National Day Rally speeches: The most iconic moments from Singapore's PMs

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it has been a year of great and sudden change very few countries in the world go through the kind of climactic we have gone through 61 to 63 we fought for merger to sink ourselves in the identity of a bigger hole 63 to 65 we found ourselves gradually embroiled in something which we half suspected but never quite admitted was possible within such a multiracial situation and in 65 with decisive suddenness we found ourselves asunder i'm not here tonight to preach blood sweat and tears or talk about the apocalypse we have done well six superb years a magnificent performance against all the odds so much so that everybody says but of course everybody knows that singapore was a very well endowed place geographically favored by the gods good infrastructure communication sea air land good banking system skilled workers oh it's just natural course of events it wasn't you know we made it so taking into account the percentages of women educated women who are not represented in the next generation because they have been too educated for men to marry them because we did three surveys 1981 82 83 and we saw the pattern come out very clearly men marry their equals or their educational subordinates very seldom does the man marry his educational superior and even from my sick bed even if you are going to lower me into the grave and i feel that something is going wrong i'll get up in 1980 after the elections in december i had a session with five of them aung chang and i gave them my frank opinion of what i thought of them as leaders watching the campaign how they conducted themselves how they operated i rated them as follows one tony tan two go chok tong three aung auntie four lim chion i didn't list dhana baran because i do not think singapore is ready for an indian prime minister and he's realistic enough to know that no no but but i wanted them to know my view so that they can decide on their views as they have praised one another and i gave my reasons i put tony ton number one because although coach choktong has got a faster mind and he has he has a fast foot brain there's a decisive quality about him he'd listen take all points of view and decide after listening you can't keep on listening after listening you sit down and you listen to your conscience your judgment and you say right we will do this and if it's wrong i will take the responsibility i told gosh you're trying to please too many people even the president they badger him he keeps on obliging with answers i said just cut them off [Music] i said that i was not going to wear mr lee kuan yew's shoes but i found myself stepping into shoes tonight i'm not going to follow his act i'm going to walk my own way teachers complain that the students are picking up catch phrases like don't pray pray and using them even in the classroom the students may think that it is acceptable and even fashionable to speak like it's on national tv and the likable ordinary person the only character who tries to speak proper english is portugal's sister-in-law margaret and she is such a snob and nobody wants to be a snob so in trying to imitate life what you can has made the teaching of proper english more difficult i asked this years why pachu kang's english is so poor they told me that portugal started off speaking quite good english but as time passed he forgot what he learned in school and his english went from bad to worse i therefore asked this yes to try persuading portugal to attend and to use his best classes to improve his english dcs replied that they have spoken to portugal and he has agreed to enroll himself for the next best program starting in a month's time so pocho kang can improve himself if he can do that surely so can the rest of us fair whether singaporeans will run away whenever the country runs into stormy weather i call them quitters fortunately critters are in the minority the majority of singaporeans are stayers stayers are committed to singapore rain or shine they will be with singapore as we say in hokkien passing gave you an example you put out a funny podcast you talk about bachelor me i will say mission my hum then we compete then what will i do i will hire jack neo to be my national day rally advisor it will be a fun time we will enjoy thoroughly go home totally entertained this is the way to deal with serious issues yenling's residents had complained that the walkway to bukit gomba mrt station was often dirty one resident told her he saw a fishball stick there on the walkway the next day he came back he looked the same fish ball stick was still in the same place his residence her residents have very sharp eyes so jen ling called up the agencies to find out why the area was not being cleared regularly and she had to make multiple calls to several agencies held several meetings finally she managed to establish what happened and here's what she found listen very carefully on the left of the walkway is a slope the slope belongs to nea okay in the middle this is a park connector park connector you think of the name belongs to end parks on the right hand side is a pavement pavement is next to the road road comes under lta so the fishball stick was on the roadside and the roadside was only cleared every two days because each of the organizations had their own cleaner own schedules and they did it separately so i don't think it makes a lot of sense and everybody has agreed and we've resolved this case from now on nea paugalia thank you for waiting for me i gave everybody a scare the last time i did this i was on the parade square in safti and fainted i think that's what happened i've never had so many doctors look at me all at once they think i'm all right but anyway i'm going to have a full checkup after this
Channel: MothershipSG
Views: 297,537
Rating: 4.8206077 out of 5
Keywords: mothership, singapore, national day rally, goh chok tong, lee kuan yew, lee hsien loong, singapore national day rally, ndr speech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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