Napoleon Hill's 13 Success Principles in 30 Minutes.. from Think and Grow Rich/ Law of Success...

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this is the first of 13 messages that I will deliver to you in each message I will describe the master key in terms that you will understand if you are ready to understand and now I shall give you the first cue as to the nature of the great master key which has been responsible for all the great successes in every calling in every part of the world please listen carefully to what I have to say because you may discover the secret of the master key in this first visit you may get your first cue as to the nature of the great master key when I tell you that psychologists have discovered a natural law which is the very foundation of all personal successes and I can describe it to you in one short sentence so you can understand it whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve isn't that a profound statement you will notice that it says nothing about the need for education but simply that's whatever your mind can conceive and believe your mind can achieve now if you want evidence that the mind can achieve whatever the mind can conceive without the benefit of formal education you only have to remember the Thomas a Edison conceived the idea of becoming an inventor and lived to become the world's greatest scientists in the field of invention with only three months of common school education when I first heard Andrew Carnegie described this natural law which makes it possible for you and I and everyone else to write his own price tag in life and retain it I became so enthused over it that I began to search for the power back of it and my curiosity let me finally through the discovery of the master key which I shall reveal to you if you are ready to receive it my search led me through the study of the spiritual forces with which all of us are blessed and it was in this field that I came upon a clue which is enable me to help millions of people to find their earthly business I want to describe my discovery in the simplest terms possible because it will reveal to you why it is true but whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past or how lofty or aims and hopes may be I caught my first fleeting glimpse of the profound law which provides the means but which we may choose our own purpose in life and attain it while I was being coached by Andrew Carnegie during the organization of the science of success philosophy I had just finished telling mr. Carnegie that I feared he had chosen the wrong person to give the world the first practical philosophy of personal success because of my youth my lack of education and my lack of finances well at this point mr. Carnegie delivered a lecture that I shall never forget because it changed my entire life and paved the way for my helping to change the lives of millions of people some of them not yet born let me call your attention to a great power which is under your controls at mr. Carnegie a power which is greater than poverty greater than the lack of education greater than all of your fears and superstitions combined it is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it to whatever ends you may desire this profound power mr. Carnegie continued is the gift of the Creator and it must have been considered the greatest of all of his gifts to man because it is the only thing over which man has the complete and unchallengeable right of control and direction when you speak of your poverty and lack of education mr. Carnegie explained you are simply directing your mind power to attract these undesirable circumstances because it is true that whatever your mind feeds upon your mind attracts to you now you see why it is important that you recognize that all success begins with definiteness of purpose with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want from life we come now to the second of the 17 principles which lead to the master key with which you may open the door to the attainment of your definite major purpose in life this principle of success is called the mastermind principle I want you to understand the nature of the mastermind principle because you must use it before you can take possession of the master key and understandable definition of the mastermind is this it consists of two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose now here are some interesting facts about the mastermind which give you an idea of how important it is and how necessary that you embrace this principle and make use of it in attaining success in your chosen occupation first of all it is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education the experience the influence and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plans in life it is the principle through which you can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success and I have heard well-informed Bible students say that the first known application of the mastermind was that which existed between the Nazarene and his twelve disciples one fact I am absolutely sure when you form a true mastermind alliance with others and work with them in a spirit of perfect harmony you can draw freely upon the spiritual forces within you in carrying out your plans and desires I also know that the mastermind principle can give you absolute protection against failure provided all is that your purpose is in using this principle is beneficial to all whom you influence in my research while organizing the science of success I had the collaboration of practically every out standing successful man this country has produced during the past 50 years and I can tell you definitely that their success was due in the main to their knowledge and application of the mastermind principle I wish also to call your attention to the fact that our great American Way of life and our unmatchable system of free enterprise have been built upon the mastermind principle the greatest document effort conceived by the mind of man is a perfect example of a mastermind principle in action it is the Declaration of Independence and the best evidence of the importance of maintaining perfect harmony in a mastermind alliance may be found in the fact that the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence knew full well that it might turn out to be either a license of freedom for all mankind or a death warrant which would cause each of the signers to behave now let us see how the mastermind principle has brought success to people whom we all know first consider when Kate Smith began her career as a singer she had difficulty in earning enough a from her singing to bear living expenses and she perhaps never would have made her singing pay if she had not discovered and applied the mastermind principle which gave her access to the master key to success