Naseem Hamed vs Wilfredo Vazquez Full Fight

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[Music] [Applause] coming to the ring at this time the challenger will [Applause] [Music] the puerto rican wilfredo vasquez is a hall of famer a three-weight world champion a veteran of 60 fights and look at that he's wearing a crown because he believes that though [Music] he is the king of the featherweights how about that for sending out a message so he's very intelligent he's proved himself in the ring time and time again he's only lost one of his last 23 fights three-time world champion his credentials are fantastic so he's a great fighter so he's gonna give i mean a lot of trouble in there you've got to see a very good tonight as recently as last year the trade newspapers had vasquez ranked above the likes of the wbc champion luisito espinosa and kevin kelly who gave prince nassim hamid so much trouble in new york his career has been running 17 years this is his 21st world title fight he never lost the wba featherweight championship in the ring some petty politics rocked him about which is why that belt is not on the line here it should be questions though at 37 has he faded and become too slow and hittable his last performance was not impressive but he said he didn't prepare properly for that one but you can guarantee that he's prepared for this one ahmed is the big name everybody wants to beat the big money fight is him he's got his opportunity you can guarantee he's worked harder for this fight than probably any other in his career [Applause] how about this not quite sure where this gentleman fits into the script but uh he's here anyway well i think that they're trying to entertain they're trying to take a little bit away from muhammad the nori's the shaman and they're trying to bring a bit more into it [Music] is one of his more spectacular entrances [Applause] [Music] and now ladies and gentlemen it's time for the entrance of his royal highness of boxing the defending champion prince nazim [Applause] [Music] why don't you tell me [Music] [Music] and it seems it's all had a very calming effect on him he's been charming himself this week smiling amenable no belligerence or posturing and back in harmony completely now with his trainer brendan engel and it did look for a time last year as if things were getting a little fractured between them yes i think a lot of things happened around new york and i think it's made a thoughtful man he sat down and he's loved good things and i think that's very good we know he's very talented for those champion mistakes when he's born in new york and i think he's probably looked at that looked at his whole life and decided that he's gonna have some changes [Music] and what you're watching now is the show that he feels the fans who come to the arena and pay very big money expect to see from him i think too it's part of very important part of him psyching himself up for a fight isn't it this yes i think it's part of his persona it's how he gets ready for how he gets you know he's getting his mind right now this is where he's getting in the rhythm for the fight exciting himself there i think very much it's important to him and i think we saw the effect of new york where it didn't it nothing worked out they included his entrance he didn't get the the build up he liked and i think this he needs to do this right it's a big part of his act [Music] [Applause] must be hard singing with a gum shield in mind you yeah that's difficult you know i struggle this thing very well without a gunfield [Music] it always amazes me how nervous he is about the whole thing apparently for his last fight in manchester he spent part of the day driving a young boy suffering from leukemia around the town for an hour and giving him the thrill of his life yes which is a wonderful thing to do but he does prepare differently for most fighters but i think he likes to be active he doesn't like to sit and dwell on it i think it's a way of getting past poker on [Applause] [Music] this fight by the way being broadcast prime time in the usa in a few hours time and look at this rgb rg between vasquez and hammeh nobody's tried that with him [Music] vasquez getting on at 37 but he's only lost one of his last 23 he's 13 years older than the prince vasquez is taller and has a well he doesn't have a slight reach advantage officially the same the weight vasquez right off the limit hammett just inside vasquez with 60 fights in only seven defeats he's had 386 rounds vastly more experienced but look at hamid's knockout ratio at the bottom left 93 the bookmakers make nasi mohammed and nailed on certainty and nine to one on vasquez five to one against with the draw at 66 66-1 are they being a little too dismissive of vasquez's chances we'll [Music] see and our emcee is always on these big occasions michael buffer [Music] and there's uh france nassim hamid's hero his dad himself [Music] sponsored by adidas and the mccarthy corporation proudly presents the main event of the evening sanctioned by the british boxing board of control supervisor john morris stewart in charge dennis lofton timekeeper the bell colin roberts also sanctioned by the world boxing organization wbo president and supervisor number one francisco bob carcell the three judges scoring this bout on a