Narrated D&D Story: Player and DM Plot The Perfect Revenge Against A Creepy Player

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Yeah no, this sounds like a cheesy setup by the DM to generate drama.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Boottosser6000 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Channel Teaser] Today’s video is sponsored by dScryb Whether you’re a veteran DM or someone looking to  write and run their first campaign,,   spelled, is an incredible  resource that everyone should check out. One of the challenges of being a  DM is writing great descriptions   to provide stunning imagery for your players. When I first started DMing I would feel weird  describing what my players were looking at. So if you’re new to DMing and you  share that “exposition shyness”   you can use over 1,500 beautifully  written descriptions of places,   monsters, spells, characters, and more being  added daily to help you craft your campaign. If you’re already a great  DM use dScryb to save time   or find inspiration for your next location or NPC. Create your world and use  dScryb to help bring it to life. Now what you’re here for. Player and DM Plot The Perfect   Revenge Against A Creepy Player Hi everyone. All Things DnD is back   with another story. This story was  submitted by our viewer Elis. This one   is tough. On one hand the player in question  was a problem that was awful and inappropriate,   but on the other, his actions also led  to some very interesting gameplay and   plot twists...I’ll need you to tell me  what you think after listening to this: There are plenty of stories about players mixing  badly. People fight, people leave, and otherwise   amazing campaigns get tainted by the unfortunate  events of real life interaction. This story is   mine, and it’s the series of blood-boiling  actions taken by a fellow player with the   ego the size of a Kaiju that led to the downfall  and premature death of a 2-year long campaign. Four years ago, I was playing a Pathfinder  campaign with a few friends I had made online.   Let’s call them Cleric, Wizard, and DM, since  those are their favorite roles to be in concerning   tabletop roleplay games. We would do our sessions  over a Discord voice call, and sometimes write out   character interactions in the group chat messaging  threads in a turn-by-turn roleplay style. We eventually found out that the Gods were  dying due to a hole in the ground that was   a gateway to Hell: The crack in the Earth’s core  that was shielded by a magical barrier dutifully  named, “The Fracture”. Our goal as players was  to find the blessings of the Gods, bestow them  upon people on our side, and eventually make  our way to The Fracture and close it before the   magical seal wore off and unleashed all of Hell’s  forces on the planet. Easy enough, but there  were 13 Gods and only 3 players, so  the campaign was really DMPC heavy. Cleric played a… well, a cleric. Named Tav.  He was secretly a Kitsune that had an entire  plot-driven character arc that I would have loved  to see, and is arguably one of the most fleshed  out PC’s I’ve ever had the  pleasure of playing with. I was invited to the campaign after it had  already been going on for about a year by the  DM. I had played with them before, both with  them as a player and a DM, and knew they were  great to work with, so I said yes. The condition  they proposed for me was that I play a female  character, which is something I’d never done  before. I still don’t know why they encouraged it,  especially because of the havoc something as  old-fashioned as gender would cause, but I  agreed to the term. My first character in the  campaign was an Elven Investigator named Asa.  She was a visitor from the Elvish lands that  came to the country The Fracture had affected the  most to see what she could do  to help them, frustrated by the   indifference of her people. That’s how she started out, anyway. Wizard had played in the campaign so far as  a peppy human bard with a knack for getting   into trouble with the town guards. Wizard  was tired of her, and wanted to do homebrew   stuff for a new character, stating that  he wanted to be more “DPS” than support. The DM allowed it, and Wizard created…Krayne. A  name that, when spoken, will always ruin my mood. Krayne was an obnoxious dragonborn sorcerer  with a backstory involving massacring his home  village and killing his father for a reason  that kept changing every time it got brought up. Sometimes it was “I felt like it,” and  sometimes it was, “He was abusive,”   but the story was never told the same way twice.  He was often drunk, and had the “fireball first,   questions last” mentality of a murder hobo  player that claims to be “Chaotic Neutral”.   He made this switch shortly  after I joined the campaign. Krayne had a tendency to hit on Asa every  chance he got. His flirting got more serious  as he started to give her gifts and shower  her in compliments. Krayne openly stated that  everything he ever did for her was,  “Part of my plan to eventually bed you.” Player character romances were never something  I had a problem with. They’re a lot of  fun if done right. But in this case, Wizard  and the DM were dating, and the DM was not okay  with Wizard making Krayne chase Asa around  like a dog in heat. Neither Wizard or DM had a  very good perception of, “It’s just a game.”  