Myth of the Power Couple ©

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we could put this miss for club song on repeat does it seem to forget how much you were hurting me do what's right you say you will put then you don't you just don't you don't care because you don't take me serious [Music] but are you on a lifetime sentence and you'll no longer fame I present so you thought I will let this day be thought you knew me so much better you're on a lifetime sentence so now you never feel my presence so he thought I will let this lead don't you know me so much [Music] [Music] [Music] putting you on a lifetime sentence you'll no longer fame a present so I thought I would let this a thought you know me so much that Iran a lifetime sentence so now you never feel my presence so he thought I will let this lead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what I'm getting come on [Music] [Music] leaving all City tender-age in the chat room [Music] what's going on what's going on what is going on people we're back we're back we're back for another shiz oh and tonight is going to probably go down in the record books as of one of the most needed shows in quite a while but before we get into this for those who don't know my name is Kevin Samuels I'm a professional personal and corporate image consultant life coach and your all-around Godfather style and my job is to help people look good smell good look great smell good to be the best each and every day and then part of that comes down to once you're looking good smelling good you gotta end up going somewhere and life happens out there I have events before the corona that I was called MIT men and training to where I would gather men from around the country in a city and we would do a weekend of business you know a white a boardroom meeting an afternoon practical excursion and then an EP and a dinner and evening on the town see I firmly believe that it's good to talk about stuff but at some point you're gonna have to just you know show your work you're gonna have to do what you're supposed to do and the talking needs to stop when the work needs to be done and that whole show your work thing has been a blessing in a lot of ways for me my business my clients and the things in which I believe because it cuts all the talk out I mean you don't have to like me you don't have to like how I do things you don't like the way I dress any of that but what you can't argue with is the work so getting guys together men together help them become the man they always thought they would be the vision of themselves and moving it forward to it I also recently launched my own Facebook group called the mix and over there we do just that personal professional mixing men should be confident intelligent and assertive CIA conversely women should be FBI feminine beautiful and inspirational that's kind of what this platform is built on excuse me we got to get the Red Bull and let's change out the candle because we're going to need some spiritual help tonight because we're taking on the topic that's been needing some discussion in the black community and you see it right there the myth of the Black Power couple now give me a favor in the chat room let me know about how long you've been watching my platform about how long have you been watching my plan you this is a tomato think it's good for you think again one simple trick in controlling away cardiothoracic surgeon Stephan Gundry says he solved the weight loss you let's do that testing testing 1 2 3 this happened I don't know or dumped Anila don't know there we go right there alright so don't know what just happened but YouTube dropped the channel for a second but we're back we're back we are back alright now we're back like I said baby we build airplane why we're flying it so we get into it yeah guys understand something when I'm looking this way and the screen is here we do what we can so and somehow YouTube in midstream switched my account whoa you better know what you are doing when you own this side of the camera because anything can happen anything can happen this is not network TV this is youtube so as I was saying this whole black power couple myth that is just what it is it is a myth it is a myth it is a myth it is a myth if you notice the thumbnail who is it it's none other than Will and Jada Smith over the last 30 years if you've heard any black woman talk about marriage or relationship especially if she's a college-educated black woman you will have likely heard her say ooh I want to be the next Will and Jada I want to be the next Will and Jada okay black meet black man you know you've heard this I want to be the next were you gonna be the next Will and Jada or if it's in the last 25 years it's been ooh jay-z and Beyonce want to be jay-z and Beyonce and in the last 15 years it's been Barack and Michelle sometimes it's even Michelle and Barack three couples over in every for the 30 20 or 10 years think about it so we only get one it's like every 10 years we get some couple to look up to before that who was it huh I don't know give me Weezy I mean before that it was Claire and cliff Huxtable uh-oh before it before jay-z before Will and Jada in the 80s we had Claire and cliff in the 70s what do we have we had you know James Evans got killed so we had Weezy and George and before that we had the two all-stars Malcolm mount Martin and Coretta and the amalgam and Betty for an entire group of people we have had seven oh two three three billing billing a cliff I mean Claire and cliff Weezy and George for an entire 40 million people we've had seven couples to look up