Native client apps with Blazor Hybrid | OD109

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TITLE: [MUSIC]. DANIEL ROTH: Hello, everyone, welcome. I'm Daniel Roth. I'm a program manager on the ASP.NET team for Blazor, and in this session, we're going to look at how you can build native client apps using your.NET web development skills with Blazor Hybrid. Over four years ago, Blazor was introduced to the open-source community as a way to build full-stack web apps with.NET, no JavaScript required. With Blazor, you can use.NET to build rich interactive Web UI components based purely on open web standards, HTML, CSS, and WebAssembly. Blazor is part of ASP.NET Core, your modern unified.NET web framework. Blazor sits alongside your other favorite ASP.NET Core technologies to handle all of your web development needs. This past November, we shipped a huge number of Blazor improvements with.NET 6, the latest.NET long-term support release. These Blazor improvements include hot reload, smaller download sizes for Blazor WebAssembly apps, WebAssembly Ahead-Of-Time compilation, the ability to link in native dependencies, error boundaries, dynamic component rendering, the ability to render Blazor components from your JavaScript apps , and much more. You can get started with Blazor in.NET 6 LTS to build your next great web app by going to Now, Blazor currently supports two different hosting models for web apps. The first we call Blazor Server. In a Blazor Server app, your components run on the server and handle UI interactions and DOM updates over a real-time connection with the browser. The second hosting model we call Blazor WebAssembly. In a Blazor WebAssembly app, your components run in the browser on a WebAssembly-based.NET runtime that is downloaded with your app. All UI interactions and DOM updates are handled directly on the client. Regardless of how you host your Blazor components, which Blazor hosting model you use, the way you write your Blazor components is exactly the same. The same components can be hosted either way. Sometimes though, building a web app isn't enough. What if you need access to native platform capabilities that aren't available through the web platform? In short, what if you need a native app? Well, if you're a web developer, building a native app can seem a little bit daunting. Fortunately, you can now reuse your existing web development skills to build native client apps using Blazor. In short, Blazor is expanding beyond the web..NET MAUI is the future of cross-platform UI for.NET. With.NET MAUI, you can build a single app that runs on mobile and desktop, Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. It's the evolution of Xamarin forms with an improved architecture and development experience..NET MAUI released earlier this month and is now available for production app development..NET MAUI also makes it easy for web developers to create native client apps by integrating with Blazor using a hybrid approach, a hybrid of native and web..NET MAUI enables you to embed Blazor Web UI components directly into your.NET MAUI apps. By using.NET MAUI and Blazor together, you can reuse one set of Web UI components across mobile, desktop, and on the web. Here's how it works..NET MAUI will execute your Blazor components directly in the.NET MAUI app and render them to an embedded web view control through a local interop channel. Your Blazor components run natively on the device. WebAssembly isn't involved. This means your Blazor components run fast and they have full access to the native capabilities of the device through the.NET platform. We call this hosting model Blazor Hybrid. Blazor Hybrid apps let you use your dominant web skills to build native client apps with Web UI components that can then be shared with your web apps. Let me show you what building a Blazor Hybrid app, we've done it now it looks like. To get started with.NET MAUI and Blazor, you're going to need the latest Visual Studio preview with the mobile Visual Studio workload installed. Let me show you that. Here's the Visual Studio installer. You're going to want this work-load, the mobile development with your network load, and if you select that, that should then get you access to a.NET MAUI, which the tooling is still in preview but.NET MAUI is now released. Great. Once you've got that, we can then create our first.NET MAUI Blazor project. Let's select "MAUI" and this is the template we're going to use this.NET MAUI Blazor App template. This is just a normal.NET MAUI project, but with Blazor already set up so we can render our Blazor components. Let's go ahead and create that. That looks like a good name for our.NET MAUI Blazor app and there it is. This is our.NET MAUI project which is set up to multi-target Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. We can go ahead and get this running. We're going to run it on Android first. Now take a second while it deploys to the Android emulator. While it's doing that, let's go ahead and take a look at the code. The main page for our.NET MAUI app is in here in MainPage.xaml. In MAUI, you