Native American Pine Needle Basket

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the randolph arts guild today we are learning about pine needle basket weaving with miss pat cheadle miss pat tell us a little bit about yourself okay i grew up in salon north carolina on a tobacco farm went to college after i had two kids and then married my husband and i went to europe and stayed in lived in wales for five and a half years seen crafts in practically every european country there is and i learned to love this one because i saw it in an indian museum down on the outer banks of north carolina and couldn't get it out of my mind and finally just kept on until i kind of learned how to make it and as soon as i made my first one my husband went out and planted a long needle pine in their front yard in winston-salem north carolina now they're not native there but they do all right um it's this is not a craft for people who want to do it today and give it away tomorrow it goes very slowly but i thoroughly enjoy it and a lot of people do and a lot of people don't there are some here that um let's see i've made this one i go down to since 2009 i've been going down to a choctaw band of indians that are the descendants of those who fled rather than go on what's now known as a trail of tears and this one was made by one of those choctaw ladies this is her card and so was this one these are mine and i'm showing you this to show you that it's nice to have a contrast this is raffia um i'm going to teach today making it with nylon thread for one reason the rather can shred it takes a lot of patience so i would encourage people to learn how to use the thread first and then go to the raffia this twirling here i brought because to show you how important it is that you put the needle in exactly the right spot on the second round if you see these stitches are straight up one right after the other these coil around you do that with your needle um then here's one with a handle on it this one will have a lid it has doesn't have it yet but i'm making these for my daughter who is expecting to retire and she wanted to give those wonderful people she'd worked with all these years something they couldn't go out and buy in a store i use a lot of my baskets as gifts i have four granddaughters and last year we laughed our heads off and they just loved it when i gave each one of them a little pine needle basket to go over that extra roll of toilet paper so i've had a lot of fun with it too but this is what you'll make today while you're learning the stitch and learning how to hold it this is very simple and can be made quite easily this is the way you pick them up pick them up and straighten them up and then if you get a very good pair of scissors which i don't have here today you just cut them and don't go all the way down cut them off as near to the top as you possibly can so your needle is pine needle is as long as possible and then just pull it off and then you'll wash them in dishwashing soap rinse them about twice lay them down and let them dry out and you're ready to go and no matter how clean they look a possum could have passed last night you don't want that so you wash them so where where would we find these they don't obviously sell them in a store so no they can get them from me or they can like i said stop somebody that mows lawns and say where would i find a yard where i could pick up needles um all of your down in fayetteville it's down the eastern part of the state is the and that and that is explained in what she's making copies of right now yeah where they are so we will begin with this is what we call our gauge and be very very careful with that because see that's a part of a drinking straw and therefore if you were to lose it or anything you'd be hard to replace and of course i'm trying to be silly here go through your pine needles and look for the smallest ones the urge to throw away these tiny ones or the broken ones or something but don't do it put them right in there because that's what you look for when you start it you want the thinnest ones and the shortest ones because it isn't going to be long till i'm going to be cutting these off and i'll begin with taking the end of my thread don't put it on my needle yet find the flat place this is i call them centers this is a piece of cedar wood that i have sanded on both sides and then put three coats of varnish on it and we're going to use that as our center you don't have to i'm sure the indians didn't use this but there makes it quick makes it pretty and everybody seems to like that better than they do when you just get up a wad and tighten them up real good so you put that through here with your hands and then leaving about this much out go ahead and just tie it down and this thread is slippery i don't even know a good word for it it is so slippery just tie it i do my best to use a square knot here and then after you've done the square knot go back and tie it one more time because it'll still slide out i don't know how many times it would take to guarantee it wouldn't slide out but i never used more than three so you've actually put you've threaded that through the first hole i have threaded it through the first hole and now i'm going to get about two yards here of this thread and thread it on a needle okay i'm going to take a number two needle these are hard to find but you need a number two cruel it looks kind of big and it is kind of big but you don't want it any bigger than this because it could tear up your pine needles and you don't want it any smaller if you're going to use this thread because you can't get it through there and the best way to thread it is put it between these two fingers and when you can just barely see a little brown fold your fingers and then find the big part of that needle put it on there go back and forth get a hold of it and pull it through works like a charm you will need a thimble your kits