line and then the neutral okay so on the ground pin back it says one Meg okay hep hep okay okay so we don't have any shorts between the ground the ground and any of the lines now we'll just check between the power line and the common okay oh that's power yeah okay that's that's about right you have to remember it's going through that circuitry that's inside there 477 okay okay and we turn it off yeah are you we're dead okay excellent very good okay so now we're gonna test between the ground pin on the plug which this is isolated ground right and and the case ground right okay nothing and then what's making it jump up is if I put my hand on it we're kitten we're getting connectivity between between me touching in the case and see I have my finger on on this guy right here if I put I could put a clip on it and then I could probably there we go so now I can touch it and move around without having to worry about it but I don't see ya oh that's like round inside there okay and yeah I'm just touching around okay so we have no connectivity between the ground pin and the case okay so I know that electrically this is good right there's no shorts between any of the pins and the enclosure so it's it's safe to the handball right and in this on I believe it's on no it's off now it's on okay and we've got our our power our ground and our surge light up and we're gonna go ahead and let's let's check them some voltages okay make sure this thing is working ok so first between the line and the neutral okay 125 volts AC I hope you guys can see this okay so I'm not gonna go through and check all the other ones we know that connectivity is there we go we know we just we just checked that the connectivity between all the plugs we know they're all good so I'm not gonna go back and check the voltages in all of them like well yeah let's go ahead just so everyone this is assured this is gonna be okay okay okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna check between the the enclosure and the line side then closure and the the neutral and the ground and the enclosure okay and I'm gonna go ahead and just clip my negative lead on there okay so first off between the enclosure and the line side getting about a hundred and ten volts all right so let's uh let's see what is it to the ground here are to the neutral here okay so we got about 125 volts from the line to the common yeah into the isolated ground and so this thing is acting like I mean obviously we're not getting 110 volts across the into the case so the line side is swinging up alright to 125 volts and the case is floating alright so it's exciting it's like measuring half a capacitor so it's like an open-ended capacitor and I don't know maybe sitting on this bench yeah yet sitting on the bench actually made a difference so I could look at drop down and and but what we're really interested in so anyway it doesn't really mean a whole lot because we've got in the line sight but what's really interesting is what how much and and that's this is all capacitive coupling effect what happened is the electronics in this in this PDU or you know getting are pretty close to the enclosure it's not really shielded inside there and so as that as the AC the mains voltage swings it's going to transfer some of that swing to the enclosure right and that's called capacitive coupling so the real interesting one is gonna is gonna be how much voltage is going from the enclosure to the ground right and I just so happened to have a ground right here this is this is a actual pigtail coming out of the wall socket right here so it's plugged in right here I'm just this is the ground wire right here this actually is a molex connector that goes to the barbecue controller and I'm working on another video on our open IOT channel but yeah well so we want to say okay we're getting some capacitive coupling how much voltage is gonna be transferring between the case and the I quit my ground right and so we'll just go ahead and measure that real quick yeah and it looks like about 1.3 6 volts one point 4 volts something like that that's not a lot but let's see let me lift it up well there we go now we're about power about 10 volts all right and if I could so the static Matt is actually dampening it it looks like a little bit and if I could get it up on something let's see here there we go now the now we got about 16 volts of capacitive coupling as coming from the case going to the equipment ground all right so that's that's pretty interesting it there shouldn't be utterly zero like I can I can change it just by by touching it there should be zero current or very very little current going through it which we will will probably measure in a in a future video ok but this'll this looks ok I'm not too worried about that all right alright I'm gonna put the lid on this guy you all right well so I've had my remote mic batteries and only died in the transmitter but also on the receiver I don't know how much audio you heard I might have to do some voiceover one night when I edit this because it died nice stop and it stopped recording me anyway so I'm still putting the screws in excuse the reach okay all right so now that kind of gives us an idea of how much I need to bring nice in this back panel back in you can see it kind of this sides almost all the way back and and then it kind of goes out so what I'm gonna do since this one is close I'm gonna go ahead and put this screw in there that'll help with with the lining of the other ones back that off a little bit all right so now we got to get this guy in and this guy here okay so I did is I just went got a little bit of a clamp and I'm making sure not to put the clamp on the receptacles I want to break them and I just have it kind of clip to the both sides to get so I can get these holes aligned right so looks that looks pretty good huh don't you get that other one that looks those look very nice don't they it looks just like he bought them in a store I'm gonna put a label on there so I I know that these are isolated ground receptacles and that the enclosure will need to be racked to have proper grounding so everything the searchlight is confusing but when the when the LED is on that means it's protecting against surge and it's got a good ground and it's got power alright don't forget you can support the network engineering video blog by donation using a credit card and paypal or by purchasing products at the mucks all storm details and links are in the description under this video well that's it for this video if you liked the video give it a big thumbs up that helps and hit the subscribe button that really helps if you have any questions or comments post them in the comments under this video thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Network Engineering Video Blog
Views: 360
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CyberPower, PDU, Power Distribution Unit, Leviton, Isolated Ground, Equipment, Rack, Grounding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 3sec (4683 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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