use XAML syntax to use native components. In this case, if you're running on Android, you're going to get Android native components. If you're running on Windows, you'll get native windows components. I'm using WinUI 3. In this particular app though, we only really have one.NET MAUI control, which is this BlazorWebView control. This is what's going to render our Blazor components in the dominant MAUI app to an embedded WebView. There's our app, it's now ready to run. There's our single root component and we're pointing to this main component. This is how you specify a.NET type in XAML syntax. Where's this main component coming from? Well, right here, main.razor, we've got Razor files in our.NET MAUI project. We open that up. If you've ever worked with a Blazor app before, hopefully, this looks familiar. This is just the standard Blazor router that will take care of routing browser navigations to our ratable Blazor components, which are all set up in the pages directory up here in our project, so here we've got index.razor, we've got counter.razor and this is literally character for character, the same code that you would see in a Blazor web application, but now being used inside of native client apps using.NET MAUI. Then of course we've got to fetch data which will render a table of weather forecast data. This should be running by now. Let's go to C and there it is, here is our Blazor app. We've got the homepage, we got the counter, the counter goes up, we've got the fetch data page which shows the weather, and this is Blazor Web UI being rendered in a native Android application. Web UI in a native app, that's Blazor Hybrid, that hybrid approach. This of course will work on Windows as well. Let's switch it over to Windows and we'll go ahead and run this on Windows too. Now when MAUI runs on windows, we're going to use WinUI 3, so you're getting the latest platform, UI stack, and features. There it goes. Now we have a dominant MAUI Blazor app running as a Windows Desktop app right alongside our native Android app. Now, if we had a Mac setup, we could also get this running for iOS using the iOS simulator and even running on Mac OS using Mac Catalyst. We get desktop and mobile using Web UI. That's pretty cool. Now because we've taken our Blazor components and embedded them into native client apps, we can now use native client features. For example, we could use native UI elements alongside our web-based user interface. Let me show you what I mean. Right now we have this web-based set of tabs on the left nav. These are all set up using HTML and bootstrap-based styling. But let's say instead of Web UI, I actually want to turn those into native tabs, like use the native tab control from the underlying stack. Let's see if we can do that. I'm going to minimize this and let's go back into MainPage.xaml. Instead of a content page for this particular page, let's switch this to a tabbed page. I think I have to also change this in the code-behind file, so let's go into here and change the base type for main page to be a tabbed page. Good. That will allow us to have some tabs and now I need to have a content page for each of my tab. Let's set up that. These are really native UI controls and it's going to take my BlazorWebView and dump it inside of that content page. There we go. Then I want to have three of these, one for each of my pages. So I've got that one and that one, and so I'm going to copy it three times. Now for the first tab instead of going to Main, I'm going to have it go directly to the HomePage, the Index. I need to set up a namespace for that. Let's do xmlns, call this pages for our pages namespace. Where are our components list? There they are. Now we should be able to go down here and switch those two pages: Index, there we go, and then we'll switch the second one to pages: Counter, and then we'll switch the third one to pages: FetchData. Awesome. I also want to change this background color from purple to white just so that we don't get any purple borders around anything. Let's do that as well. Let's go ahead and run this and see what we got. We're getting somewhere. We do now have this native set of tabs up top. There's no texts showing up because we didn't specify any titles. But hopefully, if I click around to find the right spot, there it is. You can even see where this spot is. You can see that there are, in fact, three tabs there so we can get to all three of our pages. Let's fix this up a bit. I'm going to snap this over to the side with Visual Studio. Now, let's give ourselves a little bit more room, and let's set up those titles. We'll go into the first tab, we'll set the title to be home, and I'm going to say that. It shows up immediately thanks to XAML Hot Reload..ML supports XAML Hot Reload. We can do that. Let's do counter for the second tab and for the third tab we'll change this to be weather. Great. Now all our tabs are showing up and they're much easier and they look great. We can see all three of our tabs. We probably should have a little bit of border around these pages that are right up against