Nassau Bahamas Cruise Guide 2024: Tips, Excursions, Beaches, and Safety Precautions

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This episode we take you to Nassau in the Bahamas  one of the most visited places in the Caribbean,   in fact last year 3 million people went there,  making it one of the top five most visited Cruise   ports in the world. What's there? Let's find out!     Welcome back to the Ritzy Travel Guide my name is Bill and it's great to have you all with us, this  video is part of our Cruise Guide 'Ports of Call'   series, where we show you the most popular cruise  destinations around the world and find out if   you should be going. This time is the turn of Nassau under the microscope, as always in our Cruise Guide   Series we rate each port on a number of factors,  we'll explain where the port is and how easy it   is to get into town; what shops there are and how  far they are away. Also what sights you can expect   to see, what local food you might want to try  should you self tour or would you be better off   buying one? At the end of the video we'll give our  overall rating and whether we think it's a 'hit or a miss'  because there are some safety advisories in  issue as we speak, and we'll cover that at the end   of this video. On any given day it's choc-a-block  with cruise ships! The port can handle six ships at   a time, and as cruise ships get ever bigger so do  the numbers getting off. So here's a handy little   map to show you what we're going to cover in this  episode. Here's the cruise terminal and we'll be   showing you how to get off the ship, we'll then  show you how to get into town and what you can   expect there. And later on we'll show you some day  trip ideas, including a Rum Shack where we had far   too many cocktails, but we really recommend it as  it's so different to a tourist usually go Okay onwards, so this is the view you get as you arrive  into Port first thing in the morning; unless you're   really unlucky, or coming bang in hurricane season you'll be greeted by sparkling blue sea   and sunshine. Dotted along the seafront you'll see  these cute little multicolored buildings. We were   on the latest Celebrity ship, the Ascent, and the  Magic Carpet on board gave excellent viewpoints   after this video you can watch our dedicated  review of the Celebrity Ascent and I'll leave   the links in the description. And right there  at the left you can see the new Cruise Terminal   First off: let's look at what you can walk to and  then after that we'll go further a field so you've  got off your ship, and do remember that as there  are spaces for six ships, depending on your luck   of the draw you could either be very close to the  exit or up to a 15-minute walk. By coincidence a   golf buggy happened to be going by so we hopped on  that. In the past couple of years Nassau has had a   huge port upgrade. First thing you'll be greeted by  is this huge 3D screen and a clearly marked taxi   stand and the tour desks, next you'll be greeted  by shops, and a lot of them. Now these ones you're   looking at here are actually inside the port  area not in town, you don't even have to go out   of the port gates to get to these. In fact some  passengers never even get further than here,   do some retail therapy, and then get straight  back on the ship! Let's assume you're being   a little bit more ambitious than that, and the  historic area is literally just outside the port gates Now, it's not a huge historic area and an  hour or two should cover it. First off you'll   be met by Parliament Square, this incredibly  blue look is in Bay Street with lots of cutesy shops   There are some bars and restaurants here, the  buildings are reminiscent of many other Caribbean   ports they're very colorful and you'll find your  usual mix of jewelry souvenirs, you'll see lots of   references to rum and rum cakes. One of the main  draws is the Straw Market. This is literally just   5 minutes walk from the port. Selfie shot! Don't  see too many of those around the world do you it's a Handicraft Center, some it can be quite  tacky to be honest, but in the mix there's also   some nice wickerware and weaving. Incidentally if it's raining there is the Pirates Museum   imagine Pirates of the Caribbean! The Bahamas  was right at the center of the golden age of   piracy and history tells us they bribed the then  Governor of Bahamas to use it as a base   letting them operate safely, and this Museum gives you  an insight into the life and times Behind the Straw Market and the museum you're right by  the Waterfront, and yes there is a Senor Frogs!   