NATO 2035 D-DAY! Arma 3 Zeus Ops

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[Music] uh cool all right here is the brief break alpha bravo and charlie have spawned on one frigate uh delta echo and foxtrot spawn on the adjacent frigates ground 2ic and jtac all have rugged tablets and you are able to interact with any of the drones from said tablets on the drone interface we have multiple aaa pieces on the ships as well as two vls missile systems and two 155 artillery cannons on the front of the ship and you can use any of it to complete the mission today break pilots uh for the r r to work it's being a little wonky today usually it's you just go up to and it does it for you but instead you're going to have to basically point the front of the bird over at the giant green thing for repair at the fuel thing for refuel and just be close enough to the vehicle ammo and the pylon changing script should rearm them for you if not point your vehicle at the uh ammo thing and then you should be able to rearm brake all aircraft are set to a two-minute 30 second timer which is 150 seconds for those of you that don't know how to do math uh if they get blown up pilots if you get shot down but are successfully able to land all the i just watched a guy throw a grenade off the side the boat cool anyway if you need to demo your helicopter uh you have some demo chargers you just put it on and blow them up uh however to the chad who put a demo charge at the spawn i hope you don't have that tied to anything because if you demo it in your helicopter pilot you're gonna demo spawn and that'll also blow up your r and i'll laugh at you but otherwise your mission today is a simple one break you are basically invading an airfield controlled by csat uh we are doing this quickly because cset has been in the process of setting up a massive naval mine grid across the entire peninsula here and the naval mines do connect all the way down those those two black lines uh however there is an opening that is marked on map so if any boats i assure you i have spawned in all those naval mines and they will [ __ ] you up so please don't do it uh but csat has set up a nasty defensive line of bunkers and vehicles to try and stop you the boats uh usually i would set them to invincible for something like this they are not invincible so air you have to do a really good job of sniping any enemy vehicles on the coast otherwise they'll [ __ ] up the boats uh the bunkers though they aren't armed with any a t but they do have mgs and gl's the boats will be able to tank those but you and when i say you i mean ground it needs to find a good spot to dismount his troops because if they stay in the open too long they might become swiss cheese now after you get on the coast your main job is to take the airfield your secondary two objectives are to take the two marked facility facility positions on the map break [Music] the third facility position which is uh which is far to the northwest is confirmed to be some sort of a a position so be careful about that pilots because they will have cheetahs which can engage you from longer ranges break csat will also have short range at such as a a man pads in the ao so be careful otherwise your job is to simply take that airfield and potentially take those two bases ground you have any questions over yes there are landmines none of this time squad leads to i see attack anything from you but i will tell them while they think about that i will say these two things uh one squad leaders you all have a mind specialist with a mind detector in your inventory and this is d-day so i think you can take a wild guess what the enemy has and two there are no civilians in the ao because i don't like spawning them yes enemy air defense capabilities and a long range a sir it's like a s300 uh as i've already said the far north western position that is not an objective today is a confirmed excuse me uh tigris site and csat will have short-range man pads in the ao itself but we don't know where specifically i do not have any reyes sights down that will knock things out from like 10 clicks away because those things are silly [Music] now again if there's any debug issues that need to be done just tell me on inside chat ronnette by the way you're on five zero not five five angels you're on the run this is high send message say again my mind specialist is questioning can he actually defuse the mindset [Music] any other questions otherwise you guys are free to start uh the operation and then once again because my radio is bugged uh if you have any debug fans just tell me on sidechat and i will address so the pilots are allowed to take whatever pylons they want if they want to use cluster bombs they're allowed to use cluster bombs but yeah it's weird how my radio is bugging out on the side here so they're waiting on the catapults right now that's why but everything should be good there's three boats on the side there's three other boats here to represent all the squads infantry are jumping down what air needs to do in this operation to make sure that they succeed is air needs to specifically target this marid and this marid as primary objectives uh there's also a third marid up here where if the player base decides to dismount on this far eastern side they will also need to be taken care of uh they can also destroy this cajon here but i don't have any helicopter pods to take it i don't intend to use it unless um the pilots are there so actually what i'll i will do just for the sake of ambience is i will put i was getting briefed for my jtac on recon we'll put some helicopter pilots in the uh side here but again i don't intend for them to be used so we'll see how things goes i also do have some uh planes in here which i will you know start taking off when crazy [ __ ] starts hitting the fan but otherwise in all these bunkers you have a machine gunner and a gl guy the gl guy is only going to be able to gl if he gets at a really good angle but those gl's can't destroy boats unless it is massive amounts of sustained fire so what i'm hoping the player base does here is they identify where they're supposed to go which by the way this is like the best place to do it also i think these are already destroyed yeah so air is already blowing up the tigresses and we got one tigers trying to return fire here but that's you know expected yeah if they hit the boat they're gonna rag doll and kill themselves so oh i said that even so they're still doing it whatever i mean they'll learn or they won't i don't know but anyway as i was saying the best positions for them to dismount is actually going to be over here because this is a lot of hard cover guaranteed whether or not they do that is up to them but again air will have to you know swack the local apc here because that gmg will utterly [ __ ] the boats and then reinserts are gonna have to figure out where the hell they're gonna be put so in the meantime i'm actually going to set up some far csa patrols here just to show that i have some defensive lines on other aspects here let's uh let's give him a warm welcome shall we kind of have those uh flank defenses here and you already got azariah and i think nimiya in a helicopter scouting things out but as they assault these positions uh gmgs off the boats are gonna focus on the bunkers and on the coast i do have a lot of uh hedgehogs and mines down just to keep it simple and then these are the um the apers dispensed mines they're the weakest mine that nato honestly shouldn't uh because their body armor go down in one hit there are a few guys that don't have vests though that could go down to one hit from those mines but there's only like two or three per squad so up should be okay and we got a dedicated re-insert pilot he's with a co-pilot today that's his choice but yeah now i can hear them overnight so i think i know why ground this is high i am now hearing you overnight i don't know why i wasn't previously but it should be fine over here hi jtac you need to be at least 300 meters off the water otherwise thi thinks you're underwater that would be it then thank you yeah [Applause] does this job here defend a position you can move to where you want but trying to stay close to that don't disperse so far away because