do not include a thimble they include everything else you will need except maybe a pair of needle nose pliers scissors and a thimble everything else is in there okay well they also have to purchase the the string as well no it's in there too oh wonderful i didn't put a whole container in there but i i round off quite a bit more than i used when i made the sample okay there is enough thread and enough needles in there for you to make this now we have tied this once and this stitch that i'm going to show you i i don't ever make a basket and use a single stitch i use a double stitch take your needle if you notice what my fingers are holding on to when i get through it looks like i took one piece of thread and did this entire basket because i hide those thread ends as i go look right there see how i've got it right on top the next time i put a coil up here i'm going to go around that and nobody'll ever know the difference and i use a double stitch i've been in there once i'm going to go same place again and pull it through now how do i know i've been got been in there all i need to be in there if you've got a stitch standing and the needle is facing you the thread is facing you you're through with that stitch so add needles see we're trying to get this coil this gauge full of needles and we want to be kind of patient about it in the meantime you can put say up to three and put the flat side down and try to get it under there because it's not pretty if you've got all these little white ends you can't see it very well probably on there but every one on the horse end of every one of these pine needles is white that's where we cut off the binder and pulled it and see now i've still got this sticking out here so i'm going to start now by gently pulling that back and this is very important that you do this right because the rest of your basket is going to like when to go up the sides is going to be determined by where you started so you have a nice round basket that's flat across the top where you stop it's going to be decided by where you start it so this is important that you do this right now slide it a little bit more this is to keep it from just popping out now that is enough oh sorry so you keep adding more needles keep adding how many need needles do you put in i don't put in more than three with a stitch okay um some people build it up faster than that but i like for it to come up gradually and see i've got that stitched now with one thread going wrapped around it let me tell you like one of the little indian boys said to me he had a hard time knowing when he had that second stitch in there and when he was ready to go on and a lot of times he'd go on too early and one day he looked at me and he says i've got it miss pat i know when i go up he said i said he said let me show you so he put his straws in there and then he said don't ever forget this because i thought it was just so loving of him he said one stitch for me that's the one that stands up tall and straight and then i go give my neighbor a stitch i thought that was kind of cute [Music] so do they do the the natives that learned this did they learn at a young age at a young age well at first they would bring them right out of school bring them to me right out of school and there's a lot of them now that you know learned how while i was down there that i'm sure have never done anything since but there's a lot of them that have made them and sold them since and this one little girl there's one little girl down there that was raised by the indians but there's not a drop of indian blood in her [Music] and she has a very very good job with a plant down there she has a child but when she sits down she sits down next baskets and sells them nice and there was one lady i'm telling you she made the prettiest ones i've ever seen in fact i wanted very badly to get one of hers and see if they would like to have it it would accept it rather at smithsonian but um her husband was sick and she never she kept saying maybe the next one but i right now i need the money maybe the next one but right now i need the money and if i had known what was going to happen i would have bought one but i didn't i just wanted her to do it instead of me do you see what i'm saying yeah this is a repeat over and over this is what we call the v-stitch and the reason i use it like use this and do the double stitching if anything happens and it the stitch gets broken or cut or anything like that it's not going to unwind if you've got a single stitch away it's going to go if that happens but this one's going to hold on to it and i have seen these baskets in fact i owned one until we had a house fire that they authenticated as being 300 years old oh wow so when you make one of these unless you do like um this one one family wanted to buy one and i sold them one this is what this thread's good for but if you're just gentle and careful you can get them right out and so i did made them one and next time i saw them they said we need another one he said we had a candle in it and it burned this is pine these are pine needles oh yeah you can't put a candle in it and light it oh my god yep that's what they did i still just can't believe that adults would do that but they did so in fact they're dry they're like tender so when you do your stitches you go through the hole once around and then you go through a second time and then it makes a v that's right this is the first time this is like the little indian boy said this stitch is for me and this stitch is for my neighbor and now when i get through i'm going to have one stitch standing straight in the air and extending all the way around it see now when you get there you know you're ready to go on but look for that when you first start off you say hey this is a piece of cake and you get started real fast i have more trouble with people doing that than anything and then all of a sudden they've got about 16 stitches