Naga Mage is the hardest deck ever! But maybe the best too?

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hey everyone this is Naga Mage the new version it's back uh this card got unnerfed a while ago but it hadn't been quite making the cut and I think people figured out how to put reverberations in the deck and the deck is actually really really good but don't believe the statistics on this deck uh because they don't really applied uh until you get good at it if you look at Naga Mage um it has overall about a 42 win rate and when I started those first 20 games that's what I had I played about 20 games and I had a 32 win rate it was really bad I was struggling it's really really hard then all of a sudden things started clicking started going up got to then we climbed and climbed and climbed got to 50 win rate so that's adjusting for the first 20 games and then at the end of the stream they had been about a 55 One Rate so that's including the first 20 games so realistically we had about a 30 win rate and then switched to a 70 win rate once we got good at it uh that being said this is very very hard deck this is not a deck that if you want the easy spend your Mana blah blah blah like you you have lots and lots of tough decisions and you have to make them very very quickly but what is the basic concept of the Naga major uh I don't know if you guys watch on the old one but basically this Naga siren when you play a Naga after this you get you get two Mana refresh and then you play a spell so you just go back and forth um now it used to be easier because you had to do because you had cards like flurry uh which are no longer in standard for zero Mana but you don't have cards like that so it's a little bit trickier but there are ways kind of around this one we have uh flame geysers so that can get you more Mana um and you could just wait till later turns um you could also even do things like with your infants the maxitude uh and your vast wisdom you can get cheaper spells sometimes that can matter but why is this deck doing really well in addition because what it used to be is a good Tempo deck on turn five or turn six your opponent's going this you make a big board but the problem is either decks would be aggressive and kill you or if you did that play um what they would do is they would just clear your board and it wouldn't be a big deal well now you can otk um and it's really hard I've got one game today where I pulled it off uh but because of Frozen touches and spell damage uh sometimes you can even randomly generate into a uh you could randomly generate a polymorph jellyfish to get another plus two spell damage what you can do is stuff where you go spy less siren you go reverberations on your spotless siren and then you do pop-off play uh but you do Frozen touches so uh and especially if you have a commander let's see if you have two infused Frozen touches uh you go to the Frozen touches you go the commander uh you have the spell damage and you might be able to go you know eight Frozen touches with plus two spell damage if you do it right and do something like 40 damage uh you can do ridiculous amounts of damage with this deck it's really hard though so I'm giving you the overview of the idea uh I'll show you some games of the execution but it's not easy to pull off don't expect this deck to be the oh I couldn't pull off the otk keep working on it uh your brain will get better just keep on being like okay I need to do this I need to pop off later I needed to pop off there oh I did this wrong order I needed to go for this card uh I ran out of Mana oh maybe I didn't need to do double reverberations on the Spy lash maybe I just needed to hold back uh you need to keep making these adjustments and getting your brain more information uh it's a it's a really deck where you can't do too much uh thinking with your prefrontal cortex I mean that that uh it's a deck you really have to trust your automatic pilot this is a performance psychology thing where if you you have to just go with it and trust and then adjust later and get better uh because the plays are so fast um but yeah so but yeah because you can win with otks you can beat blood death that you can beat control priests and you can beat those decks pretty reliably once you get good at them I was getting good at the end but I still am not quite there but I have an example that worked out really well so uh bottom line this deck is so much fun it's great to be back um I highly recommend it if you're playing for fun to play this or if you you like a challenge but if you want that easy deck to get the legend this is not your choice but if you want but I will say the players are saying uh who get pocket trains got number one Legend zacko who's the statistic guy who's usually saying oh this deck is bad uh the pros just think and think it's good since it's actually really good once you get to that point so if you want to challenge uh go for it uh you can have a lot of fun so in general what am I keeping in the Bogan always keep spite lash usually keep school teacher school teacher is really nice to give it something for your spy lash always keep vicious and then sometimes I'm keeping uh uh going first I I might keep some like empathize