Nastya teaches weather and natural disasters

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[Music] right all right attention hurricane is coming leave your house okay bye i got it thank you maybe hurray is a good thing [Music] attention attention oh oh no hurricane it's very dangerous look hurricanes are giant storms that produce heavy rainfall and super strong winds they form when warm wear rises causing an area of lower air pressure below most hurricanes occur harmlessly out at sea however when they move towards land they can be dangerous now i know thank you bye [Music] blue can you help i love it attention attention deluge coming leave your house okay thank you i'm gonna hide it what means i don't know what is this kid you don't know what it's deluge no look a flood is a rise of water with no place to go it mainly happens in rainy areas but a really strong one can be unstoppable and overpower everything in its way now i know bye bye [Music] i will build a new one [Music] attention attention lava coming leave your house leave your house okay bye what means lava hey leave your house i need help you need to learn how lava is dangerous look volcanoes are holes in the earth from which molten rock gas and ash erupt when we talk about erupt it means to first out in the rather dramatic way throwing the volcanic ash and liquid rock inside it right up into the air now i know bye this is my new house it's very strong house hi attention earthquake coming leave your house okay bye earthquake what is this i don't know is this earthquake yes luke earthquakes are a quick and and shock of the earth's surface they happen when the year's tectonic plates collide and more than a million earthquakes happen on earth every single year guys give me a like and for me for me
Channel: Like Nastya
Views: 59,008,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weather, weather for kıds, learning weather, natural disasters, useful video for children, learn and play, nastya and dad, nastya, likenastya
Id: FMTmv1JwXxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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