to seven seven so any little girl growing up without a father in the household said I want to be like Claire and cliff or I want to be like Will and Jada or Beyonce and jay-z or Barack and Michelle that's the that's been up on the Mount Rushmore of goals to be especially when you come from an environment where you don't see men and women married that's the goal that's the ideal so is it any surprised when we hear women on my show from time to time have unrealistic goals when it comes to relationship when it comes to marriage is it any surprise that if you're gonna have to dream dream big I mean right Ozzie and Ozzie and I was the people who talked about Ossie and Ruby Dee that's my mother's generation and on YouTube YouTube does not skew that old people but the point is in the black community we have always had this perfection myth part of it comes from where the black church this Messiah then everyone this perfection you got to be perfect how many times have you heard a woman say I wasn't ready yeah I met a guy but I was too immature and I wasn't ready and I needed to go get this I needed to do that I needed to do all this stuff and then I'll be ready hello come on man how many times have we heard this how many times we heard black folks say this but let's get well before we get started man are y'all kidding we got 500 likes no that is unacceptable we are gonna have like the world's biggest intermission if we don't get these lights up to over 800 come on man I get it yeah I got excited I got excited I saw Will and Jada then you came in and the sound was kind of tripping I get it but let's go back and hit the like button people let's go back and hit the like button let's get we're gonna also need at least ten people to drop something to chat because uh no these suits don't by themselves okay let's keep it going seriously though man we don't have to get the likes up where we at where are we at we're not even halfway there twelve hundred people man let's get him up so if in the black community we've had seven people to look up to because mommy and daddy wasn't in the house with you and me where daddy wasn't in the house is it any wonder why so many black women black men are unwed I mean we don't know what what are we looking at what do we see and then you have them continually pushed in your face over and over and over again and 80s Claire and Clifford pushed in your face and then in the 90s Will and Jada were pushed in your face then in the 2000s Beyonce and jay-z were pushed in your face they're everywhere they are the Mount Rushmore they are the gold standard of relationships so what happens when there is trouble in a marriage the federal government when it was when they were trying it's come out that was at the CIA or the FBI whichever one actually was wiretapping Martin Luther King and threatened to expose his in his extramarital affairs to his wife in an attempt to shut down the civil rights movement right what did they know they knew that all you had to do was tear down the power couple and would have a ripple effect that's what they knew tear down the power couple and have a ripple effect we got a hole we got we kind of got hip to that trick but what we didn't I in the community is we didn't reject it whether we tried to get Oprah and Stedman remember everybody was so disappointed when they didn't get married why did we we got to get over this because number one there is no such the myth of a power couple let me tell you something if you know any if you actually know any rich or wealthy people any celebrities I will tell you this I was having this discussion earlier today business partnerships business marriages have always existed Hollywood marriages these people don't marry for money they man for brands I've talked about Russell Wilson and Ciara I've talked and I said you know what you would be surprised if you actually had to look at how many royal families heads of state dignitaries heads up I mean c-level executives of corporations how many these couples are not what you think they are look at your president how often do you hear him talk about his loving wife everybody else in the world seems to understand that powerful man get with beautiful women for for many things and love aiming and anyone over and it's for optics it's for the storytelling but black America is falling in falling in love with this Disney ideal so much so that the average rank-and-file black woman won't get married because she's still trying to hold out for will jay-z Barak bow ass how many black women are waiting till they find their their their their their their their Prince Charming I Got News for you he ain't out there because this power couple stuff is a myth and it really runs deep especially in college educated black women of course you don't let's get started many college sisters will not marry a blue-collar man many college sisters will not marry a blue-collar man because you feel that is a step down and it will tarnish your power couple image period many sisters won't do it some sisters won't even deal with a man who doesn't go to the right college place the right organization didn't have the right kind of degree she's an attorney oh you gotta have it this is when hypergamy for black women is your biggest enemy this is why you see average looking women judging men based upon the Wellman's degrees and her income I make a quarter of a million dollars a year but you can't get a quarter of a million dollar man this is why you see celebrity women that were really well off they never married like like celebrities they marry lesser men why won't sisters marry