Nature of Russia. The Volga Delta.

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this is the real Wild Kingdom of the birds and the beasts and the fish are everywhere to hear the mighty life-sustaining Volga River meets the glistening waters of the Caspian Sea forming the biggest River Delta in Europe here nature made something unique in this vast area she orchestrated a grand performance and every creature plays a part but it's not an easy performance to behold and much of it goes on behind the scenes hidden from men who try to destroy the fragile canvas of this gorgeous and intricate work of art here we will try to draw back the curtain and watch the most fascinating parts of this endless performance without breaking the action or disturbing the players [Music] [Music] behind the scenes of the Volga Delta [Music] this avian paradise didn't happen all at once over the last several thousand years the Caspian Seas level change the sea receded and the river brought so much water that the riverbed couldn't absorb it all the water started to fill the hollows and spread out into numerous streams and Brooks so thanks to the life-giving Caspian a vital Oasis appeared amid the dry steppes and Sandy dunes [Music] [Music] the deltas geographic position influences its climate it's usually warm and continental in the summer heat this semi-arid region turns the temperature up to 45 degrees centigrade but in the winter the temperature may fall to minus 25 when we came to the Dominic cluster of the Astrakhan Nature Reserve the temperature was minus 15 there was a heavy snow the day before which is a rare thing here usually people get around on the frozen channels by scooter but not this time the deep snows became a real obstacle on our way to the lo Delta there on the spots that had a frozen solid we could see the birds that winter here but we still hope to reach our goal we needed to fix up a snowmobile that was suitable for these conditions [Music] [Applause] while waiting for a summer of hares we decided to explore the underwater world of the Delta QT litvinov and ik theologist from the Astrakhan reserve helped us out he's created a 3d model of the riverbed that shows where the catfish hibernate the ice and the Delta is about 20 centimeters thick it's not easy to cut a hole into it let alone one that's big enough and properly positioned the waters current visibility the presence of decaying trees or laws everything must be considered so was not to get into trouble catfish hibernate in the late autumn they gather in deep hollows where there's no current and stay there until spring sometimes these hollows can contain hundreds of fish it took about 40 minutes to explore the whole area unfortunately our hopes of seeing big catfish gathering on the bottom didn't come true for some reason they must have left this place or maybe just didn't come here this year now it's a task for ichthyology to understand what happened and why unlike the catfish other Delta inhabitants stay busy all winter long searching for food one is the white-tailed eagle in the Volga Delta you can find one of the world's biggest populations of this endangered bird there are about a hundred fifty breeding pair this year-round resident of the Delta knows its role well when the cold comes it's difficult to catch fish the Eagles favorite food instead the whitetail looks for weak wounded or dead animals for sustenance it also has its own way of hunting when the predator notices Birds on the water it scares them to determine the weakest one but the dapper Ducks dive well and they're not easy to catch that's why the Eagle watches the birds movement underwater and tries to catch them when they come up [Music] most of the winter though it's forced to scavenge for food from the reserves main building to the deltas mouth it's about 15 kilometers getting there by snowmobile isn't a problem anymore [Laughter] the lo Delta landscape is different there are many small inlets and islands of reeds among the ice shallow water free of the ice attracts hundreds of birds searching for food on the Nature Reserve the birds feel safe they can find enough food and the cold doesn't bother them winter on the Volga Delta doesn't last long soon the spring bloom will come and a new cast of characters with new roles and storylines will come with them to the region [Music] the most highly anticipated event of the spring is the annual flood nowadays the process is controlled by dams and reservoirs when the floodgates open millions of liters of water that have been trapped as ice will come cascading down the power of the spring torrent fills all the arteries of the broad Delta and the ecosystem rejuvenates itself light on the volga delta begins anew water is everywhere now the steppes roads become rivers and green meadows turn into huge lakes these fox pups though could be in for some trouble now they're playing carefree waiting for their parents to return but if the flood is strong and the water comes close they'll have to move on and find shelter throws of willows start to spread out along the flooded streams and channels now with their roots absorb more water than the plant can evaporate through its leaves the excess humidity is literally squeezed from the pores of numerous branches that could be why the willows are called weeping the great spotted woodpecker makes its nest in the willow thickets the soft and pliable wood is perfect for building a cozy home the male of the species takes the spot for the nest it can't be too rotten or too moist each breeding pair establishes its own territory for feeding and foraging that it defends from other woodpeckers this feeding ground can be as big as 15 hectares at the beginning of May the hollow is usually ready and the birds can start laying eggs this time though it's