Nat Geo Wild Nature Documentary Wildlife Animal 2018 HD

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[Music] a land of beauty and incredible contrasts a forgotten and rarely seen the wilderness rainy season and drought collide in an everlasting cycle one of the most fertile places on the planet [Music] containing 10% of all animal species on earth [Music] living in nature is always a struggle for existence but these days wildlife has to fight to survive in the face of habitat destruction and the spread of human influence Thailand is known for its dazzling mega city Bangkok it's exquisite cuisine saffron dressed mothers exotic beaches and a world-famous nightlife hardly anyone knows the hidden treasure and almost secret life of this old Asian culture bordering Cambodia Laos Malaysia and mine mark [Music] thailand's warm climate and plentiful rainfall foster the growth of thick rainforests with abundant life animals are concentrated in the forested parts of the country with 282 different mammal species and 925 bird species this wealth makes Thailand a hotbed of biodiversity central Thailand is a natural self-contained basin often termed the rice bowl of Asia carved and merged by four rivers that flow south from the northern hills before merging into the sea it is a flat and fertile floodplain [Music] the most conspicuous features of the country's terrain are the dramatic cliff written mountains they cover most of the northern country and extend along the Mayan maar border on the west in this hostile environment of rugged rocky terrain the cool temperature encourages the growth of flowers and ferns [Music] Thailand is home to ten percent of the world's flowering plants with more than 27,000 different species some of which survive and bloom in this harsh landscape [Music] their names read like poetry parrot flower waterlily Chinese rose [Music] but as poetic and beautiful as the flowers maybe they need help to survive birds along with butterflies bees and other insects play an important role in helping flowers to reproduce the birds search for food shelter and nesting material in turn they carry the pollen from one flower to another helping to pollinate the plants [Music] the rainforest is full of life noisy life each morning upon awakening the Gibbon family announces its presence using their territorial hooting call that can be heard several kilometers away the call warns intruding Gibbons and other animals to stay out of their territory although Gibbons are the smallness of the ape species member of the primates cousin to the gorilla chimpanzee orangutan and ourselves they are kings and queens of the forest canopy Gibbons are omnivorous eating a variety of foods they forage during the day eating figs a variety of fruits leaves and flowers but the white-handed Gibbon is particularly fruit if US and its presence in a forest is a good indication of a plentiful supply of fruiting trees in a forest glade another mammal is looking for food the black bear the Gibbons are curious and attentive not too cautious [Music] to be on the safe side the brownish furred female seeks comfort with her chosen blackford male the black bear will climb to rest sleep eat all your enemies but is much too slow for the givenness of masters but canopy weather working on their feet on the tops of the branches or swinging from one branch to another in a form of locomotion known as brachiating [Music] luckily there is honey left over from the day before bears aren't choosy and will eat a wide variety of foods peace is soon restored to the forest canopy [Music] [Music] the black bear is active during night time but what do a Giunta actually do at night this is their secret laughter a night with a lot of dancing digging scratching and stretching time for a well-deserved nap the tropical forest is characterized by high rainfall a minimum of 200 centimeters annually [Music] around 50% of all biotic species are indigenous to the rainforests where there is rain there are waterfalls [Music] where there are waterfalls there are rivers where there are rivers there is life big life Lee Banting wild cattle quenching their thirst in the river a crocodile pretends it's asleep just waiting for the next button [Music] a sambar deer family stag monitoring the young rock repentance [Music] the rarely seen and endangered tiger looking for prey [Music] elephants cooling down their body temperature wild pigs teaching their offspring to cross a river [Music] the Asian wild water buffalo weighing up to 1,000 kilograms a ton like a medium sized car and challenged to any predator [Music] in the darker undergrowth of the rain forest restricted in many areas by poor penetration of sunlight another kind of life is found small life like these shrimps looking for mating grounds [Music] a myriad of insects ants larvae microorganisms and beetles many still unnamed and thousands probably undiscovered this is an alien world on the forest floor [Music] [Laughter] being a beautiful butterfly has its price it's a tidbit for the colored folk Annette brutally it removes the head eats it and throws the wings back into the air [Music] individuals are born hunted kill them in an everlasting cycle of life and death [Music] dragonflies come in varied colors and shapes [Music] their bodies often blue green or purple their wings seem to shimmer as if made of transparent to silver [Music] each of their two eyes are made up of twenty to twenty-five thousand tiny our eyes allowing them to zero in on the flying insects that are their daily meals the position during mating known as a wheel formation is unique into insects the female may lay up to 100,000 eggs at a time in or near water for about two weeks the eggs hatch and an immature dragonfly a nymph emerges once hatched the nymph spends its time hunting and eating small fish or even members of its own family [Music] it takes six months to seven years for a Dragonfly nymph to mature when it's ready to metamorphose into an adult it climbs out of water