then we have to stand here to help you which may move them from more important force positions so they're thinking that this is a little opening just because i didn't extend the range up to it where you think you can get your guys in they're going to be sorely disappointed and if that means going through trench lines and bunkers well you better hope your boys can do it on their own i really hope air blows these up because otherwise this is going to be a very messy insert bravo we can do and support you on the way up hey grounder high how much do we want to keep the civilian infrastructure uh preferably intact but if enemies are around or garrisoning buildings you are free to destroy them over air seemed to focus on the aaa threat and they're also this is very close for comfort right now they're also focusing on the cajman and then we've got one squad breaking off to go way north oh oh dear they did not recon their lz's and we gotta pray that delta doesn't hit one of the naval mines going in oh well i hope you guys like bloodshed today because we're probably gonna get some in this opening insert oh jamie i know i'd never hope for every anything i just you know give them the end uh the answer and we go from there we see a bunker on the pier near your lv [Applause] hey foreign gmg is engaging so i'm having this thing now pull out uh go figure out what that's about i'll give them that wow he is an aggro yet i'll turn him around all right either way let's get some rifle squad spawned in and they hit the naval mine and that managed to blow up all of the other naval mines [Laughter] oh that's hilarious i put them too close together so it just blew up all the mines oh oh my god that just got blown up i don't know if i would i think um yeah my dueler's there with 18. oh oh that was great ground this is high um one of your boats drove into the minefield so uh they're gonna all need re-inserts over actually no ground was in the boat [Music] oh my god oh that was absolutely amazing all right i got to applaud ground for that one hot damn that was great oh i had a feeling like they're still gonna ignore the minefield so i spawned them just in case eastern side covering northeast but hey they at least uh they at least prevented other groups from getting blown up so bunker at church ah man that that just kills me i cannot believe that happened this is alpha permission to take another squad with us northeast and push objective two we need to take that out so we can safely land air units closer to the field raj alpha is going to start pushing northeast oh i mean technically where he is dead he is in the mine field too so i am clearly in the right i was a little worried they would think hey because this little snippet wasn't marked in the minefield that they got blown up they'd still blame me but no that one is completely on them ah oh that's grand we have audio contact vehicle northwest of us let's hit that with the mods we got a few guys pushing out right here delay last order all destroyed all right we're gonna run all the uh teams over to where they are i'll keep the guys in the fortification from that uh bunker to our 45 do you mind suppressing that but so far so good all right we're gonna start taxing these off rubber to ground is there any location you want us or do you want to regroup and objective 2 to northeast why do i mainly spawn units um instead of using modules from zen just how i prefer to do things also because i do a lot of custom work and you can't really i'm not sure if you can actually do that with zen and [ __ ] but small like a squad level force just how i prefer to do things i just realized this might not be enough runway for me to take off but hey we're going to find out i was going to break off you know yeah i probably should have uh adjusted the flaps too but that's okay he does have short range aaa so hopefully those uh f-18s do stuff we just had an aaa missile go off by the uh attack helicopter and now it's another shot going into attack helicopter they just evaded and there's the punch out all right so there they are landing on the coast and the pilot got killed all right so otherwise you got these guys fighting against these groups coming up and why is this i sent you forever ago oh silly silly units that's okay because sometimes they don't like doing it on the first iteration yeah every zeus has their preference on doing things so who's alpha's sl that is a good question i have not been keeping track but i know the sls are devil demon giants and winter wolf and we have another sl which is spartan red sand a little bit of desync in there ground this is alpha we have started assaulting companies don't want to go pilots i still got in here bro oh yeah you're talking about them sometimes the pilots die when they you know do a bailout so sure we're starting to clear out the building now i'm gonna run another fighter pilot over and then when i i gotta keep monitoring on that because he well he might take off on his own because that's a vanilla runaway but it's not a guarantee it's gonna happen uh ground this is alpha we have we have recovered intact taj men why do you eject so quickly yeah no exactly probably i understood that reference [Applause] what do we want to do with enemy uh assets that have been captured intact uh what do you mean by that over i think they're talking about this we have captured an enemy cashman completely intact at that little uh objective to the northeast completely intact you say over completely intact uh roger i guess debt and move on over not even get back down here not even gonna yep okay okay bravo do you want to take care of that yep yeah we said uh c4 uh sniper wolf they already drove their boats in a minefield and got ground command and a full squad kill and it blew up all my other mines because i put them too close together but let the other squads land in the minefield and they're doing okay uh i think there's a client-side glitch going on right now with the server because they think this is an attack cashman air blew up but i guess didn't render for them properly [Applause] we're doing all right northwest complex oh why are you [ __ ] in the runway well i've committed bravo delta alpha's going to start pushing through that uh little lift god i have you going on the edge of the runway for a reason you silly goobers yeah i know they have two f-18s in the air and they're attacking an airfield but where does launcher go do we have enemy jets there if they completely face their enemy if they come from outside they should be friendly should be in the operative word break we have a jet just uh did a bypass of our location not sure what it's engaging yep it just shot down the aircraft uh helicopters now it's strafing against that again i don't know why the plane pilots haven't bombed the tents down yet so shrug now where's that air defense it's being silly that's what [Applause] just takes it a second to wake up you guys are going to clear it then come down on the yellow line yeah i'm going to give it another minute and if that uh plane isn't taken care of i mean they've been focusing on uh air anti-air position that's actually artillery from [Music] so someone thought to bomb the hell out of that position at least i mean here's their cap right here i don't know what they're doing all right otherwise these guys are moving into this position oh for the love of god so sometimes the ai freaks out when there's air assets so they're all just doing uh large scale connects and disconnects so not that's the improper terminology these are getting in and out of the um they're dismounting remounting this thinking it's you know unsafe and because it's not to their asset there then yeah well i mean so they did a good job they blew up all the anti-air but now they're not focusing on a lot of the really important assets that have been required to let the ground forces push in which is why i gave them those uh air assets and why they have a pylon change mod so they can you know change it to what they need but bravo delta this is alpha we are the issue is if i put chicas up there for them to dog fight the sheikras are going [Applause] let's see i want to fold in this ifv and use it for a long range attack on anything i see on the