the male who sits on the eggs keeping them warm especially at night the female usually sleeps clinging to the wall of the nest the old nesting sites never stay empty for long the starlings that come to the Delta in early March will take up residence there without hesitation and they are real artists this darling can skillfully imitate other voices and sounds but at times this Restless singer tries to sing all the parts at once resulting in only chirps and whistles when the chicks hatch the parents live for food up to 10 times per day exerting much effort in the process the rapidly growing chicks beg for food all the time and are ready to swallow even big insect Oh also in the hollow close to this noisy neighbor is the bustling and trustful Willow biter only the female sits on the eggs while the male is busy finding and bringing food for her and the chicks a close relative of the Willow biter is the pendulum tip and he's not content to use an old nest each year he builds a new one this skillful builder isn't afraid of an architectural challenge these are ready to work all day long and in the bird world his home will be the most original the volgas avian kingdom is the lower delta but to visit this vast area you need an experienced guide it's easy to lose your way in the complex web of streams and tributaries even a detailed map won't help much there are no signposts or markers and all the waterways look similar [Music] it's almost like a labyrinth among the dense reeds that can grow up to six meters high [Music] the lo Delta appears suddenly vast areas of water are strikingly large but only about a meter and a half deep many islands of reeds and bays are ideal for birds that migrate back when wintering grounds one of the first to arrive in the Delta are mute swans they start making their nests in April the mute swan is different from other swans it's very big and beautiful no other bird arches its neck with such grace or raises its wings with such elegance but the voice of the mute swan is weak and hoarse when the bird is annoyed it can only hiss threatening Lee when it comes time to settle down the male brings the construction material and the female Swan builds the nest normally nests are built among the reeds thickets but sometimes they're found in open areas the male Swan guards its territory throughout the nesting season passing the boundary into his domain isn't wise the birds are strong a blow from his wing could kill a fox or even break a man's arm the bond between a pair of swans is very strong lifelong in fact they can live up to 40 years long enough to celebrate a pearl wedding anniversary pelicans on the other hand are only together for a season they used to be common in Russia but now they're listed as endangered in the Volga Delta there are about 300 breeding pairs and their numbers are thought to be growing but the pelicans get the prize for claiming the best turf even the swans can't put up a fight for long and eventually surrender their land to the Pelican [Music] not far from the low Delta the pelicans closest relative lives among the spreading willows this is the cormorant the Astrakhan Reserve has Russia's biggest cormorant colony experts count about 10,000 nests among the reeds nesting cormorants arrive in pairs their union like the Swans is life law both parents take turns hatching and feeding the chicks former ants eat only fish to feed their voracious hatchlings the parents go fishing up to five times a day they return with a packed stomach for their young because they get so much food the chicks grow very fast they can become independent from 12 to 13 weeks [Applause] the Koala ant colony is unknown place in the Delta but it's not the only one the anxious cries of current spread far around the waters of the lo Delta they're also interested in fish they hover above water looking through schools of small fish and dive in to catch them they almost never miss but hunger isn't the only reason the term strike from above it's their mating season and the fish are an obligatory wedding gift with a present like this the male demonstrates his affection and shows his serious intentions the most pivotal acts of the spring performance though happen under the surface the Delta wash with fresh water is an excellent spawning ground for the volgas many fish filled with a row they arrive in the flooded meadows usually this is grazing land for cows but now these warm waters rich with plankton are the best place for the fry to develop [Applause] the waterlogged fields are teeming with life crucian carp caspian roach and perch spawn in the tall grasses in huge numbers beautiful yellow site and dreams swim among the plants perhaps the most visible and remarkable spawning is that of the European carp these bronze giants don't swim but rather creeks along the dense vegetation [Applause] several males will follow a female who is ready to spawn their humpbacks are easy to see and they fight for their mate with such ferocity that the water can look like it's boiling in these floodplains the birds can have a proper feet here everyone can find the right sized fish snakes are also happy to hunt the fish no poisonous snakes live in the Delta only harmless grass and whip snakes it's not tough for the fast reptile to catch a fish during the spawning season eating the prey though can take some time it can take a while for the snake to digest such a hearty meal and it can be several days before he'll need to hunt again much of the Delta ecosystem depends on how the spawning goes most of the areas predators nothing but fish during this period the Nature Reserve staff monitors the marine populations carefully they determine when the different species start spawning how long the spawning lasts and the number of sick or weakened fish that result this