And instead of seeing two characters exchanging  some flirty banter for the show, they saw Wizard  directly flirting with me. I didn’t get the  reasoning at the time, but I decided to respect  it when the DM told me how they felt. I didn’t  think it was very in character for Asa  to fully accept Krayne’s advances anyway. In a written interaction between Asa and Krayne,  Asa stated, “I'm flattered, but I thought I  should just let you know that you have no chance  with me. I would still like to spend time with  you, but as friends. We've been through enough  as a group to be that much, haven't we?” Krayne let this crystal clear rejection fly  right over his head, and his endeavours went  from playful flirting and obnoxious  behavior to relentless pursuit.   It got to the point where I, the Player was uncomfortable. The last straw   was something that I’m not entirely comfortable sharing with the entire internet, but considering   our age difference, and the way he spoke to Me… That’s when I realized that maybe, just  maybe, Krayne’s actions towards Asa   were actually directed towards me. I went  straight to the DM, ready to leave the campaign. Instead of letting me just  go and getting justifiably   enraged at their partner’s actions, the DM asked me, “Do you want to teach him a lesson?” I’d known the DM for half a decade at this  point, and Cleric and I were going strong as  buddies for a solid year. The campaign was the  one time every two weeks that we could really  talk to each other and have fun because of the  long distance between us. If there was a way to  get back at Wizard, maybe even get rid of him,  without me having to leave behind one of the   only ways I could consistently interact with two  of my closest friends, I was interested in it. The DM gave me their idea. “Let’s make Asa evil, and tell no one.” I didn’t really get how making Asa as  undesirable as emotionally possible was going to  teach Wizard a lesson, but I trusted the DM and  their process. All I had to do was have Asa act  in such a way that no reasonable  person would be attracted to her. Go big, or go home: Asa was now a racist,  xenophobic snob with enough aggressive nationalist   idealism to grow a tiny square mustache. She  was no longer in the human territories to help,   but to scope out their military strength with the  intention of bringing back intel to her father,   the King, in order to coordinate an attack plan  for genocide. That part had to remain a secret for   plot reasons, but I was sure to have Asa “slip up”  and say things that would make anyone unwilling to   invite her to any kind of social gathering in case  she took it upon herself to bring white sheets. Sessions went from being filled with awkward  and uncomfortable side-stepping around Krayne   so we could get to the plot to intricate  espionage missions Asa had to pull off   right in front of her unsuspecting party members.  She became friends with the human King, his son,   and built up a portfolio of vital information  that could only be found if Krayne or Tav   rolled a 15 or higher on an investigation check  when going through Asa’s things. She had plenty   of intel on the human’s defenses and attack  strategies, and all she needed was something   to convince all the elves back in her homeland  that the destruction of humanity was their only   hope of survival so that they would go with  her and her father’s evil scheme with vigor. The drastic change was strange, and not  telling Cleric about all the PMing I was doing  with the DM was reproachable, but the gameplay  was so refreshing that I was actually having  fun again! Being evil wasn’t  so bad. It really helped me   forget how uncomfortable Wizard’s acting through Krayne made me. And yet… If Asa said, “I hate humans.” Krayne said, “Good thing I’m a half-elf!” A change in his character made on a whim.  I don’t understand why the DM allowed it. If Asa said, “Half? You’re one of  those blood-diseased disgraces?” Krayne would say, “Oh, come  on! Don’t be like that, babe.” As blunt as Asa’s character changes were,  Krayne’s pursuit of her did not stop,   and neither did the messages I got from Wizard.  When I brought it up to the DM, they said to   play along with him. I guess the DM wanted to  see how far their romantic partner would go.   The extent to which I followed those orders  is something I’m not proud of. I wasn’t   comfortable with it at all, but the long-running  relationship I had with the DM kept me faithful   that they would eventually pull through for me  and this arc of the campaign would finally end. It took forever, and I started to feel guilty,  and tired of all the lying I was doing for the DM.  But right as I was at my breaking point,  one voice call and a written role-play   session would flip the script. In the voice call session, the party accidentally  stumbled upon a hidden royal library that held   top-secret information from the human crown.  There, Asa rolled a Nat 20 on an investigation   check and found a scroll with a detailed map  and plans of how the human army was going to   create tunnels underneath the magical barrier  holding back The Fracture’s forces straight into   the Elven city capital, and let the forces of  Hell rip the nation apart while the human race   stayed safely hidden behind their walls. It was  enough evidence for Asa so that she could bring   it back and convince her entire country that the  extinction of the human race was the only option. Krayne wanted to burn it, saying that wiping  out the elves was probably a good idea, just  not the method that the human army had planned. I was shocked to hear Krayne say that, and  had Asa remind him that she, too, was an  elf. His defense was that she was different,  and that he would keep her safe because of their  relationship. They’d definitely be official  by the time the army could finally do the job. Uh… what? Asa snatched the map and demanded to keep  it, her heart racing with anger and fear.   