Navigating Between Pages in .NET MAUI [6 of 8] | .NET MAUI for Beginners

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[MUSIC] >> Welcome back to another.NET MAUI beginners series video. I'm James Montemagno, a Product Manager on the developer community team here at Microsoft, and we're continuing our journey learning.NET MAUI to build beautiful native cross-platform desktop and mobile applications. Now, so far, we've built out an application with XAML, an XML-based markup for user interface, we've then extended it with MVVM and data binding to make our application responsive. Now what we're going to do is something very common built into every single application, which is navigation. That's right, navigating from page A to page B. Additionally, what's great is that we can pass data between our pages too. Now, built into.NET MAUI are several ways of doing navigation, specifically, we're going to take a look at URI shell-based navigation. I talked about shell in an earlier video giving our structure to our application, but what's great about shell is that it not only includes a built-in dependency service to do constructor injection and dependency injection but it also enables us to do a URI-based navigation. A URI, similar to a website. You go to slash details and it will go to the details page. You can also send query parameters that can be simple data types or complex objects as well. It's very easy to do with.NET MAUI with just a few lines of code. Let's hop over to Visual Studio 2022 and get started. So far, we started to build our My Tasks application. Here, we have full XAML user interface and data bindings. I can add different items inside of here, get nice animations. I can even swipe to delete. Now, this is really great, but we want to also be able to maybe tap into an item and go to details. What we're going to do now is add navigation into our application. Let's go ahead and do that. The first thing here is that this is the same application that we've been building through this entire beginner series. We have our Main Page, we have our Image, our Entry, our Button, and our CollectionView here. We've added a SwipeView so we can add that swipe to delete. We also have the MainViewModel, which is essentially the code behind for that page that's doing different observable properties that we can do data binding to. So that text property that we see there has a data binding to this text property right here on the Entry. Let's add another page that we can navigate to. I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to right-click on the MauiApp2 and say Add, New Item. When I do that I'll be brought to this screen that enables me to select different items, and there is even a subcategory specifically for.NET MAUI. Here we have different pages and views and resources. I'm going to select the ContentPage XAML for.NET MAUI, and we're going to call this DetailPage. Now, this page is a very simple page that just says "Welcome to.NET MAUI." There it is. Perfect. There's of course no code behind it, just very simple. Now, the other thing we're going to do is pair this up with a view model. I'm going to come in and say Add. I'm going to say New Item in here, and under Code, we're going to add a class, and we're going to say DetailViewModel. I like to name my view models very similarly to the page, so DetailPage, DetailViewModel. I've added a new class, so we're going to add some nice C# 10 features in here, like file scoped namespaces. We're also going to make this a public partial class. We're going to also inherit from our ObservableObject. That observable object is coming from our MVVM toolkit for.NET and MVVM. That community toolkit gives us everything we need to start doing MVVM here, which is really great. Next up, what we need to do is we need to associate this DetailViewModel with our page. Inside of our DetailPage.xaml code behind, what we're going to do is in the constructor say DetailViewModel vm, make sure we come in and bring in that namespace, and then we're going to set the binding context here over to the vm. Perfect. Now, just like we did for our MainPage and our MainViewModel, we're also going to register those in our MAUI program. This is going to register them with our dependency service so when we navigate to them, it automatically will associate the DetailPage with the DetailViewModel. Now the difference here is that before we're adding singletons, but really every single time we navigate to a new page, we wanted to create a new page. We're going to change this to AddTransient. Singleton you can think of it as a global where it creates one copy of it and then it will go ahead and keep that memory, else transient will be created and then destroyed and a new one will be created every single time. This is what we want to have happen every time we navigate. Now what we're going to do at this point is register the DetailPage with the routing system of.MAUIShell. Here inside of our AppShell, which again if you remember in here has ShellContent of the MainPage. The MainPage has a route of MainPage, which is very convenient. I like to name my routes the same as the MainPage here. We're going to come in and register this page in the code behind since it's not part of the shell. If I had tabs or I had to fly out, it'd be part of it, but here we just want to navigate to it. Let's go ahead and do that. What we're going to do now is we're going to say Routing.RegisterRoute, and this is going to take in two things. First is the route itself, so I could say DetailPage. I can give it the DetailPage. It could be detail. It could be whatever I want the string to be. I like to use the name of property a lot because in C# if we refactor, it will also then cascade down. Then we're going to associate with a type, so we're going to say typeofDetailPage. There we go. This is really nice. This gives me a string of DetailPage to navigate to and a type of DetailPage to navigate to as well. Perfect. Now let's do some navigation before we actually pass some data across. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to come into our main page, and there are several ways that we can add navigation when we click on an item in the CollectionView. Here we can say selected and we can see that there's a selection change event and a selection mode. That is one way if we want to register an event with the CollectionView, which is an option. Now, I'm actually going to say SelectionMode is none here because we don't want to use the built-in selection mode. Because we're just doing navigation, we're not actually selecting anything, I'm more like tapping on an item. What I want to do here is on the Frame itself, which is housing in this label, is I want to add a TapGestureRecognizer. This another powerful feature is that there's tons of built-in gesture recognizers and one specifically that we'll use is the tap, but there's also a swipe, a pinch, a pan, a drop, a drag, but here we're going to use a TapGestureRecognizer. Now, inside of here, you can assign a tap to that, or specifically a command, which is very nice, similar to our SwipeView above. You can also say the number of taps required. If you have something you need to tap 10 times, you could do that as well. I'm going to go out and simplify this here and I'm just going to go ahead and copy and paste the command from our swipe to delete, and then we're going to change it. We saw it earlier is that we needed to get access and say, please do some data binding up the stack to our MainViewModel, and here what we're going to do is instead of going to the DeleteCommand, let's go ahead and say the TapCommand, for example. Here what we're going to do is pass in a parameter of the string that was bound to the label here. Now in our MainViewModel, we need to go ahead and add that to that command. We have the DeleteCommand there, let's go ahead and add another async Task this time of Tap pass in a string of s. There we go. Now what we're going to do is go ahead and make this an ICommand that again is going to do some source generation for us so it generates the Tap command for us. Now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and do some navigation. Here I'm going to say await. Again, we're doing this async task because it's actually doing the navigation, and this is going to use the shell navigation, so Shell.Current.GoToAsync. Now, what I like about this is that I can just pass it in the DetailPage or that route identifier that I defined in my AppShell right here. I can also pass at the string directly, which is also very nice. If I wanted to I could come in back into my MainViewModel here and replace this hard-coded string with the name of DetailPage. Now, this is going to tell the shell to go to that DetailPage directly, which is pretty awesome. Let's go ahead and compile this up and start actually tapping on an item and then doing navigation to that DetailPage. Again, this is up to you if you want to reference the DetailPage there or if you want it to be a string or have some association, totally up to you and your application architecture. Now let's give this a second to compile up the application and deploy. >> Our application is launching here, and let's go ahead and add an item into our list. Again, apples, when you add, add that and I'm going to do a tap event and boom, just like that, we've navigated to a new page and we can see welcome to.Net MAUI. Now, the other thing I'm able to do is, of course, modify that XAML, so if I want to say font size of 25, for example, I hit "Save" sure enough that's going to update there. We can also add a little bit of padding here of let's say 20. Now we get a little padding there, perfect. Now, that's pretty great that we just did some navigation, but it sure would be great to pass the actual detail page information, so for example, the item I selected and additionally maybe add a button here that says go back. That'd be pretty nice. Let's go ahead and do that next. Here is what we're going to do, is we're going to stop debugging, we're going to go into our main view model again and now what we're going to do is we're going to pass it information and there's two ways of doing that. The first way is to add it as a query property, and this is very similar to a URL, so for example, I can go ahead and do some string interpolation here. Here I'll do some detail page and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to say a question mark and then I'm going to say text equals. That is going to be my query identifier, so that's the ID there. Then I can pass in s for example, which is the string that was tapped here to go ahead and pass that along. This is really important because this enables me to send simple data types like strings and integers across. But what if you had a complex data type, like a person or a monkey or