and this Waterfront has a very doable walk to  Junkanoo Beach, the nearest beach to cruise ships If you don't want to, there's no need for a taxi  if you're able-bodied you can amble there by yourself see what I mean the cruise ships are  literally just there! On Junkanoo you can hire   some of those daft water paddle boats or kayaks,  if you don't want to splurge on an expensive   tour, Junkanoo could be your perfect day out  you'll get reasonably cost-effective drinks   and you can spread yourself out on the beach. Now  we do have a great place for a drink elsewhere   in Nassau coming up in a moment but for those  who want something nearby Junkanoo ticks the   boxes, is close and accessible, just be aware that  at peak times it can get busy depending on the   time of year you're cruising in. By the way if  you're enjoying this video please do give it a   thumbs up as it lets us know we're on the right  track and you'd like to see more of this type of material Still to come: various tours, plus we  try out a crazy street vendor selling conch   sashimi, which we tried. "Check you out! Check me out!  yeah, Check you out!' But first by midday possibly   earlier, you might be getting thirsty. Well first  off you could go to a rum distillery, and Watlings   have a free tour, you can't get cheaper than free  and you can stare longingly at the barrels and at   the end of it you can buy some rum or if you want  to eat some rum you can toddle off to one of the   the rum cake shops, where they make them on site.  'Original on your right pina colada on your left' But that's not drinking rum it's eating it  and for that we suggest a nice beach front shack We were with our friends who live in Nassau, and this is the one we stopped at it's  called Mr Tropical and we got very merry, very quick. Well could we get any more tropical than this! we decided to come down to the harbor front  to try a Bahamian cocktail! Why go to these high   falutin five-star hotels when you can come here!  what's on the menu today we're at Mr Tropical here he's got all of these things I think we  might actually go from number 1 to number  6 what would you call this, a roadside rum punch  shack, what would you call it? now how powerful is   this going to be am I going to be walking by the  end of it? um all depends on how much you drink   now if you want me to get you not walking?! no no!  I know how to do that! I would like to be walking back onto the cruise ship at the end of the day rather than swimming, rather than   swimming back onto it! Ok he's going deep into  the back of the cupboard for this one. When he   goes to the back of the cupboard you know you're  in trouble! okay what what have we got here?    Baba Roots, tell us about that one. Oh this is Roots,  that if you want a good night you have to have   a good day with Roots! Really, the night's going to  go well with that one is it? That's right man that's right!   it's an aphrodisiac. They use it for stamina that's  what they call it. It's for stamina is it? yeah! Are you  talking from experience? Yes I am! Raise the dead!  When he goes rummaging at the back, in the secret   compartment you may not be standing after this!  Hey that's good for the guys man, that's good for the guys! it's going to be a good evening is it? yeah, this could bring you back to life man!    The guys mix this with their drink! I don't even  know what the time is is it even drink... why   it's midday. There we are we haven't started  too early have we! The Shack really has got a   beautiful outlook, look at that! Azure blue sea  and most importantly a rum punch shop the other   side of the road, look at that color can you see  it glowing there in the red I've got a hint of cherries, a lot of rum! If somebody was to say  is this alcoholic...? it absolutely is! I am not sure if   I'm going to be walking at the end of this! it's  great just to be able to walk off the ship we've   tried not to do the touristy things, we've walked  along the Shacks along the sea front been to some   craft shops, you want to see the real country,  the real Island you're in, and it's great to   talk to the bartenders there, who've been doing  it for years, he's been doing this since he was 15 he knows how to make a Bahama Mama drink  and I tell you what this is a good one   it's a lethal... it is a lethal one! it's a good drink!  Ok he's going deep into the back of the   cupboard for this one. Mango rum. oh my goodness we're  going for the orange one now. All right look at that there we go, all right this is your  own special house drink is it? Yeah I won   the Bartender contest in 1999 with that and  it's also copyright. Did you? Are you an award winner, you're a Barman of the Year 1999?  