NBA Players explain why Jimmy Butler is BUILT DIFFERENT

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[Music] the heart and soul of the Miami Heat Jimmy Butler if you know me you know where my heart is and how I do really play to win I like that that's the only reason why Jimmy is considered one of the toughest players in the NBA his obsessive mindset is on the level of Jordan and Kobe I love the game and I don't do it for any other reason except for to compete everyone knows he's a superstar but what do NBA players have to say about Jimmy Butler like that's how he plays the game he plays extremely hard again he puts his body on the line every time and he understands it like the playoffs he I I heard him on the Knuckleheads where he says he's never won it at any level I haven't won on any level I can't say that I'm a winner and so the reason why he goes so hard cuz he wants to be remembered as a winner and Jimmy's like Jordan in a sense in this way he's always looking for something to piss him off I just respect him so much as uh being a such such a unique world class Elite competitor he competes to win that's a different language and he's desperate and Urgent and maniacal uh and sometimes psychotic uh about the will to try to win been like we're playing that game I think we're about eight I'm playing well and Jimmy says like hell no he ain't here so I made it three pass out next do you know I said H I'm here the next play Jimmy Boom Boom stop spivot and I'm here too I mean Grant wasn't the answer was he to the Jimmy brother problem M he wasn't so like Jimmy knows like this is all love because we're just competitors like naturally anytime you playing this game throughout your career there's certain guys that stick out you know when you step on the floor it's going to be maximum effort every possession and that's from both sides and that's been like that throughout Jimmy's whole career every time I've matched up with him no matter what uniform he's had on I hat on we've always battled it out so nothing but respect for a guy that brings it every single night um brings his hard hat punches his clock and leave it leave it all on the floor I remember when Jimmy got drafted Jimmy got drafted the last pick in the first round he was the 30th pick and I remember thinking like Jimmy I'm glad Jimmy got in there like cuz he wasn't like that kind of player but and I just watched his rise and when I got to Chicago what I seen was and Jimmy's confident and I always say confidence come from your work yeah Jimmy confidence come from no one is going to work hard than me m I would be damned if someone to work harder than me Jimmy knows the game right Jimmy knows the work he puts in the game right right he's very committed to that no one is going to outwork me no one is going to know this better than me not even you coach you can't just throw something out there to Jimmy he's going to challenge you on he know that he you know what I mean like he know okay this guy got this and he got that maybe I can't do that but I know I got something that he don't got right in here so that's why he feels like and his mind Jimmy's the great he's the best player in the world he a damn animal yeah yeah he different ain't no pushup over ain't no you going to pick on me all game you go call me up for screens so I can get the iso you feel me like no I'm applying pressure you know what it is like you feel me you come through the lane I'm bumping you you know what I'm saying you going to feel me out there no matter what you going to feel me out there that's what I love about Jimmy he's a dog yeah I remember that game like it was yesterday uh we scored they called a timeout it was like we were by six with like 50 seconds left and uh I call I said it was over uh then they come down hit two threes I know what happened and he tweeted he tweeted after the game and I get on the bus and everybody's talking me about what he said and all this and and so I didn't I didn't say anything after that game Jimmy as a leader of a team first of all about Jimmy I I think he's one of the ultimate competitors I've ever been around like the way this guy loves to win is outrageous even if it's over a game of Uno like he will get intense and figure out a way to win and as a leader I think he just tries his best way to to push people he's going to have expectations of you to just know the game and most importantly above all with him is to just play basketball the right way you know I think he has a a respect and appreciation for the game of basketball as it is um that I don't think people really give attention to he understands you know just because people perceive him or think about him one way doesn't mean that that's that's him you know what I mean so he actually does a really good job of when you're on his team he he you know you're on his team we kind of embraced who Jimmy was like we knew Jimmy was an at the at the end of the day we all know that but like this culture Embraces that like we want you to bring that next out so then on the court we got all five people that are like dogs like he's just a dog I mean Jimmy is one of the most special players and closers in this league you know he's somebody I've respected for a long time he just continues to get better and he's the guy we want the ball in his hands at the end of a game so tonight was no different Jimmy's will his just passion his competitiveness he just he's got a dog in him like and this is shows who has the dogs like you know what I mean this is where the dogs come out Jimmy is a dog he's showing it he's tough he going to talk his talk and he going to back it up that's the thing about Jimmy you don't let him talk his cuz he's going to feed into that he's going to buy into the he's saying and then there's no turning back obviously we had a Marquette tie but we wasn't close you know what I mean like I would go back time play with those guys but like we wasn't really close and he played with the bulls and we had that Bulls Miami thing going on but when I went there my one of the good things about me leaving Miami going Chicago is out for a relationship with this guy uh me and Jimmy got close and Jimmy just was like yo I want to learn everything I can me and Jimmy set down and I just I got into Jimmy I got I got I started to understand who he was you know he's taken some of the similar steps that I that I've done if it ain't broke don't fix it right just an amazing he's amazing person a little misunderstood you know what I'm saying um it comes all come from a good place sometime time it may come out wrong but it all coming from a good place with him you know Jimmy has this like weird reputation that not everyone's on board but he's clearly an incredible fighter teammate winner um you know they were like no that's our guy you know and they built with him and that