ten point must system will be frank cairo of the usa dave paris from england and paul thomas from england and when the bell rings your referee in charge of the action also from the united states gino rodriguez and now ladies and gentlemen 12 rounds of boxing for the wbo featherweight championship of the world are you ready manchester england [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen [Music] [Applause] [Music] he brings a professional record of 60 15 victories 37 by knockout with seven defeats and three draws he has captured three world titles in three divisions and tonight he plans to solidify his march to the boxing hall of fame with a fourth title ladies and gentlemen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is considered by many to be among the best pound for pound in the world today from sheffield england ladies and gentlemen presenting the reigning and defending undefeated [Music] champion of the world [Applause] well a spectacular atmosphere in here [Applause] this is one of the big fights in prince nassim hamid's career and coming off the performance in america where there were scares along the way he took three counts that night [Applause] his last words on the subject [Applause] vasquez obviously believes it will be very different the wbo featherweight championship on the line it's prince nassim hamid's tenth defense of a reign that now stretches to more than two and a half years and all the victories in that time have come inside schedule vasquez until recently the wba title holder at this weight it's a clash of two of the featherweight titans this [Applause] what tactics will vasquez employ kelly was very busy with the jab you might remember had trouble with that with kelly outreaching him [Music] [Applause] is very intelligent very experienced he's waiting of hammett likes fighters to come to him he likes to catch them after he make a mistake vasquez not falling into that he's just waiting and seeing what i wanted hamlet to come to him [Applause] vasquez can be very dangerous with sneak right hand counters and left hook counters too with his back to the ropes on the 91 the featherweight championship he pulled it around with some spectacular power late [Applause] they are the punches that you would employ against the southport you look for right hands left hooks you've seen to get back to the kind of water tight smart boxing ramrod jabbing performance that he showed against jose verdio perhaps the best performance so far in his career he says i'm a better fighter than i showed against kevin kelly with whom there could be a rematch this summer we'll see the right hand from howard he will certainly have speed on his side here vasquez is not a quick fighter but he's a very cagey and knowing one [Applause] can't afford to be caught with his chin in the air he's got to tighten up his defenses he does box with his gloves down vasquez trying to force him onto the back foot [Applause] quick on his feet and with his ability always wrestle down there that is not a knockdown [Applause] of course he's possessed of this spectacular power there is no doubt that he's the biggest punching featherweight in the world his solid left hand [Music] it's a suit no more vasquez is starting to come forward looking to lead from their with last very quiet round [Applause] well prince naseem hamad of course is always giving us predictions about what will happen he's had 11 second round wins so what's the prediction tonight i'm looking for a second round i mean i don't know if you've realized this adam but i've knocked out i think 10 in the second man and i see that is a very very good round for me so two rounds chris nassim talking to adam smith there and he's very conscious about getting these predictions right you can expect a big effort to make the prediction come true in the second round although he cannot take risks with vasquez the main thing is to get the job done isn't it never mind getting the right round that's right that's not really it is the that like nice he will try he will put an extra effort in but i think he'll still be careful i don't think he wants to make any silly mistakes [Applause] [Music] hammet working well with his southport jab and then a sneak little left hand [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just looked a little shaky on his feet from him did he touch down with his gloves i think he did bask as you know and uh in new york has now it's down to his cost those are should be counts it was not administered there by gino rodriguez well he's wiped the gloves so he obviously knew that he did go down but he didn't take up account was only a flash knocked down but nevertheless that'll be interesting to look at again hammer did get through with some good punches and he is now beginning to bring vasquez onto him that's the way he likes to fight he likes fighters to attack and make mistakes [Applause] around the world tonight including china and iceland [Applause] and the tv executives are describing him as the fastest rising star on the boxing scene in america but he has to keep winning of course [Applause] [Music] [Applause] definitely looking to box his way to victory it's much more cautious here leaped in there with a good right hoop [Applause] oh countering right good shot and he has to be careful of