This is when Krayne thought it would be a  good idea to threaten her with his sword. Uh… what?! She ran back to the party,  consisting of Tav and 2 DMPC’s,   screaming for help. Tav quickly defused the  situation and made the compromise that the party   would take the map straight to the human King,  as he didn’t seem like the type of guy to be into   genocide. Maybe there was someone in the army that  made those plans without the King’s permission.   Once the plan to wipe out the Elven nation was  brought to the King’s attention, he would stop it. Asa hid the map within the confines of her  clothing just in case Krayne tried to steal it on  the way there, and the only thing  Wizard had to say about that was,   “Now Krayne has one more reason to want to take her clothes off.” Ew. The next session was a written one. In it,  the party was making their way through a   downpour of rain to get back to the capital to  tell the King about the plans, when they met a   person that was already carrying one of God's  blessings. It was the DM’s way of progressing   the main story line with The Fracture, but they  made the mistake of having the blessing carrier   be a woman named Dimitri. Krayne immediately  started to act the same way he did to Asa to her,   and the DM was having Dimitri act uncomfortable  but accepting because of her desperate situation.   Asa tried to cut in (the girl wasn’t human,  so it was in her character to care about   the girl’s safety), but Krayne wanted to  spend time with Dimitri, and made a cheap   shot at Asa’s lack of skill that was caused  by a lot of bad rolls to make her back off. "Oh, ho-ho..." Asa took in a deep breath, and  then let it out slowly, her eyes closing as she   tried to collect herself before they snapped open.  The elven eyes were nearly gleaming with spite,   her brow furrowed deeply as she nearly snarled  at him. "If this is about the map situation,   you can forget about it. You will see in due time  the kind of help that piece of paper will do.   You destroying it will do nothing to  progress us towards helping the gods." Her demeanor changed, a smug look about her as the  snarl turned upwards into a wicked smile. "Well,   I guess that's what's to be expected. All you do  is destroy everything you touch. Consider it a   mercy that I keep you from burning anything else  lest you go off and massacre another village." Krayne is taken aback, and turns to Asa.  His hand, for a moment, leaves Dimitri's   and raises up to his sword. He almost wraps his  fingers around it's hilt before he stops himself.   He lowers his hands and gently wraps them  around Dimitri's, this time he holds onto them,   less to comfort her now but as an anchor  for holding onto his temper. The air around   him starts to get hot, but cools down as he  focuses on Dimitri's hands. "A mercy, is it?" Dimitri turns her smile to Tav before  she looks down at the floor of the cart,   content enough with that answer. She almost looks  relieved before her eyes lift to Krayne again,   then to Asa again, and...  quickly back to the floor,   almost fearful. She makes no comment, but  she leans towards Krayne eagerly. "H-Hey,   it'll be okay, right? Going to the king will solve  our problems, won't it? There's no need to fight." Dimitri's mannerism disarms Asa, and she  realizes what she said might have been... out  of turn. But it's not like she can back out now.  Krayne had insulted her, and actually had the  grounds to do it on. That burned her very core to  know it was true. So she took a steadying breath,   studied the situation before her, and finally  decided to get some things off her chest.  "What's this? You hide behind your  newest conquest? Let me guess,   you plan on persuading her even after  she clearly tells you no as well? As   a distraction? Because you're too scared of what  you really are to give me a reasonable response?” "A mercy, is it?"" She mocked  his voice by making hers deeper. "Yes, a mercy! You reached  for your weapon right there.   You pulled it on me back at the library.  You obliterate everything we come across!"   Her rant had become frantic at this point,  her hair sprouting from the tie it was in. Still, the party marched on, and the  rain continued to soak them to the bones,   sticking their clothes to their bodies  and reveal what they were really made of.   Asa's stature was frail and rigid,  sharp in places that could cut where   it hurts and starved in places  that could never be fulfilled. "You're destructive, uncivilized, and have no  concept of the way others perceive you! Or maybe   you know exactly how others see you and that's  why you act like such an egomaniac. No one has   ever wanted you, and when they did it was because  you were useful. Not because they liked you or   genuinely wanted you around, but because you were  an instrument to be used as a means to an end." Angry elves with a Lawful  Evil alignment, am I right? Krayne slinks back, clearly hurt. For a  second, yeah he thought she was his friend,   to a small degree. Sure, he has ulterior  motives but this was something that stung   him deeper than he had imagined. He sunk  into his seat, as the words crossed his mind. 