and up a plant to shed its final and full skin [Music] long before the dinosaurs walked the earth 300 million years ago dragonflies took to the air and now after years in the water yet another beautiful dragonfly is born it will feed and mate and then it will die the archer fish by squirting drops of water from its specialised mouth the fish can knock down insects sitting on overhanging vegetation they are able to hit their prey at distances of up to about two meters on mapa cast formation a group of deep limestone caves it's like a vampires castle home to strange underworld formations and rare mysterious cave dwellers like bats searching for evening prey and the waterfall climbing cave fish the sensation and still a mystery this is the only place in the world the one can get a glimpse of these blind fish with fins almost like feet but allow them to climb up ledges they have no eyes and their bodies lack all pigmentation pink and white slightly translucent like ghosts this is about as close as one can get to aliens on earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] another day in the forest canopy Gibbons live in small monogamous families composed of a mated pair and up to four offspring they mate for life unlike most of the great apes since they are vulnerable to predators on the forest floor they spend most of their lives in trees they drink rainwater from tree holes often by dipping a hand into the water and then slurping it up from their fur [Music] [Music] there is no breeding season Gibbons may copulate any day and the female will come into East hrus at any time of the year [Music] given families formed tremendously strong and emotional bonds with each other a poignant picture of motherhood [Music] the dusky Langer is another canopy dweller Mike Gibbons the Langer's spend most of their time in trees they fear water and will cross no body of it river lake or swamp [Music] normally the dusky langa gives birth to a single offspring very rarely - like this female mother of two babies pair of twins waddling and jumping around annoying and adorable [Music] when daylight starts to shimmer away a giant shadow of doom from the underworld fills the sky clouds of thousands upon thousands of bats emerge from the caves to feed on small insects when the night shift begins different species take over a night out there is tree frogs a civet or as it is also called a toddy cat a snake the peninsula pit viper the tropical rainforests are home to many kinds of colorful birds red-breasted parakeets [Music] a green magpie whiskered tree Swift Chinese pond heron and a fish eagles a white throated Kingfisher blue magpie playing trinium superstar of bone parapet lake the pied kingfisher this boldly patent black and white plumage bird may watch for prey from a perch as many other Kingfisher species do then they dive into the water creating a shower reappearing with its stabbed prey [Music] more often the pied may hover midair for up to a minute taking its time to locate the perfect meal [Music] the pied kingfishers is the largest bird capable of a true father [Music] [Music] went back on its perch it tosses the fish into the air catches it deftly and make sure to swallow it headfirst birds have four primary needs food water shelter and the place to raise a family almost like human beings like humans they also design and build complicated individual constructions homes for their intended and coming offspring the black and red broadville collects material for a bulky untidy ball nest hanging from the tip of a branch the hornbill seeks out a suitable cavity in a tree and uses clay and mud to seal it from predators the Asian open bills stalk builds a rough platform of sticks offered on half-submerged trees the great yellow nape uses its beak to create larger holes for its nests by our weavers are known for their elaborately woven pendulous nests these are created with a central nesting chamber the highly complicated construction is made with long strips of paddy leaves ruff grasses and strips torn from palm fronds the olive backed Sun bird builds a hanging flask shaped nest with an overhanging porch at the entrance the outside is often untidy and decorated with dead leaves and seed cases unlike the home of its cousin the bio Weaver the nest of the Asian golden Weaver is once constructions are built and the chicks have hatched a frenzied feeding begins endless days and nights finding prey for apparent infinite open and thankless mouths feeding the usual range of food such as invertebrates small animals and fruit the blue bearded bee-eater nesting in deep tunnels of mud feeding their chicks bees and insects [Music] it's not always easy to keep a nest clean small ants have swarmed from nowhere causing itching and discomfort the female blue winged Peter calls for a helping hand the male helps clean up by removing a sticky substance from the offsprings bottoms [Music] [Music] this remote Buddhist temple is home to a group of the largest bats in the world the flying fox they camp in big trees there are hundreds sometimes even thousands during the day they hang out by roosting in trees wings wrapped around their body squabbling noisily and fanning themselves when hot favored roost sites are used for many years and the trees become stripped of bark and foliage by the bats sharp claws that help them cling two branches flying foxes are social animals roosting together in the tops of trees mostly hanging upside down because this is more energy efficient during the day they spend hours on personal hygiene licking and scratching themselves endlessly it is likely that communal living comes at the cost of living among large numbers of external parasites the temple camp is a base on which flying foxes make their day and nighttime foraging trips [Music] [Music] when rain falls they draw closer together in their capital using their wings as umbrellas [Music] a flying fox penetrating the sky like a vampire from a gothic novel this is an underwater tropical