hill i believe we're moving in right behind you let's go ahead and throw a merida in as well another apc uh i'm going to spawn in the infantry if it gets uh close enough but bravo this is alpha we are not really seeing anything you and delta can start pushing towards the town we're gonna break off and go to yellow line now spawn in the third fighter pilot this is probably true i could have sworn i saw them drop a bomb on this but i'm sure this is uh weird we have one platoon size element movement from so they landed to drop luxie off he was still dead in the boat and now i got csac coming in to challenge the infantry's advantage after that they're coming out to meet us everybody get ready that'll respawn another 60 second just stops to make sure you don't delete it otherwise it breaks the uh the script in but yeah the boats don't respawn any reinserts they want to give they have to do via the transport helicopter so at least they're giving the transport helicopter a lot of uh things to work with here anyone up in there with free fire on those guys coming in yeah so it looks like now they're lazy the hainers bravo this is alpha we have spotted a squad enemy squad 550 meters southwest from our position up on this hill we're gonna start engaging up them no they're moving away from them uh copy that so yeah they just did some laser guided ordnance there but they did it on the ron hayner i think something weird's going on i think people are seeing vehicles client-side instead of server side i would explain a few things but i've never no i have seen that type of issue before but that's really rare yeah they bombed the airfield but again i think i think they're looking at the wrong stuff because they're seeing things that they shouldn't be seeing because it's just not properly syncing with their clients and that's a again just a very rare i don't even know if that issue's specifically mission side or not yep so they're immediately locking me as i'm taking off they just try to put a gbu on it because i could have sworn i just saw a bomb but yeah there's there okay there we go this is alpha we got a little mask so now we have cap doing their job that's the last bird i'll i'll throw in another uh plane or two in a bit but now i'm gonna be a bit harsh with my ifv here right we got engaged by the marin 900 meters inside mouth of the town oh [ __ ] no they disabled the turret good shot copy that uh charlie what's your status i'll have him turn out for a second i don't mean to turn out what can i wait combo yeah so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pull this guy back because i have an r r position right here i say r and r it's meant to be triple r it's the vehicles rnr it's where they can relax but we need to get that turret back online to use it so now watch this really easy way uh when you do intern when you know you have uh infantry and internal groups ground this is reports of enemy vehicles coming down main road is i can just spawn them off yonder you're doing an assault squad dude you can put them in and that is about to be hit with hatey and yeah they're all dead that was yep the plane all right so now the planes are picking up their game they've just been too focused on i guess uh dealing with aaa threats i'm starting to engage enemy foot models exiting the town to the north guy i'm gonna have to run to high hal i just heard some sort of guided shot here that might have been my anti-air defense team yep they're firing at the f-18 as f-18 does evasive mesh uh measures all units up on the hills once we enter town and we start combat you guys are clear to move up and join us this i literally tested i got on the server i blew up all the vix i moved them into the water town we are now in artillery range the hammers will be able to hit so if you hear me saying artillery and coming you get that [ __ ] down because we're not stopping for you charlie copies because i do think there is something wonky on the server right now with how everything's going i don't know what it is but there is a very how do i put it there is a very rare possibility in arma 3 where when someone dies uh not dies how did i put it sorry i saw that happen yeah things okay medic bug medic bug for the client [Applause] i can't do anything about that but anyway there's a very rare bug in arma 3 in any mission file where if someone joins and they have a really weird ping it can throw the entire server off that's why you'd never see me do a five second respawn timer in tsp it's always a 10 second respawn time because uh sometimes andrew's internet got so bad back in the day where it would completely break the respawn system because his d sync was greater than five seconds periodically so he wouldn't be able to spawn so delta whenever you want push up shrug alpha will follow you thanks wolf hope your op went well yesterday as well listen bravo we're going to push towards that burning reckon and enter the town from in that general area i told you to run like forever ago i don't know why you're not running it's fine i can just delete them i wanted a little bit of ambience right there but he's digging around all right otherwise they are moving uh to that position here what do i have on my control shift v roster here perfect i'm thinking about giving it an escort thing this time aaa firing again that actually hit skelly there um they're not doing recon that far ahead so i can push that up [Applause] have this thing adjust around them this is that we're moving to the tone now uh it is it is reset don't worry i mean they even just called up that they were being engaged by they did just snipe their medic as well moz is trying to find a shot on it and air hits it instead nice got these aaa guys just chilling back here looks like joe's going to deploy him instead of him wanting a tp back it's fine it's kind of their choice i don't care but yeah let me uh i'll do my best to um start interacting a bit more chat just been busy trying to figure out you know why that weird issue was happening which you know arma it's it's a sandbox it doesn't have a 100 guaranteed this is gonna work even if you tested it 20 times and i've i've been a person i've been a victim of that i've also seen it happen other mission makers but it happened with sparky's viper mission last week the best you can do is have some backups play this game for a very long time so you know what to do in case xyz happens always have you know follow your contingency plans and hope for the best town from the north west hey crazy ghost i love arma 2 man if not get positioned for four years just so i can put them in but that is the other group actually that's a new guy so that squad that was winter wolf's voice he's calling for another medic to come and help him and air just did a gun run that was skelly oh you've got both my two medic and two i see there these guys have to be out of ammo if they're not engaging which makes sense because they only have oh well this guy's just an idiot okay well i stand corrected yeah he's just looking out the ground i mean it's hard to do aaa when your ai is just looking at the ground going ooh a pretty rock he's out of my lock range but he's about to come in nope he's doing a wide turn the best time to fire aa at planes is when they're directly coming at you because it's very difficult for them especially when they're close by to do an evasive action don't you love it when they hover because then they have to panic flare to try to get away and then lower themselves sometimes they're able to do it sometimes uh that's not the case and even then yep you still hit and then freestyle's going around ground this is alpha we're about hovering in helicopters is bad you always want to be swaying a little bit to the left or right let's see that went down 252 so 250 430 i will respawn that and put it down yes this is uh delta and alpha are following the black line in from the northeast side oh my gosh these chuckleheads cannot do dismounts properly which is fine i think that's because air keeps provoking them so exactly where we killed him now i do have two defensive tanks to send up and i am gonna just occasionally bring in some infantry but for these public ops again i want them to be you know our hour and a half tops