that they've wrapped around there one time and they don't want to finish it that way so it takes me a long time to go in and fill in you can go back and clear up now it's important to keep this gauge full to get it full and keep it full because then you'll have an even basket you notice what i'm doing with my thread back here i pull that stitch tight not as tight as you can get it because you could break your needles but tight then wrap it around and i put my fingers on it to hold it tight while i do this because i'm sure they made it tighter than i do but it bothers me a little bit that there's a whole water and i don't think mine would but they didn't have a plastic straw for a gauge they just got i don't know maybe they took a sour wood piece of sour wood and skinned it off you know their they their hollow we used to make whistles did you oh no now here's something else see these white ends when you started off we started off upside down let's cut them out i don't want those white ends showing anywhere and you won't want them showing anywhere either just cut off the white ends and try to stagger them so that you don't ever have i'm going to have to sweep the floor because i can just feel them crazy that's okay see nobody ends just a few little things because when i get through at the top i'm through i don't have to go back and tuck in white ends and tuck in threads and um have one indian lady i don't care how much how many times you tell her not to she'll tie it on the outside and then spend i don't know how much time re-threading it trying to hide it pull it in tight enough and all of this it just doesn't work if nothing works like doing it right the first time get it nice and tight this is my stitch i'm gonna probably bore you to death saying that because it takes a lot of time to fill in a stitch if you take if you don't put it in there and besides holding your basket so securely that separate stitch is pretty it's much prettier than just a wrap if you look up the sides here and look at the how this one does it one stitch after another and it makes a almost like a decoration on it besides security is decoration we're beginning to get our gauge full and i've got a a little knot it loves to knot against itself but if you're just careful and take it easy with the thread as hard as you hold on to this be as gentle that gentle with the thread when it tries to knock up and if if you pull this slowly your chances of it nodding are so much less it's when you get anxious and give it a jerk trying to hurry this isn't something you hurry but i have yet to find anybody that didn't like this craft so that person that's hard to buy a christmas present for make them a basket it seems to be therapeutic too it is there because you're taking your time it is therapeutic unless you're trying to meet a deadline and i've told my kids when they came to me and said mama can't find a thing for so and so can i buy one of your baskets well i don't like these can you make her no i will not take one in a hurry i'm afraid it'll turn me against my you know what i love doing so one of them came to me and wanted me to make her 14 in the next two years oh my goodness because she's going to retire okay emma she wanted to give some ladies that she had worked with all that time something they couldn't walk into a store and buy so this is my stitch [Music] i want us to keep on until i tie it off one time before we take a first break this one that one was for my neighbor now i swing over there over and to give it to him and then when i give it to him and then while i'm over there i'll do me a stitch that will stand up straight when i finish it [Music] you go in each hole twice with this stitch now it's just just wrapped around there so we're ready to go over and do something next door in the meantime i'm putting these extra needles in here see i've got those laying here with all of those white ends facing me and i can just reach down and pick up the next one and they've all been washed so there's no problem there and my gauge is beginning to get full i don't like to add very many at one time and i don't like it when my switch and i'll show you what i call my switch in a minute this is the switch and i want all of those to be [Music] different here's one of the long ones that i started with and i need to cut that white thing off i always throw in one or two extra long ones so that they don't all quit at the same time you don't want a whole bunch of them coming to a dead end at one time you want everything to come gradually and um we're just about to get to that first stitch this is it how do i know when i get to the first stitch well it's the only one out here it doesn't have two threads in it and no matter how hard you try you can't get you can't go in that first one but once it'll just keep rolling around so we're fixing to go into the first stitch and to keep anybody from knowing where the first stitch is you go back in it now and that makes your v makes a perfect v and now we do it just a little bit differently before we've had a hole in our wooden piece to go into but now we don't can't do that can't just keep going into those so what we do here is very very carefully try to get that needle under those needles pine needles that you started with kind of behind it under them between the wooden piece and those pine needles and don't pull that so tight because if you remember we got very very fragile needles and started with it so be a little gentle there and keep your coil built up keep your switch built up that's that should be tight and if you don't do your stitches tight one student down at moab she absolutely she says i torture my needles and she ain't gonna do it hers are so loose there's nothing i can say to get her to tighten those stitches up and nobody will buy her baskets because no matter how much polyurethane you put on they're still loose i don't usually put but very light coat of