those vasquez is so dangerous like that and he does have this weakness hammer from time to time of lunging in and leaving himself open yes that's very much part of his style kevin kelly caught him with that when he's leaving and he is looking to try and leap in at this moment ahmed [Applause] [Applause] is that occasionally he does look vulnerable like that no prediction true tonight and i don't think he was that bothered about it to be perfectly honest i don't think so i think he respects vasquez he knows he's in with a quality fighter vasquez is trying not to make mistakes he's trying to wait muhammad catch him coming in and i think muhammad will not worry about the prediction it's nice if he can get it right it's nice if you say it looks very good but in this quality of fighter or quality of a point it's very difficult to get things like that right now let's have a look did he touch down with the gloves here i thought he did yeah he definitely did that should have been a count because they could have given him account for that he was for just coming a little bit off balance have counted well the rules state it quite clearly so he got away with that and it could be important on the scorecards and sometimes the judges will score that 10-8 even if it's only a flash knockdown who knows how important that may turn out to be as we go into the third round now hamad defending his wbo featherweight championship vasquez three-weight world champion already looking to pick up a new title here having been stripped of the world boxing association version of the crown [Applause] is a likeable smart intelligent family man with business interests in puerto rico does a bit of broadcasting as well [Music] [Applause] the vast experience if he's ever come across anybody with the style of hamad very very unique [Applause] vasquez on the floor in round three not for long but a good shot from the star from sheffield vasquez has only been stopped twice in 60 fights the last time eight years ago on that occasion he was not cold in the round by israel contreras but you have to say that was a blip really his chin has always looked pretty good [Music] and that by the way was the 50th knock down that hamid has scored in his career another good left hand for muhammad he's just starting to find the range finding the gaps in the defense of vasquez good combination by hamad who's starting to throw these punches with more menace now [Applause] a ripple of applause from the crowd who sensed that hamed may be getting on top and breaking through this is a proud proud latin fighter muhammad does have to be careful when he leaps in he's got to try and just tighten that defense look for the right openings because vasquez is dangerous [Music] it only takes a split second against fellows like this and your whole career can go west [Applause] he does throw these punches from some highly unusual angles angles that other fighters don't even dream about he's winning the rounds glen he's winning the rounds it's a good performance he's been very cautious he's looking for the right openings he's just starting to get vasquez more and more also he's being careful he's no he's not reckless he's not rushing in but this is this is a nice performance [Music] i don't know you just sense don't you that vasquez could still be dangerous good shot that wasn't seriously hurt no he wasn't but it was a good shot when you look at the angle he was leaning back away from that when he caught vasquez with the punch and still managed to deck him the angles are amazing fighters normally couldn't do this and get away with it [Music] mohammed the name in arabic means gentle breeze his opponents must feel like it's a hurricane he's anything but a deadly breeze in there here's round four so far so good for hamed far less of the errors we saw in that crazy but spectacularly exciting fight at madison square garden last time [Applause] that's his face just beginning to look a little marked up this is looking red he came into the ring with a lot of star tissue many epic battles through the years and took its toll round the ice [Applause] hand speed and the angle of the punch the unexpected angle of punches catching vasquez by surprise he will have watched hamid over and over again on video but watching it and then being able to do something about it in reality two different things [Applause] when they don't expect it and that that is what really shakes you off [Applause] it's a more conservative performance but it's a much tighter and more sensible one this i think it taught him that last fight against kelly that you cannot take liberties at top world level cracking shots again but i tell you what vasquez's chin looks good it looks good he doesn't look as if he's really getting his full weight behind these gloves but they're good in this shop he's still a bit cautious not quite really going for them in the build-up to the fight that he'd spend five rounds just studying and looking at hamad and then look to pick it up from there when he'd worked a few things out [Applause] that was a reminder it was a good powerful punch but vasquez took that one well [Applause] [Music] oh some nastiness between them there vasquez stuck his face right into hammett and there's certainly a bit of grudge he's a proud man he's not gonna give this