That's right! Where's your plaque? You should have   it there on the back of your wall. I can almost  hear the steel drums in the background as I drink this  Award winning, he's award-winning! You need a  program just on him! But he did win an award for   this one and it's got a slightly... honey flavor  a lot of rum, I mean all of this has rum. l mean, I   I reckon if you were to say what percentage of  is rum? It's probably up to there is probably rum!  it's a good drink well I mean apparently  he's, he's an international grade rum maker! By the way if you're enjoying  this video, please do give it a thumbs  up as it lets us know we're on the  right track and you'd like to see   more of this type of material. After  two or three of those our day was a   lot more hazy! Organized tours coming up  in just a moment, but we still needed to eat. In our case Conch Sashimi, with fresh lime and salad Go on you, know you want to give raw conch a try!   let's see how it went for us, and right by the  Waterfront you'll find the most unassuming people   the fishermen themselves, no fancy resorts, just  fresh from the water, direct to you You couldn't get more Bahamas than that really could you! Not at all. This man's been carving it for years he   knows what he's doing he's professional he knows it!  So all this you can eat? Eyes, mouth. Which is that? It's the eye. okay does that look appetizing?  Explain to them about this part! what is that?   This is the pistol. It's the pistol... it's  aphrodesiac! [Laughter] [Music] okay hang   on are we in trouble later on? Yes! okay I'm not  sure how appetizing that looks but there we go   it's yummy, spaghetti yeah! yeah. okay Bill you're next!  "it has aphrodisiac qualities! Does it! You can't break the bed tonight! okay go on then! okay Bill it doesn't taste... you're not going to tastes a little  bit like gelatin...yeah it is gelatin But it has a lot better effects! Bill is like: I don't know what I'm doing here! Really? There's queues. I mean there are  people queuing up this conch salad of course hang on we need we need to see his knife skills  look at that! This man knows how to do it   Never mind Gordon Ramsey, never mind Marco  Pierre White! 'You need to come check me out man!'  Check you out! check you you're not even  looking look you're not even looking at it look   you're doing it without even looking! That knife  is sharp isn't it, that would take your fingers   off wouldn't it! All of them! okay what goes into  this: we've got onions, we've got peppers, tomatoes sweet   peppers, yes, the conch, fresh squeezed lemon and orange... And a lot of LOVE! A lot of love! You're not looking are you! looking, but, but...I'm a bit  worried about your fingers are you sure they're  OK? This guy should have his own TV show! look at that, look at that! 'I think I need my own!' He's not even looking!   look at your face! His eyes aren't on the food, you know, his eyes are up here His fingers have gone! Still got 'em! Keep your worktop clean! Must be clean! None of this mess! No mess! That's going in the salad isn't it! No sir! You've been doing this for many years you. How much years do you think? I reckon you've been doing this for 40 years 35 years! We were just at a rum shop down the road where he  had International Awards... do you have international awards?! have you have you got a certificate? after today I'll have international awards! We've got high expectations. I like the care & attention  look at that. check it out! look at that ! He's been preparing this, I have to say for at least 20  minutes, let's have a go, completely raw, let's call   that Sashimi Conch. Lots of juice, what's that juice from  that juice from. Lime. Wow I can feel the kick. You can't feel   that kick? I can feel that kick. It's very fresh it's...  'and you'll be good in bed!' No seriously, conch is about that! High Five! Do you have a YouTube channel are you famous? Yes I am yes! Are you on TikTok?! Yes! Do you know what I like about Bahamas, everybody's got a character!   and we really enjoyed that conch    Now let's look at some of the other options on how to spend your day around Nassau Let's flit across to the other side of the cruise ships... where you'll find Paradise Island and the imposing Atlantis Resort I mention this one because you can get day passes. If you don't know about Atlantis   it's a huge sprawling area with an aquatic  theme park there's also a casino and theming   that harks back to the mythical Atlantis  Island. At the park you can take rides   such as the Mayan Temple and then the Leap  of Faith, in a tube past the Sharks; and there   are many other attractions. Now, it's a big  area to get around and there's also lots of   pristine beaches, but be aware the day pass  doesn't come cheap. At time of filming this   it's about $250 for adults, $140 for kids. If 250 bucks seems a bit rich, there is also the   cheaper Margaritaville right next door. Which  also has a Day Pass. Now admittedly it is much   smaller, but still has water parks and pools  and is correspondingly cheaper at approximately $80 Now where can you go further a field? And there are several tour options available to you   so let's go through some of these: Choice number one is snorkeling or scuba diving Especially with the turtles. Take a fast  boat out, and at the right time of year   the water can be gin