polyurethane on mine and only then just in case the great grandchild came running in with jelly on his hands and wanted to play with your basket so you had mentioned the thimble earlier what is the reason for the thimble because it's hard to push that needle sometimes and if you push hard on that end of the needle with no thimble between there it can go right into your finger and if you just get used to using a thimble when you sew you will save yourself so many painful little things i'm still going under i'm going under that coil and i'll show you when i'm going to quit going under that coil let's stick with until we get to where we quit going under it's extremely important that you be able to tell where you started you not everybody else i don't want you to know where this one started but i didn't need to see it and i can look in here very carefully and tell that right there was the first stitch that i took and it's coming on around and right here you can see actually see a coil but he doesn't get fully grown until about right here so i'm going to continue going under until i get right here and it's also important that you keep that up there and letting it instead of letting it slide down across the wood we're going to keep him right where he is and keep going under there until we get to and see how tight that is can you tell all i could do to push it through there have those scissors i mean needle nose pliers ready to pull him through because if you do it tight oh it's so much so much better and so much prettier push i couldn't even push that with a needle okay now you could start right here but i'd rather start about here and when you get that full you're going well we can do it here you go halfway you don't go under anymore you go halfway my needle is dividing it's extremely important that this round go right between those two stitches that we put on there the first time remember my stitch in my neighbor's stitch this needle has got to come out right between them sounds difficult but it isn't if you get started don't turn it over to the back because the back doesn't look like the front hold it this way and in time you'll know exactly where to put that needle a lot of people want to turn it over to the back to try to figure out where that next stitch goes don't do that number one it doesn't look like the front so your chances of you putting it in a perfect spot if you do that and i don't put more than three in it once it's not nearly as good as it is if you'll just take your time and learn how to look at this come out in the center right between those these those two threads see you make a v with a stitch i've given you and then you want to split your coil in half go back and give yourself the stitch for the neighbor and come out right in between those two threads right in the middle of the coil in the middle of the stitches and then feed the gauge again and some people will start out by trying to pick out all of the long needles but if you'll just pick them up and put them in there as you come to them you're better off now no looking behind just pull it around [Music] and stick it right in between them coil that one is particularly tight and i go slow enough till my thread doesn't knot because if you give it a jerk it just loves to jump up there and hug itself and then you've got a knot and then that is it you just continue this until you get as many rounds on here as you want and see this is a big piece and this is a little one so when you get to number of rounds that you want then you start getting ready to go up the sides now when you leave it i'm going to leave this one now and the best way to leave it is to wrap your thread around it and stick your needle in and that's ready to put a little plastic in case you need to take a break so this is the type of string that you're going to purchase if you wanted to purchase it from any sort of art supply store [Music] it's a nylon number two thread and this is brown this pat likes the color brown because it blends in well with the color of the baskets but you could use like a lighter color yeah okay now for sake of time i have one that's finished ready to go up the sides and it's extremely remember me telling you it's extremely important that you know where you started well if you look very very carefully see how flat that is that's your first clue that i started right here and then the second clue is see that tiny little row in there where the coils very small and then the last one is count your coils one two three four five one two three four five which means i am all the way around even though one of those coils is very very small be very very careful and watch closely now because this is difficult we're going to start on the sides what you do is take hold right here and you pull it up here on top of that and that's it now go around it and again don't look at the back look at the front and have your needle come out just like you've been doing but go around that whole thing and then pull it tight now this is where the important part comes in you must you must get it straight up on top otherwise you have a pan that leans out like this it doesn't come straight up see this one comes straight up this one flares out this one flares out and if you don't come straight up you will not have the basket that you're intended to make here so it should sit right on top of the mouse and i seem to have i guess i got it now see it started right there right where we started keep your coil going don't get um in such a hurry to do anything that you mess up your coil your gauge should stay full it's so much faster if you start off with a flabby if you wrap this many needles over and over it takes forever to make one if you keep this thing full it goes pretty fast so not only is it even it's fast keep it all the way up there and come out the same place you've been coming out on that stitch below right between those two stitches i've got