Naruto Sasuke gets Shocked to see Kaguya Outsutsuki Sage of Six Paths Mother Appear from Madara

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i will admit i was the one responsible for triggering this fourth great ninja war now everyone's inside the divine tree all dreaming idyllic dreams all that i am seeking to do is to become the savior that ends the long history of fighting amongst shinobi wrong madara you are not the savior i can't move what's going on my dear murderer you have also been caught inside a phantom dream what are you talking about black setsu i was the one who created you in the first place my will is kaguyas and what's that the one the sage of six paths mentioned the current mother is a perfect example he's become just like my mother however my mother's power bred arrogance within her what's that [Music] something's going on it's probably from all those trapped in the infinite tsukuyomi [Music] if we aren't able to stop this guy soon then he's gonna train everyone else's chakra before what's left of those who were under the previous infinite tsukuyomi that can't be black set soup it's one that brings eternal peace to the shinobi world my dear moderate i have been around for eons longer than you it's a jutsu to gather enormous amounts of chakra from its captives just as you used obito as a pawn you too were merely a pawn hey look why did this happen where did i go wrong [Music] obito [Music] [Music] [Music] don't make any careless moves right now they are indra and ashura [Music] then it was who gave them that's why he entrusted us with what are your intentions this place this land is my precious nursery i shall erase all of you here instead summoning jutsu nice kakashi sensei way to go sorry to be so rough with you obito it's not again jutsu don't tell me she summoned an alternate dimension all around us only your six paths power of light and my six paths power of shadow can seal away that being in front of us yeah i get it when he was enhanced by six paths chakra madra levitated too take care of sakura and kakashi sensei all chakra belongs to me and me alone i shall reunify all chakras [Music] let's get ovito down while we have the chance you had me worried there it's just like this foothold if we're not able to seal her away all of it will be meaningless yeah [Music] my children with whom i shared my chakra now come to your mother sasuke she's taking our chakra isn't that sweet why did six past super gramps seal away his own mom it appears that you have a misconception i am calgary's child i recorded everything that happened while mother was gone the tale of shinobi is the tale of restoring mother let me tell you her tale while i absorb all of your chakra i don't have any candy to give you but the puppet show is about to begin [Music] i truly detest you both you are now mine the two of you on your own are in all of shinobi history mother is the very progenitor of chakra we need to create an opening so we can launch the ceiling jitsu got it i know i don't know what you're scheming but mother can absorb any and all jutsu it looks like they're just staring each other down i see she's like a god but we gotta give it our best shot just like we've been doing all along right are you serious we won't know until we try it well if there's even a chance that it'll create an opening then i'm game i'll get my left eye ready [Music] [Music] using a jutsu like that in this situation the history of shinobi is this you fool no don't know [Music] this place did we shift dimensions i'm sure this is our enemy's ability to rewrite the world in an instant and make it a reality [Music] i'm not these guys are such a bother [Music] now you can't see your mother away [Music] not good i gotta find sasuke ugh [Music] i thought that i had died you're okay i healed you what happened to moderate did you get him no it ended up way different so take me to where the fight is you can tell me on the way and besides if we don't take down this kaguya then our world's gonna be done for anyway [Music] nothing seems to work i'm over there what's happening now [Music] just wait until she gets closer then attack she emerged from a different time space it's similar to my visual prowess i'm positive i can enter it i can bring him back to this dimension all right i'll need an enormous amount of chakra since it's not my time space then i'll go with you your clone chakra won't be enough would it still be inadequate with my hundred healings chakra i promise to find sasuke and get him to the real you so no more masks huh i am kakashi's friend your father's subordinate and uchiha i i am your senior who shared the same dream as you but i just ask that you let me walk in front of you and die for you he really can't be saved we don't know if sasuke's in that time space but we'll start by entering her lair keep a hand on me so we can teleport to a different time space at any moment it's not worth launching a big stupid jutsu if she's just gonna absorb it if she tries to escape through that weird window again i'll enter it with her this world is my time space you are powerless here amazing multi shadow [Music] right now this world is my time space [Music] there she goes [Music] huh he forced his way in impossible seems a number of them managed to enter but the other two must have run out of strength and vanished he might be able to get to where sasuke is this shinobi naruto has always been unpredictable we ought to kill him right now you use a huge amount of chakra whenever you change the time space of the world mother if you get sealed away everything will be for naught it's better than having our long cherished plans turn to dust