clear. When we went  scuba diving with turtles it was such a thrill They are so graceful, so beautiful and often curious. they come up to you, so close, blink at you   and then they're on their way. You can also do this with snorkel if   you're not dive certified. If you can, this is something you'll remember for a lifetime! [Music] choice of tours number two: is Pearl Island which is a half or a full day, and tours  leave right by the cruise ship, it's a 30-minute   trip and on the way there in effect you get  a free harbor tour thrown in, as you go past   Atlantis and the other islands, and en route you  can also do some celebrity house spotting and gawk at some of where the glitterati live, such as  the homes of Chuck Norris and the two houses   side by side belonging to Jay-Z and Beyonce. Once  you get to Pearl Island you can use the beaches   take in some water sports, go snorkeling, and as  you can see the waters are beautifully clear   an Excursion out to Pearl Island is a great  lowcost alternative to Atlantis and Paradise Island   Next tour suggestion, number three:  swimming with the pigs! This famous for quite a while, in fact Paradise Island  used to be called Hog Island and swimming with   the pigs has been featured worldwide in  several newspapers and magazines, and pigs   it turns out, quite like to swim in the sea  and they don't need much encouragement to   come up to you, especially if you offer them  little chicken sausages on sticks or other tidbits And tour idea number four is: to the Blue Lagoon Also known as Salt Cay, the island is just 3 miles from  Nassau, where you can swim with the dolphins Blue Lagoon island is privately owned, so entry is  regulated, you have to book a package or a tour   to visit the island, this includes the roundtrip  transportation via catamaran, which is a 25-minute ride   Now prices do vary greatly by tour with  beach day starting at $94 for adults including   lunch and $70 per child And a final suggestion for your day in Nassau is back to self touring   There's a doable walk from the port and  it takes you up the historical Queen staircase 66 steps carved out of solid Limestone by slaves in  the late 1700s and when you get the top of those   66 steps you're rewarded with a fascinating view  this is Fort Fincastle now as we mentioned at the  beginning of the video, as colorful and vibrant and fun as Nasau is, there is also a safety aspect   you have to consider. In fact in some countries  have travel advisories on this. So let's look   at a couple of those: firstly from the States, this  is their latest advice very recently. It refers to   Level Two, which is to exercise increased caution.  Also from the UK, roughly the same thing, suggest   sticking to the 'main tourist areas, don't stray  too far off the beaten track.' So there you are   things to be careful about, but I must say whenever  we've been in the Bahamas we've had a great time   we've enjoyed ourself, but as in anywhere around  the world you do have to keep your wits about you  and that's the same anywhere you travel. So at the very beginning of the video we said we would rate Nassau as to whether it's a Hit or a Miss, if  you're coming by cruise ship, and I think we can   very definitely give it a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. Now why not lower or why not higher?   For a start, the sheer numbers arriving every day,  it's not really going to be off the Beaten Track  anymore There are smaller Caribbean islands that  are going to be much more your archetypal idea   of paradise at sea, but that being said for a  port stop that is so close to Florida that has   pretty guaranteed weather all round, for those  of you on a short, hot cruise, it's very good at   what it does. The port is brand new, there are no  tender boats, you're very very close to town, and just   5 minutes walk. It would be a welcome, warm port  stop, with plenty of sunshine. So as we said we   have an increasing number of Cruise Port Guides  on our Channel, we're adding to them regularly, as   well as many reviews of cruise ships, you can  also see those in our playlist dedicated to those If you found this video helpful, please leave a comment down below. Thank you so much for joining us on the Ritzy Travel Guide   it's been an absolute pleasure having you with us!  You can watch some of our other videos here or indeed here, and we'll see you in those!
Channel: Ritzy Travel Guide
Views: 29,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atlantis Resort, Atlantis resort Bahamas, Swimming with the Pigs, margaritaville, margaritaville Nassau, Bahamas, Nassau, Pirates of Nassau, cruise tips, Junkanoo Beach, Watlings Rum, Rum cake factory, Pearl Island, Blue Lagoon Bahamas, Blue Lagoon, Queens Staircase, atlantis bahamas
Id: Pmj0KNZCFe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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