because it'll mess up their myth it'll mess up the image even to the point to where you have average women who won't marry an average guy because she's still holding out that she can have this ideal now I know some of people can be like hold on cap you you're trippin black folks are no different anybody else you know Tom Cruise Nicole Kidman and they always had these things and other cultures too yeah I can hear that the difference is the level of importance those people had Tom Cruise Nicole Kidman sure they were a power couple but their divorce did not Rock the white community Natan you don't see white power couples caught up in scandal and/or divorce that rock their respective communities because people understand exactly what it is one and because one they understand that it's it's for business two because the rest of them is still getting married I mean go back if you new to my show just go over the last couple of months and listen to and you hear women you know honestly wanting high-value men when these women are really just right there in the middle it's that myth of the power couple this perfection myth it has to be perfect he has to be perfect he can't be nothing wrong with him girl what he's not tall enough not perfect his Johnson ain't the Sun ain't up not perfect up he's blue collar white collar up not perfect I mean seriously seriously we are going we are to the point now to where we are telling men black men you have to be damn near perfect in order for an average woman to consider being your wife and then after that everything else is still in negotiation submission is the negotiation cooperation is negotiation at best you get partnership so you have to be perfect she has to be average and at best you get partnership this is why black female matchmaker wife of pastor here in Atlanta Rebecca Lynn Pope stopped being a matchmaker for black women go watch the video it's over a million views black woman's unrealistic standards Rebecca Lynn Pope said and I quote I'm sitting across from women who don't even look don't look as nice as I do who don't have as much money as I do or the career that I do and they wouldn't even marry my husband let that sink in so when somebody comes along and says you need to reduce your standard or whatever you have people asking why are you telling women they need to settle why are you telling women you need to settle I was gonna do an excerpt from last night but no why are you telling people you need to settle because if you don't get your head out of the clouds you're gonna die alone there are no empower couples this is a fantasy that you've been sold average-looking women get average-looking in with the average jobs and have average lives and that's not an insult that's just normal but the more men are removed from you black women in your households in your education and your upbringing the first time you run into a man is when you're in your section one union when you have sex with them and then you come together for intercourse and then you leave you don't even know each other all right so Kevin you've outlined the port the plinth the problem you know I buy into it I don't necessarily like the way you laid it out but I do know this power couple thing is critical mass in the black community I never thought of it that way that we had seven couples to look up to for the last 70 years that's insane but what are we gonna do I mean we don't control we control where black people don't have power in this country you know we we control roughly the same percentage of wealth today as we did coming out of slavery what are you gonna do what are you gonna do it is what it is black me and don't want black women black women don't want black men the media is pumping these negative images about black women the media is prepping these negative images about black men we can't I mean what do we gonna do this is what the sisters are saying what are we gonna do and even brothers are saying yeah man you know it's all done man it's a wrap these these these these strikes out here is done man you know we got to go over to Wakanda or somebody in and go get ours you know it's a rap it's true that's right how many people feel like that's what it is you can understand the problem but there's no solution I mean have you been out here in the dating world it's all trash all these dudes are broke wanting Instagram models and poly and all these women out here are you know fat and Honore I mean right that's what it is right you got the men saying that and you got the women saying then hmm well I beg to differ I'm not a matchmaker I'm not a relationship coach but I am a man who knows how to get stuff done and when I want something I make it happen I do what I want I go after what I want and if it's not there I'll make it I'll do my best to make it it won't be perfect but do my best to make it and that's the kind of attitude that we used to have as a people a can-do spirit you know but we don't we all actually don't exist no more though you know the white man who took that from us oh wait a minute then what's this and what's that what's that right there what's that right there what is that right there does that look like a black man is that a black woman that's in shape do they look like they smiling and happy what she likes sitting on his lap but what is going on here what is going on here if that's what's going on then why is this right here why is that right here oh well remember that little group I told you that I made on on Facebook the mix you know the one that even opened a month yet it's like 31 days old today you know ain't but