Naruto turned to Konoha fighting against the Pain, performances of Naruto part 1 English Dub

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and now this world shall know pain but why how could please naruto wait i don't get it where are we what's going on ma just take a good close look around i sense the same energies as when we rode atop jariah boy's shoulders what is all this she's already released her mitotic regeneration jutsu and given her chakra to lady katsuyu you are right aruka talk to me please forgive me i just hope everyone else is all right [Music] lady she's sunny oh wait it's pa don't worry good gosh you sensing i did it kakashi sensei your last orders hang in there kivar you okay shikamaru well i'm still alive although i think my leg is broken he got hurt all right now it's not the time or place for tears they must have finally fulfilled that purpose so they changed their approach from guerrilla hit and run tactics i agree and that means that their target must be yeah don't bother crying just hope we don't get hit by another attack [Music] wait is that naruto [Music] summoning joku i the dreams of my predecessors i won't forgive you the one i seek is me you just sit back and sip some tea granny naruto well grandfather what do you think doesn't he remind you a lot of those other two indeed he died kamikichi i want you to take grandma tsunade someplace safe all right but here please take katsuyu go katsuyu girl just keep yourself hidden inside naruto boys clothing right now that i've mastered nature energy i'm able to sense everybody's chakra i see go gamakichi lady tsunade sakura it's all right now he will merely absorb any and all ninjutsu-based attacks okay all the pains are visually linked well then i'll show them an attack that they can't see you insulin just lie down your foot that energy became part of naruto and attacked pain alongside naruto strike i'll finish this that's right i also learned jutsu from jiraiya he was once my master as well just shut the hell up already i wonder what naruto boys planning to do now what's that jutsu all this destruction what part of all that it's peaceful just let yourself be captured i already told you shut the hell up [Music] oh incredible it expanded [Music] he's mastered sage jutsu and is down there battling pain alone are you kidding me naruto asked that no one else interfere man that guy's so full of himself that means staying out of the way is the best teamwork that we can offer him all right so how do we handle this you're really beginning to slow down it seems that your sage jutsu is rapidly starting to wade i have to bring down at least one of these guys ma you know what to do we're gonna have to sever the ridicons visual link right i'll tell you but listen carefully because we haven't got much time styles [Music] [Music] let's take a mirage [Music] you've exhausted all your sage jutsu i can only manage two rasen shuriken each finally here's my chance [Music] what naruto boys come up with his own unique solution to this problem that's what he's about to do who are damn you [Music] bring it get back chief toad i don't want my russian shuriken to hit you go i can replenish my sage chakra just two more times [Music] let's go nadata boy now [Music] what is going on paul all that's left is to summon them from mount meoboku using the scroll oh i see what a creative solution it's over you're mine no way that's his ability that one can absorb any ninjutsu but i thought we already took care of him [Music] what is that he's the one with that ability that's why when they all lined up in formation he can repel all jutsu and attack perhaps for some reason he's unable to use his ability now [Music] all right you're the original just wait thanks youtube right bank on mirage what yes that's some nice work kid more left hold on how exactly did he do that anyway back then he'd already leapt into the air under the cover of the smoke [Music] just in time almighty push are you all right naruto boy yeah and the more power that he uses the longer the interval is before he can power back up i can't use ninjutsu or taijutsu on them well according to choji's intel only five seconds then perhaps our best hope is to trap him with genjutsu [Music] again almighty push you
Channel: Dark Tobi
Views: 10,663,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto turned to Konoha fighting against the pain, performances of naruto part 1 English Dub
Id: xDbg3JWW_hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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