Name That Song Challenge with Blake Shelton

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♪ Name that song ♪ ♪ Name that song challenge ♪ -My opponent tonight is an award-winning musician and a coach on NBC's "The Voice." Give it up for Blake Shelton! [ Cheers and applause ] -Hello! -Wow, wow! -How you doing, man? -Really coming in hot. -Thank you. -Wow, wow. [ Laughs ] Yes, I appreciate that. -Let's hug now. -Let's hug now, exactly. -Hug now. -You coming in hot, man. You came in like you're ready to win this game. -Mm-hmm. -Here's how the game works. The Roots are going to start playing a song, one instrument at a time. Blake and I can buzz in and guess as soon we know the song. -One instrument at a time? -Yeah. -Okay. [ Laughter ] -That's not the tricky part of the game, yeah. Blake and I can buzz in and guess as soon as we know the song. -What if it's just you? We can't -- -Yeah. -This is bull crap. -What are you talking about? You can guess it by the beat. -Why is your game so stupid? Go ahead. [ Laughter ] -If you guess wrong, the other person gets a chance to steal. Play along at home. Roots, let's hear the first song. -We're going. Here we go. -Whenever you're ready. Good to see you, Blake. -What are you doing? -This is my stance. -All you got to do is hit the button. -No, no. I'm in the button stance. [ Drums playing ] [ Bass guitar plays ] [ Electric guitar plays ] [ Beep ] -Is that the Doobie Brothers? -No, of course it's not. -Damn it! [ Beep ] [ Laughter ] -That is "Jolene" by Dolly Parton! [ Ding ] [ Cheers and applause ] -Am I disqualified? -♪ Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene ♪ Oh, yeah! I love that song! [ Cheers ] Yeah, you should listen to some Dolly Parton, she's a legend. -I don't know why I come to this show. -This is fantastic. Let's keep playing the game. Please, I miss Johnny Carson so badly. -This is great. This is fantastic. [ Laughter ] Thank you, buddy. [ Drums playing ] [ Beep ] "Tainted Love"? [ Ding ] [ Cheers and applause ] -Give me a break. [ Cheers and applause ] - ♪ Sometimes I feel I've got to ♪ ♪ Run away, I've got to ♪ ♪ Get away ♪ ♪ You don't really want anymore from me ♪ ♪ Something ♪ It's called Soft Cell. -♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪ -Yeah, it's called Soft Cell. You should check them out. They're legends. [ Laughter ] -There is no way you guys are satisfied with this. -This is fantastic. -My God, man. -I know you know that song. -Oh, my God. -This is so much fun. I love having you on, dude. [ Laughter ] Let's hear the next song. [ Guitar chord ] [ Beep ] "Desire", U2? -No. -Thank God! I get the point? -No, no. You get the chance to steal. Oh, I know it! [ Beep ] You've got to guess it. -I'm taking my time. [ Beep ] "In the Air Tonight." [ Ding ] [ Cheers and applause ] -My God. They played the song! That wasn't even hard. You're clapping too loud and it's scaring me. [ Laughter ] They basically played the whole song for you, basically. Besides Phil not being here, that's the only thing that was missing in that. Okay, let's hear -- -Man, you're so competitive. Look at you. You're getting defensive. -I'm in the zone. -You're getting defensive. -No, you're trying to get in my head and I'm not going to let it happen. -Oh, my God. -All right, this is March Madness. -I mean, you had your right foot forward earlier when you were winning. There you go. [ Laughter ] Here we go. Here we go. Don't think about it. -Ready? -I feel like Adam Levine right now. [ Drums playing ] [ Beep ] -"On the Road Again," Willie Nelson. [ Buzzer ] -Ooh! -Come on! -Wait, it basically was that same backbeat, but you buzzed in too soon. Ready? -Ready? -Yeah. -Okay. [ Drums playing ] -♪ On the road again ♪ It is, too! Yes, it is! -It's not -- -This is bull crap! -No, he's not done! Let him play the song! [ Drums playing ] [ Bass guitar playing ] -Oh. [ Beep ] -Oh. "Hard to Handle." -Yeah, "Devil Went Down to Georgia," Charlie Daniels. -Oh, was it? [ Ding ] [ Cheers and applause ] You played "Hard to Handle," and he played frickin' "On the Road Again." -Hey, come on, hey. Calm down. -That was "Hard to Handle"! [ Mimicking guitar riff ] Yes, this is bull crap! -All right, hey. Come on. Here we go. This is great. It's a close game. You're doing my stance! All right. Here we go. Let's hear the next song. Yeah! [ Laughter ] -Why do I do this show? All I wanted to do was sing my song and leave. [ Laughter ] -I'm just so happy you're here. [ Keyboard plays ] [ Laughter ] -Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's that? [ Guitar plays ] [ Drum plays ] [ Audience shouting ] [ Beep ] -Was I supposed to know that? -Stop, stop, stop. No, no. All I know is that Blake is in a lot of trouble right now. [ Laughter ] I had no idea. I swear. I had no idea. -Bull crap! -I had no idea. -Yes, you did! -I had no idea. That is "Hollaback Girl." [ Ding ] [ Cheers and applause ] -That's why you got the tuba out. -Oh, my gosh. You are -- you are in so much trouble, dude. You are in so much trouble, I don't even know what to tell you. Oh, my God. We could edit it out and have you say it. -I came to this show to promote my album and I am losing everything! [ Laughter ] Everything in my life! [ Laughter and applause ] -Losing everything in my life. All right. -Jeez. -Here we go. -Can we do Seth Meyers next time, so his show? [ Laughter ] -You ready? -Yes. -How many is that? It's over, isn't it? -No, it's very close. It's, like, 15-1 or something. [ Guitar plays ] [ Drum plays ] -Oh, it's that trick again. [ Band plays ] [ Beep ] I just saw that you were about to push. That's Johnny Cash. Is that Johnny Cash? -It's Johnny Cash, right? [ Ding ] [ Cheers and applause ] Thank y'all. Thank you Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank y'all. -This final song is worth 10,000 points. -Oh. -So it's anyone's game. -Okay. -Whoever gets this, wins the whole game. -Ready? -Don't play my girlfriend's songs, man. It screws me up. [ Laughter ] -One -- [ Guitar plays ] [ Beep ] -American -- It's not, "American Girl." Sorry. [ Buzzer ] -Oh! -I thought it was -- -Do it again. -Let me just listen for a little while here. [ Laughter ] [ Guitar plays ] [ Drum plays ] [ Band plays ] [ Beep ] Oh, no, no. You're not gonna take that. You don't get that. You're out. You're out! You're out. [ Beep ] Did it push? Yes! -Make the sound! [ Beep ] "Footloose." -Oh, my gosh! [ Ding ] Winner! [ Cheers and applause ] The winner, Blake Shelton, everybody!
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 10,839,277
Rating: 4.8796868 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Name That Song Challenge, Blake Shelton, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, music, Texoma Shore, If I'm Honest, Bringing Back The Sunshine, The Voice, Ol' Red, Gwen Stefani, The Roots, Hollaback Girl, Dolly Parton, Jolene, Tainted Love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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