and Arcane intellect or Crush claw um I find those are good going first but on coin I often will throw them away it's a little more awkward but uh I think you you do want some of those initial Tempo items sometimes uh sometimes if I have a spell Collier like a flame gazer geyser because you have coin I'll keep that especially against something like like an aggro deck so if my opponent's playing you know uh death knight probably playing on holy keeping flame guys in your spell spell coiler uh is really is really nice because you get to go the flame guys are one remove their minion and then go spell color and two so you can get some initial Tempo plays for the early game but the big cards you want are spite lash uh I think that's the big card that you want uh in the early game so anyways got some games for you guys enjoy I feel like Commander to keep here but I could easily be tripping thank you for the raid welcome buddy you're playing some Naga mage we are skill testing ourselves you think we're the 40 months get an awesome train thanks so much Alexander I just could have might have been a bad play pink pass might have been better but actually gets rid of cards at her hand so it actually I feel like works out correctly um uh we were doing terrible and now we're doing just fine which is fun right um objection is insane here all right Chad I got heart turn coming up hard turn coming up spell logo spell Naga spell Chicago spell Naga comprehension so spell something ah wherever okay we're okay the the the second spell uh screws with their head like the second secret even though it's an ice barrier like they might mess up here you know what I mean um see how they just played around carousel um which is probably good for us right I mean I guess it didn't really but like because yeah it's probably I don't know um let's draw two oh let's review it's finally here I can draw okay we got another siren play coming up all right well it's an argument it's really fun really hard expect to suffer for the first 20 games and then it starts to be very satisfying uh but expect to suffer [Music] Ed spell s [Music] spell [Music] I kind of want to hold some stuff value I don't know this is I feel like I screwed this turn up to be honest foreign but like it's like it just can be fun it doesn't have to doesn't have to win games necessarily um thank you yeah so uh yeah it's fun and I mean I I still think it's like it's less APM and more decision p.m like my APM is good enough to play this deck like if I were uh a 100 perfect brain but with bad APM I would be number one Legend with this deck but like like a a brain that just could execute like that would know the best play like in their brain um is it lethal I I probably should have gone uh I like I could have dude an Arcane intellect here it's turned so hard like like I just already wasted too much time thinking because I want to go River I think I'm gonna go reverberations on their no muncher twice um like that's my instinct here well you can't really fill with a cut with the Arcane intellect that's not guaranteed lethal so it's time runs out on me I'd probably just go for it next turn we go Naga spell and then Arcane right another six truck here thank you so this is tough I didn't get what I wanted here um I kind of want to save uh some of the stuff right like for uh liking I can triple I can do like five of these or a lot of damage right uh I needed to hit like like crunch claw or something there and then um it's bad let me see if I ever lethal here no I don't right foreign [Music] can I ever set up a two turn here probably not so we'll just kill let's kill this thank you who here can spell anybody hmm mine runs out on me pick me pick me [ __ ] foreign is that exact chat uh 16 wow Chad look at that thing of beauty H for 16 and then three yeah dude let's go does that make sense so like how do you win against basically a hunter without King Crush you have to win the battle but but with like lothamar so their stuff's all really big um you have to play the value War uh and if you don't know how to play the valley War that's not that's that's something that um is not easily taught like that's not a oh this is how you do it that's a that's a that's a 30 minute lecture on like what value Hearthstone is of like um so foreign is just like okay I'll give you the this we are trying to kill our opponent all right that is my goal but there is not a clear easy path to Victory uh it is complex and full of uh so how do we kill our opponent like our well some match was very simple like games it's very simple you play minions you win that's Tempo Hearthstone value Hearthstone there's a lot of different ways and there's like your opponent's trying to kill you so not only you have to kill them but you have to stop them from killing you uh it gets complicated really fast okay so for example this is a spot where normally I'd say vibrations for spiteless siren but I can do an insane play here I can go reverberations kill this and this is uh and then play this guy uh so I switched to a I preferred tempo oversaving for Value there um because it's such an insane type of play I deny them so much Tempo and value here and but at the cost of me doing this insane pop-off but this