National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, Albuquerque NM

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foreign of nuclear Science and History this is the main entrance we're going to start our tour outside before it gets too hot so hang in there with us and we'll take you through the museum we're outside the museum to the military display I have aircraft and we'll kind of walk you around so you can see everything but we're going to start off with this this is an a7c just like the airplanes that I used to work on all the different model I worked on the E a7e but throughout the history of the A7 foreign they made a trainer out of it in other words a two-seater normally it's a one-seater but this is a ta7c it was a heck of a burden it was an attack aircraft bomber basically and you can see the second seat they added and when they made it a trainer most of the time it was a single seat attack airplane I'll give you a close-up of a display board info panel it was quite an airplane now the Air Force also had a7s and they were the a7d and the D model for the Air Force had an onboard start generator where they could start it without an external um device we call them a Huffer it was nothing more than a a mini air blower that they would hook up to the airplane to get it started and the Air Force had the D model which they didn't need that external buffer each one of the pylons could be loaded the e-model had a missile Rock on the fuselage partially extended under the wing where it could have Rockets but that was the e-model you can see the radar Dome with the two pdot tubes and the air refueling probe and you can see the launch bar mechanism down underneath that would be lowered by hydraulic pressure and locked into the Catapult before it was launched now the e-model you can see they had guns on the side of the earlier eight sevens the e-model had a 20 20 millimeter cannon um down underneath of there it was it was more like a Gatling gun and when they fired it it sounded like just a big long burp of 20 millimeter shells down underneath the nose down there you see three little lights where those are the approach lights as it was coming into the carrier red green and yellow mint okay on speed on glide slope and they would if the tail hook wasn't down those approach lights would flash alerting the carrier to The Landing officer that his tail Hook was not down but it was caught on an airplane yes it is in very good shape for our C model s yeah that was a b and it's a really bad shape there's quite an airplane let's just look at this info panel here and to the left is a f-105 and I believe they they called those the Thunder Chief or the thud and just ahead is a mig-21 Russian Soviet Union I should say but these were used in the very early days of the Vietnam War and I I believe if I'm not wrong they used to call those a thud thud Pilots but I'll see what this yeah the Thunder Chief yeah I haven't completely lost my mind these were Workhorse during the Vietnam war and there's a good shot of the Russian Mig the Navy used the F4 Phantom and it's fighter configuration onboard carriers and eventually the the Phantom the F4 Phantom was replaced by the F-14 Tomcat with the Air Force use the f-105 we'll come over here and give you another shot of the mig-21 okay so next we have the F-16 falcon was flown by the New Mexico air guard it also looks in really good shape of course they they really should since they're out here in the desert [Applause] you don't have the harsh weather to [Applause] play Havoc with them it was quite an airplane too you see the rocket launchers on the ends of the wing and then here you can see the atomic bomb test Tower obviously a replica right I mean these are quite some airplanes [Applause] now we come to a an iconic aircraft the B-29 now this was a super Fortress and the B-52 which is just to our right here which I'll show you was called The strato Fortress but there's the B-29 and the most famous one was the Enola Gay you see a bird perched up there on the prop they've got screens on them so the birds will stay out of the engines but it's hard to get this airplane get a good shot of this one because it's so huge [Applause] I'll try to get back here a ways this is a real iconic airplane I guess you would say that it's it's the second heavy bomber that the U.S built because before the B-17 was being used in Europe in the B-29 was used in the Pacific to fight the Pacific War but this is obviously bigger than the B-17 it's a heavier bomber and it's the first one that could carry the atomic bomb but it's it's quite an airplane quite an airplane of course the most famous one is the Enola Gay and here we have what they affectionately called fat man or the first atomic bomb that the 29 carried down in its Bombay down underneath and you have an info panel here that explains it how they did it and you can pause the video so you can read it but I'm going to scan you the pictures so you can see in the Pacific Islands but this thing had to fit down there in the Bombay doors and some massive main gear isn't it just behind here is the Army's Atomic Cannon of course everybody had to have one right I mean one military force couldn't be the only one so the Navy had theirs the Air Force had theirs and the Army had theirs but they used an atomic Cannon to shoot an atomic shell but that's what it is and of course you can't talk about bombers without talking about the B-52 the Workhorse of the Vietnam War a lot of these things were lost during Vietnam but it's an iconic airplane that oh my it flew a lot of years several different versions of it models of it but it was an iconic airplane that that held its own weight I'm telling you and I've heard stories about it but this is the first time I've been this close to a B-52 uh the Air Force was a museum on Wright-Patt Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton Ohio is an excellent place to see aircrafts and I believe they do now have a B-52 as well as an SR-71 but the 52 was it was an iconic airplane used mainly in the Vietnam War but also used during the Air Force actors Strategic Air Command where these things Flew Around the Clock around the world and you can see they were so big and could get so heavy that they had to have little wheels out here on the end of the wing to help support them you can't mistake that big tall tail quite an airplane just taking a look at the nose of this thing is oh it's iconic and in a way beautiful I'm gonna walk over here and look at the information panel so give you a look at those if you see the main mounts on this thing they're about as big as a 29 but this one's got four of them foreign you can pause the video to read that I'm not sure if this is going to come out but I'm going to give you a shot of up inside the wheel well it may not come out too good but [Applause] see if I can get you close enough to for that and you can pause the video again to read it but here she is in the evolution of the heavy bombers for the U.S I was just telling Tammy that in the in the movie with Jimmy Stewart and I think it's called Strategic Air Command this is this airplane the 47 is in that movie so yeah that's quite an airplane too I was just telling Tammy the the one after before this I think then the one after it was a delta wing configuration and I don't remember what it was called quite an airplane and then with the 52 in this 47 I mean with refueling from tankers they can fly pretty much as long as they needed to we're back inside the museum and I just wanted to show you this this is pieces of the Berlin Wall you can see the display here Secret but they also have Russian spies on them you can see how it's constructed there when they first start testing it foreign that's something yeah this Museum was quite something there's lots and lots of things in the museum and here's one of the to me the Trinity flag that flew at the Trinity base camp 48 star flag here you see the gadget s cold water survival gear s protection well you all know what this is and what this is yep here you go this is affectionately known as the walleye there the information panel but this is another one we used to load on board the a7e when I was on board the carrier many times when I start out the airplane and for someone else to do maintenance on it of course there was no bombs loaded on the airplane anytime we were doing this but there's a little joystick it was in the cockpit when I got more used to play around with joystick in the map display would move so I could play like I was bombing Fresno [Laughter] oh boy you can see the floor the periodic table start up here back up not on your planet it's kind of neat isn't it situation we lost that's pretty cool you can spend hours in the museum here all right it's just lots of stuff to see I mean the video would be an hour long but I hope you enjoyed our visit in uh hope you enjoy the video thanks for following along with us
Channel: T&S RV Adventures
Views: 10,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wnFKcXBfldg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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