the edge. Let's set padding to 10 and we'll do that on all three pages as well. Save that and now when we go to a different tab, you get a nice little padding. Here we've got a WinUI 3 tabbed view for our desktop application, which looks great. We can do it for mobile as well. If we go and run this back on the Android emulator, let's switch this back to our emulator, we should see that we get native controls on Android too. Let's give that a second and it should deploy pretty quickly. The second time through. There it is. In here, we're getting Android tabs and they look a little different, and that's because we're getting the look and feel of Android for our tabs. But for each of these tabs, we have our BlazorWebView control sitting alongside Native UI. You can mix as much Native UI and web UI as you want within the same application. You can do both. We can also use native platform functionality as well. We're not just limited to Native UI. This is a native app, so we can call into functionality that the device provides things that might be really hard to do on the web or might even be impossible to do on the web just because it's not functionality that the web exposes. For example, let's go into this home page, and I'll open up index.razor again. What I want to do is I want to add a button onto this page. I'm just going to go ahead and add it, and what I want this button to do is to check the Internet status for this application. Practically I think you could do this with the Web, you could go into a browser API, but what I want to do in this app is I'm going to use native platform APIs through.NET MAUI to figure out if the app actually has network connectivity. Let's set up a code block in here so we can implement our check Internet method. I'm just going to copy in a snippet to make that easy to walk you through what this code does. Now we've got app code. There we go. We've got our check Internet method, and this is MauiApp1. In check Internet, we're going to use this connectivity API, which is one of the many APIs that MAUI provides that give you access to platform functionality in a cross-platform way. Connectivity is barometer, there's the compass, battery, all these things. MAUI just gives you fingertip access using nice dotted APIs for getting this functionality. Here, I'm using connectivity. I'm going to figure out if there's network access, if we've got Internet, and this will check return true, otherwise, false. Then we're also going to query to figure out what type of Internet connection we've got. We'll go through all the connection profiles. We'll just look at the first one to see if it's Wi-Fi or cellular or whatever. If there's isn't one there, then there isn't a known Internet connection. Then we're going to use a native alert to display the state of the network connection to the user. We'll have a title and then say whether or not it has Internet or not. That should be it. Let's go ahead and re-run that on Android. There it goes. We got our app, we got our check Internet button if we click it. Now, we're getting a native alert. This is Native UI and it's not actually binding to my variables. I messed up my string interpolation. Let's fix that. We'll save that and we'll redeploy one more time. Now let's see if we have any Internet, and there it is. Yes, we have Internet. In this case, the Android emulator is simulating a cellular connection. We can simulate also losing that connection by going up here into the settings. Let's turn on airplane mode. I'll put this back up and then we'll check the Internet status again. Now, false, we don't have internet anymore. The type of the Internet is unknown. By using MAUI and Blazor together from our BlazorWebView components, we can even access native platform features. Let me turn airplane mode back off. Otherwise, I always forget to do that. We've seen that with MAUI and Blazor together we can build UI, we can use native capabilities of the device. What's really cool about this model is that you can now reuse any of your existing Blazor components within a native client app, within a data MAUI application. As a really simple example, let's go ahead and right-click on this solution. Let's just add a Blazor component library. Let's pick Razor. We add Razor class library to this project. That sounds like a reasonable name for our Razor class library. This just has a single simple component, component 1, which is just going to render it Div. It's got a little bit of styling. All I'm going to do is just reference that project from my downloaded MAUI app, Razor Class Library 1 and then let's go back into index.razor right above our button we'll do Razor Class Library 1 and render component 1 right in here, and we'll go ahead and execute that. It's taken a second. But what this is going to do is it should show me a component from a component library that I've built previously and then I want to reuse in this application. Awesome. There it is. Now you can see we've got our component that from our existing component library we just had sitting around that's now rendering