i want them to be a little quicker because again i am seriously considering scrapping public ops to instead favor uh like a once a month uh massive operation open to you know multiple communities and that would help with uh tsp's outreach because we don't have the best reputation for a large amount of reasons and i do want to try and fix that best i can and they're still getting back in the truck because the dismount didn't ever and okay i hate to do it but i gotta do a quick admin thing right there that stops them from getting in their loop of trying to get back into the vehicle and i can also go and i won't un-garrison that group just yet but i something weird happened to this mission that's all i can say [Applause] oh yeah another 30 seconds and i'll put it down yeah i mean they're still doing their job and we just had two people go down by this medic cheekily hiding in this bush now he's shooting up at that no he's shooting up my guys over here those things are still going so i've i've been through two six hour pvp sessions honestly for the first few i wouldn't make it six hours because you know starting bold like that is a really bad idea especially the limitations of zeus itself alpha copies what i'd rather do is probably like a four hour session to begin that bomb was way off i think the laze uh was moving around as he was trying to lock it so yes kelly's trying to take out some of these tanks that i have hidden in the tree lines here before the player base uh gets to him but i think it would be an interesting thing to maneuver on what's the monster gonna be for that uh probably at the level of tsb main so it'll be a big juicy mod set but i'll probably cut out a few things from it because for a large event like that one of the biggest things you got to be worried about is optimizing the uh mod set as best you can we're going to start pushing northwest and clear it outside charlie taking the southwestern side of town all right so i want to bring in a far air defense team basically come on to the airfield to add some more man pads because the other group is pretty much dry uh it is about 55 30 so let's go ahead so actually a little past that um gotta manually time it because again respawn breaks which is a shame i'm not gonna lie respawn actually doesn't break as often for me as um other things would ground this is alpha we are going to move with delta clear out the northwest section or the northeast section of town all right i think by now i can do uh garrison command just be ready to move to where you need it if you're being caught in and fold all these units to come in from various angles here i could do a retreat as well but obama just dropped on that tank i am going to have it pull out of the ao actually it doesn't have a driver so i forgot i've ripped out the drivers because i don't want them driving around manually i don't want to deal with fuel because i was going to do a different r r system but i went against it last second uh do i still do pvp plus e ops yes but they are very very rare i haven't done one in a long while actually i am due to do another one soon-ish but it's a tva monday concept they just put another bomb oh they cluster bombed it cute but i'm also thinking you know maybe maybe the um if the monthly ops do well i might have one of those things dedicated for larger groups but the balancing on those has to be very very strict because otherwise crazy things happen does anyone ever do the big clone wars battles anymore um i think your best bet would be forensics channel as much as i hate to advertise that guy because of all the inappropriate things he's done he would be your best bet in the 101st because i know he uh he went over there because i know the 501st is on the decline [Applause] star sim is is a dying concept right now because all the really inappropriate things they did back in the day are finally catching up with them uh but that's really the only thing i can think of right now but the 101st i mean it's basically what the 501st should have been in the first place and they've been doing pretty well they've got all the right um but this is just like an outsider's perspective i don't know because i i haven't put my head in that door and i have no intention to but from what i've been told by people in the 101st they're they're doing pretty okay for themselves so that's where i would go again much as i don't like people i will do my best to make sure you uh find what you're looking for so i put on garrison module on this guy uh didn't mean to do that because this guy has a different garrison system that was built in through the editor so that how you break them off of that at least for the system i use is you rc the squad leader and then you can uh that breaks off everyone from this system now his pathing is going to be a little busted because he's in the water so all i'm going to do is just adjust those units air is not going to be looking over here so it's fine and that at least puts them on grants now i can start calculating things ground this is alpha we have regrouped at delta rp point oh does he not huh all right that's changed then because he used to do um he used to be a little more this is active in which case i don't know what to tell you then um i would look up the 101st see if you can find any names corresponding with any streamers and go from there grab permission to push with delta and assault assault that's all i can tell you airfield see in my opinion star sims are a really cool concept it's just they add so much drama and bureaucracy to it that it completely kills the idea but large scale like any large-scale star wars off is badass sorry delta you want to move with alpha [Applause] again that's just my opinion so you're free to do whatever you want black line yeah delta you go first alpha will cover you it's your time on the internet spend it however you feel like underground units those are to restructure you're not having fun you should leave just one second yeah there's communities out there that ban you if you do that which i find is hilarious so right now we're just doing a little bit of body cleanup here i also like to call it body deletion duty um usually i'm a lot quicker to do it in modded stuff but vanilla it doesn't really matter because uh my server is a beast for this type of stuff and then when you have a small mod set i mean it can process everything really quickly hey don how you doing you know squad has a star wars mod gives you another uh reason to go play squad i need to try it one day but i've just been too busy with uh must explode at which point tell me there's other crazy stuff yeah so t100 is engaged from the front that's actually where they're armored the most so it takes a lot of rockets to kill it so they just put like four agms on that thing and the cluster bomb on it which is weird but alpha will hold until cluster musicians granite j-tech you never want to do a cluster bomb on an armored vehicle because it's it's not going to do anything delta this is alpha pushing up stay firm but yeah it wasn't the air strike that killed it was the four a.a things from this is high scene traffic uh uh one of my planes is saying that they have their vehicle parked inside of the repair vehicle again because the script isn't behaving properly this is how i just did it for him again the script is misbehaving it's supposed to be an area of effect but instead it's direct so i i just adjusted it oh good thank you the ai are very interesting yeah they're putting a t into uh this vic not realized it's disabled has a it had a fuel lake so it's caught on fuel delta this is alpha we have eyes on there's the air defense team firing up i believe at iceberg so he's doing a rough cut down to avoid he's he knows what he's doing to do stuff like that looks like they blew up the other thing so i got the crew running away delta yeah squad is all pvp yep and again i i will admit pvp is not really my cup of tea which is why i don't really play spot but i just prefer to have a more chill time it's his eyes on message oh hold up now so uh can you help me deal with this potential child issue uh can you say again i went over to skelly immediately and forgot about the radios over water thing over check um can you