when she formed a mastermind alliance with Ted Collins and according to a report I saw in Reader's Digest Kate Smith has earned upwards of 13 million dollars and she is still in the upper brackets of income - I remember when Edgar Bergen and that cute little block of wood known as Charlie McCarthy used to play anywhere they could get an engagement and I rather suspect that often all they got for their services was a meal but Edgar Bergen is a smart man in the field of entertainment so he formed the mastermind alliance which introduced him and Charlie to millions of people by radio and television and I suspect he is not concerned about money and in longer and your own mind well this our third visit brings us to the success principle which has marked the turning point of every person who has promoted himself or herself from the Laura breakfast of success to the higher planes of achievement for one acquires everything he desires this principle is called the habit of going the extra mile which means the habit of rendering more service and better service and one is expected to render and doing it in a positive mental attitude I'm going to tell you all I know about this magic principle of self advancement because it is the one rule you must follow if you expect to write your own price tag and to be sure of getting it let me describe this success principle for you in a brief formula which you can easily remember I call it the Q Q and a formula which means the quality of service you render plus the quantity of service you render plus the mental attitude in which you render service determines the space you occupy in your chosen calling and the compensation you get from your services if you would examine carefully the people whom you know to be unusually successful you will discover that they follow the QQ ma formula although they may do so unconsciously now I wish to give you a big advantage over those who follow this formula unconsciously I wish to show you how to make use of it deliberately with purpose of forethought so you may make the principle pay off in a big way and do it quickly and now I shall tell you some of the benefits you will enjoy by following the habit of going the extra mile one this habit will bring you to the favorable attention of those who can and will provide you with opportunities to promote yourself into a better circumstance two it will place back of you that great natural law of increasing returns through which the service you render will bring back greater than average compensations and three following this habit will make you indispensable in your chosen occupation or calling therefore it will place you in a position to write your own ticket and for this habit will help you to excel in your line of work because each time you render service you endeavour to do a better job than you did previously and five if you work for a salary or wages this habit will give you preference when work is slack and others are laid off and six it will help you to benefit by the law of contrast because the others around you will not be going the first mile let alone the second mile and seven following this habit of doing your very best in all of your efforts and doing it in a pleasing mental attitude will improve your personality and make you liked by others and eight it will also help you to develop a keen alert imagination because you will be continuously seeking new and better ways of rendering useful service 9 it will inspire you to move on your own personal initiative instead of waiting to be told what to do a habit which is the first step in leadership in all columns we come now to the fourth visit where I shall introduce you to your greatest asset and with this introduction the master key to success will be within your easy reach I say this is your greatest asset because it is the fourth of the 17 success principles with which you may tap and draw upon the supreme power which created you and runs this entire universe the name of this principle is applied faith and I want you to remember it is not something I am bringing to you but it is something you already possess although you may not have made use of it in the past and now let me tell you what applied faith is and what you can do with it applied faith is the mental attitude wherein you may clear your mind of all fears and doubts and direct it to the attainment of whatever you desire in life in our first visit I told you that you and I and every person we're blessed with the privilege of complete control over but one thing and is the exclusive right to take possession of our own minds and direct them to the attainment of whatever we desire in life applied faith is a mental attitude we must cultivate and maintain before we can take complete possession of our minds it is the means by which we may break the seal of that envelope I mentioned in our first visit and take full possession of the six forms of riches we get in return for taking possession of our minds and using them those thick riches were as you may remember sound hell's peace of mind a labor of love of your own choice freedom from fear and worry a positive mental attitude and material riches of your own choice and quantity we are now this very moment standing in front of the Gateway which can be opened only with the great master key to success and I'm giving you the closest clue I have yet mentioned as to how you may take possession of this key in order that you may condition your mind to embrace and use apply faith you must understand that there are two ways in which you can use they you can put it into reverse gear and use it in a negative way by allowing your mind as well upon the circumstances and the things you do not want such as poverty ill health failure defeat and this is precisely what the majority of people do which explains why the majority of people go through life in misery and want or you can take possession of your mind and direct it to think of the six riches which came over with you in that sealed envelope and you will attract these riches to bless and serve you all through your life isn't it a strange fact that most people make a negative application of their great power of faith by thinking about and bleeding in poverty ill health fear failure and defeat when it would be so easy for them just to change their thinking over to the circumstances and things they desire now let me give you a description of the one thing which represents the difference between a successful person and the fake please listen carefully and speak for yourself as I speak because failure to recognize the truth I am about to give you is the starting point of most failures successful people in all occupations all profession and all callings have one trait which distinguishes them from the failures it is their capacity for belief that failures see the hole in