within our dominant MAUI Blazor apps, picking up all the styles and images from that library as well. We can even take this all the way to using an entire web application inside a.MAUI application. You can take a Blazor Web app and turn it into a native client app. Let me show you that. Instead of this simple application, let's switch to a more real-world sample. I've got this.NET podcast sample application that's been built with.MAUI, but also with Razor for a web, so we've got a web version of this app. I'm going to go ahead and start here on my other screen. Here it is. This is a web app for listening to various.NET podcasts. This home page is all implemented with a speed.NET core and Razor. This is all being server-rendered because if I click on "Sign in" and go to the actual podcast player, this is all Blazor. We've got rich interactive UI. We can search for podcasts, here's the MAUI podcast, we click on that. We can play a podcast right here in the browser. TITLE: [MUSIC]. DANIEL ROTH: Sounds good. Definitely going to want to listen to that one later. I can flag stuff to listen to later and it shows up on my "Listen-later list." Got settings where you can toggle dark mode and light mode. This is a fully-featured rich web application, all built with Razor and.NET. But let's say I want to actually now turn this into a native client app. I want a native mobile application for my podcast player or a desktop application. How can we do that? Well, with Razor, that's just super simple. We can take this app and just wrap it in a.Net MAUI application. You may have noticed I've already got a MAUI project up here at the top and this project is referencing exactly the same components that are used by the web apps. You see it's got this podcast pages, project reference that's down here and podcast pages is where all of the pages of our web application are implemented. If you go look at the Blazor web assembly part of the app and look at its references, it's referencing exactly the same projects. Literally, the same components, but now we're going to use them inside of a.Maui app. If we look at main page.XAML, again, it's just got that single Blazor Web View Control pointing to our main component, which will then wrap to the pages that are being used by our web application. Let's go ahead and switch to that. Let's go over at.NET Pods MAUI Blazor and let's run this on Android first. Hopefully, we should be able to see a native android app now for our.NET podcast application. There it goes. There it is. This is actually all web UI. These are our Blazor Web UI components now rendering inside of an Android native app. You can do desktop too. Let's switch back over to Windows. Let's see this running as a Windows desktop app. Get the mobile app back up. Yes. We've got desktop, and we do it like that. Then we got mobile and of course, they've got the original web application that we had before. Mobile, desktop, and web, all with one set of web UI components. Super duper cool. You can tell that this is actually using our web user interface. If we go into the desktop app, let's just bring up the the browser dev tools. They pop up right here. It's a little big, let me make it a little smaller. We can then use the inspector to see that these are all HTML elements that are being rendered by Blazor. This is all web UI being used in a hybrid fashion with a native client app. Super awesome. Let's close that down. Let me back over here to slides. Now, we've seen how Maui and Blazor together let you build modern client apps using your web development skills. But the Blazor hybrid pattern isn't just limited to.Net MAUI and to new applications. You can use Blazor components anywhere that you can run down net code that can also have a web view to render them to. For example, you can use Blazor hybrid with existing Windows desktop apps like WPF and Winforms apps. This can be a great way to modernize the UI of existing apps. The UI for this legacy point of sale app for dry cleaning establishments, that was completely redone by this company in a spot by Explorer using Blazor so that it could enable them to take their existing desktop app and turn it into a web application. This is something that the Blazor hybrid pattern now enables. You can add Blazor Web UI components to your existing Windows desktop apps, a piece at a time or wholesale as a way to then modernize that app that will work on the Web or work with.Net MAUI. Let me show you what I mean. That's how I got back into Visual Studio. I've got existing WPF application. That's this one. Here we go. This is a WPF app. If we look at MainWindow.xaml for this application, we can see it's just a single window and it's got a Web view inside of it. We're using WebView2 the latest WebView for Windows. If we look at the XAML for the app, it's got a grid. Inside that grid we again just have a single BlazorWebView control. Now, this is different XAML than a.Net MAUI app. XAML, this is WPF XAML, but it's very similar in terms of the pattern. We use the BlazorWebView control. We specify what route components we