NCLEX Practice Test for Health Promotion and Maintenance 2023 (40 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2023 NCLEX health promotion and maintenance practice test this test will have 40 questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one you're educating a 16 year old female on oral birth control pills before she leaves the OB gyn's office which of the following statements by the patient assures you that the patient understands the teaching a if I have sex in the next week I should have my partner wear a condom B if I miss more than two days of my birth control I can just start where I left off see if my breasts begin to hurt I need to take a pregnancy test right away d there is no extra risk for me even though I smoke cigarettes daily the correct answer is a if I have sex in the next week I should have my partner wear a condom when beginning new birth control a patient should use a secondary form of protection like a condom for the first week it is normal for breast tissue to become tender and swollen with birth control pills it is also contraindicated for a woman who smokes cigarettes to take an oral form of birth control due to the high risk for DVT blood clots question two a mother of a five-month-old infant tells you that her baby is not sitting without support she states my friend's baby is sitting without support and I am worried that my baby is behind what is your best response to this mother a it's okay I will ask the doctor for a developmental referral B most infants Do not sit up unassisted until at least six months they can sometimes take a little longer as well see no need to worry my baby sat up unassisted at six and a half months old D I don't think it's necessary but I can ask the doctor for a developmental referral the correct answer is be most infants Do not sit up unassisted until at least six months they can sometimes take a little longer as well infants usually do not start sitting up unassisted until six months and sometimes Beyond there is no need for a developmental referral in this case it is necessary for the nurse to encourage the mother that the infant is not behind developmentally question three you're educating a patient on his risks for CAD coronary artery disease which of the following is not considered a modifiable risk factor for this patient a sedentary lifestyle B high sodium diet C smoking for 35 years D family history of CAD the correct answer is D family history of CAD a modifiable risk factor is something that can be modified by the patient a family history of CAD is out of the control of the patient all other options may be changed by the patient question four which of the following is not considered a primary preventative measure a vaccinations B use of birth control C hand hygiene D daily regimen of low-dose aspirin to prevent heart attack in a patient with a history of Mi the correct answer is D daily regimen of low-dose aspirin to prevent heart attack in a patient with a history of MI prior to a condition developing primary prevention seeks to stop it in order to achieve this exposures to dangers that might cause illness or injury must be avoided hazardous or unhealthy behaviors must be changed and should an exposure occur disease or injury resistance must be increased question five you're assessing an infant who is six months old you ask the mother which foods have been introduced to the infant which of the following would require education from the nurse a eggs B Honey C squash D mashed potatoes the correct answer is B honey honey is contraindicated in infants less than one year of age as it may cause botulism all other Foods here are okay to introduce one at a time to a six month old question six you're assessing a preteen with the father present the father explains that he is concerned that his child is experiencing depression which of the following is not an end indicator that the patient is experiencing depression a crying when her friend passed in an MVA B loss of appetite c lower grades when she is usually an honor roll student D insomnia the correct answer is a crying when her friend passed in an MBA it is normal for people to cry during the grieving process crying in the event of a death does not constitute depression however the other three options here are symptoms of possible depression question seven you're assessing a newborn and You Begin asking the mom if she wants immunizations for her infant the mom says no what is your best response to the mother a okay then here are the informative pamphlets in case you change your mind B As You Wish C I respect that decision if you would like informative pamphlets I can get them for you if not that is okay too D I respect that but you should know that there is a very high risk for these diseases that could be prevented in your child the correct answer is C I respect that decision if you would like informative pamphlets I can get them for you if not that is okay too as nurses we cannot force any intervention on a patient or parent answer C acknowledges that you respect the mother's decision to not immunize her child but also provides information to the mother without being pushy question 8. you're assessing a three-day-old newborn at his first doctor's appointment the infant was born at eight pounds five ounces which of the