a little knot in there but i'm not going to take the time to take it out because if they're just those little ones you can just give a yank and they'll come on through to me this is easier than my straining the muscle but a lot of people don't like to have that tool around when they're working but don't forget to keep that coil full you'll make your basket much faster so the kit that they are going to have to make the small basket about how long on average does it take you to make a basket like that well i never sit down and just make one and i have an awful time trying to figure out how to tell people how long but i would probably say a couple of hours from start to finish there's time in these do you see how hard i'm trying to get that absolutely straight up on top of this you want to go as straight up as you can go and it looks like it's going to be a mess but look at that one and see if you can find out where i started up see in the end you can't tell no so right now it looks like a mess just trust me don't give it get discouraged i've tried to figure it out and the basket's in the gift shop did you yep and i cannot see where it started or ended well that's what you want and you don't want to be able for anybody to know where you tied that thread on all of us know you can't carry enough in your needle to do a whole basket but you can tie that knot when you add thread on so carefully and cover it up so well that nobody can find out where you tied them and that's now see i shot that one all the way through and i just i dug like that i want him in the middle of that coil if you put him in the middle of that coil then they're not going to see those white ends and make sure that it's coming up on top of the roof all the way up on the top of that last round that you made went way up on top and if you get used to it you won't even have to think about it you just automatically reach for more pine needles now i tried to make the little centers as close to like as uh as near like as i could but trees don't grow that way so if they want to look through them and get the center that appeals to them the most you see i'm still working to make sure that that's all the way up and you can have a little bit of control even after that you won't get it too far up i've never yet been able to put one in they'll they want to go out not in see where we tied our thread on right here and i pulled it and covered it with thread now i'm going to cover it with this next round of um basketry then i'm going to dare you to find out where it was that i tied on an extra thread but while i'm showing you this i keep saying be sure and put your needles in the middle see these white things sticking out right here i did those so you can see that's what your basket looked like all over if you're not careful where you do that but now if you wind up with one or two pull him on out there and cut him off but man you can't cut off a bunch of them without it showing and this one is not cooperating at all now with my needle i can kind of poke that edge in between there but they do not look pretty so you do if one of them comes out you start to put in a needle like here he's in the middle i was going to say if he if he comes out with his white end showing take it off take it out and put it in again and get it in the middle of the coil there's just a few things you can do right here's where it came out i was trying to get him to come out somewhere else but i won't have any problem covering him up with the next round now i'm not going to make this as tall as i normally would make it because i want to show you how to finish off and um so i'm just going to go i know where i started i can right here is where i started because i can count the coils my first stitch was right there so i'm going to come all the way around to there and then i'm going to start closing this off you certainly would want to make yours a little tighter higher on the sides than this um you can throw your car keys in that your earrings or something like that and have a neat little thing to contain it in but this one when i i can't think of much you can use this for no higher than it is on the sides i'm just going to close it off to show you how you end one you don't want to just suddenly stop and it is extremely important that you stop it the same place you started to make the sides even so what i'm going to do i know that right here is where i started it and i right here is where i want to start going up so i'm going to bring my needles this way you see i need to keep putting needles in for a while yet but i'm gonna measure that two or three times probably before i get it just right we know that we just keep adding needles until we get far enough along that we start gradually making our coil smaller until it just gets comes to the very end follow these guidelines that we're going through right now to find out where you started it and stopped it after you know what you're doing you've seen this you probably can find it wherever last one of these was started and stopped and you were just saying uh when we were off camera about the centers you were saying that a friend of yours did some pottery centers you can do pottery centers here's one that was started with a walnut slice and the indians started by just coiling them up in their fingers and wrapping them and then starting right around them they didn't have a anything that they could slice a walnut or a piece of bamboo you can start it with a piece of bamboo i have one that i poured rosin i can't remember the formal name in a little lid and then put down a very flat seashell covered it with rosin again cut that off and put holes around the rods and i've got one of those oh my goodness and i've got one that's got um a piece of um colored stone from north carolina that was cut just the right thickness and it too is set in rosin so that you can make holes so to get sound and they're beautiful center