a car or some other data object? What's great is that you can pass not only through the query property here, but you can also pass in a new dictionary of string object, which is your key values. For example, here, just go ahead and fills it in, I could for example say, what's the detail page and ask for example, or I could pass in a new object of something, whatever it is inside of here, and you can pass that information across. If you have complex data types, it works exactly the same as simple data types but you have this big bucket dictionary here, which is really cool. I'll link to documentation in the show notes and exactly how to do that as well. But I'll just go ahead and pass a simple data property across of the string. How are we going to get that string into our detail view model? Well, we can add a query property in one of two places. We can do it in our detail page, which would be okay if we didn't have any MVVM and any view models, but we can also add a directly into our view model itself. On the top of this, we're going to add a query property. This is really cool and the query property takes in a name, which is going to be the name of the property inside of the detail view model to bind to so we'll say text, that's what we're going to name it and the query property ID of text as well. Again, this property here that's passed in is going to be the same exact one that we registered here. If this was ID, for example, then you change this to ID, just like that. I like to name them the same. That is just me. It makes it simpler for me to remember. But now we need to create this text property and we're going to create one that we're going to do some data binding to. I'm just going to say string text and I'm going to mark that as an observable property. Again, the reason that this data binding to text will work is because if we go into our dependencies and look at our analyzers for our community toolkit that we brought in that went ahead and it generated those properties for us automatically, so there's the text and it does all that changing for us, which is really nice. Keeps our code really simple and that's why I absolutely love the.Net Community Toolkit for MVVM. Now let's add one more thing which, maybe a way to navigate back. I'm going to do another async task here and say, go back. There we go. Now what I'm going to do is await on Shell.Current.GoToAsync. Now to go backwards, I don't need to reference the main page because I would actually push a page on to the stack. I want to navigate back and some of the way how you would navigate around the file system, I'm going to use dot dot, and that is how I'm going to navigate backwards. You can also do additional navigation at any time by adding a forward slash, so that would navigate back and then to another page, so if I had detail or I had a monkey page, for example, that would navigate to that page, and you could do that a bunch, for example, go up two pages and then also pass parameters back and forth. It's really nice. Now we're going to do is also mark this as an ICommand because that is going to go ahead and turn it into a command for me and it'll be called Go Back command, that will be automatically source generated. Now what I'm going to do is go one more time into my detail page, and instead of doing Welcome to MAUI, we're going to do some data binding. We also need to do our association to our data type, so that way it's compiled and bound. I'm going to say a new xmlns namespace, a view model. In here, I'm going to type in view model and it's going to find that it's in this namespace, so we're creating a XAML namespace and I'm going to say x data type and that will be a view model to the detail view model. Now what I'm able to do is do a binding here to the text property. There it is. Now, let's also create a button here and say text, go back and then what I'm going to do is register the command to the binding of Go Back command just like that. Perfect. Now, let's go ahead and do some data binding again. All set up and see our navigation. What we want to see is whatever item I tap on, it should go ahead and navigate to that page and then automatically set the text property when I navigate. Now we have our application up and running. I'm going to say apples added there. I'm going to add oranges as well. When I tap on one, sure enough, we have apples and a Go Back command that navigates backwards. Oranges go back apples go back. We just implemented navigation to and from pages, back navigation and the ability to pass query parameters or full objects using the built in navigation system of.Net MAUI. There you have it, you've just done some navigation and in your.Net MAUI application. We've passed data from page A to page B, and we figured out how to navigate back as well. Now, what we're going to do next in the.Net MAUI Beginner Series is take a look at how we can integrate native platform APIs. Now.NET MAUI gives you them inside of C-Sharp but also gives you an abstraction of our common platform features such as sensors, geo location and connectivity. Stay tuned to the next video in the.Net MAUI Beginner Series to learn more.
Channel: dotnet
Views: 71,114
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Keywords: .NET
Id: ddmZ6k1GIkM
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Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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