four hundred and some-odd people in there hand selected by me I mean everybody can apply but I'm still going through all of them for personal and professional networking two people how'd that happen oh let me see the men know what he wants the woman know what she wants they put themselves into play he they heard the call to join the group they joined the group and actually did something amazing they talked to one another I know strange I know strange as a no rings oh hold on JMO Masuka see I'm glad you said it see mr. Hatchett what did I tell you I knew and when I posted the picture it was still going to be some negative skeptical person out there well understand something in my group to get in you got to have a profile picture you got to come up with your age your current marital status what you're looking for and your amount of kids oh and yes they are both marriage minded and discussing it and under 31 days so instead of telling me what you don't see mr. JMO why don't you tell me what the [ __ ] you are doing that's what's wrong with you Negroes you always look for what's wrong not oh wow oh that's cool no no we're gonna look for what's wrong what's wrong with these people we're gonna look for what's wrong it can't be right I love Latin man okay well you can go ahead and go bye-bye there no Latin men on this channel I'm not a Latin man so this ain't the channel for you so I have a question seeing as though all I don't see I don't see any I don't see any this I don't see any dad well you know what often times you don't you don't see things because you don't want to and people who think like that this isn't a channel for you I mean you are then welcome to watch the content but it's not that it's not the place where you just go around and I always find the problems always finding fault no CCIA means confident intelligent and assertive assert means to do something it doesn't mean to wait for it to be perfect it doesn't mean it has to be it has to be a hundred percent right you do something and far too many black men aren't doing anything except talking if that's not you fine let it go but if it is you what are you doing to make what you want a reality you cannot wait for somebody else to do it it's you women there is no perfect man you're not gonna get a six-foot guy making a million dollars a year with a golden phallus you're gonna get an average guy doing average things because you're an average person and that's okay that's okay that's okay matter of fact it's beyond okay it's fan-freakin'-tastic you're not doing him any favor by deciding to date a blue-collar man who's not six feet tall you've been doing him no favors see far too many of our women have gotten this thing in their mind if they don't get this magical Will Smith night shining an armor the any guy they get with should feel fortunate that they settled no that's not what's going on the black the myth of the black power couple the myth of the Black Power couple is just that a myth now I have I will laugh and pop my collar a little bit I'm not a matchmaker and him matchmaker dating coach and in 31 days and actually been less than that flew down from Boston to Atlanta Atlanta Boston and marriage is definitely on the menu my question is where are the matchmakers just like as where the therapist in the black community where are the professionals they're supposed to be doing this stuff calling on you it's not it I'm telling you you can look at the numbers most black men wanna be with black women regardless as to what you've been told that's what they want and that's what your numbers show most black women want to be with black men which black men different question but they still want that so the question is are you holding out for are you one of these people that holds out for perfection do you have to have the power comfortable and you're extra and your extra average or are you above average and still got to hold out for the power couple or are you actually a bonafide 9 a 25 year old straight up 9 making six figures on their own home all these other things are you just like the Unicorn and you still gonna hold out let's talk about it let's talk about it let's talk about it let's talk about let's talk about I'm not to open the zoom lineup I mean I got no I got no tolerance of other silliness tonight the trolls you know as soon as I love Latin or get out of my forget that go away boy see what they what people want to do with the average rank-and-file black man a black woman is remove hope they want to remove all hope from the equation so you'll be lulled into inaction if there's no hope there's no reason to try there's no reason to do anything why do I need to change my attitude be more feminine why I need to get in the gym where I needed to be why are you doing it because they know black men out there anyway and conversely what I need to become the best version of myself what I need to put on a suit on said why do I need to even try me you know ain't no women out there the clubs and I why why all right cool so if you don't really believe there's anything out there then you have to do nothing but then somebody like me comes along and throw something in your face this is what happens as an afterthought I just decided to make this group on a whim one person made a group and picked people that apply it I didn't hand select the people I picked from the people that applied put them in a room together gave some basic ground rules and let nature take its freakin course there's business being done in this room and that will be marriages there will be weddings and and unions and children that come