away easily now it had to take a couple of shots at the end of the round but still for me doing the better work i'm just looking for the gaps and this is where it ended both of them were sensible enough not to try to make any more of that and professional enough yeah ahmed leaping in with the right hand and just being called with a ride of herself when he leaped in with kevin kelly caught by a big punch there [Music] that reflexes true of nearly all fighters from that uh brendan engel camp in sheffield it all started with harold graham [Applause] and it hasn't been taken the whole distance of 12 rounds since 1994 against uh he does have a bit of a balance problem doesn't he well it's because he moves away so quickly and he leans back as he moves away so if you can catch him when he's doing quite a long way [Applause] couple of body shots from vasquez who may just be starting to pick up his own pace a little he's been training for this fight since january he says he's been waiting for it since 1995. this is the better round for vasquez putting more pressure on forcing muhammad to give ground and [Music] still the jab move in and out fast combinations tactics vasquez thought he was caught low i think just a little warning from the back of the hand there [Music] eye-catching a little sloppy in this room [Music] to slip a long long way behind on the scorecard impossible to have given many of the rounds before that you could argue more about that one yes i would probably well i would have [Music] this head punches landed by hammett 56 to 22 by vasquez body shots look at that that's interesting isn't it 19 by vasquez only four from hamed so far he pretty much relies on on head punches not a great one to go to the body but i think that's because in in this fight he's doing not a lot because he's a little wary he's giving vasquez all the respect he deserves and he's just being careful [Music] the argument moves into the sixth round and this is a round that vasquez felt might be good for him if he was going to make a prediction felix zabala his manager giving him a pat on the way out [Applause] he's really having to think his way through this isn't he the prince [Music] [Applause] down he goes says it's not a knockdown but it is you know that was a knock down that was a good straight left hand shook his head almost in disgust with himself i don't think he was really contesting the fact that he was down down for the second time vasquez [Applause] on neither occasion though what you'd call badly shaken up he's been very quick to get to collect himself while all this is going on one of the ropes has become quite slack and is being tightened up by feverish work in the corners as you're watching whole part of the drama here now the referee stops at his vasquez lands a right hand afterwards and just look how loose those ropes are that's the deer well we've seen some things during fights i suppose the most amazing was the so-called fan man's arrival by parachute in the holyfield bow second fight this is not quite at that level but it's time out time oh he's gone very slack indeed i'm not sure how that's happened [Music] we may have some delay here [Applause] this will not be as bad as the problem they had at real madrid the other night when somebody pulled down the goal post and they couldn't start the game that's what we sorted out in the jiffy i should think good left hand that wasn't it to be honest looking at it from another angle he did look slightly off-balance the shot didn't look as good as i first thought caught his arm and pushed him off balance it didn't really look that good a shot didn't get through [Music] [Applause] did i say they saw this out in the jiffy where you can have people walking on water on their way into the ring but the good old-fashioned technology of getting a ring that works now that this will spoil the fighters concentration this can become a factor in the fight it will i'm not sure what time this will upset them they're getting into the rhythm but i think the ropes could well have snapped it's in it's covered in a vinyl so the boxes don't rub against it but it could well have snapped inside it because it's just gone totally loose look at the hammer he falls back against the ropes there that was the he was moaning there because the right hand was thrown after gino rodriguez had said stop [Music] [Applause] chatting to frank warren meanwhile and the rope we think has broken and will have to be replaced [Applause] [Music] i don't think i've ever seen this before i've seen a few things in the last 20 years or so covering this business [Applause] especially in such a big fight as this a rope snapping but it's had some work tonight chris eubank took a lot of time on those ropes [Music] now he has to just keep his concentration together because how long is this going to take to sort out i've never actually done the job myself mike goodall and his team he's an expert at putting up these things are hard at work the crowd are getting rested there's no point in that though really what can you do it's one of those things isn't it that's right there's nothing you do you certainly can't continue with the road like that because it'd be very dangerous for a fighter to fall through it so you've just got to get on with the problem well whenever