Navigation in Linux

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hello again as you know I'm Eli the computer guy over here for everyman IT and today's class is navigation in Linux so today's class we're going to talk about how you get around in Linux how you change directories and such how you find files and folders and Linux how you make directories how you remove directories how do you copy files etc and then finally how you mount drives again when you first come into the Linux world all of this seems very complicated and it seems like it's hard and horrible and gonna be over your head but it's all very simple things like mounting drives a lot of people get really nervous about mounting a drive it's really actually dirt simple it's just it's a couple of steps and if you understand what's going on you can do it about that quick so today's class is navigation and Linux again we're going to talk about how you actually navigate how you get around how you find things how you create directories how you delete directories and then how you mount mount drives this is very very important stuff for the Linux world so the first thing we have to talk about is changing directories and finding files so in the last class on vim we talked about how you edit things like PHP ini files now as you sit there and you're looking at the file system you probably have no idea where the php.ini file is well that's why I'm going to show you how you find the php.ini file or whatever file is you're looking for and then how you navigate to it so in the linux world to change directories to go to a new directory you use the same command that you use in Windows all you do is you type in C D and that's for change directory now the difference in the Linux world is Linux is very literal and so after CD there's a space and then you type the the folder path that you want to go to so if you're in the root directory now and under the root directory is the e.t.c folder if you wanted to go to the et Cie folder all you would do and you're here you're in the root directory you would say CD space et Cie now no there's no forwards last year there's no slashes is just CD space et Cie this is the command that will get you into the folder so if you're in route this will now get you down into the EPC folder now if you're trying to get to the e.t.c folder but let's say you're over here in the var folder right so you're in the var folder which is in route and you're trying to get to the et Cie folder that's in room what you would do since you're here is you would do CD space forward slash because forward slash means root et Cie so that means you're here it'll make you go to root and then it will drop you into the epc folder in root so so this is very very very important the reason is is let's say we have a bigger folder structure here and so you have you know the fruit here then you have your folder e.t.c right now let's say you have your folder I don't know var and in this folder is www if you are in var and you want to go to the www folder so this is the web root folder and a Linux computer you're the command you want to type would be CD space WWF command you wanna things change directory space 2ww so your env are your in var and you want to go to ww-would get there if you type in CD space /ww what Linux is going to look for is it's going to look to root and it's going to try to find aaww folder in roof of course that doesn't exist and so it will fail out so basically when you are navigating and linux for the most part forget about this o forward slash thing if you're trying to get to a folder that's below you you just do space and then the name of the folder if you're trying to get to a folder below root so let's say you're in the WWF older right now and you're trying to get to et Cie then you would type CD space forward slash because that's to root and then et Cie so Linux would go okay it's changing the directory to root 2 et Cie okay I'll drop you in there see that's that's all it's all pretty simple basically if you you just understand that now once you're in a directory it's always important or a nice thing to find out what else is in that directory so you know you get into the you're in etc' directory and then you go hmm what file was it I'm supposed to change I just I just forget the name of it well to list files in Linux you simply use the command and LS and then depending on what you want to do one of two arguments generally if you do LS - L what will happen is all the files and folders will get listed it will show you the permission for those files and folders the date they were modified the group ownership of the files and folders and the the individual owner so it'll say it'll give you all that information basically all over - now now a lot of times that can turn into a really big file so what you can also do is if you do LS - M instead of giving you a really long list it just types everything into it so - a nice block so you can see everything that's there so so I'll show you this on the computer in a second but it's pretty simple basically if you're trying to list a contents of a directory you use LS command and then normally I use the - L that lists everything out in a list I say it gives you the name gives you permissions it show you the permissions the group ownerships the individual owners etc or you can do - M it just writes everything out in a block and I'll show that to you in a second so so that's all you have to do to list files and folders and Linux now finally again this were you know you need to edit a folder or a file you know the php.ini file file and such but you have absolutely no idea where that file is well thankfully of course Linux does have a search option so in order to search for files and folders this is really simple all you do is su do again Super User do space find so I'm fine space the next argument I need you to put in here it's - I name all lowercase what this does is it makes this search case insensitive so remember as we talked about before and Linux uppercase and lowercase letters are different well especially since you are new you may not know which files have uppercase