is a Tempo matchup we're against priest I might not do that because the value the value structure is changes against priests um I actually mistake I made I probably should have played flame every month until there why because it would be a 2-3 which is not as much Tempo but this is useful if we draw spy lash do you see how I just make a mistake there how all so value Hearthstone is looking at all these little things and adding them up to make like to for good place basically so you have to make a lot of good decisions over a long period of time to win which is tough uh because you're not gonna just be able to win with these Simple Rules like what's my win condition you have to look at lots of different things lots of different passive Victory uh and figure out how you're winning um and plow players stumble into this but some players will will never like never really learn this stuff um just like how to think about the game uh like how they're trying to win what they're trying to do all that stuff it's hard uh I'm not gonna lie it is hard it is not uh it is not easy should I say it wasn't easy because it wasn't it is hard um getting started good I would say fire sale fire sale is actually insane even though shooting star is good too like this is a full player so this gives me so much time so when you don't have a clear path you know the Victory and you have a long game uh you don't have to think of like okay how am I winning and you have all these little decisions that add up um but then after a while sometimes you can get to a clear path to Victory okay this is how I'm winning but um often in initial stages and that's why it's hard for law players because they want these like simple rules to live by um where they're like okay what do I do with this matchup and it's like the answer is unclear you know I don't think I want a fire seal here so right now here I'm basically because I have this fire sale I don't have to do a high Tempo play I'm I'm getting rid of their infinite value generator and I'm saving them to like to to that because I'm going for this kind of this where normally what do you do in this matchup you just pop off on this chart like that's what we normally do when I'm figuring out so so that's why when you're playing priests against Hunter you you have so many of these late game value decisions but there's so many paths and there's so many different things going on and you have to have like your own way of looking at the game um and that's the value Warrior uh and that's I think Pete Carson uh I think Tempo Hearthstone which is like all about like just kill your opponent as fast as you can uh now there is a Tempo should always be a part of hearthstone but when you don't have value-based decisions and it just like pure like speed um and like the value is always speed like hearthstone's pretty dumb in my opinion um but yeah that's annoying everyone anyone for the best I could clear this five five I think I want to hold here so now bye it's really good volcomants he's so good too though I think it's full commencing actually it's like so freaking good because I can do another full player right um every time but like problem is like a chip damage like matters so I think it's volcomensy there yeah I mean so I'll cast demon Hunters much more Tempo focused like kill your opponent before you stop where you know a value-based deck it like has a lot more a value-based matchup has a lot more like Okay I hold this resource because I need it for later for Tempo base is more like I usually usually like holding is incorrect so uh Tempo and aggro are are usually often thought of the same concept but they're not aggro just like hitting your opponent in the face it's like getting best for Tempo is more about like the speed uh usually so is it board but like yeah so um uh I'm kind of in trouble here though oh here we go thank you well things are a little crazy there at the end uh if I were faster I could have power chord synchronized and got another Naga which have been great but I was not fast enough um foreign for next turn leave a dump a card yeah I mean just like it's just naturally the way now it's my my way my way is probably not often the most efficient way to play it but it's also like otks are really hard for me because there's just too many decisions um uh where so your brain will probably naturally find those lines better than me my brain you know hmm I don't even have okay let's just keep doing this foreign [Music] out here for lethal after the weapon head here um do they generate some four face damage here that would really suck got him uh chat yes and uh set up I'd probably have to get some new setup which sounds complicated scary pocket train how hard is otking somebody like with I mean I guess I'll watch your your Technique is it like uh because it's like I have board space issues I know I've seen you I've seen you kill things off but it's like it just seems like an incredibly difficult like mechanics like like that aren't just like easy to master if that makes sense like it's not just like oh you just do this it doesn't feel like that um the more you'll stress out the better I still mess up yeah so I don't know it's it's some of these lines like I can they look so complex