NAO Next Gen : the new robot of Aldebaran Robotics
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Views: 1,878,093
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Keywords: NAO, robot, robotics, new, features, Aldebaran, nouveau, next gen, last version, dernière version, decembre, generation
Id: nNbj2G3GmAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
$15999.00 ..ShutUpAndGiveMeAMortgage?
The fall manager. Wow. I was participant at the Robocup German Open and there's that Nao football competition and I once saw a Nao fall, and break parts of his head, which then flew away. They even had a "Nao repair clinic" there for stuff like this. So I think this fall manager is really a great feature to prevent some more or less fatal accidents.
Although this robot is a baby, This is the future and it gives me chills watching a robot walk faster. It is like watching the first steps of a robotic industry. We are evolving and creating mechanical replicas of ourselves. Fuck Yeah for Humanity!
I read that as 23', so disappointed...
Here is Data doing some comedy
Kneel before the grandparents of our new robot masters
It's cute, but seems infantile in its capabilities.
I want this instead of the Nike McFlys for my future tech toy.
I was really hoping to see it pop & lock or do the robot.