letters and which file have lowercase letters if you put in this argument I name it makes it case insensitive so if you if you put in that you're looking for uppercase home or lowercase home or lowercase home all these files would be found so if you were looking for pseudo fine I name and then you put at home it would bring you the results of this of this of this whereas if you mess up the capitalization it may come back with no results because no results match the capitalization but that's all it is it's it's pretty dirty simple so in order to find files or folders again you want to put in the sudo command if you don't put in the sudo command fine will fail out but it will fail out of the most obnoxious way of it won't tell you it failed out it just simply will not give you any results so you'll think that the file doesn't exist on the computer when it does exist you just didn't use sudo so sudo space find space - I name this means case insensitive space and then whatever it is you're looking for home php.ini etc again with whatever file or folder you're looking for you can use wildcards you know in this in this track I just talked about the one main wildcard of asterisks so you can use asterisks this means anything before hand and anything after so let's say you're looking for the PHP dot ini file you could do PHP star and this means anything that starts with PHP will show up so if you're looking for files and folders that relate to PHP if you put in PHP star that will show up if you're looking for configuration files let's say you don't know exactly what configuration file you're looking for most configuration files in Linux just as kind of a default what everybody does end with dot conf conf means a configuration file so if you're looking for a configuration file but you don't know exactly what the name is you could do a find for star dot conf and that would find every file that ends in calm that's yeah pretty simple so so so changing directories again CD space and then the director you're going to remember don't use slash forward slashes if you use that forward slash it will go to root directory and then look down from there so that can cause you problems once you're in a directory you're trying to see what's in the directory you use the LS command basically the list command space and then either - L and that gives you the full details of all the files and folders on the con in that directory or - m and that all just kind of shoves it all together just so it's you can really quickly scan through everything that's there finally then we talked about the find because especially being new you probably have no idea where a lot of though the files and folders reside well this is an easy way to find it all you do is sudo space find space - I named remember case and sensitive space whatever it is you're looking for and again wildcards work so that I'm really big on the whole the whole asterisk for forum for doing Linux searches especially at this point for you so with that let's go to the computer I'll show you how all this works and then we'll go back to creating and removing directories ok so here we are sitting at the root directory on the Ubuntu server so in order to change directories of like I say let's right now let's go into the e.t.c directory so we want we are in route and we want to go to the e.t.c directory all we do is we do CD CD space et Cie nothing else and that drops us in to the e.t.c directory you will now see on the left hand side right beside the cursor it shows you what directory that you're in now if we are in the e.t.c directory and we want to go to the WWE this is going to get a little confusing but you'll understand it you know once once you start doing a little linux administration but etc' folder is in the root directory the WWF older is in the VAR folder which is in the root directory so if we want to go to the ww folder from right here all we do is we do CD and then we do the path so we do forward slash which means root then we type in var which is a folder and then WWE hit enter and we are now in the root of our WWE folder see how easy that is so let's go back to the root to show you how how not to put in a directory so you go CD space forward slash root so we are now in the root directory now let's do see the space var so we are now going into the var directory now just so you see how this works if I now want to get into the WWE if I type CD space /ww and this is what you would do in the windows world and if you hit enter no such file or directory exists the reason is is because it's looking for the WWF older in root and of course it doesn't exist so from there let's go back change directory and forward slash so that's all you have to do to change directories like I say it's very easy if you're trying to go into a folder one level below you you just do CD space and whatever that folder is and if you want to go through a full path then you can do CD space root you know VAR w w and you know however however far it goes down so we are now sitting in the root directory and we're scratching our head rooms and we wonder what is in the root directory this is how this is where we can use the list command so we do LS space hyphen L so basically LS list and this now gives us a list of the files and folders in this directory and it also gives you a lot of information about the files and folders in this directory as you can see to the left hand side you see that d RW x r XR - all that kind of stuff that is something we'll go into a class later but that is all the permission so that's read write execute permission read execute permission read execute permission so once you understand permissions and groups and all of that that's very important so that tells you who can access these files and folders beyond you will then see first route so this says the user that owns this file or folder and the group that owns this file a folder again this will make sense in the permissions class but but right now just accept that it exists then you as you go over you'll see the last time that it was modified you know 817 2010 and then then of course it gives you the name