NCL LE BISTRO Full Experience

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listo is one of the best spots on any Norwegian Cruise Line ship for specialty dining on this episode I'll share The Full Experience if you're new to cruising or new to NCL I'll explain how specialty dining works and how to get it at an amazing price and if you're new to my channel welcome my name is brown for tonight's dinner I am joined by my two close friends from Belgium and Melanie a solo Cruiser from Germany she's admiring the artwork before dinner the camera ask for making the goal of this video is to show you what to expect here so for that I'll just keep the camera rolling the vibe the service the menu the food our interactions and even what we talk about during dinner knowing my friends I'll go ahead and ask you not to take us too serious please very good we have a reservation for three but we're four another problem I just have the other state so that's that's the one and then the other I highly recommend you to make reservations for specialty dining as soon as you get on board that way you can pick the day and time you desire I did not follow my own advice and we were left with an early seating on the last day of of the cruise and your cruise and style yes but keep in mind you'll need some time to pack your bags you might find yourself rushing everything with a travel day early the next morning in the back of your mind thank you thank you liistro is all about French cuisine and the interior design is very nice you can choose to sit outside although it's technically not outside but in the atrium in this case but personally I'm not a fan there's too many people walking by your table and it feels more like a shopping mall to me my only objection of today's visit is the electronic Lounge music that doesn't really fit the concept but you know what we're here for the food and the company and if tonight's food is as good as on my previous visits we're in for a treat thank you have a black one because you have a black dress yeah fancy right Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy they don't have fancy restaurants in Germany it's the same with the ship of course but yeah yeah he said it was 31 uh dollar for a bottle of Earth coal here's the glass and with a discount it was only what or 19 for a bottle give us 10 should we try it again no you did you get the gold watch yes yes of course Rolex gold Rolex you got it I bought a brightly you you buy me one how's everybody tonight good how are you excellent my name is Ruby I'll be taking care of you all tonight okay Ru good evening how for you water we offer you a bot of Orana or ice water SP I think just ice water [Music] it's for charge for water not about only glass water socket otherwise I I take the ice water to us Europeans this will always be complicated can some of my American viewers please explain what is the difference between sparkling water and soda water for us it's just the same it's the same thing you have the the beverage package right yes like a soda CL soda CL soda soda water I bring you soda water yes great thank you do you have any fies here no no none that we are aware of so how about any appointment so looking at the menu you'll see it has all card pricing that's why you need a dining package this is like a credit you use so Allard pricing is basically zero pause or rewind the video have a look at the menu and do your own math you can buy the dining package on online after you're booking and pick how many you want the more you get the cheaper but let's say it's an average of $50 per meal way cheaper than all carts pretty good value for money isn't it any special wine needs home mhm it's why the glass the wine so you can choose whatever you want except for the $17 one or the after over but then you pay the difference H but then you only pay the difference so don't worry about it their music Cho they often both restant restaurant I didn't it was okay what did you already eat watch the videos it's one of my best friends I have a YouTube channel he doesn't watch it don't be offended man so if he he yeah I will but he still now he wants to know what did you eat was it good watch it what I hate to say in French esaro for me it's esaro andol that's the number one for me what's the number one escaro and then dool MH the what are going to have I would like to have the s from California e all right you have a beverage package right sir yes is it the premium Plus or the premium beverage it's the normal one the the the premium premium beverage not the not the premium plus not the plus like a $2 difference $4 yes there's a premium plus I have the German ringman for me glass prco [Music] please so the German girl goes from the German wine oh God sweet wine I like it you like sweet one yeah you this one yes thank you at night would go to the musical n yeah which music right again man again first we will go to did you see it already um yes yes it was that good we want to see it again W the Epic was better music better that was better I thought it was thank you but did she remind me what was the musical on the Epic name the dancers and the oh no um you know what I mean everyone's ready questioning menu with the desert I'm ready and I have the mushroom sou mushroom soup and how would you like to be done Med Med you welome what's the name floor no but that's just the dancers I don't like that no they look idiots they have the perfect bodies and the perfect moves that's and then you leave and then you go dancing and then you it what medum rare with all the perfect bodies and the perfect okay and then Priscilla was Priscilla Queen of the Desert but I like uh escar goh please and the the dool but could I replace the the what's it called the Shad potato with just normal fries no potato what you want just normal fries fren yeah fren Fri I forgot to ask that for me as well thank you Taste of Home for Melanie [Music] first thank you yeah that's right they don't have that on this ship but they have a like a it's like a dance show we're in the floor and they do all the dances all the typical like do salsa and they do all the the dance moves and they do it uh very well and I don't like the show because when you're sitting there you're looking at something 10 or 12 perfect bodies doing perfect moves you can't do it yourself and and you're you're looking at thinking like well thanks yeah you got it thanks for reminding me that I can't do that I can do that thank you sir so Flemish heat MoDOT is just keep on pouring buy keep pouring okay cheers guys Che what's going on no wine sorry Sor mushrooms thank rer I bring the thank you B te good choice by the way excellent soup you'll find out what what is this ah okay the snails snails maybe for like the setting second seating from Che so I'll bring the one from later okay thank [Music] you sec I thought he said that