NBA Legends and Players Explains How STEPH CURRY Changed The Game Of Basketball #stephcurry

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you're awesome steph curry at 6 3 190 in his ninth season he's not just a point guard or a shooting guard i affectionately call him a vanguard the leader of the new school here's the player so far in this game has made the most threes multiple times in league history during the regular season has led a 73 win team has been the league's only unanimous mvp oh and by the way he's won two championships he's had a 50 40 90 season that's right 50 from the floor 40 from three 90 from the line and how about this after winning the championship recruited kevin durant to come play in golden state speaking of three-pointers we mentioned you are the all-time king there but this guy steph curry he's coming hard already in the top ten where does he rank on your list of best shooters ever i think right now from what i've seen it's easy for me to say that he's the best that i've ever seen shoot i've seen some great shooters but you know we have this conversation all the time about the generations what we've seen you know who's the best at their particular position or or their skill you know you guys know as well as i do each year the generation when they change the game changes and um so i really put him in a category all of uh of his own because the way he plays the game you know being a point guard that that can handle the way he handles the ball and the way he can shoot the ball and the way he shoots it um people always ask me you know how does he compare to me i say well i i would rather compare myself to klay thompson you know because he and i play similar yeah um as well as uh reggie miller um you know i kind of took cues watching him play and i'm pretty sure clay took those cues from reggie and myself and a couple other different players so you know we're kind of in that in that category and i think right now people are watching steph play and so these young kids are now growing up and he's setting the bar for those young kids at the point guard position so i think he's setting a bar all of his own and it's kind of different from what i've been able to do primarily kids are on the playground saying they want to be like steph who's the next step that's playing in collegiate basketball that will be trey young models his game after steph curry and i'm not mad at him for that and we're not we're not saying k.d or steph you're saying because he won mvp before k.d before kd arrived he did two times [Laughter] tell me about playing steph curry um it's tough man i think his biggest weapon is obviously the way he shoots the ball i mean he can shoot off the dribble at any time in any given moment so it's tough to guard him because you got to pick him up pretty much at half court because he'll pull it from right there yeah is there anything it's just ridiculous and i think one another thing that separates him is is his humble confidence he can go one for 12 from three in the next game he's gonna shoot 12 more so i think that's what makes him great too as a player i've never seen before let me explain you know coming in you know growing up you see big guards magic johnson big o guys like that when i was playing big guards uh jordan penny hardaway lebron this guy reminds me of where's my thing at this is what steph curry reminds me of when i see him it reminds me of a cute little baby boy he's so little and so cute and he's just want to kiss him every time i feel him but but he's killing right now he's just so dominant right now you know the things he's doing he's bringing excitement to the game but again he's just so cute yeah he's a great motor you know i think a lot of people don't understand how how great his motor is he never stops moving his ball handling his ability to shoot the ball off the dribble and off the catch um you know is uh is uncanny i don't think he's ever been a guy in our league to be able to shoot the ball as well as he does off the dribble or off the catch off the ball and you know he just creates so many different match-up problems for your defense and you always have to be aware of them how do you slow him down you the same way you slow me down you can't within the uh so if you've been around kids you've been to camps you see the the effect that steph curry has had on the youth of america so it's all about a story i mean steph curry is just one of the most humble guys i've ever met i mean one of my best experiences in the nba was playing in the world championships in 2010 steph was on the team he wasn't this steph but obviously he was already a great player he was on the team but he's the same guy i mean and i got a chance to spend a lot of time with him and he's a super duper star now but doesn't have that kind of ego right and he and the reason why they're so great is because he empowers everybody to just be who they are and it's all fueled by steph curry you know there's a lot of guys you you see do certain interviews it's like you know he's just saying that for the camera you know just what the people want to hear when he speaks i believe him to his teammates he seems likeable dependable and you know when the warriors go through their things their spats i feel like he's the guy you know he's the mediator and i think that's how everybody off the court and on the court view them i don't know if he had uh steph curry you know you saw what he did uh when kd wasn't there and trying to step his game up you know uh he's the interesting one in my opinion uh i've never seen a guy that's so humble and has such a good heart uh received so much hate uh who's that steph curry and it's an amazing thing but what he's done what a game of basketball hate it's incredible and he's going to continue to do it not from you guys not from you guys but but just in general you know you always see steph curry yeah why do they hate on him i thought they were all these people i think we feel it from guys in the league and we feel it in the media and i think i think it's uh you know um he's carrying a whole shoe brand you know uh he's got his own media company now he's doing so many great things and it's maybe more jealousy i think that's what it is but on the other hand steph shows like steph's the most popular player with the kids like what steph shows is that you don't have to be the tallest you don't have to be the fastest if you work hard kids i mean it's an illusion because one out of a billion get to be steph curry but you know he's more their size baby face he shows if you work hard you can still be a big deal right like i mean in that way he connects with the youth market maybe more than anybody oh for sure i think we feel it more because we're in it every day so lebron james there you go really but also kerry from golden state i mean you've seen it oh man it's impossible i mean somebody shoot like it i have never seen anything like that in my life unbelievable it's unbelievable when you watch christmas yeah that's something special i mean i don't care where it is you just come and get it and just flicks it up there i mean like and not but net you know he doesn't know lucky bounces or nothing like that i mean it's amazing i enjoy and the thing about it he's a very unselfish player and he and he gets the ball to his teammates too he gets a lot of assists and everything else i mean it's just you know it's a freak of nature i mean i've never seen that i never think you'll ever see anybody shoot like that again so it's amazing i mean you look at how this kid shoots the ball from behind the three-point line he shoots it like it's a layup there's there's no restriction um he's he's been been a game changer i mean you look at his three's attempts compared to ray allen and ray allen probably getting three to five a game where steph is probably getting 10 to 15 a game so i don't see any players in the league that can really change this landscape unless him and clay get on separate teams there is only one steph and he is altered not only the course of nba history but when you watch college and high school games got in and you've been in a lot of gyms the last few years kids all over the place are shooting it from 30 feet trying to be like steph and that's where you see it a lot of nba teams the structure of their offense has changed because of the warrior's success led by steph when you look at guys five and ten years away from potentially playing in the league that's where you see the shift because kids now don't want to go to the rim they want to shoot from the outside they want to be cool just like this guy and it's just stunning really with the impact he makes um i've i've never seen anything like it i mean there's uh obviously been so many great players in this league who have dominated and you know you think about michael jordan immediately or larry bird or magic and um you know shaq you know the what he did to the defense you know you had to pay so much attention to him and and steph is similar but in a different way from everybody else and you know i've never seen anybody put that much pressure on the defense 35 feet from the hoop and generate the the spacing and the pace and the chaos that ensues defensively once he gets going towards the rim so everything we do you know starts with steph and um he's uh he's brilliant so if he wants to throw the ball to the other team a couple times we're okay with it i'm going into trenches i played against and with all these guys i'm going with who i know every single night that responsibility go out there and represent greatness every single night so steph curry shouldn't be offended when he watches i hope not he's still a great player not a hall of famer yet though not
Channel: Hoop House
Views: 384,751
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Id: az-L4O7SyYo
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Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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