following would warrant concern for this infant a weight of eight pounds two ounces B weight of seven pounds 7.7 ounces C weight of seven pounds six ounces D weight of eight pounds 13 ounces the correct answer is C weight of seven pounds six ounces it is normal for newborns to lose up to ten percent of their birth weight however by one week old the newborn should be back up to his birth weight option C is a weight loss of more than 10 percent of the infant's birth weight question 9 you're caring for a patient who was recently diagnosed with glaucoma you know that which of the following ethnicities is at highest risk for glaucoma a African-American B Mexican American C Caucasian D Chinese the correct answer is a African-American African Americans are at the highest risk for glaucoma studies show that a a persons have thinner corneas than their European counterparts question 10 you're assessing a two-week-old breastfed infant which of the following would cause concern a mom states that the infant is having two to three wet diapers daily B the infant is eating eight to twelve times a day C the mother states that she usually lets the infant empty one breast before switching to the other breast D the mom states that it no longer hurts when the infant is nursing the correct answer is a mom states that the infant is having two to three wet diapers daily an infant should have five to six wet diapers daily breastfed infants eat eight to twelve times daily usually more than formula fed babies as breast milk is digested more quickly than formula if the infant is latched on and suckling properly the mother's nipple should not hurt the mother should also let the infant empty one breast before offering the second breast as the infant needs the hind milk question 11 you're educating a patient on why PF smears are so important for sexually active women what response by the patient lets you know that the patient understands the education provided a I cannot get HPV if I am on birth control therefore it is not necessary for me to have routine pap smears B I would know if I have HPV my boyfriend doesn't have any symptoms C HPV can cause cervical cancer later in life so I should have routine pap smears to prevent cancer D I am a gay woman I do not need to have routine pap smears because my risk for HPV is extremely low the correct answer is C HPV can cause cervical cancer later in life so I should have routine p app smears to prevent cancer HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can live dormant in individuals for years most people never have symptoms or test positive for HPV it is a silent infection HPV leads to cervical cancer this is why it is so important for women to receive a routine pap smear birth control does not present HPV many men carry HPV and never know that they have it because there are no symptoms of HPV lesbian women still need routine pap smears regardless of the gender of their sexual partners question 12 you're assessing a six-month-old infant at a well-child checkup the mother States all of a sudden she is scared of other people she used to go to anyone what is your best response to the mother a it is normal for infants to begin to feel stranger danger around six months of age she may not be as comfortable with someone she doesn't know holding her now B oh it's just stranger danger it'll pass as she gets older see this is normal it is a phase that she will grow out of d if you want I can ask the doctor for a referral to a psychiatrist she may have anxiety the correct answer is a it is normal for infants to begin to feel stranger danger around six months of age she may not be as comfortable with someone she doesn't know holding her now it is normal for infants between 6 18 months of age to have stranger anxiety we usually call this stranger danger it is necessary for the nurse to assure them that this Behavior by her child is normal and may even suggest ways to help lower the infant's anxiety question 13. the nurse is providing education to an 89 year old patient about his new blood pressure medication which of the following will Aid the patient best in understanding a the nurse should speak loudly and slowly B the nurse should allow time for the patient to understand each subject C the nurse should look the patient directly in the eye while instructing so the patient can hear better D the nurse should make the patient follow along on a teaching chart the correct answer is B the nurse should allow time for the patient to understand each subject just because a patient is an older adult does not mean that they are hard of hearing it is considered rude to speak loudly and slowly to a patient if they do not need this accommodation the best option here is to allow time between subjects to ensure that the patient understands the education provided this is true of any age patient question 14. you're assessing a three-week-old infant at a well-child checkup the mother tells you that she is worried because her infant's breathing is irregular what is the most helpful response to the mother a oh that's normal in infants B it is normal for infants to have irregular breathing patterns I will assess her breathing see that's nothing to worry about but I'll let the doctor know D this is normal in infants her age the correct answer is B it is normal