bin boo cd-rom etc so so that's very easy so that's LSL now you know this is this is big this has a lot of information but if you want a simpler list and you just you know you just want to see what's what's on the the folder pretty quickly you can do LS space hyphen M and if you do that what it does if you look down there at the bottom is it just gives you the files and folders without all that extraneous information this isn't that big a deal right here with the root directory because there's not a lot in it but some directories like et Cie or some others have a lot of stuff in there so sometimes you don't want to see all the permissions and group ownership use your ownership you just want to see the exact files and folders in order to see that you just do LS - M that will show you everything in that directory so now that I've shown you that now the next thing is finding stuff so so we have been talking and let's clear the screen we have been talking about the PHP file dot ini file a lot so you know you set up your your lamp server your webserver and you're like ah Eli where is the PHP dot ini file well in order to find that file all we do is we do the find command like I talked about so we do sudo and like I say you always want to do sudo for find because if you don't use sudo find will fail and like I say it won't fail by saying by giving you any normal things that you would think is a failure it just won't return anything back and so you may think that the file or folder doesn't exist when it really does exist but you didn't use sudo so we always use suit and Oban to always use sudo so we do sudo find then we do space - I name and this I name again is case-insensitive then we'll use a couple of wild cards just to make sure we get it right so we do the the asterisk then we do php.ini asterisk this says anything before php.ini anything after php.ini and then we hit enter and this now shows us different PHP ini files and so you can see there may be files that you would be interested in that you didn't realize like the the - production the - dot cly the production distribution like sometimes when you download a package with with PHP files in it they may have a number of different PHP ini configuration files depending on what you're trying to do and they'll name at different things so by putting the wild-card in there you can see those those other different configurations so we see all the way at the bottom that PHP ini - that was that little backup file that I created when we were creating files with them and then finally you see the PHP dot ini file itself so you know since since we know them they can go oh there's a PHP ini file so if I want to edit the php.ini file using vim we can do sudo and then just do the path et Cie oh I'm sorry sudo them space /e t c /p HP v /u Pachi - forward slash PHP ini and then we just open it up and we are back into the PHP dot ini file so so changing directories listing all the contents in the directory and finding files and folders and Linux really is not hard again as long as you know the commands so let's go back out to the real world so now we need to talk about making directories we need to talk about deleting directories and folders we need to talk about copying files and folders and moving or renaming files and folders again this is all pretty simple as long as you know the commands so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to talk about creating a folder very simple all you do is you do sudo Super User do space M K dir make directory and then whatever the directory it is that you want to make so make directory folder space folder this will make a folder called for now if you don't put in a full file path then it will simply create this folder in whatever directory you are currently in so if you're currently in the e.t.c directory it will create the folder in the e.t.c director you can use a full file path of when you do this command so you can do sudo make directory /e TC /i interfaces or no network forward slash folder and now no matter where you are in the system this would create a folder in the network folder that's in the UTC folder that's in root directory so that's all you have to do to create a file or a folder within Linux sudo space make the mkdir space the folder name or the folder name and the full path that's all you have to do now to delete files and folders it's just as simple so so I'm going to show you using the same command to use to delete to you to use to delete both files and folders again you do sudo su du space and then you do RM RM for remove and then you put the file or folder name now if you're doing a file all you do is you do sudo space RM bass file and that will delete the file the file will be gone go if you are deleting a folder what you need to do is you do sudo space RM space the folder name or the full photo folder path of necessary space - uppercase uppercase R this means recursive recursive means do the same thing that everything else that's in this folder so if you're trying to delete the folder and all the contents of the folder you do sudo remove folder recursive R that will delete everything in the force it will delete the folder and everything in it if you don't use this - are most of time it will fail out so to remove to delete a file or folder if it's a file sudo RM file that's a folder sudo RM folder - are pretty simple that's all there is to do it now in the Linux world there is no command to rename files and folders basically they have the move command and the move command both can move a file or folder or it can also simply rename it so with the with the move command if you're trying to rename a file or folder all you do is you do sudo move space MV so for move the old file name and then space the new file name so if you wanted to I don't know you know take a file file called file one and make it file to what you would say sudo move file one space file to that now Bri names file one to be file to now if you were trying to move a file somewhere else all you would do same command sudo move and then let's say it's in root so root file one and you want to move that to root et Cie