like that's what that's a sign of a great culture is when you can identify exactly who fits you instead of like you know I I think I think he's a fit right like they they know clearly he's a fit he's not this is what we this is our system of behaviors so I love playing with Jimmy he's an interesting personality often times with Jimmy it can rub certain people the wrong way I love playing with Jimmy in in my opinion I wish we had just ran it back in Philly he's just one of the most you know one of the greatest competitors we've ever seen in this game who whose heart is as big as anyone's in this game Jimmy is is so unselfish he hates he hates to stamp of being like one of those like Superstar guys like because he's so so much of a team player that when you put that stamp on guys like yo he was a superstar it's his fault you know he got to take that last shot he doesn't play the game that way y so his whole thing is like I'm play to win like yeah I'm just a tough player like that's just what it is like stuff he's just a winner man like winner bro and I heard somebody say like he's not good for every culture I don't see how we always knew the talent right we both saw it up close by playing with him we saw the unselfishness we saw the hard hat he brought every single day we saw the leadership in his way right it's not for everybody but it was his way and we embraced that if he's rolling with you he'll roll with you all the way because he's a loyal dude he's one of the best teammates I've ever had he's a great leader off the court you got to see Jimmy's like Charisma you got to see like who he was as like a person it just showed everybody like he's not a person that's gonna back down love Jimmy the death man Jimmy the only person that got me drinking wine Jimmy has also opened up my Countryside so and I I spent a lot of time with Jimmy and um just like d way and myself Brothers fight me and Jimmy got to the point we wanted to knuckle up you know what I'm saying but that's that's that's that's brothers and once again that's an everyday thing with my we're witnessing a guy who uh continued to be in his prime and um playing at a a level of basketball that you know not many players can get to um and you have to just kind of sometimes sit back and appreciate it Jimmy's All About hard work he's all about getting better he's all about team and if he doesn't feel that from everybody then he's already rubbed off the wrong way you got to remember Jimmy is a self-made Superstar right Joo you know had to really grind out of all the like Superstars he's one of the ones who is like really like self-made he wasn't the one who was a prodigy coming up from middle school to high school and so he kind of has that mentality I'll guard that guy you know you be the score tonight he kind of has that right and so he respects the grind I say that to say this he respects the grind he respects the game he respects people that put the work in it's all about winning I'm a little biased you know because I get a chance to see him on a regular basis but Jimmy Butler you know he's a miniature version of myself and just his intensity the way he goes about preparation you know way he plays on both sides of the ball defensively as well as offensively you know he can impact the game change the game with his defense like guarding Jimmy I feel like he's really just scoring at will where it's just like he doesn't care if he's getting fouled or not and he's like all right I'm going to get to the free throw line I'm going to get to my spots and if you jump on this pump fake I'm going to hit you in your rip and I'm going to go to the foul line why you're holding your rib Jimmy Butler leads with his toughness right Jimmy Butler is one of the smartest basketball players that I've ever been around right some players have that switch that they can turn on everyone doesn't have it but certain players have it and in the playoffs he just really turns into a whole different player that they're not actually used to yeah and you know he just tortures everyone during the playoff hey I call I'm calling them playoff buckets now he be in the regular season I ain't saying he coasting he is though he be having I look at his line with playoffs come around he all the big shots he take all listen Jimmy he a whole another man his consistency to me when he get to the playoffs he hit big shots he do he do Jimmy Butler go from regular season Jimmy Butler to to big face to big face coffee in the playoffs Jimmy turns something else on and whether he likes it or not playoff Jimmy is just something different he's just special he just has a gear when I saw Jimmy Butler laid over top of the scores table in the bubble you could see a man that was giving every single ounce and Jimmy has that ability and people cannot match his level that is uniquely special I it's one of the best performances that I've ever seen if he's making those shots he's the best player in the world there's literally nothing you can do to guard him because it's like the thing with Jimmy is oh let him shoot whatever he's a very capable shooter he just doesn't shoot him like he doesn't really shoot him during the year it doesn't interest him or whatever there's just nothing he can do with that it's crazy I mean he was talking and we're down 10 points with like five minutes left he's talking crazy to Drew and I'm like Jimmy we're not this game's not over like what you know what I mean this he just started getting into that mode that we all love when he gets into and looking back like it almost like doesn't even feel real that felt like a video game or something that was insane I I've never seen a player just single-handedly dominate not just a good team like they were really good and he dismantled them like um you know I think he kind of just propelled us and gave guys like me a whole lot of confidence in those moments and when we have Jimmy it's like we always feel like we got a chance that's for sure I leaned on him so much my rookie year you know just being able to lean on someone like him who's who's seen everything who's been through it all and then we built such a great relationship and for being a young guy for me it was just in the playoffs I was you know just trying to play for him and I know he's always been that guy that people talk about as a bad teammate and stuff but that's like the complete opposite of who he actually is so just just being able to play with him I work year was was a blessing thank you so much for watching make sure to subscribe to the channel and if you have any requests or ideas for future videos drop them in the comments [Music] below
Channel: Piotrekz Productions
Views: 107,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E2ef3OC0WZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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