can you move him a bit he's uh he's a little bit too deeper it's because we don't have any good mods that are good for like towing helicopter uh planes and helicopters away from something when they get you know too close ross is out he's far away from his group we actually have a really nasty concave going here air is now doing a really good job of sweeping uh four vehicle threats coming in but we have a really nasty concave with these ai coming in on their southern flank they've got a very nasty issue coming we got the squad right here as well and then i got the air defense team i'm gonna move them back on reserve a little bit these guys i'm actually going to move up to that forest over there by that building you got some of these guys now firing into the line over here but no one's taking damage you got one guy right enough to go cover frost um there's actually two different models of the f-18 there's the stealth model the regular model uh the stealth model doesn't have any ground attack pylons uh it only is an aaa thing so uh if i want them to do ground attack then they have to do i'd have to switch it out for like a warthog which is the only other vanilla blue four vic but that thing can't land and uh it can take off from a carrier if you finagle it but if um you can't land it on a helicopter uh excuse me on an aircraft carrier raj do you want to start pushing brain's a mess right now when i'm doing multi-tasking i always thought i'd get better at it i never got better at it samuel just got shot for dragging someone so yeah uh basically how this happened was all the ai squads i was spawning air causes ai squads to slow down on their movement so they'll start uh like compounding on each other like potentially because you know squads will get slowed down other squads won't slow down yet because they haven't encountered the air assets so you might have a grouping happen which is exactly what this is and now brown's having a really tough time attacking so what they need to do is either have an airstrike come in with a cluster bomb or two or have their attack helicopter come in they need air support to hit this position all the squad leaders have colored smokes both throwable and gl 3gl based so they can call in airstrikes and have air just eyeball it and then command uh jtac has a laser designator and a copy of laser designator batteries and now these guys are pushing away from the mask into a squad in an open area you got an airstrike coming to support but that gun is not really good for air strikes it's more of um an anti-vehicle and anti-other aircraft weapon so it's not going to be too effective with that uh you'd want an a-10 for something like that but hey at least uh the re-insert bird is going to have another batch of reinserts to do here so hot damn this is um so when i say vanilla d-day in the title it means we're just uh doing a vanilla d-day here split or dc's he usually has internet troubles though so he might be back but i can also understand being caught in this position [Applause] okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] once in a while again scripts break so you gotta be able to do things on a case-by-case basis also yeah they do have artillery that they could call in smoke we got a bunch of guys down he said that dog healing right now if you can't throw your oh you don't want to [ __ ] with that tab ah players teleport him right where he died so air is this is what's bugging me air is focusing on this when in reality they should be focusing on you know where other groups are getting absolutely [ __ ] here so if anything the bombing of these buildings is gonna i'm gonna un-garrison these guys and just throw them into the fray at this point because they're still combat effective and they think it's the ground infantry calling in those uh strikes so they're gonna go deal with the uh potential threat oh uh winter wolf is an sl i don't know what that was just about [Applause] bravo charlie [Applause] requesting green smoke on fire i think winter's wolf is the guy that also threw the grenade in the water while i was briefing so i don't think that was malicious i think that was just he needs to rebind his grenade tab to double g because he has a tendency to need assistance our medical stuff do the touch i'm going to set these guys the carriage hold fire so air uh doesn't freak them out and i'm gonna go ahead and spawn in some t-100s a pair of mbts to come in bravo charities charlie's currently uh well waiting to come back because there's focusing on the stuff on the ground yeah meanwhile these guys are going to come sweep upwards i can also break them all apart to have a move quicker but i am digging the more tactical functions here because it helps extend the firefight i only rush when i need to so i gotta execute louie here [Applause] on my dumb [ __ ] cartwheel there they're basically all uh third person cameron watching when he would come inside so i will rc the correct ai behavior do you miss clicking g some people when we went to arma from arma 2 to arma 3 uh i wasn't part of this transition this is just a story by the way uh since g was for gear yeah something's worked about that i don't know why it's not doing the proximity based because in testing it was but again i think just someone did like something's weird on the server right now but it's weird because i tested all this like an hour before now you're having the air strike starting to come in uh that's actually azeri i think doing things from range they're doing their best but it is not enough we got the tanks coming in got more infantry coming in this is definitely being a tough fight and uh ground's gonna have to get reinserts coming and that's gonna be tough to do at this airfield because there is man pads in this ao whether or not they still have ammo or not is another question but they are the infantry's at less than i want to say 33 effectiveness based off of the fact i'm only seeing one squad here yeah there's a lot of button changes from the arma 2 to arma 3 interface and uh that mess with a lot of people because the inventory change button turned into your grenade button so fun facts still room for the players here but this is messy this is a very very messy situation right now and there is more man pads coming in to focus on the planes uh alpha has been [ __ ] we are about halfway uh across the airfield here i'm gonna have him dismount right here instead because that's gonna be a bit too much to drive so coming from that other direction it'll work so they just uh bombed a t-100 coming in and again i have these come in because you know gives air additional things to do uh to help cover the infantry so these guys i just want to go off-road here position marked with alpha we'll have casualties more or less more north to us copy that uh we just had roughly two quarters all right so they're calling in the fact that they just had a large amount of dudes land as qrf here yeah or if you're in there and you can pull it out pull out if not hunker down until we can get in there to reinforce you and they got the other vehicle here and thankfully i'm the medic so i can keep me up so yeah uh usually air also puts their lasers on so you can see where they're looking so it really helps you figure out where their positions are so it helps me you know spawn stuff at angles that they're not looking at but i still do it from far away because it helps simulate air finding targets strikes that was sexy all right so air is uh doing a good job here another uh aaa missile coming in arrogant doing their best to evade these i was doing a another quick low cut how is it at full health [Applause] foreign i i don't know what to say act i yeah yeah the british way to land the plane i guess i [Applause] i i don't know ground alpha delta how are you guys all right let's let's start wrapping it up here i'm going to ungarrison this group have them start running back uh everyone on the centers died reinserts are starting to come in you got the medics working overtime here to keep people uh alive and healthy and we're gonna try and give you some relief i'm i'm speechless i'm just genuinely impressed are they gonna try to tow it no he's gonna demo it i i don't know i would love to see how skelly