Navy Seal Team Drop Into Dangerous War Zone For Extreme Breach | Navy Seals S1 EP1 | Wonder

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[Music] the success of the Navy SEALs mission depends on training and stealth their goal to evade communists back revolutionaries in Grenada and rescue our allies when their covert operation is discovered they're ambushed by rebel soldiers running out of ammo and out of time we have to make every shot count to survive in 1961 an elite team of Special Forces was created for covert operations on the sea air and land [Music] missions have been kept secret for national security reasons [Music] remain shrouded in secrecy now based on first-hand accounts of classified operation these are the untold stories of the Navy SEALs [Music] October 1982 Granada the Caribbean island was in chaos military coup had overthrown the government and taken over the I [Music] [Applause] bring know the primitive dollars Prime Minister Maurice Bishop beloved by his countrymen and a friend of the US had been ousted and thrown into prison over nine thousand supporters tried to rescue him his life hung in the balance [Music] leading the coolest General Hudson Austin a ruthless protege of Fidel Castro he'd been bishops comrade and friend until the Prime Minister moved to strengthen ties with the US Austin took control of the islands military and pronounced himself leader of the PRA provisional Revolutionary Army when Bishop stood up for freedom Austin unleash his fury fight with Bishop and his cabinet dead only the voices of freedom crying from the streets remained Austin quickly silenced them as well the American government was concerned that the island could quickly become another Cuba oppressing its people and serving as potential staging ground for aggression the US presence on the island was limited it didn't even have an embassy there was a US medical school in the island where several hundred American students were studying Lissa Grimes and Karen Guthrie had come here in pursuit of their dream of becoming doctors living in Grenada had its drawbacks public utilities were often shut down and even the radio station would go off the air for unknown reasons but the problem they encountered this day was not just another technological glitch I can't believe the radio stations off the air again the tropical paradise was about to become a nightmare if sent out armored personnel carriers in city your soldiers killing people sand pageant the fellow-student the just come from the street where the insurrection was mounted gotta get but the students quickly realized how many we're leaving wasn't an option general Austin directed his PRA troops to surround the medical school he knew there would be an international response to the coup and the young Americans could be used as a bargaining chip Karen Lisa and Sam were now pawns in a dictators quest for power a thousand miles away from the conflict the Joint Special Operations Command JSOC in Fort Bragg North Carolina was enjoying its anniversary ball Admiral Larry Walker led the evenings festivities it better be good ensign this is Walker then the word came from the Pentagon a veteran of countless engagements in Vietnam 50-year old Admiral Walker a longtime Navy SEAL was now commander of JSOC for all the times he's been called on short notice he never got used to it President Reagan ordered US troops to the Caribbean without delay Walker quickly summoned his most trusted field officer Lieutenant Commander Mike Dillon Walker has personally trained commander Dorothy meet me in the briefing room with the rest of the staff in five minutes yes sir they're crisp military tone concealed the warm bond between the two men Dillon and his wife Sandy were in high spirits on this festive night I have to go until he got his new orders from Walker [Music] he could not tell her where he was going or when he'd be back Grenada was part of the Commonwealth of the United Kingdom the Queen's representative and longtime friend of the United States was governor-general Sir Paul Scoon though Austen had been threatening action for some time Scoon and his family quickly realized things had taken a turn [Music] what is going to happen to us I don't know dear when a Russian and shoot us Scoon has secretly sent word through the barbados ambassador asking the u.s. to intervene the u.s. was better situated geographically to help but he had no way of knowing if his message had gone through the coup leaders knew he had powerful connections around the world and they watched him closely one wrong move on his part might set off the volatile Austin and his PRA truce [Music] captain Derrick Williamson was enroute to Lebanon carrying a thousand plus Marines to relieve the American peacekeeping force in Beirut sir I have flashed traffic from Atlanta quad thank you seeing his mission was about to change navigator yes sir plot me a new course for Grenada yes sir the independence and gwon battle groups were being called to Grenada Williamson had been in the Navy for 23 years and had been on numerous tours around the globe get me Intel now carrier groups are how the US exerts is political and military will around the globe a change in mission reflected a change in world conditions captain Williamson immediately said about charting a new course for the JSOC commanders their evening of celebration that ended in a war room they had to quickly evaluate their options and devise a strategy for engagement general Austin's coup d'etat was not the only threat to Grenada intelligence had been monitoring the construction of a large Cuban built Airport the estimated 250 Cubans building Airport or believed they train soldiers the CIA had also spotted Soviets East Germans North Koreans and Libyans at the new airport saw these same photographs six months ago what his