Navajo Dr. Wilson Aronilth Jr. Delivers Keynote at the 2015 Parliament

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I want to extend my holy heartedly spiritual greetings to all of you wonderful beautiful intelligent people relatives and friends and also my name was mentioned Watson Ronald jr. I was born and raised a place called totally New Mexico and I am representing Native American Church of North America as a open house out in the nation and then also an American Church of Salt Lake Ashi beat Hawk to stand here before you to tell you that I want to read represent all my Indian people their followers and believes in purely way of ceremonial believe and this real beautiful ceremony they tell us that a woman found it because our Indian people lost connection with their spiritual holistic vision mission philosophy their way of life they star falling too much main law so it was a spirit of a woman that found this purity holy medicine so in our purely ceremony a woman is important a woman is important if it wasn't for a woman you won't be here there will be no spiritual leaders no leaders no educator no warriors no hunters a woman special listened to a woman that's our philosophy then next when they tell us is as remember American Church purusam on the way of life were told to have love faith hope climb this respect honesty self-awareness to keep our spirit soul blood flow mind and body clean and to keep our generations blood flow vision mission philosophy clean because they say this way I believe is going to give us that understanding to see people or salvation we're going to go to a good we're not going to hell we're going to good salvation that's our believe number one so today I want to address all you beautiful renowned religious leaders Christian leaders federal government lawmakers and leaders of this world this areas with peace and then justice stainability harmony trust in the heart and mind to tell you the truth today we're living in a world where it's unbalanced there's a lot of greediness ignacy prejudice nnessee alice ii somebody wants to take control of your life so my way is the only way that type of attitude we're falling too much man-made law whatever you might call it today when the different stages of our world where the vision admission and educational system governmental system of our uncle generation is vague game and unclear when it wake up we need to wake up it's all come back together in our creator's name today i want to tell my world renowned leaders wake up you're destroying our mother earth you're destroying our elements you're destroying our generation you're destroying our beautiful creation as an indent is offending people you have classified and identified our sand only believed as taboo superstition evil you even identify this Russians by barians in and immigrants like and then also minority only a dead Indian as it could end in that's how you classifies that's wrong who are you to tell us that where are you coming from where are you coming from why are you here what's your purpose where you going you got to be positive you came the air 1492 as foreigners immigrants Europeans that's when you came over seeking for richness well the top of all is seeking for freedom religion democracy peace and justice for all look what you did to our people you turned it around and abusive you need to wake up don't identify a religious term on your belief may my conscience the only will see ceremony believe as taboo superstition evil only a dead Indians are good in and you that same always will take you to how don't say that respect us look at me I'm not invisible I'm visible look at me I have feelings my Indian people has feeling were only humble spiritual renowned people of this continent so understand and then respect our puny religious ceremony way of life don't sell it don't abuse our medicine and salad put it in marketplaces don't sell our eagle feathers and sacred islands we use and put it over there and make profit and money and get rich from it you better slow down look at yourself look at your principal look at your your Bible your religious principles and Africans stop that and give it back to us give us back our sacred ground where we going to pray like we have our peyote that grows in Texas there's a lot of people destroying the land you need to wake up and say hey way you know please protect our sacred land where this peony grows so we could go there in peace and harmony we all don't want to fly like a Department of pharmacy we want to go there freely to take it and have that spiritual harvest to the full content of our mind and heart and to pray with it and to use it plus all our other Sam Warner where believe we need help we need your guidance we need professional people to protect what we believe in and there's a lot more I want to say but we need your respect your honor to help and to whether it's a financially spiritually holistically however where you can help us again I could say more but that's the top of the line to tell you that you share my feelings with you at this time and moment I want to thank all the people that organized this say thank you for all the people and I want to thank the made American Church of salt late a sheep you talk my grandsons my brother went to hardship wouldn't come here to stand before it wasn't easy we had to go to all kind of struggle but we made it thank you a hoe you
Channel: Parliament of the World's Religions
Views: 34,623
Rating: 4.8726115 out of 5
Keywords: Parliament, of, the, World's, Religions
Id: rhJYX8umA5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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