the donut but do not see the donut around the hole the successes see the hole also but they see the donut around the hole Thomas a Edison believed he could perfect an incandescent electric lamp and despite the fact that he failed over 10,000 times before he was crowned with success he made his belief uncover the secret for which he was searching I am happy to be with you for our fifth visit and our subject is a pleasing personality your personality determines whether people are attracted to you or shy away from you it is the show window in which you display your character to the world and it is the one thing which distinguishes you from all other human beings it is your trademark by which you people recognize you and it is the thing which determines your success or failure in selling yourself through life therefore you should see your personality just as others see it so you may improve it where it needs improvement your personality consists of more than 30 different factors traits and characteristics because of the limit of time I can devote to this visit with you I can mention a little more important of your traits of personality but before I begin to describe these traits I want you to know that every trait which goes into your personality is under your control and you can improve it so it will be whatever you want it to be let us start with the most important trait of your personality your mental attitude this is a trait with which you attract people to you and cause them to like you or repel them and cause them to dislike you your mettle had it must be positive if you attract people to you how do other people know whether your mental attitude is positive or negative you may ask well the answer is easy first of all other people tune in and pick up your middle attitude by telepathy without your saying a word or making a move but there are other ways they can tell whether your mental attitude is negative or positive you disclose this information by the tone of your voice or that is pleasant or harsh by the expression on your face whether it is soft and pleasing or harsh and scowling by the courtesy and consideration you show other people or the lack of these so you see there is no escape from revealing to others the exact nature of your personality the next most important trait of your personality consist of your flexibility of your mental attitude or your lack of it if you have flexibility you adjust yourself to all the circumstances in your relations with others without losing your composure or allowing yourself to become irritable or angry just remember if you have flexibility of your mental attitude it will be impossible for anyone to make you angry or to irritate you without your consent our cooperation now this is worth knowing this brings us to the sixth principle of success without which the fire principles I have given you previously would be useless it is the principle of self-discipline self-discipline as I am presenting it to you here as reference not only to your mastery of negative habits which stand in the way of your success but more particularly to your development and enforcement of the positive habits you will need in order to avail yourself of the six assets you brought over with you in that sealed envelope I mentioned in our first visit now let me give you a list of the more important things over which you will have to exercise self-discipline before you can embrace and use the great master key to riches one you will have to gain mastery over your tongue by acquiring the habit of thing first and then speaking after you're sure that's what you save will benefit you and not injure others a loose tongue often is ones the greatest liability to you will have to exercise self-discipline in mastering the common tendency to strike back at those at whom you have a cause real or imaginary for a grievance you must remember that everything you do to or for another you do to or for yourself because your every thought and every act which benefits or injures another person comes back to you in kind greatly multiplied so if you feel that you must slander another person do not speak it but write it write it in the stands near the water's edge then move away from it until the tides have flown three you will have to exercise self-discipline over all of your emotions particularly your emotions of love eight beer and six these are the big four of your emotions and they can make you or break you according to the extent of discipline you exercise over them well this brings us to the seventh visit and I hope to hand you the master key to success before I finish because my subject will lead you so near to the master key that you will be able to recognize it as I have suggested in previous visits a positive mental attitude can clear away all obstacles which stand between you and your major purpose in life because of the importance of the subject of our visit I shall not only tell you that a positive mental attitude heads the entire list of the 12 great riches in life but I am going to give you explicit instructions as to what you must do to keep your mind positive in all the success books I have written I have never suggested to my readers what they should do without clearly telling them how to do it are you ready if you are ready this visit may bring the most important change in your life you have ever experienced one learn to adjust yourself to other people's state of and difficulties so as to get along peacefully with them and to refrain from taking notice of trivial circumstances in your relations with other people by refusing to allow them to become controversial incidents the great people always avoid small incidents of controversy when possible to establish for yourself a definite fixed system of conditioning your mind at the beginning of each day so you will keep it positive under all circumstances 3 learn the art of selling yourself to other people by indirection such as asking leading questions which will bring out the sort of reactions from others which you desire and do not permit yourself to be drawn into argument over unimportant subjects or adopt the habit of having a good heart and laugh every time you become irritated or angry and it will help you if you begin each day with one minute of hearty laughing this will change the chemistry of your brain and start you out with a positive mental attitude however you had better get out of sight when you take your laughing exercise 5 start each day with an expression of gratitude for all the adversities defeats failures you have experienced in the past and the search for the seed of an equivalent benefit these have yielded you through the passing of time then give thanks for the blessings you expect to receive during the day 6 learn to concentrate your attention on the can-do portion of all of your problems and desires