Intel gathered since then will work the US had been monitoring the situation at a distance until governor Scoones request for help reached the White House the u.s. took Austin's crews seriously his communist supported insurrection was a threat to freedom on the island indeed the entire region the time for a simple intervention had passed President Reagan ordered US troops to restore order by all means necessary and the Navy SEALs with the [Music] there was no easy way it was an island over a hundred miles the first strike force would be one of a per Walker ceilings they'd have to parachute in off the coast of Grenada they were to sneak onto a small airfield and plant radio beacons along the runways to guide in the planes carrying the Army Rangers it was supposed to be a daylight drop-in to calm sees what's going on here it's pitch black out there sorry lieutenant by time were children infected do you want to abort Walker had trained his men to take decisive action even when life and death hung in the balance no I don't want to abort 10 minutes that's it if there's a possibility that a mission can be accomplished a seal will take that chance the seals would parachute into the sea and climb into votes that been dropped seconds ahead of them it was a difficult plan in daylight nearly impossible at night Oh Intel had predicted calm seas but a major storm system unexpectedly developed high winds turned up 12-foot swells [Music] the seals never made it to their boats they fought to cut free from their chutes before being dragged under water captain williamson's battlegroup immediately began searching rescue operations half of the team was eventually pulled aboard Navy ships but four seals were still missing at sea they were racing against the clock though the tropical waters were warm surviving in 12-foot waves while wearing full battle gear was nearly impossible I know we're all concerned the no one knows better than you capabilities they have for surviving out in the open sea doctor on deck though Dylan admonished the men to focus he knew their concern with linger could not be their enemy for Commander Dylan and Admiral Walker it was now time to move ahead good evening gentlemen I'm here to brief you on your Grenada mission we have the first slide please the Pentagon's overall invasion plan included both special and conventional forces while Marines stormed the northern half of the island to free the medical school the Army Rangers would seize the new runway in the south the Air Force would provide close air support for all the invasion forces and the seals would airlift governor Scoon off the island their orders were simple they had land two helicopters at the government house his official residence then speed him and his family to a navy ship just offshore quick and clean intelligence was difficult to obtain other than high-altitude surveillance they had no way of determining Austin's troop movements they estimated that Austin would concentrate his soldiers at the airfield they didn't expect Scoones residence to be heavily guarded [Music] [Music] the regime had tolerated spooned us for Scoon did not perceive himself as a military threat and hope austin would leave him and his family alone [Music] but Austin has [Music] through a spy in the Barbados embassy Austin had learned that the Americans were coming he blamed the governor-general he ordered his men to lie but American assault [Music] don't as men [Music] the seals had to find the governor-general's residence before they were spotted by grenade' and ground forces below but that wasn't going to be easy in 1983 satellite Global Positioning did not yet exist without troops on the ground there was no way of pinpointing specific landing sites [Music] the seals had to resort to using aerial and maps and visual references and he's done yet penny officer Trevor killed was the senior ranking enlisted and Dylan's second in Canada he was highly trained in visual surveillance and was using night-vision goggles to ascertain their position radio chopper - tell the man to look for government house we're late we need all the eyes we got looking we gets around again [Music] the medical students anxiously waited held in their dorms under 24-hour curfew Lisa overwrought with fear had somehow managed to fall asleep Sam and Karen's fears would not be so easily suppressed they tried to comfort themselves thinking it would be over soon but there was constant reminder just how serious the situation though they could only see a few soldiers outside their dormitories they heard from other students that a larger troop presence was just beyond campus [Music] US forces were about to land the invasion was on I said what they didn't see were the PRA soldiers maneuvering into position on the front lawn of the estate Shepard through radio that position we're going Thunder rise 2 o'clock that's our empty erh pummeled by intense enemy fire the helicopter struggled to stay there Dylan's SEAL team Astana most dangerous position and your options for running out the seal radio operator with skill and their ground radio destroyed they had lost all communications with the independence and JSOC down down [Applause] deliverance the second shopper to abort the mission it too was under heavy attack he knew he was losing half his fighting force and only working long-range trade but if he didn't leave now Dillons charlet couldn't stay in the air much longer he had only a few seconds to decide whether to a court or a temple and sorry the ambush only strengthened village resolved he had only one option if he hoped to rescue the governor-general and his family it was dangerous but they'd have to fast rope into the machine gunfire below the PRF groups quickly reposition themselves and continue fire once on the ground they covered their teammates and fought to