NCT struggling with kids
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Channel: You're my Star
Views: 1,049,312
Rating: 4.9905138 out of 5
Keywords: nct with kids, nct foreign members, nct meets kids, nct dream, kids, vs, superm with kids, Dream meets NCT DREAM, NCT127 아이와 함께하다 [보았다 ; BOATTA 12화 NCT127], nct 127, wayv, NCT Teachers for a day, taeyong, cute moments, funny moments, jungwoo, lucas, mark, yuta, johnny, ten, haechan, doyoung, jaehyun, taeil, Kids Meet Foreign Member in K-pop Group (Feat. NCT), nct 2020, nct 2021, moments, nct vs kids, make a wish
Id: Mb7P02rtOrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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