for infants to have irregular breathing patterns I will assess her breathing it is important to not put off a parent's concerns about their child option b provides facts but also lets the parent know that you will assess to ensure that everything is normal question 15 a nurse is working in an OB GYN office and is caring for a client who had a positive pregnancy test the first day of her last menstrual period was January 15th what is her due date according to her LMP a October 22nd B November 22nd C October 8th D November 8th the correct answer is a October 22nd gestational age begins on the date of the first day of your last period next count back three months from the month of your last period next add one year and seven days to that date here the LMP is January 15th January minus three months is October add one year and seven days and the patient's due date is October 22nd this is Nagel's rule question 16 you're the nurse caring for a mother who has Hemorrhage during the delivery of her baby her blood type is a B positive which of the following blood types cannot be given to the mother a a negative of b b negative C B positive d a b positive can receive any blood type the correct answer is d a b positive can receive any blood type A B positive can receive any blood type however a B positive can only be donated to a B positive recipients question 17 you're educating a pre-diabetic patient on his hba1c which of the following is a healthy hba1c for the patient to have a 6.4 percent B 5.6 percent C below 7.5 percent D below 7.0 percent the correct answer is B 5.6 percent a 1C levels between 5.7 percent and 6.4 percent suggest pre-diabetes 5.7 percent to 6.5 percent imply diabetes while 6.5 percent or more implies hyperglycemia the higher your A1C the greater you your chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes within the 5.7 percent to 6.4 percent pre-diabetes range question 18. you're assessing a newly pregnant woman who has a history of two miscarriages she has one living child which she carried to 37 weeks six days she has had no preterm births how would you write This Woman's GT pal a g4t2p0a2l1 b g3t0 p1a1l1 c g4t0p1a2l2 d g3t1 p0a2l2 the correct answer is a G4 t2p0a2l1 1 g equals 4 the patients combine two-term birth plus zero preterm birth plus two miscarriages two t equals two the patient's two-term births three p equals zero the patient's zero preterm births four a equals two the patient's two miscarriages five L equals one the patient's one living child question 19 you're caring for a patient with hypertension and Sadie that states that he recently started losing weight as his BMI was 30. he states that he is discouraged because he only lost seven pounds in the first month what is your best response to this patient a are you making sure to burn more calories than you consume B maybe try cutting out more carbs for a faster weight loss see losing only 10 pounds of body weight at a time improves your overall health d maybe you should consider a weight loss medication today the correct answer is C losing only 10 pounds of body weight at a time improves your overall health options a b and d can make the patient feel as though you are putting them off informing the patient that losing only 10 pounds at a time improves his overall health can encourage the patient in his weight loss Journey question 20. you're assessing a 47 year old male patient who is in the clinic today for his annual checkup he asks you when you think he should begin getting a prostate exam he states that he has no family history of prostate cancer and his previous PSA was 2.0 ngml which of the following information will you provide to the patient a prostate exams are usually recommended to begin around age 50 unless you have a strong family history of prostate cancer or if your PSA levels climb above 2.5 NG ml B prostate exams are no longer needed we can test your PSA levels C you will start getting prostate exams yearly after age 50 D your last PSA level was 2.0 ngml you don't have to have a prostate exam as long as the PSA level stays under 2.5 ngml the correct answer is a prostate exams are usually recommended to begin around age 50 unless you have a strong family history of prostate cancer or if your PSA levels climb above 2.5 ngml unless the patient has a family history of prostate cancer or his PSA is more than 2.5 ngml prostate examinations are typically started around age 50. depending on the patient's particular evaluations different Physicians will advise various testing intervals the patient is not required to get a prostate exam every year the PSA level may not always indicate prostate problems or their absence question 21 you're a nurse working at your local Health Department you're seeing a patient that is here to get her annual flu vaccine she states that she is starting College in the spring and will be living in a dormitory which of the following should you educate the patient on a covid-19 vaccination B Tdap vaccination C meningococcal vaccination D HPV vaccination the correct answer is C meningococcal vaccination students starting school to live in tight quarters such as a dormitory should receive the meningo local vaccination children ages 11 to 12 should receive this vaccination as well with a booster around 16 years of age and before