file one now with this command it says file one that's in the root directory move that to the e.t.c directory as file one that is simply how you move or rename things in Linux again pretty simple now if you're trying to copy a file so you're trying to copy a file for whatever reason like a lot of times especially when we're dealing with these configuration files you should create a backup file before you start messing around with your original file because if you mess up the original file you know that that's that's a bad thing so what you can do is you do sudo space copy is simply CP C CP and then you do whatever file you're copying so you do file space and then what you want the copy to be called so normally for backup files they do dot back so whatever or whatever the file is so you would do sudo space c-h file space file dot b a K and so this is a backup of the original file in case you do anything stupid it's all really really really simple so this this is how it works let's let's go over to the computer and I'll show you show you how simple is it so here we are back at the Linux server so let's first create a folder so that we have a folder to play as you can see right now you know left a little blinking cursor we are in the root directory so we're in the highest level directory so from here I'm going to make a test directory so we'll do sudo May m'kay dir space and then whatever the name of the directory is we wanted to be so to test the IR that will create or that did create the test directory if we do LS - hell now if you look down at the bottom then about five from the bottom you'll see the test directory was created now to change into the test directory all you do is use CD space test dir and we are now in the test directory as you can see at the left a little blinking cursor now once we're in the test directory let's create another directory so we can play with it so we do sudo mkdir and then we'll say test1 so that just created the test one folder you can see you know it's owned by root group root all the permissions etc for test one now if we want to copy that folder so let's say we want to create a backup let's say we're going to go into test one and do something weird and we don't know what's what's going to happen so we just want to create a backup of the test one folder all you do is you do sudo C P then the name of the folder you're copying so test one and the name you want to what you want the copy to be so we'll just say test one dot bak bak is normally what people just call a backup file and then we'll do space and since this is a folder we want to do recursive so we do R and then we hit enter so that just created a copy of test one and made it test one dot back so if we do LS how we see that the two folders that are in there now let's say we made a complete hash of test one whatever we did it was really really bad so we want to convert the backup back into being the original folder so first we need to delete the original folder and to do that we use the RM command so you do sudo rm4 remove test test one and then you have to do recursive - paar since this is a folder if this was a file you would not put this - R at the end but since this is a folder you do and then you hit enter now if we do LS L we see that there is now only one folder in this folder so in order to rename test one dot back into test one we use the Move command so we do sudo MV test1 dot Da Capo the new name to be now with this you actually don't use recursive the move doesn't use recursive and then we hit enter now if we do LS - L we can see that test1 is back again so we rename test1 dot back to test one so that's how you to create a directory it's mkdir the copy of directory it's CP to rename a directory you just use the MV the move command and to delete a directory you use the RM now if you're dealing with directories always put that - uppercase R at the end because that means recursive so basically what it says is anything you do to this folder do to all sub folders and all sub files the only command here that you don't use the hyphen r on is the move command you know it's just just kind of how it is so let's go back out to the real world and we'll talk about mounting drives so we're showing you how to change directories tell list directories how to find things how to make folders under delete folders copy folders move folders etc the final big thing that you have to understand in order to navigate around in Linux is mounting drives so this is where you have an external hard drive and you plug it in the computer and you need to mount the drive now that external hard drive could be a normal hard drive like you're thinking about you know one of those little metal bricks or it could be a flash drive that is considered a hard drive in Linux the cd-rom drive so in Linux basically any drive that you would connect to the computer is a drive that would have to be mounted again this is all very simple as long as you just follow a few steps so the first thing that you have to understand is how the mounting process works in Linux what is going to happen is the first thing that you do is you are going to create a folder for your mount point so basically the first thing you do is you create a folder then you grab some specific information about the hard drive and you you mount you point that folder to that hard drive and that's essentially how you mount the drive so that folder now gets tied to the hard drive again this is all pretty simple so let's say we're trying to mount a hard drive the first thing that we would do is we would make a directory so we do sudo and then we do space MK dir like I showed you before space then from root normally you do /mnt this means mount point this is kind of like one of those standard things that everybody does this is is kind of important in the future when we start talking about backups and doing things with the entire hard drive is just basically whatever folders you make for mount points put them into the MNT folder in route it will make your life easier for for a while then you do forward slash and then whatever you want to call them out point so you can