NANDA Nursing Diagnosis: where are they?!

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have you ever wondered where to find the nanda nursing diagnoses to write your care plans in nursing school me too so in this video i'm going to show you exactly where to find them how to write your care plans the easy way let's talk about it all right so i get emails all the time from nursing students asking christina where in the world do i find all of these nand nursing diagnoses and friends is a lot easier than you probably are thinking okay you do not have to go searching around google or the interwebs all over the place trying to find these nursing diagnoses okay you only need one resource and that is this book right here gold okay this is the nursing and diagnosis handbook by ackley and ladwig so right there so you can see all the authors there's you can find it online um this is exactly what i use well it's an older edition this is what i used in nursing school and it literally here on this front page has all of the nursing diagnoses there for you okay so they're all listed there that page and then the next one woohoo and then this whole book has uh what those nursing diagnoses are and then the so you know each page goes through what the nursing diagnosis is the definition of it so you know which one applies the best to your patient so you know exactly what it's talking about they also walk you through the defining characteristics which are the signs and symptoms that you might see then the related two factors which is obviously what you have to write in your care plan too which is the pathophysiology and then it also will walk you through patient goals so it's called client outcomes here and then interventions as well so this book literally writes your care plans for you my friend uh it is a such a handy resource to have in nursing school so you're not you know spending hours searching on google trying to find the uh you know a care plan example or trying to find a nursing diagnosis that matches your patient no no you just come to this book and it makes it so much better i promise you so let's go through real quick how to use it to write your care plan and even if you don't have this book if you really do want to go to google and find it yourself that's fine i'm going to walk you through how to write a care plan in this video too so that you know exactly how to do it no matter what resources you what what resource you use i just really recommend this book because we get that question all the time from nursing students christina where in the world do i find all the nanda nursing diagnoses right here my friend this is it this is your handbook so your care plan when you start nursing school it's gonna look something like this you're gonna see this a lot okay and there's school it's got like a bunch of columns and it's really the nursing process care plans in nursing school i just want you to think okay nursing process okay assessment diagnosis planning implementation and evaluation columns there all right five columns assessment diagnosis planning implementation and evaluation that's what we've got so that is your care plan you're going to assess your patient you are going to make a nursing diagnosis which is exactly what this book helps you to do right helps you figure out the nursing diagnosis um which is how does how is your patient responding to their what's going on with them to their situation to the disorder what have you you know it's not a medical diagnosis it's a nursing diagnosis how is your patient responding what is their response to their situation okay that's the nursing diagnosis then you will get that straight from this textbook you do not need to make it up or anything this is your handbook okay like you need this in nursing school my friends so you don't make up your nursing diagnoses or anything like that it is that don't make it complicated okay you just go to this book and you find the one that fits your patient the best all right they are actually standardized so you can't make them up yourselves okay so the nursing diagnoses they are standardized you just pick from the list easy peasy so that is the what your care plan will look like and then when it's finalized we'll walk through this this is what it's going to look like when you're done okay so you'll have your patient assessment done you know you go to clinical you assess your patient and then oftentimes you know your clinical instructor or your lecturer instructor is going to have you write probably a thousand care plans on your patient okay that's a bit of an exaggeration maybe like three to five okay you're gonna have to write care plans for your patient and starts with the nursing diagnosis so the nursing diagnosis uh whatever diagnosis you choose from that book okay and then the related two factors called the related two factors so why is this happening and that is where the pathophysiology comes in okay i want you to dive deep like figure out what is actually happening with your patient for this to be happening with them okay pathophysiology then you'll have you can have a secondary too uh medical disorder if you wanted to uh some clinical instructors that's optional some of them might really want you to include that so just check with your instructor if they want you to have an actual medical diagnosis listed here next and then the as evidenced by would be next so what are the signs and symptoms that your patient is experiencing that relate to that nursing diagnosis okay now let's go back to the book and i will show you exactly how this works with this textbook okay i kind of did a high level overview before but let's do a deep dive right now so oh ineffective coping let's do it so ineffective coping all right you've got the definition so you can see does ineffective coping apply to my patient yes or no you know if it does then you can use it um defining characteristics okay that is the as evidenced by so that's like the signs and symptoms right so ineffective coping alteration and concentration alteration and sleep pattern uh change in communication pattern so these are all things if they apply to your patient that you can list right here in the as evidenced by on your care plan okay and then uh the related factors so that would be your uh you're related to like the patho rate like why is this happening but it's all right here in the book it's all listed out here for you it makes it so so easy uh and then as we go through our care plan you're going to next make some patient goals here i'm sorry i think the uh camera's gonna go in and out you're gonna make