College if they plan to attend question 22 which of the following puts the patient at the highest risk for early death a cigarette smoking B obesity C hypertension D coronary artery disease the correct answer is a cigarette smoking cigarette smoking has a major effect on a person's health cigarette smoking affects all body systems including the neurological systems and has bad effects on the brain cigarette smoking puts the patient at the highest risk for early death compared to the other options listed question 23 you're reviewing Labs on a patient with complaints of flank pain which of the following Labs will you report immediately to the MD a bun 31 mgdl B creatinine 1.2 mgdl C urine WBC 6wbc's hpf D positive pregnancy test the correct answer is D positive pregnancy test while the above lab results are abnormal the most pressing is a positive pregnancy test for a patient with flank pain flank pain often means kidney infection a pregnant woman with a kidney infection is at a high risk for fetal compromise question 24 you're caring for a mother in the postpartum period and you ask her if she would like her infant to have the vitamin K shot which of the following is most important when educating the mother a the vitamin K injection keeps the infant form having excessive bleeding B the vitamin K injection keeps the infant from having blood clot C the vitamin K injection may leave a scar on the infant's leg D infants are born with adequate amounts of vitamin K but having more means they for sure will not have bleeding issues that lead to brine damage the correct answer is a the vitamin K injection keeps the infant form having excessive bleeding vitamin K when given at Birth keeps the infant from having excessive bleeding infants cannot make vitamin K naturally therefore they require an injection at Birth excessive bleeding can lead to brain damage and other deadly issues in the infant question 25 you're a nurse working in your local health department and your 16 year old patient and his boyfriend have come to the clinic together they both want to have STD testing performed they state that they are considering having sexual intercourse which of the following is true and important education to provide to the patient and his partner a since you are both males and cannot get pregnant there is no need to use condoms B it is important for you to use protection such as condoms to prevent STDs although you are a gay couple see there is no need to have STD testing today since you both have not had intercourse with one another D it is not important for you to have routine STD testing if you two are exclusive in your relationship the correct answer is B it is important for you to use protection such as condoms to prevent STDs although you are a gay couple no matter what a person's sexuality is protection should always be used when having sex gay men are more prone to HIV due to rectal penetration than heterosexual sex partners therefore option b is true question 26 a mother of a newborn calls the clinic and reports that she noticed a small amount of blood in her infant daughter's diaper she said it's almost like a period what is the best response to the mother a please bring her in right away for testing B your baby may just need another dose of vitamin K to stop the bleeding C this is normal for your infant this is a result of residual estrogen from your body at Birth this should subside soon d as long as it is a little bit it is okay call us if it becomes heavier the correct answer is C this is normal for your infant this is a result of residual estrogen from your body at Birth this should subside soon due to the high amounts of estrogen that a mother passes to her newborn the newborn can have physiological effects of estrogen after birth newborn girls as a result of estrogen may experience swollen breast tissue a small amount of milk leaking from the nipple enlarged labia white discharge from the vagina and a small amount of bleeding from the vagina this usually subsides by two months of age question 27 you're assessing a patient who has come in for her annual checkup she states that she is excessively down and depressed since her husband died six weeks ago with terminal cancer she says some days I just don't want to live what is your best response to the patient a I know it's hard now I lost my mom last year it does get better I promise B do you have a plan to harm yourself or end your life see do you have any supportive family nearby d how about considering therapy or a support group with other widows the correct answer is be do you have a plan to harm yourself or end your life this patient has stated that she does not want to live some days it is imperative and legal that the nurse asks the patient if she has a plan to harm herself or end her life asking this question can prevent the patient form a suicidal attempt options C and D are okay but are not the most important question 28 your patient was recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2. she asks you what types of foods she should eat for breakfast which of the following breakfasts would be best to suggest to this patient a wheat toast sugar-free jelly eggs and 16 ounces of orange juice B oatmeal with brown sugar and maple syrup eggs and chocolate milk C whole wheat pancakes with syrup