Natasha Hausdorff's Opening Statement in the Munk Debate Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism 17 June 2024

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[Applause] Natasha hdor let's have your opening statement now well thank you and good evening what a privilege it is to be here stood on this stage on what I consider to be the most important topic of our age I have to begin with a debating tip coming from uh a land with a culture of uh a rich history of debate uh and that is that in debates it is for the proposition to define the motion and Dr did that for you loud and clear medy seems to think that he can redefine anti-zionism Without You noticing but the proposition are not going to allow him to pull the wool over your eyes and conflate Zionism with politics who has the right to Define Zionism well apart from the proposition in this debate because that's how the rules work would you ask a misogynist to Define misogyny you wouldn't ask a sex offender to Define rape you wouldn't ask the KKK to Define anti-black racism so why when it comes to the Jews would you let the anti zionists Define anti- Zionism no ladies and gentlemen no minority should have its identity dictated to it and we have Define Zionism it concerns the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their ancient Homeland Zionism is not a political ideology Zionism does not stipulate how the Jewish State should be governed which is what a political ideology does it simply says it should exist it doesn't dictate Borders or the makeup of population it does not say that Israel should be socialist gibl seam or capitalist startup Nation Israel has exemplified both of those and everything in between this is not about political ideology this debate is about racism and creating a double standard where you make an exception for the Jews now you don't have to support Zionism but if you are anti-zionist if you are against the Jews having a state you are against the Jews Med Hasan is lying about what Zionism is in an attempt to win this debate and to provide cover for his own anti-Semitism we usually hear a series of Lies spewed by anti-semites and anti zionists in an attempt to justify their anti Zionism and these are the modern blood lives they are widely believed as widely believed as the ancient blood liable that Jews killed Christian children to use their blood for religious ritual as widely believed and as false I'm going to take you through four blood liables that anti zionists rely on number one the liable of colonialism Israel is the ultimate decolonization success story Against All Odds after Arab imperialism Islamic conquest and British colonialism the Jews indigenous to Judea reestablished in Israel my family lived under Ottoman and then British colonialism in Jerusalem long before yasa Arafat who was born in Cairo created Palestinian national identity in the 60s number two the liel of ethnic cleansing in 1948 when five Arab armies and the local Arab population attacked the fledgling state of Israel with the stated intention of annihilating its people 700,000 Arabs escaped the fighting those that remained became Israeli citizens the Arab population of Israel has increased 10 fold this is ethnic cleansing no ethnic cleansing is what happened to the Jews in 1948 when Jordan occupied the West Bank ethnic cleansing is what happened to 850,000 Jews expelled from Yemen Algeria Egypt Morocco Syria Lebanon and Iraq where they' lived for thousands of years ethnic cleansing left Arab countries Jew free meanwhile 2 million Arabs live in Israel today number three the liel of apartheid because those Arabs that remained in Israel and now 20% of its population the only free Arabs in the Middle East they are represented in every area of Israeli society as Mayors army officers police commanders members of parliament and the Supreme Court I served under selim duw Brown who put both an Israeli Prime Minister and a president in jail and those who propagate the L ey of aarth seek to conflate Arab citizens of Israel with Arabs living under the Palestinian Authority who have an autonomy and should be voting for their leadership but president Mahmud Abbas is now in his 19th year of his four-year term number four the Lael of genocide the reprehensible smear that maliciously accuses the Jews of perpetrating the very crimes committed against them October 7 was the latest in a long history history of genocidal acts by Arabs against Jews in the Middle East the genocide liel inverts reality kamasa spent 16 years embedding its Terror infrastructure in mosques schools hospitals and every second house its Central military tactic is to use civilians as human Shields and in the face of these unprecedented challenges the IDF has taken greater measures to prevent civilian casualties than any other Army in history far exceeding the requirements of international law genocide is the latest modern blood liel that anti-semites use to justify their anti-zionism and it is Central to hamas's war strategy today its only aim is to survive and to achieve this with International pressure on the Jews to cease their self-defense voting for the opposition supports Hamas in this endeavor by legitimizing aiding and abetting their anti-zionist aim to wipe out the Jews from The River To The Sea don't stand with the terrorists and anti-sites stand on the side of moral Integrity stand with the proposition thank you Natasha hore
Channel: UKLFI Charitable Trust
Views: 37,563
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Keywords: Natasha Hausdorff, wipe the floor, Mehdi Hasan, נטשה האוסדורף, מרסקת את מדי חסאן
Id: n-4lRJkbLrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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