they're playing mike goodall they've got to double it tonight i think and they're now having to take the whole rope out i've seen it all now glenn we have seen a few things haven't we i was there when they had the tear gas remember when tony sifts and falling stafford i think it was we had tear gas at ringside we were all covering our faces with handkerchieves now was that the rise right the right at hagleminter the riddick bow the riddick bow riot at madison square garden uh when glenn and i were lucky to escape with our lives onto seventh avenue that night we're not in any danger here but we do have a delay now hammond and vasquez are meanwhile having an argument because i think tempers are just rain as well in there it's very difficult for the fighters they've got to you keep their concentration it's very easy with this delay so much going on to lose your concentration meanwhile frank warren's given ahmed a few instructions i'm not really sure that's supposed to happen mid fight but now let's have a look at what happened here between the two fighters they've been hanging around past each other just as well they don't speak the same language as well it really could get a bit tasty but too much love lost there he still got the feeling there's maybe a little bit of bad feeling a needle in the fight yet well vasquez has been quite largely out boxed and he is one of those fighters who snipes at you psychologically a little bit hamlet i think he gets to other fighters minds doesn't he remember how roberto duran his mind even he the great macho duran his mind was messed up by sugar ray leonard in that second fight and he turned his back on him and walked away that's right it's very important the main game has come into it a great deal the psychological thing they've now moved the ropes up and we've just got three ropes and they're just well let's hope that uh the fighters doesn't fall through it's quite a big gap as you can see between the second rope and the top one it is possible that a fighter could be knocked out the ring but we are back in business what round was it again six that's right it was so long ago well you can imagine if anything was to happen now there would be some arguments from either corner wouldn't they [Applause] dancing moving and snappy punches and at the moment vasquez a little bewildered by it you'd say this is difficult for him he's trying to get in range can't get there gets caught in a little shot as he's coming in very frustrating fighting a box of lake hammond you see we always felt this didn't we glenn that when he moved up in class he would know and come to experience that you just cannot walk through and blast out top level operators and i think this is the most effective way for him to box against the top boys i guess that's right don't mind the style he's got he's gotta he's gotta [Music] because there's been no hint of that at all at any of the press conferences this week i think obviously they respect each other and they've been friendly and but this is different now this is this is the business this is getting on and neither one's really got a good stranglehold on the fight yet nobody's really that much in charge for the the mature still comes into it here's another problem the judges scoring that round can they remember what happened in the first bit because i can't that's right but i still got it there was a knock down at the beginning in a ten eight round for hamad thank you indeed [Applause] lots of noise and whipping him up into the second half of the fight will we see vasquez try something new but of course he is very wary of hamed's power with counter shots he's a smart fighter he's not about to rush in recklessly would like him to do that oh another left hand and he goes into a dance that was a big shot from hammett vasquez again is up cleanly but he's down for the third time in the contest now nods to the corner says i'm okay terrific shot that though and then to follow it a short snappy little right hand moving in looking for the big foot that was a good right hand he's got another left hook [Applause] looking a little rockier on the legs vasquez he's turning up the gas here [Music] [Applause] but still i'm sure his boxing brain is telling him take no liberties do not give vasquez an opportunity to counter because the puerto rican will take it make no mistake of that he's got out of jail before the decision to rush in and try and walk through him has to be taken at the right time when he feels that vasquez is ready by hammond he's certainly softening him up now though with these shots and that left foot he's more off balance than anything really but rocked by that those legs are starting to go the legs now have turned to timber for vasquez another left hand and the end may be close from again his pride gets him up at three maybe unwisely at three [Applause] and prince naseem hamad has turned on a superb performance to retain his wbo featherweight title the rope may have broken but the title is intact great performance a careful performance he didn't leave nothing to chance took his time looked for the right opportunity he's very patient and when he'd come he struck that was one of his best performances very good performance he's maturing he's becoming a better fighter i think he's learned a lot from the new