eggs bacon and coffee D oatmeal with butter and sugar substitute bacon eggs and coffee with Splenda the correct answer is D oatmeal with butter and sugar substitute bacon eggs and coffee with Splenda options a b and c include too much sugar in the meal option D is a healthy mix of protein and carbs question 29 you're educating a 29 year old woman when it is best to perform her monthly self-breast exam SBE when is the best time for her to perform this exam a on the first day of her period B on the last day of her menstrual cycle C between day five and seven of her menstrual cycle D at the end of each month the correct answer is C between day five and seven of her menstrual cycle three to five days after the onset of your menstruation is the ideal time to perform a monthly breast self-exam every month carry it out at the same time during this phase of your monthly cycle your breasts are not as sensitive or lumpy do your exam on the same day each month if you've experienced menopause question 30 you're examining lab results for a patient who came in for diabetes testing her fasting glucose was 135. what do you conclude about these lab results a she does not have diabetes B she is at a low risk for diabetes C she needs further testing D she needs to be educated on how to properly prepare for the test and have it redone the correct answer is C she needs further testing the patient's fasting glucose should be 99 mgdl however diabetes is not diagnosed off of one lab result alone she needs further testing question 31 you're a home health nurse admitting a patient to Home Health Services the patient has a stage four decubitus that must be dressed daily his caregiver must know how to dress the wound in between nurse visits what is the best way to ensure that the caregiver understands how to perform a dressing change a have the caregiver write down all of the steps to the dressing change B have the care caregiver perform the dressing change C have the caregiver explain the steps of the dressing change D do the dressing change and have the patient acknowledge that they understand the correct answer is B have the caregiver perform the dressing change the best way to ensure that the caregiver of the patient knows how to perform the dressing change is to have the caregiver perform the dressing change during your first visit in the home as the home health nurse is when you can do all of the education regarding dressing changes during your second visit it is good to have the caregiver perform the dressing change to ensure that they are able to complete the dressing change in your absence question 32 you're educating a patient who just found out that she carries the burqa 2 Gene which of the following statements by the patient indicates she needs more education a I will need a double mastectomy to ensure that I do not get breast cancer B I will need to perform more self-breast exams and let my doctor know immediately if something changes see I may take many medications to ensure that I do not get breast cancer in my future d I may pass this Gene onto my son the correct answer is a I will need a double mastectomy to ensure that I do not get breast cancer patients with the burqa 2 Gene do not necessarily need a double mastectomy however some patients realize that their chances of getting breast cancer with the burqa Gene are very high so they chose to receive a double mastectomy as a precautionary measure preventative medication can be given to the patients if they so choose men are able to get the burqa Gene as well question 33 a mother of an 18 month old has come into the office with her child she states that she is worried about her child because she can only hold on to furniture and walk but will not let go and if she does let go she falls down what is your best response to this mother a let's talk to the doctor today about a physical therapy referral B that's okay some children take longer to walk than others she may just be scared see let's reassess if she is not walking by two years old D try encouraging her with treats I'm sure she will get there soon the correct answer is a let's talk to the doctor today about a physical therapy referral a child should be able to walk by the age of 18 months usually by nine months of age a child is cruising and holding onto objects and walking by 12 months most babies take their first steps without holding on however it takes some babies longer by 18 months the child should be evaluated by physical therapy if they are not walking unassisted question 34 you're caring for a pregnant mother in the OB GYN office you ask her if she would like to get the Tdap vaccine today since she is 27 weeks pregnant the mom asks why do I need that vaccine what is your best response to the mother a this vaccine can help protect your baby from getting tetanus during her first year of Life B infants are at high risk for pertussis whooping cough the vaccine can decrease the chance of pertussis by 78 percent see the doctor recommends the DAP vaccine to all of his patients D it's important so that you do not get pertussis while your baby is a newborn the correct answer is B infants are at high risk for pertussis whooping cough the vaccine can decrease the chance of pertussis by 78 percent between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy a pregnant woman should be offered a Tdap vaccine for Passive immunity for her infant this vaccine puts the infant at a 78 percent less chance of getting whooping cough which can be fatal in infants question 35 you're educating a 45 year old obese male that smokes cigarettes on a daily basis he has COPD and wants to know how he can improve his quality of life since he has grandchildren now which of the following will best improve this patient's quality of life a smoking cessation B decreased BMI C breathing treatments D oxygen the correct answer is a smoking cessation while options b c and d May improve the patient's quality of life smoking cessation will best improve the patient's quality of life this patient may not require oxygen therefore oxygen may not improve his quality of life at this point in time question 36 you're at a school Fair educating students in Middle School on ways to stay safe which of the following is the most important piece of information for this age group a seat belt safety in the car B helmet safety on a bike scooter C safe sex with condoms D drownings prevention the correct answer is a seat belt safety in the car in 2019 accidental injuries caused more than seven thousand deaths of kids and teenagers aged 0 to 19. that works up to around 20 fatalities daily vehicle collisions asphyxia drowning poisoning fires and Falls are the top causes of accidental child harm injury to children may frequently be avoided question 37 a father brought his 18-month-old daughter in for her well-child checkup in vaccinations which of the following vaccinations will you anticipate preparing for the child a hep B and DTaP B pneumonia C meningococcal D flu dap HIV the correct answer is a hep B and d-tap according to the CDC schedule of vaccinations for children at age 18 months old the child should receive a hep B and DT tap vaccination this can vary from child to child based on if the patient is on a catch-up schedule or not things happen and children may skip a vaccination this can often cause a patient to be on a catch-up schedule question 38 you're providing education to a male patient who is 50 years old and is in the clinic today to schedule his first colonoscopy upon further investigation you notice that the patient has a family history of colon cancer his father actually died of colon cancer 10 years ago which of the following statements by the patient indicates the patient understands the education provided a I am at a much lower risk of colon cancer because I eat a healthy diet B I will only need a colonoscopy every 10 years see if my occult stool test is negative today I do not have to get a colonoscopy D I may need more frequent colonoscopies due to my family history the correct answer is D I may need more frequent colonoscopies due to my family history in patients with a higher risk for colon cancer colonoscopies can start earlier than age 50. these patients may require more frequent colonoscopies as well patients are still advised after age 50 to receive a colonoscopy whether or not they have a positive occult stool test question 39 a 50 year old male is in the clinic today for his yearly exam you ask him if he performs his monthly self-testicular exams which of the following statements by the patient indicates the patient understands the reason behind self-testicular exams a I have low testosterone I stopped checking my testicles because I am at a lower risk for cancer now that I have low T B I do not have a history of testicular cancer in my family so I usually just skip those C if my testicles are different sizes I need to report this to my doctor immediately D it is important to ensure that there is no change in testicular tissue and if there is I should report it immediately the correct answer is d it is important to ensure that there is no change in testicular tissue and if there is I should report it immediately men should perform self-testicular exams just as women perform self-breast exams men with low testosterone levels are not at a lower risk of cancer even if men do not have a family history of testicular cancer they should still perform these self-testicular exams any change in testicular tissue should be reported to the doctor immediately question 40 a patient keeping their hba1c within a normal range is an example of what type of prevention a primary B secondary C tertiary D disease the correct answer is C tertiary this third method of prevention tertiary prevention tries to assist a patient in managing and reducing long-term symptoms of an existing problem rather than preventing a disease or catching it early it not only AIDS in restoring one's quality of life but also stops the symptoms from worsening to the point where they become incapacitating or fatal for instance a patient keeping their HBA 1C within normal range thank you for watching this video we hope you enjoyed it click the first link in the description to take the free NCLEX practice test also check out these videos that can help you with your future studies don't forget to resuscitate the like button and subscribe to our Channel and please share this video with your fellow nursing friends
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Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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