and start action where you stand in carrying out this portion no matter what may be your problem or your desire there is always something you can do right now that will help you find out what this something is and do it 7 learn to transmute all unpleasant circumstances into immediate action which calls for a positive mental attitude and make this a fixed habit for example when you are angry switch your mind to some sort of action in connection with your hobby or your major purpose in life and to keep it busy with subject for five minutes eight recognize that every circumstance which influences your life whether it is a pleasant or unpleasant circumstance is wrist or your mill of life and so use it to make it pay you dividends in one form or another remembering meanwhile that your strength grows out of your struggle our eighth visit brings us to the subject of enthusiasm which may be likened to steam in a boiler which when it is controlled and turned on starts the who use of machinery into action someone has said that knowledge is power that is only a half-truth for knowledge becomes power only when it is put into action for the attainment of a definite objective enthusiasm is one of the more powerful means by which we may put into action our education experience and knowledge spoken words without enthusiasm are often ineffective and sometimes they can be actually boredom as you of course know if you have noticed the effect a speaker without enthusiasm has on his listeners I have known lectures to hold audiences spellbound for two hours yet when members of the audience were asked to tell what the speaker had said they could not remember but what they did remember was that the speaker got their attention and held it and now let me explain why enthusiasm has such a powerful impact upon the minds of those who come under its influence to begin with I believe you'll be interested in knowing that your brain and every other person's brain is both a broadcasting station and a receiving station which sends out thought vibrations and pizza those sent out by other people when you turn on your enthusiasm you step up the vibrations of thoughts which go out from your brain so that they reach and affect other people more quickly as a matter of fact you can send out thoughts which have been so stepped-up with silent enthusiasm that they will reach and influence other people to whom you direct your thoughts this is a fact which has been known to psychologists for ages and it is also known to most master salesmen who use this method to condition the and their prospective buyers before they ever talked with him you must have observed that the engine we come now to the ninth visit where we shall analyze the ninth principle of success which is personal initiative personal initiative is the dynamo which starts the Faculty of imagination into action in the process of translating one's definite major purpose into its physical or financial equivalent if you aim for success above mediocrity you will need to learn to act on your own personal initiative because your success is something which you must achieve for yourself without someone telling you what to do or how to do it incidentally Cyrus HK Curtiss the former owner of The Saturday Evening Post and one of my collaborators in organising the science of success philosophy was responsible for a motto on personal initiative of such great importance that I want you to have it said he there are two kinds of men who never amount to much those who cannot do as they are told and those who can do nothing else of course mr. Curtiss implication is very clear he implied that those who amount to something worthwhile in life are those who move on their own personal initiative without being told what to do or why they should do it the men who stand out in the minds of the public as the greatest successes from the days of George Washington on to the present are those who chose their own occupation business or profession and moved on their own personal initiative in achieving their purpose and those who are getting ahead most rapidly today no matter in what position they began are those who promote themselves to a higher place in life by acting on their own personal initiative the habit of personal initiative not only inspires one to move on his own responsibility but it also influences him to carry it through until he completes that which he undertakes in a manner to all concern because he knows that a winner never quits and a quitter never wins and right here is an appropriate place to say something I perhaps should have said before namely but a big success is made up of a great number of little circumstances each of which is so small and seemingly insignificant that most people pass it by as not worthy of know and those who will do nothing else our tenth visit brings us to one of the strangest of the 17 principles of success because it is the principle which makes it possible for you to convert into an asset every adversity every disappointment every defeat and every failure you meet with from now on the remainder of your life yes the principle of learning from adversity makes it possible for you to transmute all your past failures and mistakes into an asset which will help you achieve outstanding success in the future at the very outset of this visit I wish to call your attention to an important fact which may give you immediate possession of the great master key to success namely that your positive mental attitude is the only means by which you may convert adversities defeats and failures into assets it seems to have been intended that everyone should experience adversities defeats and even failures as a part of nature's method of disciplining people to learn how to take possession of their own minds but they creator very wisely provided everyone with the means for converting these experiences into benefits of a priceless value the means being our privilege of maintaining and directing a positive mental attitude despite the benefits which we may get from adversities and unpleasant experiences of every nature no one desires to meet with these experiences once you learn that adversities can be made to pay dividends you will acquire the habit of looking for that seed of an equivalent benefit in each such experience with which you meet my first illustration concerns the man of whom you may have heard and I have no doubt you have eaten some of the food which he produced and marketed throughout the nation as a result of an adversity which would have stopped most men cold the man was Milo C Jones who owned a small farm near Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on which he made only a fair living until he was stricken down with double paralysis which deprived him of every portion of his body except his brain in this hour of his greatest adversity