out of this group please believe and if that's what those people want great there will be businesses that come out of this thing there will be collaborations there will be corporations there'll be all kind of stuff that comes out of it the question is if you don't like this or this or that all right cool what are you doing don't tell me what's not right with what I'm doing or what is happening up here talk about what's what's right with what you doing that's what I want to hear because this black couple power couple thing garbage no such thing the power is in being couple see I've heard too many me talk about why do you want to get married and what's to being married and then it look you already got the facts the data statistics you already got the facts the data the statistics talking about men who are married earn more get paid more go go higher and the holiday takes is a quick Google search but I really think the some folks just know they don't know that they're not ready to be anything other than by themselves but they don't want to look in that mirror and say I'm by myself not because I have to be because I choose to not do the work and that's cool but you can download your shotgun you stop firing off calling every black man that wants a relationship a simp you stop thinking that ever you that every woman every black woman is your enemy no no no no no no nope you say it's not something you want to do and that's cool understand you're on a very short leash in my chat room if you in there talking crazy stop talking in capitals if you speak in capitals you're going to be timed out you live I spy to live like Leonardo DiCaprio great you two broke for that a lot of you dudes aspire to live like rich people but you're broke I meaning broke you're not rich Leonardo DiCaprio is rich you don't you and you two you're on our youtube channel at 11:11 p.m. on a Wednesday night you're not letting out o DiCaprio a lot of you guys sound just as delusional and some of these women you talk about just better to say I don't have the social skills or the people skills to have any kind of network or relationships I never develop my soft skills that's cool but don't put it up on some noble [ __ ] about being Leonardo the freaking Caprio let me say something if you're asking me a question in the comment section I will not see it if it's not in super chat so stop at so stop typing my name stop asking questions to me stop typing Kevin I'm not going to answer it unless there are too many people hello hello hello hello yes do you hear me Oh Lord hello hello oh can you hear me I can hear you how are you I'm good I'm good you are so I you so what are you go ahead my question is at least personally for me I don't really care about like the power couple thing in the sense of I'm just trying to position myself in proximity to power if that makes sense so yeah so I said for me personally I kind of don't care about like the power cup would be but I'm trying to position myself in proximity to power it's a kind of like open that door so how do I go about doing that so you want to use people no no no no how do I kind of like let me be worried to get around like a better network especially like during this time okay - what in I'm sorry you said - what end - what in yes - what end to meet people you know potentially marriage that's that's the goal okay you want to be around the you want to be a proximity to power cool to what end what is your end goal what is the outcome of being around the proximity of power oh marriage but you said you're not really interested in a power couple thing and then you said something about you're not so much interested in marriage I mean when I say that I think I mean like the tidal power couple to me is just like a title okay it's a title for a reason because that's an ideal a Disney fantasy but what I'm hearing you say is you want to be around powerful people to build up a network to benefit you where towards marriage are you trying to benefit in your pocketbook no towards marriage well those are two snip those are two difference locus the power now you're in Houston no I'm actually Marilyn Marilyn okay what's your name my name is Mary Mary yeah have you ever been married no how old are you 23 23 23 to go to college yes well I actually finished this year so I'm almost done so and you want to get married do you want to be a stay-at-home wife um you know come on now do you want to have to work to pay significant bills not see I don't want nothing I don't understand why somebody you black women don't want to work I mean well I'm not trying I'm not trying to be done here the thing P I say unless you are beautiful you're going to have to work ladies unless you are beautiful or gorgeous you're gonna have to work now I'm coming back to you Mary how tall are you I'm 10 how much anyway I write now probably like 160 we're dress size uh I would say between like a 4 and a 6 I feel like I'm aboard the top probably like a six at the bottom 510 just size for I mean yep so you saying you have a larger bottom and you don't have not very busty yeah I would say so what's a degree going to be it's gonna be in computer science all right so will your mom it will your mother and father marry yes so how's your father helping you navigate this oh that's a good question I don't think she really cares honestly as long as he doesn't I've gotta get to my decision he don't care no not like that I don't think he cares in the sense of like I think he trusts my judgment oh so your mom so your father wasn't in the house and so on whatever sense yes no no ma'am don't play with me