call it backup you could call it Drive except so we're just going to call it a drive so the first thing you do is you make a directory sudo space mkdir space forward slash mount so this is for a mount point forward slash drive this is the folder that the hard drive is going to get mounted to once you do this the next thing you have to do is find out the information about the hard drives that you're trying to mount so to do this you run the command F disk space - L so this is going to list the physical hard drives that are connected to your system right now this is going to give a list and I'll show show this to you when we do the demonstration in that list it's going to show you the different hard drives how much space they have etc so in there you're looking for something that's going to look like /d e v /s da-5 this this is what you're going to be looking for something like this this is how Linux defines a that hard drive so in order to mount the hard drive all we're going to do once we find this information is we're going to do sudo Super User do four words our space mount space this hard drive identifier I'll show you how to get in a minute so dev SDA v space and then your mount point /m and t dr IV e this is all you do coming out this particular hard drive now you can go and you can change directories to this so /m and t /y drive and you can do an LS - L and it will list all the information that's on that hard drive that is all you have to do to mount hard drive or cd-rom so it's sudo first you have to make a directory to mount to sudo mkdir space lice a /mnt /dr you don't have to do it this way this is just the best practice which will matter once we go into backup routines and another couple of classes that creates this Drive folder in the MNT folder then to find information about your hard drives you do fdisk space - l so this will list the physical hard drives that are connected to computer and information about them you're going to grab a piece of information that looks like this /de v /s da v then to mount this hard drive to this folder you just do sudo mount space - this information space this information and that's what announced everything together now once you're done with that hard drive if you want to unmount it so let's say you want to plug in another flash drive all you do is you do you mount you mount unmount the hard drive you know pretty pretty easy now finally in Ubuntu Linux one of the problems is you have this this fancy new operating system installed but you don't know how to get to the cd-rom so you have a cd-rom or dvd-rom but you have no idea how to get to it you are going to have to mount that cd-rom drive in Ubuntu and make this very easy you still use the mount command so what you're going to do is you're going to make a directory you know I'd say make a directory M in T /c dear all right so this is a folder that you create sudo make directory out cd-rom then all you do can mount to this folder as you do sudo space mount space and then it's /d e v /c d ROM this will always be the same for Ubuntu we'll put this in the notes and then you do space MNT space cd-rom this will mount your cd-rom drive so if you have information that you need to get off of a cd-rom drive this is what you do so now once you've mounted that cd-rom drive you can now go in and could go change directory MN t cd-rom and now you can read that cd-rom just like it was any other hard drive on the computer again seems pretty simple seems pretty easy let's go over to the server and I'll show you how all this works so we're back at the server I have plugged a flash drive into the server so that we can mount it and navigate through it so the first thing that we are going to do is we're going to need to create that directory so with a flash drive has something to mount to so what we're going to do is we're going to say sudo and so right now as you can see we're in the root directory so we do sudo m.k dir for make directory space then /mnt MNT the folder is for mount points and then we'll create a folder called flash drive so this is going to create a folder flash drive and then we hit enter now that that's done now if we navigate to the flash drive folder so we do CD MNT we're now in the flash drive folder and I want to show you that there is nothing in the flash drive folder this is just an empty empty empty folder so now we get out of the flash drive folder since we've created so we've created this folder so that we came out to it now we have to figure out what drive it is that we are going to be mounting to this flash drive folder to do that we do sudo F disk space - L so this will list your the drives or the disks on your computer now if you look you'll see that there's you know boot device you'll see dev SD a1 and over at the right hand side it will say system Linux and you'll see a dev SDA - extended dev SD a5 over that's Linux swap file now all the way at the bottom you'll see device and I'll say dev SD b1 and then you will look across and up say like system fat32 you will that's the drive that I want to mount figuring out which drive you want to mount depending on how many drives are in the system it can be sometimes with a crapshoot this is something that you just have to get used to you know used to seen what's supposed to be there and what you want to mount to so with this I know that I now want to mount the dev - /s DB one drive - my mount point so in order to do that all you do is you do sudo mount command then you put in the drive that you're mounting so /dev /s DB one space and then the folder you're mounting to so /mnt forward slash flush drive so this will mount the dev stb-1 to the flash drive folder then you hit enter waits half a second and now it's done now if we navigate to the flash drive folder so we'll go change directory and go M and T test drive we're now in the flash drive folder and if I do an LS L you will see that there are these files that are on the folder so so this is the my little flash drive I have my key rings you'll see there's Spybot Search and Destroy on there an example of a website etc so I showed you before you created the flash drive