did that one ah welcome to tsv where stuff like that is actually really really common because all the errors in arma 3 are very very rare but when you compound so many quote unquote rare errors together it becomes common practice to see at least a few every [ __ ] week so a lot of guys just ran into the same place that they were taking contact from and just got moved i'm just gonna end key it because the demo thing went off its health's not going down and i never this is perplexing me because we repaired skelly's plane and we saw it damaged so it wasn't set to invincible so how did it we're getting pushed how did it become invincible this is remnants of rubble we're pushing a bit farther to south east kelly's not the type to pull [ __ ] scripting like that was grizzly i would question it but i think something between the server and my zeus interface is just being wonky with some of the vehicles which is up you know can also attest to why not everyone saw that destroyed cajman being destroyed so i think i think it's just some a really weird disconnect between the zeus interface and my client that's one of the hidden issues you will so you'll sometimes see with um if you pre-build your aos actually again it's rare but it happens you just gotta be careful now artie's landing danger close to units over here charlie i sell the coastal if you have uh i don't know maybe a squad and a half i don't know [Applause] roger let's stay indoors you're gonna have a couple of huge rounds going into the forest near you so they're calling already i'm really surprised i haven't done any vls strikes yet i was expecting a lot more vls use on this airfield to especially take out the planes but the infantry wanted to you know go right after receiving the brief when in reality he should wait another few minutes and opened up with uh some cruise missile strikes recon is very important also theoretically they could have like done a vls strike in the minefield and blown up the mines with that cheesy but it would work be advised oh hey out 80 seconds until last flash i disagree as long as you have the laser the vls literally will track right onto the laser the only times it doesn't go exactly on that position is because of how the script works if you have the vls system on a fairly high or low point of elevation and you're attacking a really why so so the script is working it just doesn't want to work for the [ __ ] attack helicopter i don't i don't get that go ahead i get it uh we are under hard contact uh just back from our i guess the sync wasn't working but then again this all worked when i went on the server like an hour before we started this mission just to do final my little final checklist to make sure everything in the mission like vehicle respawns uh medical response because it's a scripted medical system like all that works i make sure because i don't want to give someone a mission where it's busted off your position until we can get in contact but just screw me i guess lavadoo again this goes to my previous rant from like what 45 minutes ago you have to have contingency plans for everything and know how to fix things on the fly because arma will armo will test you and the only way to really do that is with experience but let's see uh these guys killed a lot to do this because the medics were working on overtime they have to be running low on faks now though uh most of the re-inserts got screwed we got three guys coming around over here but i can only imagine this is another full helicopter of dudes being deployed and we still have a lot of guys back here and i have a feeling in feedback i'm probably gonna get some complaints about how the reinsert chopper wasn't big enough but the reality is their tactics weren't just good enough oh that actually sounded a little snarky right there look at this chat he's stuck in a building i think this is the guy used to execute the last guy [Applause] yeah now we got all the all these guys up here from the other uh coastal defenses this is all machine gunners and grenadiers so that's a very nasty group to deal with and again i'm just spawning some far groups because they're realizing hey if we push vehicles in they're gonna get murdered by their air defense so another thing i'm going to do is um we're just trying to clear out these struggles long-range neopron to come into this ao there's a problem that's the caps capability charlie are you actually in town are you in the airfield itself so by the way guys uh in about an hour 15 minutes i have a second uh plan for t3s and vets uh it is just meant to be uh it is a one life op but it's one of those open arsenal they can have fun with it sort of thing and i'll be building the ao as um they arsenal up which i probably won't stream that part but just saying it exists oh d-day has forced casualty rates in this but the attack on the airfield really fell apart because they did a pincer maneuver uh on a main objective and that never really works too well meanwhile that three-man group is now spearheading and they don't have a medic so if they get shot dead they're not gonna that's not gonna work too well then again uh error here i mean this is the last round of vicks that are being deployed you are free to take enemy 80 nothing else why though i mean it's grounds call don't get me wrong but there there hasn't really been a need to take enemy at because air has been doing a really good job of screening in the second half why are you you're defend only bugged aren't you because of the other air assets no you're not [Music] yeah so sometimes you just gotta fly your planes manually in the ao be oh [ __ ] lily's cap is doing their job he's probably a dead man while the other plane does cast bravo to air who just made that last strike good hits good hits now do i have any manpad guys left with ammo and i think the answer there is no and there's the punch out of my aaa plane this group is probably going to be in a lot of trouble and they do have a commander level staff that i believe is holy yeah i can go ahead delete that guy so that's good that is cap doing their job as they should have been all night but and the one mistake they made in my opinion is they jumped the gun on the boat landing had a casualty on the boat landing i did clear the rest of the mines which i find hilarious but uh not hitting the planes while they were in the hayners but i'm not gonna fault them for anything because the server was doing wonky stuff and you can't really judge people when you know the server's not even behaving properly so go back on the ground say okay but danny d thanks so much for the twitch prime what's up my man i hope you keep enjoying the operations and i hope you're getting a kick out of this i think this is gonna be my last infantry in here at this point uh this group might not even come in on time i'll try to sprint them but i think they're going to be out of position here aaron needs a challenge no because the sheikhra's will always outperform the f-18s because if if you have csat assets 1v1 any nato assets the ai will be better uh that's true with tanks dlc stuff and that's true with um [Applause] uh cleared hot for uh bombs on red smoke yep so now this group is getting attacked and these are all the dismounts from the uh the bunker line so one machine gunner one grenadier multiplied by eight right there give or take i do like how some of these guys stayed i think that's because they got glitched out and stuck because i give them an ungarrison order uh but they're still in this uh wreckage here fighting we do have some good pilots but the ai are programmed to engage at longer ranges than those vicks can detect all they'll get is a random warning about it and then yeah i don't want to take any risks because more often than not when i send those assets against f-18 tf-18s get [ __ ] so again i know it's hard to believe but i try to be a fair zeus as much as people want to claim otherwise it's another cluster bomb see this is nice though because we um hold up we have mine detectors in all the squads so cluster bombs aren't going to be an issue because they can still detect any unexploded munitions was that cluster munitions this is dairy attack that was close to munitions don't don't walk around that