Navien Tankless Cleaning Water Heaters Now

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hi my name is Ray with water heaters now what we have here is a navien NP e 248 that we installed about a year ago in fact October 11th 2018 and with a navien tankless you want to do a cleaning annually and the first thing I like to do is just say thanks for purchasing a quality product and having us install it we appreciate your business we come out at year one and do the first cleaning for free and then you have this video to show you how to do it from that on so the reason that we do a cleaning every year every other year at very minimum is to keep the heat exchanger from gathering scaling on it if we can keep the heat exchanger which is stainless steel running clean and smooth this water heater could there's no reason to think it could not last your home and many companies will want to sell you a service contract and they want to be in your home every year when we started this company we thought how can we set customers up to succeed and really help them to get the best out of their investment so what we do is we come at year one and we do the cleaning for free and then we'll send you reminders every year with this video that teaches you how to service it yourself we'll walk you through the process so we have phone support for eight hours a day during regular business hours to help you walk through if you have any concerns that the video doesn't answer all right so let's go ahead and jump in the first thing we're gonna do is follow the gas line and make sure if the gas is off the gas starts here and we follow the line over to the gas valve we can see it the gas valve is by the manifold so we're just gonna take this handle and turn it to make across with the pipe as with any valves when the lever goes with the pipe that supply is on and when the lever goes against the pipe making your teeth that supply is closed off after we have the gas off we're gonna turn the power off to the unit which is the bottom right hand button the circle with the vertical line net we're just gonna push that and hold it and that will turn the power off and then finally we're gonna turn the water off down below the water heater first let's take the cover off so we can remove the cold air filter there's four screws two at the top and two at the bottom and just take it and lift up so the lip on the top comes off and you can unplug the power to your water heater as a secondary insurance that the power is off but what we're gonna do now is we're gonna remove the cold air intake filter and clean it out in case some bugs or gnats got in there no to do that there's one screw the front left screw on the intake housing we just have to loosen that up some by the design this filter won't come out without it and then there's one screw on the front of the filter that we're gonna remove before we can slide that whole filter out so we have the cold air filter removed and as you can see there's a lot of debris inside there some from construction and some from bugs and such so we're just gonna dump that out in an empty bucket and we'll clean that out with a toothbrush and then reinstall the air filter and you don't want to get this filter wet as you're doing it so if you have a wet toothbrush or you think it's a good idea to get it wet first that can actually give an error code on the water heater so we just want to use a dry brush and get that clean get all the debris off of it and then we're ready to reinsert it into the water heater right still we're just gonna put the air filter back in this notch right here goes into that slot so we slide that in place and then line it up so the screw holes match right next what we're gonna do is we're gonna drain the water heater and the way we do that is through a series of elves let me point them out to you and describe what they are and what they do this is the cold water inlet valve so we're gonna turn that off so that it's sideways and this is the hot water valve and we'll turn that off so these valves isolate the water heater so now the water heater is absolutely isolated the next valves right above them the smaller blue and red valves are what's called the service valves and they're called service valves because you use them to service your water heater so what we're gonna do is remove these caps off of the service valves we're gonna hook hoses up to them and then just open them to allow the water here to drain into a five-gallon bucket after we have the hoses connected we're just going to open both valves and you'll see it start to drain we'll let the water heater drain for a few minutes till we don't see any more water coming out at the bottom and then we're ready to clean out the filters at the base of the heater alright well we have the water heater drained we have the isolation valves off the next thing we're gonna do is take out the cold water filter which is right here above the cold water isolation valve it's usually a channel lock to just open it slightly undo that you like to have a bucket underneath that case a little bit of water wants to drain out and as you can see there's a little bit of residue on the filter a little bit of brown discoloration a little bit of garbage not much for having been installed for a year there's almost no debris but enough that we want to take time and clean that out with the toothbrush all right the filter is totally clean and we're just gonna go ahead and put it right back in where it was tighten it up by hand and then just add another eighth of a turn with your channel locks the last thing that there is that we need two hands on physically clean in this heater is what's called the dirt trap and it's called that for a reason there's a pin right here you pull the pin out completely and set that down pull the trap straight down and again there should be an o-ring on it and as you can see this oran was almost coming off the trap so we want that seated all the way down to that first layer and then as you can see inside the dirt trap there's a little bit of dirt in there so we're just gonna run that in some water clean it out and reinsert it so the next step of this process is to descale the heat exchanger and what we're gonna do is we're gonna run vinegar through the system it's gonna pull the scaling out inside of the heater and make it clean like it was new so step one we're gonna take both gallons of vinegar and we're gonna dump them into our five-gallon bucket so step two is we're gonna use a sump pump and you want to use a small enough horsepower sump pump that it actually has hose threads on top of the pump and then we're gonna take the hose from our cold side of the water heater and we're gonna connect it to the top of the pump it's very important that you use the cold side to connect to the pump so that we're pumping water through the holes and it's going into the heater through the cold side you don't want to do it into the hot side it wasn't made to operate like that then we're gonna take the pump we're gonna set it in our bucket a white vinegar and we're gonna plug it in before we do so we want to make sure that we have the return side pointing into the five-gallon bucket because what this is gonna do it's gonna pump the white vinegar into the cold side up through the water heater and out the hot side so before you begin this you want to make sure that you have your large valves and the off position and then your service valves in the on position so they're on so the fluid can run through the cold water valve through the heater and out the hot water valve so now we're just gonna plug in the sump pumps that it can start cycling the vinegar through so now that the vinegar is running through the cold side and I'll at the hot side we let it run for 45 minutes as what's required to totally clean out the heat exchanger so we're just gonna walk away and let this pump for 45 minutes so the final step is to flush out the system get all the vinegar out of it and to do so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna turn off both of the service valves on both the cold side and the hot side and remove the hoses to the cold side and the hot side and then we're gonna connect a regular garden hose to the hot side service valve so this hose goes to a floor drain in this situation but you can dump it into a laundry tub or a floor drain any plumbing receptor in your house and we're gonna push water through the system we're gonna leave the isolation valve on the hot side in the off position we're gonna open the service port in the hot side and we'll open the isolation valve in the cold side therefore pushing water into the system and having it come off the hot service port so now we flush the vinegar out of the system and the next thing that we're gonna do is take this service valve in the hot side turn it back off remove the service hose and then we're gonna recap the service ports spend those caps back on the hot side spin it on the cold side leave the service ports in the off position and we'll turn the water on to the heater turn the water to the hot water on to the rest of the house and now we're ready to put the cover on the heater turn the gas on and hit the power button and we'll be back in business thanks for watching the video and do take care of your heater do this every year at a very minimum every other year it's basically the equivalent of changing the oil in your car it's an expensive investment you want to take good care of it and we want to take care of you so thanks for watching
Channel: Water Heaters Now
Views: 593,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Navien hot water heater, yearly maintence tankless water heater, descale tankless hot water heater, hot water heater, tankless water heater
Id: yBkTk3bTmnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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