folder and originally it was completely empty all all you have it there is so that the drive can get mounted to it as soon as the drive is mounted to it then then then you can look inside so you can move folders here you can copy folders you can delete folders you can do it whatever you want now that the drive has been mounted it's just like any other directory on the machine so now if you want to unmount the drive you just do CD will go back to the root directory and then you do sudo you mount for unmount of course then you do space then you just unmount the drive that way that way we mount it so dev s db1 db1 and then hit enter now the drive has been unmounted if we go back to our flash drive and we do an LS L it is now back to being an empty drive so that is all you have to do to mount drives and unmount drives so so first you create a folder that the drive is going to be mounted to you then run fdisk - l to see the drives that are connected to system when you get that list like I say you're looking for the the forward slash forward slash SD a5 or /s d p1 whatever it is you then take that name and then you do sudo mount that name to the folder that you created and that that drive is now mounted to that folder you can now navigate into that folder copy delete etc in order to unmount the the drive you just do the you mount command this is exactly the same thing that you would do for the cd-rom except you don't have to do the F disk all you do is you do sudo mount space forward slash dev for slash cd-rom and then whatever folder it is you want to mount the cd-rom to it's really that simple so so let's let's go back out and have some final thoughts so that's all there is to navigation and Linux again like I say vo the only reason this is scary and the only reason anybody has ever nervous about this is they don't know the commands to run once you understand the commands that you need to run it all gets very easy again you know with all these Linux classes this is a very simple level so I did not show you all the options if what I showed you today doesn't do everything you need to do by all means go to google use man pages etc to find out the options that you need again with Linux the sky is the limit on stuff that you can do I'm trying to bring this down to a level that you guys will understand so we talked about changing directory very easy CD and then wherever you're going - pretty simple in order to list information and directories you know the files and folders you do LS space - L and that prevents you all presents you a whole list with what the permissions are users etc or LS - M that just brings you a block of a list you know making directories the leading files copying files all pretty simple to make a directory it's mkdir and then whatever you want the directory to be called to remove or to delete a file or folder it's R M if you're deleting a folder after the folder name put - uppercase R that means recursive that means it will delete everything else that that's in that folder to move a file or folder it is simply M V Mike Victor remember M V not only moves but you also use it to rename so if you're trying to rename file one to be called file two you do sudo in the file one space file - that would then rename file 1 to be file 2 pretty simple then of course there is the copy command if you're trying to copy a file or folder sudo CP then the source where you're copying and then the destination where you're copying - really really really easy then we talked about mounting a drives mounteen drives again is simple as long as you know what to do the first thing that you need to do is you need to create a folder that the hard drive will be mounted to once you create the folder then you find the information for the hard drive and then you tell Linux I want this hard drive to be connected to this folder once that happens then you can navigate through that folder just like with any other folder on the system so you make a directory again I would suggest you make the directory within a directory called MNT underneath root so /mnt forward slash whatever you want that drive to be called the reason for this is again in the future we're going to be talking about backup routines and such and you're going to need to exclude these external hard drives unless you just want to backup a whole mess of stuff that you probably don't want to backup if you don't put all these mount points in one single folder then it gets really hard to exclude everything you have to type out a lot of information where as you know when I show you how to backup things using tar you can just do exclude /mnt and be done with it versus having to type in you know forward slash cd-rom or slash those four slash so it matters I would say put all of your mount points into one place again to unmount to drive once you need to unmount a drive you just do you mount really simple and you're trying to mount a cd-rom Andrew Bunn - it's always the same just to basically make your life easier so it's /dev forward slash cd-rom will always be what you use to mount the cd-rom so you just do sudo mount forward slash dev forward slash cd-rom space for /mnt forward slash cd-rom or whatever you want to call that mount point and that's it the one thing to remember with the mount points as I talked about them today is is they only exist while the computer is is booted up so these are they're not forever you can go into a configuration file and make sure that the mount points always exist but if you reboot your system after you do these mount points all those mount points will go away they'll they will no longer exist so be careful about that just something to understand so you know I think that's pretty simple I think that's pretty easy if you if you try to break it out all down this was navigation and Linux you know as always I am Eli the computer guy for everyman height he and I look forward to seeing you in the next class
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Keywords: navigation, in, linux, 5Mbps
Id: OQZgrBDJ-js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2011
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