Nadia Comaneci Reflects on her Perfect 10, 41 Years Later

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♪ [inspiring] [crowd cheering] Announcer:<i> A 10 has gone on the board. That's perfection,</i> <i> and that is Olympic history for Nadia Comaneci.</i> Well, it feels great to come back to Montreal, always emotions when I come here. Even though I've been a couple of times since the games in '76, just because I also lived here for a year and a half. And everything that's happening today with me, and my life, it's because of that moment that happened here in Montreal. [cheering and applause] Announcer:<i> An extraordinarily composed young lady at 14.</i> Nadia:<i> Yes, I was a kid, but I think I knew what I was doing,</i> <i> you know, people -- they were thinking I was a kid,</i> <i> but I thought that in my gymnastics</i> <i> I've been so many years in to the sport</i> <i> that I didn't consider myself a young person.</i> <i> And I just thought about, you know, I know what I've done</i> <i> in training, this is what I'm supposed to do here</i> <i> just to be able to concentrate, of course I was overwhelmed</i> <i> by so many people because there was a big arena,</i> <i> and a lot of noise from every direction.</i> <i> But I think I was prepared for that</i> <i> and I was telling to myself all the time.</i> <i> You know, this is the Olympics.</i> <i> I cannot make a mistake. This is one shot.</i> [cheering and applause] Announcer:<i> 10 she's got. She's got another 10.</i> [cheering and applause] Announcer:<i> It is quite incredible.</i> Nadia:<i> I didn't -- I knew that 10 was a big deal,</i> because I've done gymnastics for eight -- nine years before, and I've done competitions, and I did the same routines before, but because I was too young to understand that. <i> And I think it was better that I didn't understand.</i> <i> I didn't come here to Montreal to make history.</i> <i> I didn't even know what that meant, to make history.</i> <i> Nobody told me that a perfect 10 was never scored</i> before in Olympic history. So I just went to do whatever I planned to do, <i> and whatever I trained to do.</i> [applause] Announcer:<i> Faultless. Absolutely faultless.</i> <i> She is a magnificent gymnastic.</i> As the older I get, I realize that what I've done was such a big thing, which I didn't realize then. You're 14, and I look around when I see kids that 13, 14 years old, and I think I was that age when I was like, "I know what I'm doing. I'm going to go to the Olympics." <i> I -- still question myself how a little kid</i> <i> has that kind of drive to be able to do that.</i> ♪ ♪ You just go, girl. That's what I was saying. Yeah, never give up, and just follow what you feel inside your heart. Announcer:<i> Olympic champion, Nadia Comaneci.</i> [applause and cheering] But there was the moment everything came together.
Channel: CBC Sports
Views: 3,375,145
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Keywords: nadia comenici, perfect 10, 1976 olympics, perfect score, gymnastics, gymnast, romania, montreal olympics, 1976, olympic games, montreal, looks back, sit-down interview, feature interview, cbc sports, tim thompson
Id: huXxqrC6WDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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