place anymore thank you hey firm hey ground this is alpha yep right we are at the southern gasoline oh gosh just got double tap there karin's now running up he's down and gets the kill uh east western road oh [ __ ] they actually had the chopper come in and do some uh mini gun runs on the one three four nice once he's done push in [Applause] this is ground to bravo what i need you to do is i need to get you to the north eastern buildings and give support fire delta oh no i i agree with what air did in the opening shot they immediately took out the aaa site that's smart because without doing that that limits how close they can get to other objectives it's just after they did that they took out a cajman which again was smart but they left all the ground vehicles up and they left the planes up for too long uh they also focused on a short range aa site and they could fire which again i get it it just the pilots uh the rest of the force needed to wait another few moments and now they're picking up hg rockets and using them against my infantry so uh i have an unspoken rule about that if they start using against me i i will start using it against them so hell there's the guy that's doing it away from the red smoke it's about to get bad [Applause] is it a gun run [Applause] move away from the red smoke thank you you want to pick it up and use it against me i'll pick it up and use it against you we are pinned behind some trucks did i drop more cluster bombs on it i am requesting a gun run on red smoke all right these guys i'm just gonna delete because they're not gonna get there in time there's no more people firing at me so it worked out [Laughter] it worked it's nice to see those close cluster bombs though because again the guns on the f-18s are not like the a-10 so do it it got clustered [Applause] we'll move on nearby uh engineers all right let's see what we get for uxos here yeah but we can at least see where they are so we can dance around them honestly guys brown this is alpha so great we are starting to move from alpha paws to hanger mark they can also just look where they're going but that's going to be harder in the debris now if i was a really big jerk i could spawn in some extras but yeah if you can't hold for your eyes they've been they've been good at screwing with themselves in this uh setting already but now if i want to continue this campaign i have this airbase to work with we can get some a10s in the ao and we can just continue going up and this is just buying me time to slowly prep the syndicate campaign in the background we get around and we confirm everybody's dead we may actually have completed this objective and the other two ones we didn't get were artillery to help yeah and i gotta replace my mouse because when you right click it doesn't always register the click coming off so it does a zoom in back and forth thing so say okay what's the percentage of uxos spawning from clusters it greatly depends usually it's about i want to say 15 so a handful like two or three per bomb delta this is yeah so they are saying that there's everything around the air base this is high roger break be advised based off of the results of the ao we will be sending in d mining teams to begin prepping up the airfield to use in the future okay do you want us to do anything else so we're good here uh for now hold a perimeter here and stand by for index over touch of that all ground units whole perimeter index has been called also don't move too far we have multiple demanding teams coming to clean up our [ __ ] so yeah both of those things got ragged we got three hangers there and yeah i can spill it on top oh i turned my engine off at the last second lo and behold a helicopter does not enjoy you falling at 50 meters a second you absolute fortunate thanks for the patience if you rearrange skelly it gets iceberg now this is the region no those were those were uxos yeah those that was uh yep uh so again a reminder don't fire at endx uh also don't step on uxos at index but you can't see at that point so overall that went really well um could have been a lot better uh you guys didn't do a lot of recon going in you let the air assets do some recon they started going down their checklist of hitting air assets then the greatest threat which was a cashmen uh close by uh and then as they were dealing with that boats came in uh i told you there was a minefield you went anyway you lost the fourth of your force including your command team which i thought was funny uh then you cuz uh cleared out one of the side objectives and then started going to the main objective things were going okay uh air started engaging armored assets as they were coming into the ao again going through their checklist uh you guys at the airfield decided to do a four split and it [ __ ] you royally uh reinserts finally came in because again i have a limited space in that chopper it's not designed to reinsert the entire force it's designed to reinsert one or two dudes that just happened to bleed out uh and the timer running out so that was interesting to watch but otherwise you had cluster bomb strikes come in to deal with the infantry um don't be afraid to tell ground or two ic or jtac to you know get their drone terminal out and start vlsing or artillery striking things when you're getting surrounded uh or just yell at air to bomb this and eventually uh if we got into the habit of that with cluster munitions which was nice to see especially in the danger close runs uh but you uh eventually bashed your head against the wall enough to kill all the seaside guys and take the field i'll probably be continuing this campaign uh until i'm done with the new syndicate campaign because i got bored of fia but otherwise yeah and there's a few other things that might happen after syndicate but we'll get there when we get there ground go ahead okay first and foremost when there is a clear and pleasant minefield put on map please don't drive into it even if it's in the water it will still blow you up which happened because we lost an entire squad and three members of the ground squad because we drove straight into a naval mine i was trying to say turn left but yeah okay so yeah apart from that squad leaders did well to keep their boys moving i more or less just told holly that air can do whatever they need to mullen had free range over every single piece of artillery had a base the only thing we couldn't use was the vls because they needed lock on or laser otherwise than that everyone did well did have that force bit which i wasn't expecting you guys to perform that but oh well things happen so we sat there pushed through what we could bash it against the wall and do what we could so yeah well done uh melon do you want to say anything then jk i got nothing i just shot a bunch of stuff i didn't really even do any two icing to be honest just kind of did the thing i'll wait until after delta all right alpha go ahead right uh the reason we mask has was that was my fault as soon as i learned that we were not supported by another squad i probably should have just not pushed us but i was focused on just getting us moving to another building so apologies for that alpha overall i think communication was pretty good in the squad and over net as well delta great working with you i think that's about it this is bravo first and foremost i want to apologize for the guys back at base uh my bad like not used to setting up a grenade key so when i used the uh key when i was using a map i think i needed three people when i was in that or two people i'm not sure how many and this minute oh that's brilliant uh anyways bravo moved in was gonna land more southern of uh the entire group and push in from there but there was a ifv sitting on the dock along with a couple bunkers so we thought that would be a no and we recruit them pushing up to the compound where church was we assisted alpha bravo kept pushing up with them um the mass casper insulted the airfields everything else before that was pretty fine uh went in with charlie on our left uh when charlie pushed to us they got shot up by the guys assaulting us and when we went to go grab them with a couple guys we were getting shot out because the smoke when we sat down was ending and i just