Milo C Jones used his mind took possession of it for the first time in his life perhaps and out of that mind came the idea of raising hogs and converting them into little pig sausage and on that same farm were previous to that adversity he made only in their living he found the seed of an equivalent benefit that compensated him for the loss of the use of his body and lived C little pig sausage yield him a huge fortune isn't it strange that so often people have to be cut down by failure and defeat before they learned that they have minds capable of mastering all of their problems now come to our eleventh visit where I shall present creative vision the success principle which is responsible for the building of all of our plans aims and purposes it has been said that the imagination is the workshop wherein we fashion the purposes of our brain and the ideas of our soul I do not know of a better definition of imagination than this there are two forms of imagination first there is synthetic imagination which consists of organizing and putting together of recognized ideas concepts and facts arranged in a new combination very seldom does anyone create an idea or anything else absolutely new nearly everything known to civilization is but a combination of something that is old secondly there is creative imagination which operates through the sixth sense and has its base in the subconscious section of the brain and serves as the exclusive medium through which basically new ideas or facts are the rules of accurate thinking are so clear and simple but I often wonder why so few people ever take time to learn the rules since accurate thinking is the very foundation of all successful achievements in this visit I shall give you a working description of the rules of accurate thinking which all successful people follow first of all accurate thinking is based on two simple fundamentals they are called inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning inductive reasoning is used when the necessary facts on which to base were thinking are not available in this case you act on hypotheses or what you assume the facts to be deductive reasoning is used when you have the facts or what appear to be the facts on which to base your thinking the next step in accurate thinking is to separate facts from fiction or hearsay evidence and determine whether you are dealing with hypotheses or real facts when you are sure you have dependable facts on which the base your thinking you take the second step by separating these facts into two classes one of these important facts and the other is unimportant facts when you do this you may be surprised that the overwhelmingly greater number of unimportant facts you deal with daily then there are important facts at this point you are almost sure to want to ask the question what is an important fact and how can i distinguish it from an unimportant fact and I shall give you the answer to this very important question by saying that an important fact is any fact which will aid you to any extent whatsoever in attaining the object of your major purpose in life and all other facts as far as you are concerned are unimportant the thirteenth visit brings us to the analysis of a law of nature which is the basis of all of our habits both good habits and the bad this law is a vital part of the 17 success principles because it is the means by which you and every other person can put into operation and irresistible power by which your aims and purposes are attained almost matically by the action of your habits I have named this law cosmic habit force because it is the law which gives definiteness of action to everything which moves throughout the entire universe it keeps the stars and planets in their accustomed places and it fixes the life patterns of every living thing from the smallest insects to the largest animal excepting only man who has been given the means by which he may use this law to establish his own habits and determine his own desires and movements throughout life cosmic habit force binds every living thing lower in the scale of intelligence than man with what we call instinct but man can rise above these fixed patters by which lower forms of life live and establish his own pattern this privilege is the only thing or which man has complete power of control and direction and it is interesting to observe that the Creator never gives man any form of riches without sending along with it the means by which man may do whatever he pleases with those riches like every other natural law cosmic habit force has both a positive and a negative potential application the negative application of this law is called hypnotic rhythm which means among other possible results it fastens upon individuals that by our neck let to fix our thoughts upon the things we desire in life and thereby getting the power of cosmic habit force in attaining these desires the law automatically acts through the negative hypnotic rhythm feature and the fixes our mind on the things we do not desire and attracts to us the physical counterpart of these desires understand this principle of the law of cosmic habit force and obviously you will have a better conception as to how essential it is to keep your mind occupied with the life pattern and the things and circumstances you desire until this pattern is taken over and made permanent by cosmic habit force if you will do this by following all the instructions I have given you in these visits in a short time you will find yourself on the beam and headed directly toward everything you desire and deserve to receive lastly remember that your mental attitude is something you control outright and you must use self-discipline until you create a thought pattern or thought habits which keep your mental attitude positive at all times your mental attitude is important because it acts as a magnet which attracts to you everything every circumstance which makes you what you are and where you are if you wish to keep on the beam that leads to success be sure that you give cosmic habit force a thought pattern based on the things you want most in life and it will do the rest
Channel: Islamic Compilation Notes
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Keywords: 13 principles of success, napoleon hill 13 principles, napoleon hill 13 principles of success, 13 principles of think and grow rich, law of success napoleon hill, napoleon hill 17 principles of success, think and grow rich summary, principles of success, think and grow rich, how to grow rich by napoleon hill, napoleon hill think and grow rich, napoleon hill, napoleon hill outwitting the devil, napoleon hill books, Law of Success, law of attraction, think and grow rich (book)
Id: MgFl3j4Cwts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2016
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