so it's like to to get into your auto because you have to do them fast too it's gonna be like right so they have to be in like your autopilot which uh sounds difficult I'm not gonna lie oh yeah anybody uh my hand's so awkward here not even sure what I'm supposed to go for [Music] like I want to save coin really badly here but like it's so awkward to save coin here I do this this gets me two cards out of my hand I just feel like I need the dump cards here and nothing else is dumpable um I think I pop off on I think I pop off uh unless I top dragonaga right because I can go this coin Naga I think I pop off on turn seven here I don't even know how to otk though it's like sounds so hard like I don't even know like what I should be going for here it just sounds so complex infused touch inside some small damage stuff yeah I don't have any of that so J Barry thank you so much prime I don't really think I want to dump here to be honest all right I got I've got a plan for next turn Chat I'm a man that's the plan all right if I no myself in there thank you just keep doing things until they die oh God spell Naga so spell Naga did I do this okay I might have actually I don't know I have to uh Frozen touches here can I like um so I have to like keep on killing like what if I'm using Frozen touches on my minions then I don't I guess I can use it multiple times right oh this is annoying oh objections okay okay [Music] um oh there's savara okay let's see let's see if I can pull it off pocket train I'm just going in oh God Saga spell Naga spell yoga spell dragon do I have it here at 25 right actually I do have it here I'm missing it let's go uh is it APM wizard I gotta move foreign foreign anybody too many three-minute spells I could start the nagas [Music] um I think I go on on turn six though what's that um foreign dude I like that they keep doing things till they die became relevant like a year later it's good to be back oh I think I popped off now wait do I pop off you don't have anything I think I'm gonna wait a turn okay [Music] spell another [Music] spell foreign I could have waited a turn I wasn't sure if I should but especially because I like saw that I could get another siren pretty easily there I thought it was better to go in all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a freaking Jam sessions here that's so fast foreign like they didn't have the the proper play they had to react um now I just draw some cards and do another slight lash play in the future right you can go spite less into sir Finley on turn eight anybody I think about otk here or could Iota key here maybe with like some fuses I don't know a little hard actually so thank you spell yoga spell Naga spell another I panicked probably still winning but this is hard to I had a lot of different I get better at it but like foreign I mean the play was so complex there at the end like I don't know I don't know I was like I I mean I think if I had like I had another something something that should have happened hey they have to up there did they throw there I think they might have thrown there I could have gone the two minute spell first right declared maybe they weren't thinking about the flame spell they're thinking about objection I only wanted to get the Buffs on the guys too but pretty sure I just went with value now right do I win with value uh I can go sir Finley but like my deck is only a frozen touch right like a one Frozen touch it's not that good here right I can't actually will pop off maybe I just kill things one by one by hand here and just went that way I don't know [Music] relaxation or another thing in the pool but I might have I don't know I could have gone sir Finley there but I only have one spell on my deck so it's tough or two spells so I can't like do the pop-off that I wanted there I could have killed I don't know maybe that's supposed to kill this instead actually I couldn't yeah I don't know we killed this instead I might be losing now [Music] deep what time runs out on me foreign thank you I wonder foreign runs out on me the objection is huge here blocks a lot of things nice spirit probably I'm good foreign block like some sort of uh like you know seven Mana weapon or something so it's tough the ice barrier is insane um I'd like to draw commander and together time to wash away the film ain't that good time runs out on me true strength rises from the album ah a what to do what to do ah the Queen's traveled I wonder laughs remember true strength Rises From the Ashes thank you I wonder who had a eight life next turn so I don't dye the seven minute weapon here I think so I don't add a seven minute weapon and I have power blast lethal next turn so um seven yes that would be seven damage um it's eight and they're one off and then our power bus lethal here um wait do I not get there here shut no no I buy pyroblast because I get through the taunt all right spell chat feels good man I actually knew the part this for the lethal there it's crazy what a weird game trap what a weird freaking game [Music]
Channel: NohandsGamer
Views: 3,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 6sec (3906 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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