want to ask what's any other squad did anyone else hear my two ic when he was announcing the charlie and bravo mass gas i did yeah alpha did but we were a little far okay yeah i just was curious because no one acknowledged it and uh i think you guys were still pushing up when your left flank collapsed but other than that uh bravo did fine charlie yeah i'm gonna say sorry i am no good at swaddling and i haven't been here for two months so uh yeah sorry about being a bad score lead um and the whole reason that we collapsed on the airfields because we were unaware that there was an entire field full of infantry to our left and then we sort of got hung out to drive because there was no cover for anywhere and yeah other than that i i reckon we did pretty well apart from you clearing a minefield with our bodies and when we did get engaged we couldn't see them and they were shooting us through grass and such but you know armor but yeah so good job sorry i was a bad squad league belter uh delta did very well i thought uh first start we worked with alpha supported them uh both was moving together did well here in town and those two side objectives uh airfield got bogged down a small that got split off um we had a properly hired firefighter we guys go down but we managed to pull back and luckily didn't lose anyone and yeah everybody did very well in my squad columns are good whatever's next no go ahead j-tech all right uh j-tech i had a very excellent selection of pilots today so thank you very much uh we don't normally have basically the the a team for pilots but we we got it so thank you um overall i cleared pretty much everything as a type 3 mission so that means i couldn't see the target i couldn't see the plane coming in but uh i don't think that a single friendly fire incident even with multiple danger close call-ins so congratulations it was a really good communication as far as i could tell uh not much else to say i didn't do a lot of lazing targets but it's whatever when everyone has you know their own set of optics and pods but yeah uh no it doesn't i don't think we killed any friend leans uh and we pretty much decimated any vehicles that tried to intercept our friendly courses in qrf so did great thank you guys so much uh uh redbird will you start off well uh so real quick before pilots go i do want to apologize to things one don't know why uh the r r is being wonky i'll look into that and fix it for next time and two uh i don't know why the gun ship wasn't responding on the timer the plane was doing it so it was clearly working it just decided [ __ ] me but i also think there was some weird issues going on today with uh i i don't know if it's the server the mission but uh when infantry were calling out they were demoing the cashmen the cashman was already taken out by air but i watched air blow up a uh uh helicopter but the helicopter was fine and so i en-keyed it and i watched skelly land upside down in the middle of a field with a full bar of health and uh yeah i don't know what the hell the server was doing today i think it's the survival crashes that are doing it it could be i'll i'll look into that but anyway um reeberg we'll start with planes and we'll do helicopters uh i brought back the magic missiles um and then uh pretty much maybe this is for you you might want to place the carriers like further away we could lock on and engage the main anti-air sight from the deck of the carrier and i did so the issue with that the second we took off was uh that it was dead i have to find a good balance of the range so that their aaa doesn't hit you but if i put the boats too far out then the landing the beach landing takes too long so four clicks was a good balance but yeah um we just flew around used our cameras to give live updates i never really mark [ __ ] on the map when i'm flying a jet uh in or at least not lately ah scalia and i just coordinated we made sure we had a good assortment of ordinance we just went around and blew [ __ ] up that was uh on contrary to everyone's popular belief as you saw today cluster bombs don't break the [ __ ] server everyone says that but they don't that's all or if everyone's afraid of the u.s uh to explain that further the reason they don't cause that many issues on this server is because we run a freaking eight or nine mod mod set with no fancy scripting i mean i i've used them with rhs on our other server and they work fine too i know but it also you have to take server complexity into account so it depends on the map the amount of assets that are down what's running in the background in terms of server side complexity with scripting but yeah they can be used but you have to balance everything uh yeah uh skelly and i cap um and that was that scaly cow excellent all right uh gunship um unsure why the comanche spawned with a fuel leak and everything was amber don't know what caused that shrug um additionally the triple r that you put down we couldn't really normally um even with the toolkit in the box we could because of that as as i told you use the pylon thing when i was telling you how to do r but the guns and the flares you cannot re-arm them gotcha all right put that in feedback then yep um i'll just say spread the hour in our house again those things are supposed to be because we couldn't get close enough to the fuel or the riam box to try and rearm the guns without getting the propellers clipped into the crane thing which would have destroyed us initially so it probably just spread out a little bit other than that was a rough start for comanche got shot down twice due to air and aaa missiles but that's the way that [ __ ] goes where we usually get [ __ ] over in this sort of thing um what rosa ross started locking on with [ __ ] but i got into the groove of things we were pretty [ __ ] well done um also for infantry when they designate with smoke for your position don't use white please everyone has white smoke grenades use colored colored helps all our cells sop had colored smoke throwable and gl and there was plenty they could have taken when we started so yeah they were using white smoke to designate their position and say enemy position when the enemy is also throwing white smoke so that wasn't helping for designation of targets so please guys just keep that in mind transport um we did transport things went to go retrieved skelly retrieved him came back to two dead squads waiting for reinsert so yeah nothing really on alright oh uh quick question were you uh set to blue for yes okay because ginger kept getting vanilla call outs of a thumbs for a target within 300 to 100 meters of the frigates and it was funny depending on it was it might have been one of the planes that was chasing you because the pilot was left alive for a little while uh before i deleted him so uh it could have also been the drones because sometimes uh the ai will call or you will call out the uh the drone modules not to drown much the um the turrets that's just how it works and vanilla because vanilla is interesting but otherwise uh before i put open again t1 and above uh we have the feedback channel please put your feedback in there uh t t-zeros if you're here um what was i gonna say sorry brain fart in the middle uh whatever you're uh welcome welcome yes i think i honestly don't remember i just got hit by a brick wall there um vets and t2 pluses uh up in about 45 minutes uh full arsenal thing so hopefully have fun with that and otherwise yeah that's all i got open debrief hope you had fun you got feedback you want to give me direct just yummy on discord beer me all right so uh i have no idea just brain decided to stop working for a second otherwise thank you so much for watching go operate operationally again we'll be back in about 45 minutes to an hour for the stream aspect of the next stop otherwise cheers have a good one go operate operation enjoy the rest of your sunday [Music] you
Channel: Liru the Lance Corporal
Views: 38,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arma, Arma 3, Zeus, Scenario, Achilles, Lcpl, Lcpl., Liru, Game, gaming
Id: 338Vp6JcENc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 59sec (5459 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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