important work has been going on for more than 50 years the collected data helps researchers identify environmental changes and understand their effects on the fish populations of the Delta [Music] by the end of the summer the flooding also ends the grown fry leave their warm shallow bays and follow the subsiding water into the deep streams there they'll be put to their first real test these waters are full of predators the most dangerous being the pike it's a very efficient hunter with an elastic stomach that can hold very big prey the pike are such voracious feeders even their own relatives aren't safe from their appetites the underwater world of the summertime Delta is amazingly diverse the shallow parts of the lo Delta have dense thickets of underwater plants warm water abundant food and lush vegetation attract numerous Volga fish and it's their time to graze the common Rudd is one of the most beautiful fish here its agile and careful and nearly impossible to catch in a net the Rudd feeds on the smooth shoots of water plants insects and their larvae the catfish is the biggest predator of the Delta in the late 1930s commercial fishing crews caught giant catfish weighing up to 300 kilograms and growing up to 5 metres long today though no one finds catfish that big the king of the Delta fish though is the European carp he got this title for his cunning power and grandiose appearance the carp is a placid fish careful but curious if you don't move he may even swim right up to you all this underwater life is very interesting for the great white parrot the bird may stay still for a long time in one position waiting for its meal it may seem strange but this tactic actually brings it more food than if it actively searches for prey the grey heron also uses the same method of hunting it's a very silent and uncommunicative bird and it prefers to hunt solo there are several species of herons in the Volga Delta they differ not only by their appearance but also their behavior the small white heron is more active it likes to sing up and isn't as careful a hunter as the great white or grey herons because of its small size it feeds in the shallow parts of the Delta the small white heron doesn't wait for prey to come close but actively chases after it it has another interesting way of hunting - stirring up the silty water with its bright legs to startle and catch the small fries but this method of hunting seems more fun than the way the deltas biggest fish feeder goes about it twice a day in the morning and afternoon lines of great black birds soar above the water this is a flight of cormorants carrying out their collective mission they fly in groups of 40 to 50 Birds and start their grand hunt they circle their chosen school or fish and flap their wings to drive the frightening prey in the right direction it's not nearly feeding it's a real piece the cormorants won't stop until their bellies are full [Applause] but this happens fairly fast former ants with full stomachs fly away to digest their food and dry their feathers then the low Delta gets calm and silent once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes though something can ruffle the birds collective feathers [Music] this white-tailed eagle decided to get some arrests nearby but the master of this land is happy with fish and isn't interested in other birds so they have nothing to fear from him summer is the best time for the birds their chicks are grown and some of them can fly by themselves they have fewer tears and they can feed from the warm water rich with plants insects and larvae they have to store up energy before the cold comes and they fly south for the winter while eating the delicious plants the parents attentively look after their chicks but the little ones always try to show their independence swimming further and further ahead needless of any danger such carelessness is forgivable for these young but the mistake that was made by one adult gray goose could cost them their lives in other circumstances the geese are very careful Birds they notice any movement and will fly away at once there's little chance to approach the geese and hide without them noticing the camera's lens it can happen though here a goose without any suspicion ha Polly wandered about 6 meters from our camera for about 2 minutes it's rare that a bird this attentive and careful would make such a mistake finally he notices though and fleas as they say all's well that ends well some birds however get used to the video lenses quickly for instance these black winged stilts these birds feed in Bay's with open banks with their long thin bills they easily catch tadpoles water bugs and beetles on dry land it's more difficult in order to eat or rest they have to folt they're still like legs a glossy Ibis Heath's gearbox this bird is always fashionably dressed with its brown metallic plumage its diet is nearly the same as the black-winged stilt but it finds food by touch its long bill is very sensitive when the bird dips it into the river bottom vegetation where its food is hidden it can feel any movement and instantly react but searching for food isn't this birds only concern they're also quite serious about their appearance in summer most of the birds molt they shed their old and dingy feathers and beautiful new plumage appears this is a very important time for the birds the long and difficult flight to warmer climes is ahead the white-tailed eagle is in no hurry though the Delta is his home and he doesn't need any other the volga delta is a hospitable home both here in secret spaces everybody who needs rest and food can find adequate shelter in summer this house is specially decorated with different vegetation the calm waters of the low delta resemble a motley patchwork quilt weave from numerous water plants turns use