establish it just as the last seal the crippled helicopter might not make it the students fears wouldn't allow them to sit still any longer unable to escape they barricaded themselves in the room which supplied little protection [Music] chopper 2 sustained heavy damage but managed to make it back to the independence loaded with the other half of Dillon SEAL team finally word came to captain Williamson from the flight deck that the other chopper had returned as well Williamson knew Dillon was on the ground but without radio contact they had no way of knowing the situation as the Grenadians continued to advance the seal split into two squads [Music] one squad laid down cover fire because the other moved ahead a few yards I couldn't remain exposed Dillon had to get his team in the house [Applause] [Music] the seals were fighting for every inch remaining 30 yards to the front door of the mansion the vanadium is outnumbered and outgunned the seals yet Dylan is and slowly fought their way toward finally they Dylan posted two seals out from centuries understand inside [Music] they had made it to the house a lot with a little caffeine petty officer Jack Navarre Dylan took that as a minor victory considering this platoon of only seven men had overcome more than three times that many PR isolation they weren't sure if governor-general Scoon was wounded held prisoner hiding or dead [Music] dillan sends two snipers upstairs while the remaining three members of the team split up to search downstairs [Music] despite his leg Navarre still managed to help contain he was an expert in close order assault and Dylan needed him to secure the premises the governor had apparently left in a hurry with no signs of a struggle but Dillon remained uneasy [Music] Claire [Music] [Music] night vision goggles and clear vantage points gave the snipers an edge Scoon had not turned up in their initial search but Dillon had to make sure he still wasn't in the house he wondered why the Grenadians fought so hard to block their entry how's it looking upstairs yeah all clear upstairs boss man I've got tangos on the lawn take them out already there [Applause] the two SEAL snipers were capable of pinpointing a target from 800 yards [Music] madder downstairs all clear nobody nothing they've got to be here somewhere gentlemen let's find them [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Dylan Hill in the bar continued their search there was one last place basement door first one the right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spoon his family and staff hovered in the basement for the only weapons they could find all clear clear you can put down your weapon sir you won't be needing any of those what's happening as we speak a deployment of American forces is liberating the island we're Navy SEALs and then sent to rescue you yet Dylan had no idea how or when could evacuate them from the I mean having some communication problems with our command post right now they weren't going anywhere general Austin and his Cuban adviser were desperate the US response was more than they bargained for with Americans advancing on all sides the Cuban advisor suggested Austin consolidate his forces in several areas because Governor Scoon was a key US ally controlling pin was a major advantage austin immediately ordered increased reinforcements to the governor's house send it austan have sent an APC an armored personnel carrier full of troops it had armor plating like a tank it's 30 caliber machine gun had the power to slice through the walls of the government house but for now the Grenadians were just waiting the SEAL team ready to sell how many they were trained to take out a pcs with anti-tank rockets is any activity anyone coming out of it but the rocket launcher had left on the second chopper fortunately the Grenadians weren't apprised of this tactical disadvantage and withheld their assault Dillon confused them further by bluffing with an offensive strike what's happening we might have a problem but nothing we can't handle governor if you and your party would stay down here until I tell you otherwise stay down here with the governor take care of that leg lavoris wound was getting worse okay boys [Music] it's just a matter of time before the Grenadians would attack Dylan had to come up with a plan that would keep them all alive just five miles across town Lisa Karen and Sam remained on edge as the war around the guards that have been patrolling outside their building were gone but they weren't sure what this meant it wasn't safe to go out and to stay meant more waiting and worrying about what would happen to them the entire joint services invasion was supported by the air force's ac-130 Spectre gunship which circled high above the Contin it could be called into action on a moment's notice the weapons controllers could unleash devastating firepower any land target with pinpoint accuracy yet they couldn't fire without clearance from the commander and with his long-range radio destroyed Dillon wouldn't order such an attack keeping the Grenadian sub a was his only option I want to tanker within 50 yards of this place but they didn't know how long you could hold out Admiral Walker was putting together a plan to rescue the seals this is avid Walker I want to know what's happening with my unit yet Walker was in the buy it couldn't fly in additional troops as they might encounter the same resistance dillan still had made contact Williamson had a bigger problem he was desperately trying to find the four missing seals have been parachuted into high seas he was using every available search team to find them they had now been in the water over 22 hours and with each minute that went by the chances of rescuing them grew more remote the seals of government house was still waiting on the Marine Regiment that had landed on