'You're a tool. Your only purpose is to die so  others don't have to. You're worth nothing more   than a body on a battlefield, Krayne. Your  brother understands this, why can't you...' His mind for a moment goes blank, something  in him changes, he gently drops his hands   from Dimitri's as his now blank face  stares at Asa. His eyes...stopped being   their same brown shades, and now stared  at Asa with a clear slit in the pupils. "Okay." He stands quickly, grabbing on to Asa's tunic  with a fury not before seen, the golden claws   on his hands dig into the fabric, and into her  chest a little as he wrenches her from her feet.   She tumbles from the wagon onto the muddy  ground beneath them. She has only a second   to get her bearings before Krayne follows up,  his fiery yellow eyes not piercing under the   shadows of his hat. Unceremoniously, he stomps  on her chest to hold her down into the mud. He draws his sword, wreathing  it in flames. He speaks,   smoke pouring out of his mouth, and tears down his face. "Go on, talk like him some more.  I'm sure he'd love to meet you." Asa hadn't expected for him to prove her right. No wind in her lungs, no sight in her eyes, she  laid still under Krayne's boot for a moment.   His words registered slowly, like  ooze seeping from an infected wound.   The cracking sound that her ribs  had made was yet to dawn on her,   but the pain that followed rattled her  until it shook a scream from her throat. Her breathing was ragged, and she clawed  helplessly at Krayne's leg, desperately   trying to push it off of her. "G-Get..." She  coughed, and fear began to visibly take hold. She froze under him, eyes wide when she  saw that his weapon was drawn. "W-Wait..."   Asa stuttered desperately  as she shakily reached down.   She plucked the map from within her clothing  and tossed it far away from both of them,   hoping that giving the scroll up would be enough in exchange for her life. There's a moment of silence. But Krayne  slides his weapon back in it's sheath.   His eyes visibly change back to their normal  state, and the smoke stops flowing from behind   sharpened teeth. He steps off of her, and snatches  up the map while turning back to the cart. "No. You can live with it." He tucks the  map into the breast pocket of his vest.   "He wasn't worthy of my time, and  you know what...neither are you." He walks back to the wagon, and climbs in.  He sits in the far corner of the wagon,   slumping onto the wall and  hiding behind his coat and hat. At this point, Tav rushes in and heals Asa,   and they all head to a cave  to bunker down for the night. Meanwhile, in the real world, Wizard messages  me asking if he just blew it with Asa.   The DM was celebrating in the PM thread we had,  knowing full well that Krayne had indeed blown it,  doing all the work for them, and teaching himself  a lesson. I don’t know if that really counts as “a  lesson” because my character was the one  that got brutalized while his is just…   not getting laid, but I digress. I honestly don’t know what he expected. Secretly  evil or not, you can’t break a girl’s ribs and   expect her to like you for it. I told Wizard that  sentiment, minus the secretly evil part, and he  went into an emotional meltdown. He desperately  tried to fix things, having Krayne approach  Asa on his hands and knees, calling himself  a monster and begging for forgiveness. Asa, pride and body wounded, gives her statement. "You killed your father. You destroyed your  people." She stood slowly, weak as her body was,   feeling strength throw itself through her veins  rapidly as anger flushed her cheeks and ears. "You have proven today that you are incapable of  controlling yourself. I can't know if you won't   do this again. So, Krayne," His name was  a curse on her lips as she cast it on him.  "Why should I trust your apology when  I cannot even trust your temperament?" Krayne shook his head, the hushed words just  barely escaping his mouth. "You can't...You   can't trust me-I can't trust me." He sits back  up, his eyes turned down and tears still streaming   from his face. "I just want to right the wrongs  I've done, at least make up for it in some way.   I left to adventure, to help people to make up  for what I did to my home and all those people one lapse of judgement I threw it  all away. I know you can't forgive me. I   can't blame you, but you especially,  mean a lot to me and I...I can't live knowing   I did everything to hurt you, and nothing to  try and fix it..." Tears well up in his eyes   more as he clenches his fists. "But I can't  anymore...all I'm good for is destroying   things...I'm just a bomb waiting to go off and all  I can do is take everything I care about with me.   I can't be a hero. I can't fix the things I've  broken. I can't earn your forgiveness-" He takes   this moment to lock eyes with Asa, pleading now  for something he knew he was never going to get. "-Why am I even still here, Asa? Why did god  put me- a monster- here if I'm just going to   ruin everything?! Why didn't I just let him  kill me, Asa! Why couldn't I just die?!" Asa couldn't have said it better herself. She huffed, her body tensed from his rant. She  wondered for a moment if he really thought she   was that stupid. Why would she fall in line behind  a man who could not keep his emotions in check?   