york experience and i think he showed it there to deal with the fighter as good as vasquez to stop him like that in that fashion put him down that many times is very good indeed four knock downs in the fight for hamed making it 53 he scored by the way in 30 fights he's unbeaten in 30 and he keeps up his remarkable record of winning every world championship fight he's been in by stoppage vasquez stopped for the first time in eight years and only for the third time in 61 contests and that was a pretty eloquent statement by hamid to those critics in america who said he's vulnerable he isn't really that much he's ready to be taken at times he can be vulnerable in but i think it's it's work like this speed that the hands are down but look at the way he puts his shots in this is right at the finished good left hook followed just after the right hand he goes down heavily there vasquez was on extremely shaky legs in that round [Applause] [Music] [Applause] emphatic performance from him he didn't get the prediction right but who cares about that he has the win he's still the champion and next stop is likely to be the usa again against uh well we don't know who against yet maybe kevin kelly again on july the 18th so there are other possible opponents [Music] [Applause] and all the nastiness is forgotten between the two fighters here's the first knockdown of the fight because he's just waiting vasquez rushes in a quick right and then followed by that big heavy left he was very quick to jump up on each occasion and at the end i think he was a little too quick to get up this is the second knock down you see the defenses have come down he's on unsteady legs ahmed just picks picks him apart from long range looks for the the right openings but he's going in he's going to get him he'd there at this point vasquez you could sense that the end was near hamid knew it and he is a ruthless finisher as we've seen before the referee calling it off and no complaints at all significantly from vasquez heavy shots that final left i think would have been the one that made the referee rush in he took that that was a heavy blow and the young millionaire from sheffield is still champion of the world and there's dad with him and he's really looked after his dad as well who's worked so hard for their family of nine children ladies and gentlemen referee geno rodriguez steps in and calls a halt to the bout the official time two minutes 29 seconds of round number seven the winner and still champion and because of this his victorious ten world title defense is recognized by the wbo a super world champion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's still wbo worth featherweights champion then but i think more importantly tonight a message will go out to the rest in the world in this division that whatever belt you want to talk about prince nursing probably deserves to wear it maybe now becoming unquestionably the undisputed best featherweight in the world barry what's your thought on that yeah it's certainly the premier fellow within the world without a doubt and we've always known that he's just galvanized his authority here tonight fabulous performance in finishing the fight was a bit uh disjointed in the middle rounds didn't have his normal flow because he wanted to knock him out all the time didn't use a jab but when he started to get it going after that break actually helped him once he started to get going with his jab it wasn't the most exciting fight in his cannon of work so far jim but the way he finished it as a matter of fact the fight was bordering on the boring at that time because the the challenger was going for much patience as well as the champion both trying to lull the other fellow into a mistake and just when the fight needed a little bit of drama when i was moved up through the gaze and produced it and just showed the difference between him and a real good solid professional by the way will freda vazquez first class top-notch fighter i look at the difference once nas gets to work mickey piper i think nas showed tremendous maturity tonight he was determined after the new york experience to come out here and win and certainly not be put down he boxed a little cautiously on times and did his gyms and barry said make for a little bit of a boring fight in the middle rounds but really he showed patience he determined to win his style and i think he picked his punches and that is a power that is this right that no other featherweight in the world possesses and that's what separates them from the rest nobody else possesses and i don't believe anybody else can take when nazim hits somebody especially a fellow head on the chin they're going to go down and stay down and i thought vasquez was very brave together but and strong to get it when he did i really think that nazim is an awesome pound puncher and can eventually move up two or three weights and still win well i'm not sure about that i'm not sure that he can move up two or three which he's five feet three and uh he may be able to move up the super fellow hit but i don't know that he wants to go anyhow look at the size of the guy he's uh he's not that big in the shoulders he's got very strong powerful legs and he's holding a bit of fat around his back so interesting to see carl king here tonight what's he doing here