you you ha if you use your imagination a friend of mine and this isn't hard believe me it isn't hard you just got to remember a few things she wasn't well and she was bored to tears my husband wasn't well and so i couldn't go to her she lived in raleigh and um it's in raleigh um she wanted to know how to make pine needle baskets because she had a long little pine tree in her yard and she'd heard about my baskets and her mother sent her a picture of one and um i told her how and she took a small snake skeleton and coiled it and put it in ross and put it in the center of one of these oh my gosh and this was verbally she just i said she said can i call you and ask i said any time in the world so she said well now i've got needle and thread you know where i go from here so step by step i tell her and and incidentally you that want to really want to know how to do this written instructions are in each one of these kits and if you look at this video and look at those instructions and if you still have questions my name and telephone number are on that kit so feel free to call me because one of the things that i would really love to do is to see this craft take off by people that enjoy the craft now i'm getting pretty close to where i'm going to start closing this down so again i'm going to wrap my coil when i finish this stitch what i'm trying to do now is figure out how much longer do i need to put needles in there and i don't i'm ready you can see right here is where i'm going to start going up so if i take these needles and i follow them around they come just about to there exactly now if you look at my switch got one or two way out here right by themselves it's thick in here i may add a small one so that it finishes up on an even keel but as far as just sticking in two or three needles every stitch i won't be doing that again because i want this to level off so that we will finish not with a big old lump but just gradually gradually finish it off and then i'll show you there's a very pretty way that's automatic and i don't think i'm gonna put in one now i'm putting one after this stitch but i'm gonna put in a very small one because i want my coil to be have some depth to it okay well i want it to be big enough i'm gonna find a little one and here's a little tiny thin one and that will help sort of keep it don't want it to go get small too fast i think that's what i'm trying to say here you want it to come off gradually once in a while when i have my students they'll say i can't figure out how in the world you know where to put that needle when you don't look back there and i usually say to him after you've done it for about 65 years you'll be better than you are now this is just something i enjoy doing especially when it's snowing outside and you got a nice fire going and you sit down there and pick up your needles and turn on the television set and see this one's going to run out real fast too so we'll put it in there just for a little extra thickness in my coil all right we're now on the stitch that started with but you know when you started with that first stitch there was nothing there to not enough thickness with just seven of the very flat ends of that stitch so you want to go two or three more after that and that's what we're going to do now see how this is very uneven out here got a whole bunch of stitches needles that are all wearing out at the same time but you don't want to do anything with that yet now i might i'm not going to chase one needle around so i might just decide to take him out here and take him out here but we don't want we want them to gradually give out not all at once i'm going to show them an example of that here's an example of where it actually that is the one that i was telling you who just simply will tie it on the outside she just simply will do this she just sort of does whatever she wants to i let she said swear she tells me that i'll let the needles dictate to me and she's right i do my best to let them decide okay then you take off your gauge and see i've got one stitch right here then i've got one needle sticking out there and you say you're not gonna do another stitch for one needle yeah i am too i want these needles to behave and i want them all covered up right i've got one more stitch now and then i'm going to show you how to finish it up and so i'm going to now i'm going to instead of i came out right here i'm not going to give that two stitches what i'm going to do is turn around and go backwards i'm going to cover that up with an x that's what it's going to make make an x on top of every one of these and it does more than just that if you will look but it's time to get a knot and this is the way i get my knot out just don't pull it tight don't you ever give them and you don't ever get angry with them because you get a little bit mad they'll get madder and if you just gently work on it it'll come right out usually yeah see no more not so i'll hold it from now on it's just tired of being pulled around so much now then one time in there and come out exactly at the same place cross it again and come out exactly the same place you put that other stitch so you're going backwards with it i'm going backwards i'm closing it off i'm making giving it a finished look [Music] and you do that through the whole top all the way all the way around the top all the way around we don't have very many stitches on this one so it's not going to take long to get all the way around and that's why we go for to learn all the stitches and how to tie on how to start it how to stop it how to tie the thread how to hide the thread how to put in the um pine needles so the white edges doesn't don't show um what else did we cover and i see when you're going back you're going through where you put the other stitches going through the exactly the same place we put the other one right and um and before you start this if you see you don't have enough thread in