he got the wrong one wrong s so he's going to bring the right one now but I'm not sure okay we'll see he's bringing you wine you didn't ask 5 minutes later he comes again sorry I brought the wrong one again everybody excellent thank you you have how about this empty more wine for you no thank you no more no and this one for you more more get drunk tonight story of the week let's get drunk tonight and fly to Mo I will take you all in your cabin don't you worry I know your cabin you get drunk I'll be your driver your driver tday welcome uh been outside today been to the pizza Tower no just went outside yeah Leo here [Music] oh very nice place too much sun too much no much for me to much he likes the yeah you like I don't like I like snow yeah I like snow as well oh he recharges it's like a globe for sorry I'm always against your feet okay and you can get more with the German it's not good it's good yeah yeah but you don't have to ref wine in a French restaurant no Can I taste it yes it's it's sweet that's rling is yeah they they use that a lot as dessert wine yeah well I don't know in Belgium on the it's very sweet too thank you but it's not always that sweet e okay in general they are she's very sweet thank you reasing I'm just curious ious what they going to pour in the other glass me too now he's going to give me he gave me a glass because he thinks I'm going to drink red wine later but that's not really done with Fish And then they fill up the white first before they bring the food or maybe he just place it here because he wine because I don't know that would be cool like mix it I was thinking same thing she pouring in the same thing as before yeah I was thinking too but cuz it's an it's an upcharged wine so why [Music] Sur surpr Sur welcome let's open ready you [Applause] [Applause] ready way better table here thank you some ketchup for your French fries sauce no thank you no me neither fine thank you We Do It the French way look at Americans W catch up with everything enjoy enjoy in case you're wondering about the taste of the food I think our facial expressions say it all this is impressive the quality the presentation and the service is all five star but I don't know about you but this music I mean come on that's and that's s and you can tell it by the pee on top is pepper and the S is oh it has letter I can hey small come on yes really really from my angle you cannot even see the what's in the little back here I for detail lemon lemon yeah that way if you squeeze it you squeeze it you don't get the uh what do you call it inside ah seeds the seeds yeah what to avoid the seeds the seeds told you the titss I want to avoid the tits fresh that's the from son Yes actually like to try it first and which one which one was the first one then that was the the one is from Chile it's sant okay so that's the one he ordered for has no it should be good even better thank [Music] you oh [Music] boy you're welcome ketchup no ketchup no thank you ketchup is for American people oh you love me the thought of having ketchup with Dover soul is absolutely Dreadful to us but I must admit as belgians we would eat mayonnaise with everything so I appreciate them masking but ketchup would absolutely ruin this fish she lik you HRI says yes and then I lose my house drun drunky then you get home month later you lost your home than drink it drink it partyy bye bye Housey Housey wasy wasy happy [Music] happy hi hi Ashley Hey where's the other Ashley she's running up cuz you know I love I love saying Ashley's I think everybody does that oh was it yesterday 8:30 rough day right we went to pom mhm it was miserable was miserable pom was miserable or you were miserable you were miserable but still we we had a good time we're still good yes look at same for you again one more everything's perfect Ashley number two hello there doing stop following us me okay enjoy your dinner we were here first you make a good point Henry you make a good point you're following us enjoy to S enjoy dinner thank you you too invite to lay down like it's such a big sitting area that if you go to the middle of it you're like can't you put it in my M I should probably will if you ask yeah you a few bucks but uh one more bite Henry I give you one more p and no drinky drinking party L the Housey Henry still hungry shut up Henry one more let me clarify this conversation a bit Henrik is single we as friends have been teasing him all week that's what friends are for that he could get a male order bride from Thailand or something the Asian accents from our service have inspired us at the by no means are we making fun of the servers they are truly amazing nobody else drinking that might as well give it thank you can I try putting him in your ear ready for the best part you welcome best part who's ready for the best part menu yeah they already have the best part oh yeah I'm fine for the moment thank you you okay yes okay what did the rest of the German connection do today did someone went to uh German connection connection connection they were planning their next trip yes really really they watched uh because this uh other ship what's the name celebrity celebrity um beond it's more expensive yes if I may no thank you if I may be so inre how much you pay solo cabin the drinking package and three diners uh 1,400 with with the flights with the flights with the flight great deal you had a better deal than we did but at first first it it was 2,100 then I saw that the price uh is going down and then I called the NCL and then I I got the the 2,100 sounds more yeah yeah thank you I'll have a look thank you yes you're welcome sir some still do this for you sir thank you you're welcome your best for you're lucky I have that last time I took the sing that was was not okay that was like show your best part she said no it was even worse she said enjoy your best part who said I could if I could reach sure I can no a little bit of fresh air will do some good and there you have it ladies and gentlemen our dinner at L SC if you have any questions make sure to leave them in the comments below and for my regular viewers I have a question of my own is an Extended Cut like this entertaining at all Should I stick to the shorter edits like I do it in the Cru Vlogs or is sharing all of it fun to watch please let me [Music] know [Music] if you want to see what the rest of the day was like just click this video and if you want to see the entire cruise visit my channel and select the NCL Escape playlist that will get you to the start of it all give me a thumbs up if if you enjoyed it consider subscribing and as always thanks for [Music] watching
Views: 3,202
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Id: tXVfR7l-_gQ
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Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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