well you tell me yeah exactly no doubt you've got some very good conspiracy theories as well what does that call when they had to mean he's still got a financial interest we don't know yet but uh but but really certainly um i i think this guy i i disagree with that i think he moves certainly to lightweight and maybe like welter and he's got the speed and the power to carry it up there well i've always said if you're good enough you're big enough and i just think that he may he may not be able to get himself into the type of that he demands now if i'm not very much mistaken they are the executives from hbo the american cable network who've taken such an interest in nursing muhammad and broadcast his last fight in the united states they launched him as a celebrity that's tony back to sports minister free lunch obviously but uh superb from the americans point of view that he's delivered tonight on this side of the atlantic they were thrilled by the fact that he he cut it so fine last year well i think they were really excited by the performance there's a fabulous performance the last time it was a great a great entertain a great entertaining fight but obviously they were a bit concerned about his vulnerability in the fact that he was knocked down but i think he he galvanized as i say his his overall authority this is the best value in the universe there's not one like him now since he's won this fight there has been none of the old style brash showmanship celebration now let's see how he talks tonight within dark well here is the prince still the champion that was a patient clinical in him ruthless wasn't it it was wicked you know he's a very very good world champion and he deserves all the credit that he gets that he gets but you know the real world champion is i say all the time i am too strong for these featherweights when i start punching them they're going ouch i'm taking them out that's ten world title fights defenses ten knockouts what are you saying curly well that was reminiscent wasn't it of the padilla fight wasn't it throwing the jab picking him apart round by round i picked him apart but i knew as soon as i hit him just like kelly you know i had to take my time he's a very very strong determined fighter he came to win tonight seeing it in his eyes and i felt his shots he was good he's a little bit slow you know but i knew my speed and my heart and my strength was going to get me through it and i just thank allah again in that sixth round when the rope broke was there any danger of that breaking your concentration no not at all again i had to compose myself i had to relax a little bit get in the corner um i just have to take my time basically watch about the ring a bit just basically focus you know get my mind together and how i was going to take him out in the other rounds you know coming up and then i did so in style see them did you see them knock downs did you see them accurate wicked shots there were four of them all together there seemed to be a bit of a bad feeling between the two of you in the fight you kept putting your face in there seemed to be a bit of a bad feeling i was saying between the two of you in the fight you you both had your face in each other's uh face times there i'm gonna tell you the truth we both wanted to win that bad you know every time it came into each other's face he wanted to stick his head into my face i want to stick him my head in his face and he's a little bit hard-headed but i to knock it out in him after a while you know where does where does the story go from here july july in america they're saying july whenever i'm not really bothered where i fight you know i love boxing and brewing i told you manchester 9x arena's just absolutely wicked and i perform every time every time i'm just saying i'm just saying so my wife alicia that's watching out there coming soon baby and you've got the baby coming in june as well most definitely i can't wait for my little maybe a little boy you know hopefully it's going to be a beautiful health service baby has it changed you were told you think as a person all of this being married baby on the way not at all i'm the same person i've just got so much love for my wife you know everything's running smoothly i love my parents my family we're a beautiful stay close family and uh i've just got to give all my credit to my parents who brought me into this world for me to become a legend soon come inshallah and your father i read a quote the other day where you said that your hero outside boxing is your dad my hero outside boxing i've always said he's my dad you know my dad has done so much hard work in this world and he deserves a champion like me a son to take him to wherever he wants to get well done tonight still cheering flat out for the cameras that is genuine so he reigns on when we come back from this short break we'll look again over the details over that clinical destruction of wilfredo vazquez more from the nasi mohammed camp and more action from this
Channel: Batman Boxing
Views: 94,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hamed Vasquez, Naseem Hamed, Wilfredo Vasquez
Id: 2W1JBzXsgRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 48sec (3468 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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