here to come all the way back you need to um when you putting on that last piece of thread put on enough that you can go all the way around that top one without tying on because see if it's not going to be another stitch up here you're not going to hide it are you so you need enough to do that top round twice because this is what i'm doing here this is the second and we're just about finished with this and if you do this i get the thread at hobby lobby they also sell the raffia that's raffi and i get the natural but i'm told by a couple of my indian students that they sell some colored and they say that is beautiful they made and sold easter baskets this year and they used pastel colors and they said they were a real men people bought them she said and we just had nothing for our own family about making more they went so fast and then stick it through now see i put that last stitch right there and then just stuck it right down through here and instead of going this way i went right down into about two of them and now i'm gonna all i'm gonna do when i get down here is just cut it and we have finished our basket nice now i don't know how many people are gonna fight you over one of these [Laughter] but this is the simplest thing i could think of to show you how to do everything how to go up the sides how to keep it straight and anybody can tell if you don't want to keep it straight you want it to come like this you just lay it a little bit off and that's it this showed you from start to finish what the needles look like when you first pick them up and don't please don't get out there and try those five or six inch needles it'll drive you crazy make sure they're at least 10 to 12 inches and these are can go 14 to 16 if you got somebody that fertilizes their trees and takes good care of their yard and a couple of my students follow the yard men and ask you if you had anybody that had a long needle pine in their yard and he said yes and they've got all the needles they want but knocking on the door and asking for them so you might try that if you don't have it but the eastern part of the state has lots of it so i've shown you how to start it this is the gauge the thread the coil the switch what all of it is and how important it is that you start on a flat side relatively flat and how to tie off your thread so that nobody can tell where you tied off your thread and then when you finish be very gentle when you do this because what i'm looking for is a a piece of pine needle that's going to hurt the baby when he picks it up so i'm looking for it first and if i find it i'm gonna deal with it right now and you there will be one or two of those needles that dropped off see like that right there so you just break it down to the thread and consider how many needles there are there's going to be very too few rag tags coming out but be gentle on your fingers and don't go rushing this you'll feel it before it has a chance to hit you go into the skin that's it thank you so much miss pat for your wonderful demonstration on how to make these beautiful pine needle baskets as you can see we have some examples that we sell here in our store mooring spine crafts at the randall hearts guild and she has gotten very advanced in her skill and just created some really unique one-of-a-kind baskets here all natural materials here these are walnuts that she's included just to make a beautiful design you won't be able to find these anywhere else and so for those who are interested in learning how to make your own miss pat has put together a wonderful kit we've got all the supplies here that you need pine needles she's already counted and measured out um the the core here everything that she showed you on her video to make a beginner's basket something that i believe will be a little larger than this but very basic um for you to create your first time so you have the tutorial that she's just demonstrated how to do it and then also included an instructional packet very detailed and you should be able to follow along and have all the information that you need she's also included um a sheet of labels for when you do create your own you can give these as gifts to family and friends or even if you wanted to sell them um definitely these are valuable and folks would be willing to purchase so if you are interested in purchasing a kit we have them available at the randolph arts guild so you could call us and we could hold one for you to come and pick it up in person there are thirty dollars a piece and again it includes everything that you need to create your first basket miss pat has also included her personal contact information if for any reason you had a question or a concern and wanted to reach out to her directly you can call her and she can help you we also have our online store open and available to purchase the kits at our website so you can access these there as well and if you wanted any further materials um once you create your first additional items like these beautiful center pieces you could also go through miss pat to purchase these directly from her again all of these are natural materials that you can find you can cut yourself they are available at other stores but she has a nice supply already for you if you're interested in that and i think that covers it thank you so much miss pat for coming and sharing your time and talent with us you've done a fabulous job and we just love having you and you're sharing your knowledge and expertise with us today well thank you for having me this is a craft that i've enjoyed for many many years and i thoroughly enjoy sharing it thank you thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Randolph Arts Guild
Views: 100,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uudlkYkCndo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 40sec (3460 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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