die thanks to naruto but he's gone even as a clone at this point i'll do even more than naruto [Music] now that you've teleported over there please don't get crushed on the other side we killed the original so why haven't they disappeared i'll send the real me they're on to us i'll draw their attention in the meantime you two go and hide looks like your clones didn't have enough chakra you fooled us [Music] yeah guess you found me out i'm the original all right this time space should be connected to all the others we'll open them one by one and look for sasuke what the hell is send sasuke in there next one okay maybe you should rest a bit the next one [Music] be careful about making a gateway mother he'll get closer to sasuke a sea of acid this is nothing why don't you tend to your wound just a little i don't want to waste this chance you want to help him if he stumbles that it huh found him sasuke oh hey how'd you do that i can shift myself between spaces but i made it here thanks to that this man lent me his power and that's why we were able to get here he did huh just hang on well i break my promise again thank goodness we're going back all of us [Music] [Music] i i really couldn't do much for you as your teacher it's not over you hear me there's no way that i'm gonna lose what am i doing wallowing like this while naruto is fighting so hard he's here [Music] [Music] thank you sakura and obito i owe you one hold on so you're really okay just focus on the enemy well naruto always was unexpectedly clever we can't afford to save our chakra right now what happened she's affected too [Music] quick dodge them sasuke please make it in time [Music] rain this time let's spend some alone time together kakashi would just be in the way so i'll leave him here [Music] obito you stay here a little longer [Music] your power is still needed here [Music] mother let's teleport to the root time space you'll recover faster there [Music] kakashi as someone who'll support the next generation it's too soon for you to die no naruto don't waste your chakra he's helpless now he's a fool full of only mistakes my visual prowess is back we've been here before she changed worlds again i'll handle the diversions opito's beyond help i'm going [Music] enough thank you naruto after fighting you i feel like i've woken up [Music] just keep on forging ahead like always without changing [Music] become the hokage i will pesky trader vermin's finally dead huh don't laugh at obito you're only going to end up pitifully crumbling to dust just like him i've been waiting lots happened before i could come here i'd say you did your best i've been watching you all along let's go obito is [Music] nothing but awesome to me can't move guess i was left behind again you see i'd kind of like to make just one more detour along the way it's kind of annoying seeing him all stiff and useless you two are still close huh no no way come on the energy that we call chakra connects both of the worlds i'm gonna go see kakashi i thought i'd emphasize to you not to come running after me so quickly you know how i told naruto to become the hokage i meant to say as the seventh huh i mean you haven't actually forgotten your famous nickname that's known throughout all the lands have you the name kakashi of the shotting gun let's do it guys all right here we go [Music] nice one naruto [Music] another maybe a rabbit look it doesn't matter but now we can get near that wasn't you just now oh what's going on [Music] they don't calm the copy ninja kakashi of the sharingan for nothing know what i mean this time i will protect them and the world [Music] [Music] just as i thought whoa that's more awesome than yours sasuke [Music] this route time space is mother's exclusive domain the tail beasts are now stable plus mothers even produced a truth-seeker orb it's the start of a new time space and you will become its sacrifices i definitely can't teleport away such a giant object with the kamui if that thing gets too large we won't be able to return to this place i've got a plan this is going to be our very last mission as squad 7. let's go we're saving the world that's right yeah roger that now then get us in closer then we can strike right so fast [Music] this is bad her right arm there's not enough time to escape into another time space [Music] [Applause] [Music] indra's reincarnate possesses the amaterasu so that would be no good we're both women so don't you mind me sakura [Music] do it all right i really love you guys [Music] planetary devastation to think that i would be defeated by pieces of my own chakra again why [Music] [Applause] is the ground being sucked up towards her we finally made it out over here i can't be helped now i'll just start over and work on mother's next resurrection i haven't forgotten about you you you're just a piece of the shinobi history i created and nothing more history is made up of all sorts of ninjas lives and deaths too the way they lived and the way they died they made me who i am today it's time for you to get over yourself you guys so it's done ceiling complete the first thing that i want to do is take a hot bath to wash off this sweat and grime he got it done but i gotta say he's still a tad dumb isn't he [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye
Channel: Khushboo Kamal
Views: 3,385,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto Sasuke vs kaguya, Naruto vs Kaguya, Sasuke vs Kaguya, Madara gets Betrayed by Zetsu, Naruto Sasuke gets Shocked to see Kaguya Outsutsuki Sage of Six Paths Mother Appear from Madara
Id: dlcaupOVIpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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