either when you came home from school every day was your father there no did he okay so he was not in their house you were raised by your mother yes that's why he does not care that's why you do that's why you're doing this on your own because your dad's and I'm not judging him I'm just saying if a father was in the house and raised his dog he cares how you marry he cares how you turn out he has an investment in you now I don't begin to know why that is if it's like most black people mom and dad weren't married or they were together a short period of time and under that but at 23 you should have somebody helping you through this process because you say you want to be around powerful men powerful men ultimately means the same thing I don't want to work I want to be a housewife and that's cool but what would you rank yourself as far as looks from the scale from one to ten and you cannot use seven I would say a cam up get on the camera let's get let's came up came up came up came up he just dropped [Laughter] [Music] and she dropped she dropped ladies I understand I want to be in um I'm in DC and they're sitting proximity their power in 23 and I'm 5 foot 10 a nice size for maybe a 6 I'm an 8 cam up I'm an 8 did you hear it Andre did you hear it I'm an 8 I'm an 8 hello hello hello you're an 8 oh [ __ ] you can't beat that she wasn't ready she dipped smooth out Oh Oh cam up I can't do that no so how are you doing artsy classy I'm doing alright how are you I'm good let me cut off my other video off yeah yeah damn she did sweet she's like and see the thing is it's sitting about you artsy class but see women I need you to understand how many good-looking ladies attractive ladies cute ladies average ladies I need you to understand how many women are out there telling you that y'all are the same and you go outside your door and you've often you you know what it looks like out there online people can try to be whatever they are but for the young lady you just go wow alright anyway artsy classy what's going on what do you got for me um well I just can you hear me okay yep great wonderful I just wanted to say that I just discovered you last Thursday and I had not slept not a single night I found your videos I stayed up all night till 7 a.m. for 5 nights straight watching everything that's on your channel and I just respect what you're trying to do for middle-class black families I appreciate it I do have a question go ahead okay okay so I think you were the only man who could answer this so your ghost as a woman who has settled for an average man before from any Ridge if I wanted to and I felt ready to settle for an average man again was more kind of like loner guy type like social anxiety type guy maybe like low six figures what what kind of job would he have what things do they live in how well do you weep what kind of weird-ass habits am I gonna have to put up with all right let's start with you let's start with you because I've done I've done I've done a broadcast breaking down the ten cities that these men live in the kinds of jobs they live in yeah I'm not talking out of my ass I'm an image consultant these are my clients you can't longer guys no I know no I'm talking about income there's no job that says loner but but that was a modifier that you that was a that was a modifier you put on there but yes is that your current guy no that's my um that's typically what ends up being a job to me okay but we want to talk about going forward yeah okay so I can't I gotta know who you are because see the way you ask that question it's impossible to answer truthfully because you set the table in such a way that I gotta tell you what you want to hear and I don't do that I have to okay so how old are you 32 32 do you have any children no children no children all right did you uh did you go to college and what was your degree in okay and I want to give too much of my information away but I can't was an art okay well now I got to be honest with you yes my skill set is competitive for that I know I need to let I need to listen and you listen this is a call-in show and I don't know what it is about this privacy thing your pictures not up there right now but if you want my honest advice I got to know some things if you don't want it you can you can always you can always go book a consultation one-on-one and I can you know I mean you can come on and throw in and tell me I don't want to answer stuff and I'm like well I got seven people waiting okay all right yeah what what city or area do you live in I live in the Northeast the Northeast the tri-state area yes indeed all right so you mentioned something about you sell you had an average guy on you settled when you say average with that average income ah so I was average looking no we're not average the way average the way you would size it up as it relates to looks background pedigree and income I'll take the whole profile you would say income and job that's what I did that's why I just asked you did he have when I said average is I mean average income you said no no the answer's no for all of it okay all right I don't think you understood what I was saying but okay wasn't better yeah you cuz you got to listen sight up to say well I can put you in the waiting room till you calm down okay all right 32 years old yeah and you have a degree in in the arts and your previous husband how long are you married we were only engaged I thought you said you're married no I settled for him for marriage we only got as far as engaged okay pretty good hearing so you said you settle for okay anyway so the question is you said if going