Nandi : Meditation for Focus | Gurudev

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foreign [Music] is also presence of mind with the difference what are those occasions when your mind is in the present moment have you thought about it it's when you are tense you are in the present moment now the Mind became very alert Sharp very attentive when there is fear when there is tension right now now when there is a danger you have nothing to think about past or future you are totally in the present moment correct when you are afraid you are in the present moment when you are angry you are in the present moment but these presence of mind is much different from the presence of mind you have it in meditation what is the difference in meditation there is Serenity and deep relaxation and this presence of mind this is a different huh you are here now and here but not with sharp awareness or focused attention are you getting what I'm saying whenever you are reading a book or doing some work with total focus and total attention in it your presence of mind is there [Music] but that presence of mind is limited or narrowed and it has tension in it on the other hand when you are relaxed you are completely in deep Slumber say or Tundra no um foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign now we will meditate in this meditation what we are going to do we are going to align our mind with the breath and the body okay these three things are aligned that is when the presence is felt present moment you are in correct so we are going to do that this is neither uh Slumber deep sleep nor it is a sharp alertness or awakefulness it's in between it's a restful wakefulness or wakeful deep rest yeah so let us sit comfortably easily first as usual we will chant three times ohm as we chant home we feel the sound from our whole body see sound is Just Energy and our body has billions of cells trillions of cells and these cells reverberates or absorbs energy okay let us make a whole body absorb The Sound Energy of ohm which is total sound which is called the total sound okay um [Music] let's keep our spine erect and body relaxed and breathe in [Laughter] [Music] feel the sound River breaking your whole body oh [Music] oh [Music] my key s keep your eyes closed and keep your body still and immobile [Music] you notice your breath that's rising and falling it's moving up and down in and out [Music] when you breathe in notice your body is tending to become stiffer or straighter and as you breathe out notice your body is getting relaxed incoming breath is tensing and outgoing breath is relaxing sounds the flow of your breath is like that of a fountain the nozzle of a fountain throws the water up and then the water comes down flowing similarly your breath is going in forcibly and coming out relaxing so imagine your breath is moving or your attention is going from your Naval region from diaphragm to the top of the head and it's coming down every time you breathe in take your breath along your spine to the top of the head and let go up take salt in [Music] advance [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this breath is rising up along your spine to the top of the head and coming out from there just your attention on the spine and movement of breath is all combined into one awareness every time you breathe out you are relaxing more and more [Music] [Music] let's keep a big smile on our face as this process is continuing [Music] [Music] foreign sense of expansion in the mind and also sense of centeredness this was [Music] horror Prayer Day Shiva sanski is [Music] let go of other concerns [Music] foreign to the nature of the breath being like a fountain [Music] let go of all other efforts [Music] look at the tiny dots in between the eyebrows and gently take it inward to the center of your head [Music] Beach [Music] is [Music] a tiny dot in between the eyebrow and you are taking that slowly to the center of your skull [Music] or to the root of the brain [Music] foreign [Music] just a gentle awareness and do not try or put any effort now let go all your effort up toward them Jesus Beach foreign [Music] you identified a tiny point in the middle of your head deep inside and you let go of it now let go of all your efforts now relax the body let go of the body consciousness let go of the mind with all its thoughts and emotions when you are letting go of even this effort of meditation [Music] let go on the attention of a breath also absence foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] honey they [Music] as you let go notice smile dawns smile is coming up from somewhere deep inside your Consciousness is smiling as you let go [Music] there is a smile on your face as you let go foreign [Music] let go of all the sensation or any sensation in the world pretty they let it be you let go of it let go of the rhythm of the breath however it goes never mind [Music] let go of your emotions foreign let go of your thoughts and ideas [Music] all your do's and don'ts let go [Music] let go of your effort to smile too and let go of the meditation your intention to do meditation let go of that foreign just be just be this is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] as you let go and let be of everything your heart starts smiling the smile starts arising in your own body [Music] ripples in The Smiling heart of yours [Music] vishram [Music] vishra [Music] oh [Laughter] something shown this show [Music] hmm foreign [Music] foreign of your breath notice the moods of your mind that has changed state of your mind that has changed and notice the sensation in your body has changed the feeling in your body has changed take your time and very slowly and gradually you may open your eyes [Music] namaste [Music]
Channel: Meditations By Gurudev
Views: 142,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meditationsbygurudev, Gurudev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Meditation, Art of Living, Guided Meditation, Peace, Mindfullness, mahashivratri, mahashivratri meditation, meditation shiva, shivratri, shivaratri 2023, mahashivratri 2023, sri sri ravi shankar, gurudev, gurudev sri sri ravi shankar, mindfullness, art of living, guided meditation, meditation, meditation with sri sri ravishankar ji, meditation with gurudev, sri sri, meditation for focus, nandi
Id: EZnhxvEUzNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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