Naked Science - Loch Ness
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Naked Science
Views: 2,349,609
Rating: 4.6592875 out of 5
Keywords: loch, ness, monster, nessie, folklore, mystery, naked, science, truth, legend, creature, living, extinct, dinosaur, plesiosaur, photograph, film, exist, ancient, animal, observation, scientific, real, discovered, documentary, lake, underwater, history, sighting, surgeon, photo, scotland, enigma, beast, head, emerging, teeth, coelacanth, triassic, geology, deep, hunter, skeptic, project, zooplankton, giant, fish, seiche, sturgeon, log, boat, wake, evidence, dinsdale, analysis, alien, hoax, marmaduke, wetherell, footprint, witness, theory, scottish, highlands
Id: mJ4Ngqj5wO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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