forest the Andaman Sea coral reefs a true natural treasure one quarter of the world's coral reefs lie in Southeast Asian waters each forms a complete ecosystem the oldest and most productive ecosystems on earth [Music] [Music] the Andaman Sea is home to the most diverse collection of marine life in the world like this spotless fire fish [Music] a black spotted toadfish the painted flute mouth for trumpetfish it lives on the seafloor close to plants or corals for protection and shelter a jellyfish one of the most venomous ocean creatures with stings that might kill a human within minutes but to the smallest fish in the sea it forms a vibrating protecting shield against outside predators [Music] [Music] another highly deadly species the secret [Music] the Hawksbill turtle [Music] while being omnivorous it feeds on algae sea anemones and dangerous jellyfish but different species of sea sponges are the principal food at times the appearance of water species may look weird sometimes just small often extraordinary like this octopus an octopus has eight arms which trail behind it as it swims it has three hearts two for pumping blood to each of the gills and a third for pumping blood through the entire body for defense against predators it uses color-changing camouflage within a second it adjusts its colors green red brown or even a mixture of colors until the background is matched the whale shark is a graceful slow-moving giant and the biggest fish in the world the largest confirmed individual at a length of approximately 13 meters that a weight of more than 22 tons its mouth is large enough to fit a human inside but luckily it is a harmless filter feeder that heats only plankton and small fish above the sea and not necessarily far away from tourist areas variety of seabirds can be seen the Great Egret would Sandpiper black winged stilts grey heron and a large group of Rimini kites looking for prey in the salty water kites are often scavengers foraging both over water and land and feeding on dead fish and crabs but occasionally they hunt live prey such as hares bats [Music] when fishing they don't dive prey on the water surface is snatched with their talons [Music] at the intersection of land and sea mangrove forests support a wealth of life and may be more important to the health of the planet and we previously realized [Music] [Music] mangroves provide nursery grounds for a wide range of microbes invertebrates and crabs an alien world of remarkable creatures fighting to survive the mangrove swamp ecosystem feeds fish and shrimps wading birds and the long-tailed Makkah or crab-eating macaque although the macaque feeds on crabs it is also known to eat almost 200 different types of plants and fruits helping the forest to regenerate and keep its fragile balance [Music] [Music] the maka knows exactly where to look for prey [Music] sometimes it even cleans off the mud before eating [Music] a youngster seems to have invented its own fitness machine [Music] another youngster wants to join me the inevitable fight that follows is quickly resolved by the alpha male [Music] long-tailed macaques are social animals they live in groups of 15 to 30 individuals the female gives birth to only one infant at a time their social structure and behavior are almost as complex as humans each group the troop is made up of a dominant alpha male is our aim of female monkeys and their babies being strongly territorial the Gibbon family defend its boundaries warding off fellow Gibbons with vigorous visual and focal displays a male given competitor has penetrated the alpha male territory in search of food the alpha male not only protecting his territory but also his mate and newborn baby frightens the intruder chasing it away from his family's feeding grounds meanwhile a female intruder sees a chance of getting a piece of the cake returning from his chase the alpha male immediately goes after the new intruder another predator is climbing the fruitful fig trees of binturong cautiously the female given tries to lure this Asian Bearcat away it is too big a handful for her so she leaves this job to her mate the male given and a Bearcat challenge each other's patience finally the Gibbon mail decides to retreat out of reach of the Bearcat only to scare away yet another intruder the great hornbill [Music] [Music] [Music] finally after a busy day time for some family reunion in the forest canopy [Music] but for some freedom is a luxury extinction is widespread and rapidly depleting the rich tapestry and treasures of life on earth 140,000 species per year are at risk once the biodiversity of our planet is lost we can never be brought back again as on other continents Asian wildlife is depleted by illegal hunting and trading in this marketplace people have gathered to sell exotic birds illegally captured in the rainforests sold for the highest bid and here participating in a bird singing competition this is freedom [Music] wildlife still thrives in the wild colorful birds playful monkeys mating dear the strange underwater octopus butterflies [Music] Gibbons Jacana chicks and the largest animal on earth the elephant these species and many more have taken billions of years to form hopefully we will let them stay a little longer in this fragile and remote world blue white and green gem in the solar system our planet our one and only home the earth [Music] you you
Channel: The Science Mind
Views: 467,350
Rating: 4.7015457 out of 5
Keywords: animals, nat geo, wild nature, nat geo wild, nature documentary, nature documentary hd, nat geo 2016 nature wildlife full episodes, documentary, wildlife, national geographic documentary, nat geo wild documentaries full, documentary wild, nat geo wild hd, nature documentary 2018 hd lions nat geo, animal planet, nature, nat geo wild 2016, animal, nature documentary 2016, wild animals, nature documentary national geographic
Id: sykriudziEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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