Why would she bring his honeyed and tear-soaked  words into her heart when he had almost crushed   it with her own rib cage not a few hours  beforehand? Why would she do anything at all? And after I asked the DM and Wizard if it was  okay to say something really, really dark, I  had Asa say: "Maybe you should have." Even though he has a really dark moment after  that, it turns out alright in the end for  Krayne. He’s completely unharmed, and doesn’t  manage to hurt himself. He just went for a  really intense jog to get out his angst like that  one scene from FootLoose, and Dimitri catches  up to him to help before anything drastic happens. Once the party gets back to civilization,  Asa gets enough supplies for her journey back  home. Tav had picked up the map and given it  back to her, and she had made a copy of it with  a high sleight of hand check. She offered for  Tav to come with her, as she thought they would  be better off without Krayne, but he refused,  saying he had to stay and finish his mission   to save the Gods. One tearful goodbye later, Asa was out of  the party and out of my hands. The DM took  her over after that, and told me Asa would be  re-statted to be the BBEG of the season finale,  and told me to make a new character. This time,  a male. I decided to bring back one of my old  favorites; an Ifrit Barbarian named Ibu who was  on a mission to find his missing daughter when  the God of Fire thought he’d make a great blessing  carrier and he got roped into the party’s mess. The weird messages from Wizard didn’t  stop completely, but they did decrease a  substantial amount, as he was suspicious that  the DM and I were in cahoots. I was able to enjoy  the campaign as an honest to a fault barbarian  that bullied Krayne like an older brother and cut  him to the quick when he was being… well, Krayne. The party had to enter Elven territory  to retrieve one of the God’s blessings,   and when they were there, they were arrested for  not having proper visitation paperwork. They were   dragged to a palace where Asa sat on a throne,  saying nothing but grinning victoriously as she   sent her former party members and my new character  to rot in prison. The only one who was surprised   was Wizard. Cleric had figured out that Asa was  evil months before she actually showed back up. Wizard was ticked off and wanted the  bloodiest revenge possible on Asa for…   not sleeping with him and  also being evil, I guess. First, they had to get out of prison.  They do that, but on their way out,   they overhear soldiers talking that Asa is  about to pull an Uno Reverse card on the humans   and dig a hole under the magical barrier of  the Fracture leading directly to the human   city capital. The walls surrounding  the country would keep the chaos in,   the other races would watch helplessly  as an entire race came to an end. They had to stop her! Through Ibu the Ifrit Barbarian’s eyes, I watched  as one of my past characters was defeated,   humiliated, and beheaded by Krayne. Seeing as  she was a horrible person bent on destroying an   entire race, it was the fate she deserved, but  something about Krayne getting to kill her rubs   me the wrong way to this day. It definitely didn’t  help that after he beheaded her, he burnt the rest   of her corpse and then carried the head around  like a trophy for half a session, creeping out   everyone else in the party and setting the mood  and power dynamic for the rest of the campaign. It’s for the best that the campaign eventually  ended due to a lack of enjoyment and an   increase in every-day life business, even if the  players never got a real conclusion to the plot. The animosity I still hold for Wizard is  something I don’t think I can contain for   very long if I ever have to deal  with him again. But that campaign   taught me alot about patience and setting my own boundaries that I never forgot. I’m still   in touch with Cleric, who’s doing great and just  graduated college. I’m also still in touch with   Wizard and the DM, who are still together for some reason. I hope Wizard grows as a person   eventually, but I guess you can’t expect much from the kind of guy that would write an 8 page long   document of a Wish just to make sure he’s right. I really wish that Asa had managed to AT LEAST   kill Krayne in the final showdown. I  think I would have fudged a few dice   rolls. But you live and learn. Please let  us know what you think and comment below! Don’t forget to subscribe to  our channel, All Things DnD.   Our next video will be posted in 3 days, so stay  tuned for more amazing Dungeons & Dragons content!
Channel: All Things DnD
Views: 116,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, all things dnd, dnd stories, d&d stories, puffin forest, d&d, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, roleplaying, role-playing, tabletop, table-top, tabletop rpg, dingo doodles, reddit dnd, reddit d&d, reddit dungeons and dragons, geek and sundry, dnd vines, critical role, runesmith, narration, reddit, zee bashew, reddit narration, rpg, astoshan, 4chan, dndgreentext, greentext, dnd story, dnd animation, dnd player, dm, dungeon master, revenge, creep, rpghorrorstories, yt:cc=on
Id: Azmv1Dz-gcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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