this dense multicolored cover for nesting they hatch later than others and only nest in midsummer probably the most gorgeous and amazing plant in the Delta is the Lotus [Music] the volga delta is the northernmost place on earth where this ancient and mysterious plant grows people through the centuries have used the Lotus as a valuable food and medical resource in some southeastern countries the Lotus is even considered sacred one can see the symbolism in the plants very structure [Music] its roots are in the underwater soil its stem grows upward toward the open air its flower is the crown on top looking to the Sun the embodiment of transformation and purity the Lotus has an amazing quality it's always clean its leaves are covered with a thin layer of wax this microscopic film keeps dirt from sticking to the leaf and debris drifts away easily [Music] above the lotus leaves are very big and can reach 70 centimeters in diameter the air channels underneath the leaves keep the plant from collecting too much moisture the Lotus has always been known for its unrivaled beauty they have a faint but pleasant smell like cinnamon the lotus blossom though is very short-lived blooming for just three days fortunately each plant has a number of flowers that bloom in turn that's why it's possible to admire the blossoms until the end of summer [Music] with the arrival of autumn the deltas appearance changes it rains more frequently and the cold wind starts blowing the silty soil and sandy spits are exposed and the reeds turn yellow Lotus thickets are hard to recognize now the leaves have dried up and sway in the breeze dry pods full of seeds are spread around by the Loop Current the water gets cold very fast and there is less and less food many of the birds have already flown south but that doesn't mean there are fewer birds on the low Delta behind the scenes light still flows in the autumn the Volga Delta becomes a great intersection for the migratory routes of many types of waterfowl now all of them try to gather as much energy as possible the ever active block of gulls has been a planet with young birds and together with the herons chase the RAM schools of fish that have not yet settled into the deep calm [Applause] the cormorants are still here too but they are gathered in flocks with the first frost though the entire fleet of these blackbirds will depart in a single day for their winter ground in Azerbaijan nearby on a sandy spit a flock of pelicans has settled because of their singular appearance and odd strut the locals call these birds Baba a polite way of saying respected elders clumsy on land the pelicans fly gracefully you can spend a long time watching them soar supporting their heavy bodies with their mighty wings for birds autumn is their travel season but as some depart for sunnier climates others are just arriving numerous guests from the north make stops here for rest and food on their way to other wintering grounds the long awaited white cranes appear on the sand box they're rare guests with few species remaining in the wild they nest far north on the upper old river their wintering grounds are in Iran and India in the Volga Delta they prefer this part of the Astrakhan Nature Reserve and feel very comfortable here every day new flights and birds come to the Delta in the second part of October the first flocks of group responds arrive tens of thousands of things birds gather and the deltas protected lands the difference between mute swans and Whooper swans is their clear and melodious voices this may be the origin of the term swan song the swans gather on the shallow waters here they feel safe and they can still find food among the silk the adults eat roots and smooth water plants young ones perform or calorie-rich fruits like small fish and insects sometimes disputes for the feeding grounds turn into real fights the young imitate adults and learn to defend their territory usually families try to get far apart from each other stretch parents keep their chicks from communicating with their peers from other families juveniles may create their own families in three years when they grow their new white plumage before that they'll stick to this modest gray costume hunting for food the young don't forget to train their wings for the long journey south sometimes though birds stay in the Delta until it's quite cold to collect more energy for their arduous flight the seasons change soon the first frost will come and the vast Delta region will again be covered in a layer of ice and fluffy snow the last flights of birds will leave the formerly hospitable Delta waters this stage will draw silent but fortunately not forever [Music] each year a grand performance amid nature's scenery happens in the Volga Delta it has terrific actors and elaborate plots here every role is a starring one everything is interconnected and proceeds according to the majestic will of an invisible director entrance to this performance is free but the backstage passes are only there for those who are ready to listen and follow this grand design those who can feel understand and help save the living world around us [Music] you
Channel: Александр Бирюк
Views: 16,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astrakhan Nature Reserve, Volga River, the biggest river delta in Europe, Caspian Sea, Catfish, Volga Delta, white tailed eagle, the annual flood, mute swans, pelicans, the cormorant, Volga’s fish, crucian carp, rudd, vobla, roach, carp, spawning, water snakes, patterned snakes, Pike, great white heron., gray heron, Little White Heron, grey goose, stilt, nutty lotus, whooper swan, spotted woodpecker, Starling, blue tit, remez, popular science film, animals, nature, travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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