some um patient goals uh and so those can be either short or long term of course your clinical instructor might have some guidance for you with that maybe uh your instructor would want more short-term goals or more long-term goals or a mix or match you know so check with your instructor to see what they want um and then uh so you'll do patient goals and then nursing interventions which includes the rationale okay those are the next steps which of course again you'll come to the book and uh they list out client outcomes that's here under client outcomes those are the patient goals client outcomes and so for ineffective coping you know use effective coping strategies use behaviors to decrease stress uh remain free of destructive behavior towards self or others things like that um so client outcomes those are the client goals the patient goals that uh you could use you know if they applied to your patient put it in your care plan okay and then nursing interventions and the rationales now this is where it gets super cool so in your care plans for nursing school you are absolutely going to have to include not only the nursing interventions that you're going to do to help your patient uh achieve their care plan goals right achieve you know their optimal health so that's what our care plan is for you're not only going to have to include those nursing interventions but you're also going to have to include why why do they matter what is the rationale for them and this book has both of those things for you amazing so nursing interventions and rationales so they're all listed there and there's pages and pages of them if some of these do not apply to your patient totally cool don't use them but if some of them do great write them down use them for your patient okay because they're awesome so it just makes it so easy to go through these interventions get ideas for your patient uh to help how to help them the best like it's just really really nice then they also include the rationale as well you can see actually let me uh zoom in here a bit uh you can see the intervention is kind of in like normal text i guess you would say and then the uh you know the evidence debased nursing rationale it's in like italics italics you're saying that right so normal text is the nursing intervention and then under it in italics is uh the rationale for it so there it's all there for you it just makes it i mean there's pages and pages for each one it makes it so easy to write your care plans like i say this book literally writes your care plans for you and then the last part of your care plan is evaluation so evaluation really just means that you're reassessing your patient okay so this would be where you would list out okay did they meet their care plan goals the goals you set um or did they not and if they did great if they didn't what are you going to tweak or change uh to help them more next time okay not next time they're they're in the hospital but like you know today tomorrow you know when they're there so how are you going to change up your patients care plan to help them reach their goals all right so that is the evaluation it's just another think of it as another reassessment okay that's exactly what it means that's exactly what it is it's a reassessment i should have said this from the beginning i'm not an affiliate for this book uh by any stretch of the imagination like they do not pay me for this i'm just saying all this because i use this in nursing school and it was gold i wish i had known about this book from day one and i didn't i actually didn't know about this book well we had it like it was required textbook for us but i hadn't i never used it i had no idea what it actually was until like halfway through med surg and then it's just it changed everything it will seriously write your care plans for you i know i keep saying that but i hope you believe me because it's amazing um the other thing i want to point out with this book is when you go take care of a patient at clinical they're going to have a bunch of disorders a bunch of things that they're dealing with and things like that so what is very very cool in the front of this book you see this little green tabbed section here right there that is where you'll see disorders and stuff so if you have maybe a pregnant patient or your patient has addison's disease or acute confusion or back pain you can actually just come here and find them by category so let's see let's find another uh let's find a good one that might apply to uh lots of people i always kind of look for oh chest pain that's a good one a chest pain so you're probably gonna have a lot of patients at clinical that present with chest pain okay so if your patient has chest pain well fear might be a nursing diagnosis acute pain of course a risk for decreased cardiac tissue perfusion love it uh so these might be things that you didn't think about these might be nursing diagnoses that you uh you know you had didn't have in your mind before but you can just come here to this green tab section and it lists it based on the issue that your patient might be having um then you can just check you know what they're kind of uh recommended maybe nursing diagnosis or possible nursing diagnoses are for your patient with that particular issue so do you see how this book is just a huge time saver in nursing school i hope you see it now of course you're going to have to write a ton of care plans in nursing school like you've probably already done already if you haven't started nursing school um you know just be prepared for it okay you're going to have to write a ton of them so i really really really want you to watch this video where i'm going to walk you through examples of how to write them okay so i'm going to come alongside you write them with you so you know step by step exactly how to do it so i will see you in the next video of course go become the nurse that god created only you to be i'll see you over there
Channel: NursingSOS
Views: 33,626
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Keywords: nursing student, nursing school, RegisteredNurseRN, Simple Nursing, NursingSOS, Nursing diagnosis handbook betty j ackley, How to use nursing diagnosis handbook, Nursing diagnosis, Nursing school videos, ADPIE, How to succeed in nursing school, How to pass nursing school, surviving nursing school, Student nurse, Nursing care plan, NANDA diagnosis, NANDA nursing diagnosis list, nursing, nursing care plan, day in the life of a nursing student
Id: 60E7ESDiGco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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