the other side of the island they were to take the medical school and then reinforce the seals let's analyze the situation yet it might be hours before they could get to the seal platoon Dillon would have to make his ammunition hold out as long as possible he called in a low ammo alert [Music] dillan still had one advantage his men were excellent marksmen and given their vantage point they could eliminate pra trips with limited rounds seal units are trained to consider their enemy's tactics sooner or later the PRA would realize the seals didn't have the firepower to repulse an assault knee that is and they would attack they'd already been certainly laudanum for the PRA trips to regroup the seals braced themselves for the human soul the seals were in an entrenched position against the DRA troops yet their assault rifles would be no match for the a PCS thirty caliber machine gun the Scoones were safe behind the walls of the basement but for how long yet strangely they received help from the most unexpected source [Music] hello just a second he says he's a priest governor do you know Monsignor Evans [Music] hello Jeffrey the priest had simply called to check on the governor's safety but had opened a way of escape get me JSOC it was just a break they needed [Music] yes I'm free I would like to make an international call to the United States what Bragg North Carolina don't worry sir we're gonna get you and your family out of here life Petty Officer Hill got the call through Fort Bragg how may I direct your call and directly into the json war plans room sir with all the sophisticated weaponry and communication systems it was a simple phone call that saved the day but finally hear from you what's your status Admiral we have issues here what do you need headquarters could only sit by helplessly listen to the assault for a moment the shooting has stopped I want you to take the governor-general back down to the basement Admiral if we need some air support now close air support is on the way yes sir give Spectre a heads up we have two centuries out on the front lawn when the attack against the house went unanswered the PRA troops began moving in [Music] that's mansion facing North pops sir we're low on everything here is there any ETA and reinforcements the Marines were still bogged down trying to reach the medical school copy that Dillon couldn't expect reinforcements until morning the specter will be their only backup [Music] the gunship locked its coordinates and open fire the seals outside the government house weren't touched by the gunships precision fire looks like spectres halted the advance of the AP sees through the night I want to hear short controlled bursts only I repeat short controlled bursts copy that boss man [Music] time had run out for the seals lost at sea after a massive search a captain Williamson reported no trace of the missing the search was called off [Music] despite the success of the Spector assault Dylan seals couldn't let down their guard son PRA soldiers who survived the strafing and removing threat to the mission several seals had already run out of ammunition the other is closely going they have left bossman juniors that ammo [Music] it's alright we're American don't shoot the Marines had finally defeated the PRA troops controlling the medical school all right open up this war get us down right you just don't get away the students were never so glad to hear a Carolina accent all the people in here yeah okay alright alright alright come with me Sarge you got some more back here [Music] commander we got movement on the perimeter at Government House Dillon his men prepared for a final PRA assault [Music] the seals brace themselves for a counterstrike are they beginning another attack but what they feared never materialized that's a negative boss man let's wake up come back treating once the Marines took the medical school they quickly pressed on to government house the PRA retreated before the US forces even arrived [Music] here we go governor this is all that stood between us and hand-to-hand combat we appreciate all you've done what's happening now now all right is here the Marines to take care of you from here on out the SEALs had accomplished their mission the governor was safe overall the entire American rescue of Grenada was a success Dona Austin and the other crew leaders were arrested and are presently serving life sentences the CIA confirmed that the Soviets East Germans North Koreans and Libyans had set up field offices near the new airfield the island had indeed become a training camp for terrorists that threat was eliminated [Applause] [Music] sacrifice the courage the commitment alive but for Admiral Walker Lieutenant Commander Dillon in the other seals it was a bittersweet victory they had lost 14 members in the ocean parachute drop formation shut the seals promise to always recover the bodies of their fallen comrades but the four seals were never [Music] they're empty coffins were buried at Arlington Cemetery [Music] the US intervention in Grenada is still celebrated by the island people every year liberation but for Dylan and his men remember what it was [Music] [Music]
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Views: 618,034
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Keywords: Wonder, navy seals, navy seals untold stories, wonder military videos, navy seals untold stories full episode, military training videos, navy seal, survival guide, navy seal cadence, navy seal stories, military stories, navy seal true story, navy seal true story movie, special forces, dangerous situation, military survival, military doc, special operations, special forces mission, wonder military docs, extreme survival
Id: CSOXnX3b3yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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