want to use and here we're specifying main again, and there's our main.razor file. We got razor files inside of our WPF app. If we run this. Now we've got a WPF desktop app, that's rendering Blazor inside of it. Our Blazor counter and fetch data controls just like normal. That's pretty cool. You can use this to modernize existing WPF apps and we can do it with Windows Forms too. Let me open another project. This Blazor Winforms project. In this project we have a single form. If we open up the code for this guy, now in Winforms, we don't use ammo we just use code and the Winforms designer to add our controls. But here you can see we've added a BlazorWebView control. This BlazorWebView 1 and we're setting up this time using just code patterns no more C sharps. We're sending the host page and the services that we want to use and there's our route components, there's our main component showing up as a generic parameter and we're specifying where in the route HTML of the output we want that main component to render. Main.razor is there just like in the WPF application so we can go ahead and run this. Now we've got a Windows Forms app that's rendering our Blazor content. Now whether you're doing WPF, Winforms or.Net MAUI, if you have existing Blazor code or web development skills that you want to reuse, you can now use those in those applications. This could be a great way to to modernize existing apps. But now that Blazor hybrid support for.Net MAUI, WPF and Winforms is released and ready to be used for production apps, we're starting work on delivering the next wave of Blazor improvements for.NET 7. Here's a brief overview of what we've got planned, hot reload improvements. We shipped hot reload support in.NET 6 for all the UI app models, including Blazor. We're working on a number of improvements for hot reload for Blazor, particularly Blazor WebAssembly to enable more types of edits and to enable hot reload even when you're operating underneath the debugger. Mixed Mode AOT, WebAssembly Ahead of Time Compilation. Again, another feature that we shipped in.NET 6. But it was all or nothing either ahead of time compile the entire app or none of it in.Net 7, what we want to do is enable you to ahead of time compile just the parts that you want to get that additional runtime performance for so you can appropriately trade off the increase in out size with better runtime performance. Ahead of time compile code is going to get much more performance in.NET 7. We've already made a bunch of improvements there with the existing.NET 7 previews that you should check out. We are planning to add Multi-Threading support to Blazor WebAssembly in.NET 7, which we're really excited about. You can have Multi-Threaded code running in the browser. Thanks to the latest Open Web standards. We're adding web crypto support based on the subtle crypto APIs in the browser. We also want to enable running.NET code on WebAssembly without Blazor UI really necessarily being in the picture. For example, if you have a dominant library that you just want to be able to reuse from an existing in JavaScript application, that's something that we're looking at enabling in.NET 7. Just being able to call generically into.NET code without necessarily even having any Blazor UI components. We did work in.NET 6 to enable building custom HTML elements with Blazor components still in preview and on.NET 7, we're going to productize that work and ship a stable release. If you're building micro front end style applications, you might want to have multiple Blazor apps sitting in the same page or the same view. We're looking at enabling that in.NET 7. There are a number of improvements for Blazor server apps that we'd hope to do in.NET 6 that we didn't get to, that we're looking to do in.NET 7, like being able to pause and resume your Blazor server circuits and having more control over the circuit lifetime, like being able to shut them down early or gracefully bring them down. We're doing some improvements for pre-rendering so that you can do pre-rendering with authentication and then we have some data mining improvements. We're hoping to ship some cleaned up templates so that if you want to start from a clean, empty slate, you can do so. Of course, we continue to make improvements into Razor and the Razor editor in Visual Studio. For more details on the roadmap for a speed.NET core and for Blazor in.NET 7, please check out the link below With that, I hope you've enjoyed learning about building native client apps with Blazor Hybrid and.Net MAUI. Be sure to give it a try and let us know what you think about the experience. Thanks for listening and happy coding.
Channel: Microsoft Developer
Views: 28,162
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Keywords: Daniel Roth, Native client apps with Blazor Hybrid | OD109, OD109, On-Demand, Other Areas, build, microsoft, microsoft build, microsoft build 2022, microsoft developer, msft build, msft build 2022, p5x8
Id: 2eIsQ3Pm2bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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