Name That Tune - Best ever

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to name that tune well sandy you have 20 points here in the lead and wash you don't have any points yet but you can catch up your cuz bitter note is worth 20 points you are a great to name ur sandy even practicing or what years and years how do you what do you do to practice I listen to the radio a lot in records and it has been a lifelong dream to be on name that tune I'm so happy to be here I'm glad we could do it for you and you're doing great just great watch that's an unusual name watch where did that come from well Jim that came from my grandfather's name was washed uh-huh and actually it was my mother's first chance out of ten kids to name a child my dad was gonna name me Bobby but my mom stuck to her guns and she said hey he's name is washed that's your dad's name don't forget oh that's great well nobody's ever gonna forget you I tell you with a name like watch good luck and I hope you both remember tunes very well because it's time to play bitter note and here's how it works I'll Rekluse two well-known tunes then you'll bid against each other as to how few notes it'll take you to name that tune the first player to score three Tunes wins 20 points and a great prize in this case you need it to tie it up whosh here is your first clue introduced as the title tune of a 30s Broadway musical this tune later appeared in the film Young Frankenstein and was revived in 1984 you won the last round so you start dandy wash I can name that tune in 6 no sandy I can name that tune and four knows that too alright sad you get a chance to name the tune here's your clue once again introduced as the title tune of a 30s Broadway musical this tune later appeared in the film Young Frankenstein and was revived in 1984 listen carefully here are your 3 notes Andy oh I'm sorry putting on the ribs 19 he's 84 is quoted by taco you got it you scored a point nice going there's still four more to go sandy here's the next one this song was the first Beatle release on Apple Records and Paul McCartney was the featured singer this time you start the bidding wash sandy I can name that tune watch I can name that tune in one note oh she's going forward watch all right here's your clue one more time sandy this song was the first Beatle release on Apple Records and Paul McCartney was the featured singer here is your one note Michele oh I'm sorry Hey Jude think get an owner that she given it a gimmicky with two notes all right it's dude enough to know there's still three more to go sandy you've got a chance but one more and you've tied it up we'll go to a tiebreaker wash here is your next clue a big favorite among jazz musicians this swingin song features the flashy width of Rodgers and Hart start the bidding with sandy wash I can name that tune Andy you renting this - no I'm gonna name it and free those wash me met - all right wash you have three yeah three notes wash listen carefully again to your clue a big favorite among jazz musicians this swingin song features the flashy width of Rodgers and Hart here are your three notes with the song of the heart oh the lady is a the lady you got him down to the one very very tight game here's your next clue contestants listen carefully this canine classic was inspired by Annette Funicello I repeat this canine classic was inspired by a net Funicello start the betting with wash I can name that tune in or nose wash I can name that tune in trio ok got yourself in the corner here sandy name this tune to stay alive once again here is the clue this canine classic was inspired by a net Funicello here are your three notes I'm sorry puppy love puppy lovin you you've won around you tied the score and now we go to a tiebreaker one tune for everything you have 20 points you have 20 points whoever names this next tune goes on to the golden medley so listen very carefully all importance and name that tune well I'll tell you what you didn't get the tiebreaker but you did win didn't know what didn't wash win for what in better note first of all we have a pair of rowers let phytomass to help you get in shape with these hydraulic growers featuring heavy-duty frame an independent tension control roland Stiles will by the master and wants something else for you you guys are sensational once by the way drift someone I try to play back thing once again thanks for playing name that tune ok you go out of here we're going to take sandy go here sandy in just a moment you're going to play the golden medley and sandy may have a chance to go on playing our $100,000 tournament champion can she make it we'll find out we get back we'll be right back you name that too much sandy here we are at the golden medley that was close that was really a close game but you made it now here's what we want you to do we were going to play seven songs or seven tunes and 30 seconds for each tune that you name we will give you two hundred and fifty dollars in prizes but sandy if you name all seven tunes in 30 seconds you will play in our monthly Tournament of Champions for over $100,000 in cash and prizes somebody's gonna win it and might as well be you right I think it's right okay now when we play the golden medley remember if at any time you give me an incorrect title the game is automatically over so if you're unsure of a title just hit the button and say pass we'll come back to it at this time left on the clock you understand that all right very good don't have to call me sir I'm just old Jim little time relax if you can okay you have 30 seconds I am rooting for you darling are we with sandy here all right listen very carefully sandy and here is tune number one pass on number one all right number one is passed listen carefully here is tune number two and you have one that's $250 in prizes and you pass them to number one we'll come back to that up there's time listen to to number three or are you sleeping brother John either one is alright okay a lot of time you have 23 seconds remaining and listen to tune number four okay final act 21 sex Dylan 21 seconds you've named three tunes you have 750 dollars in prizes here is tune number five you are just doing it the 17 seconds remaining on the clock there's still two more Tunes you haven't heard here is tune number six you got it you made me love you is right you got five one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars in prizes here's the only one you haven't heard yet here is tune number seven oh sorry it's I Love Lucy or disco
Channel: jeditomfrombayside
Views: 307,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Name, That, Tune
Id: UX_gltKb3xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2012
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