NC 500 Route in a Campervan - Summer 2020

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scotland's absolutely amazing this is such a beautiful country [Music] what do you see leo wow oh look look here's the train now can you see the tree [Music] oh let's go mama [Music] [Music] okay so we're just outside of inverness and today we're going to start our route around the nc 500 which is the north coast route at the top of scotland we've been looking forward to this for quite a while and hopefully it will take us uh well not sure maybe two or three days maybe a little bit longer but we also plan to stop off in sky on the way around so yeah really looking forward to this yeah really looking forward to it it's been recommended by quite a lot of people so and apparently the views are stunning so yeah yeah and we've got um the weather's gonna be like this for the next five to seven days it's been quite rainy the last few days but um we're starting to see a tiny bit of sunshine and everything so hopefully it will stay dry yes yeah let's hope it holds out yeah great so we're going to pack our stuff up and set off yeah let's hit the road okay we're ready to go ready yes he's eating his apple good boy hi what do you say would you like spoon yeah my tummy's gone it's not gone it's there's still some in there look where's it gone it's in my tummy so we're gonna head up towards jonah groats first um as a target because we don't know how long it's gonna take or what we'll see a long route so excellent okay [Music] [Music] we're actually doing the nc 500 um anti-clockwise and i don't think there's a set rule that you have to do it clockwise but a friend of mine just sent me a message who did it a couple of years ago he did it clockwise and he said that the best parts were actually at the beginning so that's quite good because we're doing it anti-clockwise which means we're saving the best till last and we've only been driving for what 10 minutes yeah about 10 minutes and already the scenery is pretty spectacular so if it's gonna get better then uh i think this is gonna be a really fantastic route [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wow they love me let's hope he doesn't get upset and charge us [Music] do [Music] where's the castle leo wow should we go and have a look [Music] okay so we're a couple of days into the nc 500 route now and we've just been blown away by the scenery just around every single corner there's another amazing sight to behold it's really um really quite an incredible room so many big lakes um castles like ruins sweeping valleys beaches with white sand incredible rock formations and mountain landscapes to look at and you name it this route has definitely got it okay so i'm just kicking in the back with leo for a little bit on the drive and um i thought i'd show you something that is really really working out well for us a friend of ours bought these amazing stickers and the good thing with these is they peel off so you can see they're like vehicles and fire engines and things which leo's crazy about at the moment and they peel off and then you stick them on the windows and then you can peel them off again and again so he loves playing with these while we're driving along and these have kept him entertained leo do you like your stickers yeah yeah do you like them which one's your favorite one do you like the fire engine no no do you like this one no do you like this one no i like uh i like the fight oh you like the police car and the ambulance and the fire and the fire truck yeah just driving through um a section now with some of the most incredible mountains either side of us i mean really just incredible i'll try and capture some of these mountains for you now on camera so you can see what we're talking about this really is very special [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's doing hiding where has he gone is it a face can i see that's a face let's have a quick look oh 80 percent yes leo well that was really lucky we found a host pipe and also some public toilets so we've done our washing up and um yeah really happy about that that was good a good find wasn't it good find yeah yeah done we've got showers tomorrow it's nice being grateful for such small things yeah i didn't think we were going to have showers tomorrow we couldn't even brush our teeth tonight or anything without any water so yeah that's a real win we were sharing uh about 20 water yesterday weren't we well this morning yeah so 10 each in the shower is like it's just on the west coast it's not been very easy to get hold of water even at campsites they just don't seem to want to let you go in and give them money to fill up your water tank it is back holiday august weekend though i think they're really busy yeah maybe okay so great result we've got some water in our tank now so we can have showers tomorrow we can brush our teeth tonight and we can do some cooking so we're good to go and now we're just going to drive along and try and find somewhere to camp up for the night [Music] that was just cranky wow how many have you got one two three four yeah any pine cones oh it's no fire [Music] you
Channel: The Motorhome Tribe
Views: 995
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: motorhome, campervan, rv life, tiny house
Id: ugxtmXxS6Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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