forward if you wanted to what why are you looking for because you the way you'd say that you said some kind of loner guy making low six figures I don't know what that means what do you look up I'm here to find that out from you I want to set my sights accurately I've never met I've never how do you meet these well well ok 30 32 years old what's the longest relationship you've ever had I would say well how do I answer your question the best the guy that I lose answer directly you answer directly you know what a relationship okay yeah cuz it was most of the same guy all right and yeah who use and why didn't you guys get married we didn't get married because he did not he he definitely was okay to marry me but I wasn't really he really wanted to to keep his options open as my husband did he come to you and say he wanted an open marriage he said that once the ring was on the hands after he did dip down and I had to deal with that okay so you're saying that after this man proposed to you he said oh by the way has a contingency being my wife we're gonna have to have a open relationship and he's an average earner average looking guy yes sir all right and are you earning more than the average black person more than the average black person yeah all right and you doubt all five eight and three quarters please say five nine I'd say five eight but uh okay great how much do you weigh I am 146 146 well Jess eyes that's a 10 on top 8 on bottom 5 8 146 no yeah no ok last time you weighed yourself a couple weeks you have won in carnival scales maybe I do yeah I mean your picture flashed up man before you before you got on yeah 146 no alright so if you're in the arts and you're are you looking to be a stay-at-home wife no so you're looking to have to work yeah you're looking at are you looking to have children no so you okay alright cool so you don't want to have children so why do you want to get married why do I want to get married um well I think that it makes sense all the things that you talked about so far on your show I agree with that well but the things I talked about on my show marriage has the people don't tend to just get married for nothing it makes sense how how does it make sense for a woman who does not want to have children I don't want to like choose to die alone granted I get I get it but men get married for reasons and I'm trying to understand is why do you want to get married because if you didn't want to die alone ma'am you already had a guy who you said proposed to you you could have had him but the problem was he wanted to open relationship but you know what I'm hearing them is you kind of all over the board and it's kind of hard to kneel now it's kind of like nailing jello to a wall you're an average income earning woman that's cool but you don't want to have kids so your sounds to me like you want some sort of partnership but not a marriage because you're not a traditional woman okay right in the sense that I want to work and this is that you're gonna cook clean take care of the house husband goes to work you take care of the family i I'm not in that league I'm not in that league like you say so that means you're not traditional woman so so that's okay no I'm average I don't know man oh man ma'am that's not average that's non-traditional average has to be average has to do with how you look yes yes so again an average looking average earning woman who doesn't want to have children mm-hmm is not an is not an inviting prospect from many men much less that the kind of earning me and you were talking about lows how many how many people in this country many men in this country earned over six figures what percentage like 125 what percentage I don't know give me a number if you want like out of my place you a grown-ass woman I expect you to know so many thing well um it's definitely not 20 percent definitely not 40 definitely not how well many people's not playing on my phone answer to answer your question okay well let me go ahead and say you're a 32 year old woman but it's not like I'm talking to a teenager okay and because you sound like you're playing and if you're playing cool but if this is who you really are I don't sound like I'm talking to a 32 year old woman and if you're out on the open dating market men who are earning six figures on I didn't get there by accident they had to do some work are you talking about like engineers you gotta turn your microphone on you gotta turn your microphones on me hello yes yeah what do you got for me it is your first name is what your first name says miss what's your first name my mind is on my first name is AJ okay go ahead what do you got for me first actually I want to just come in and say thank you I started watching videos a little while ago and I am very excited by them they they really there's something I've been looking for for a while I have very many questions okay but I'm gonna need you to get to it ma'am I got a show going on and people are waiting so do you have a question I just want to comment what what you putting people asleep come on sorry I didn't mean to that's why um actually I just wanted to make a comment I'm just grateful for your show you remind me a whole lot of what I've been looking for I started my I guess you Jerry into femininity around 16 years old and it was very difficult for me you started your journey when you were what 16 how do you know I am 22 22 and who do you and who are you following on your femininity journey actually I started following not very many people YouTube wise I started reading more books on that I started it with like Emily Post and a lot of etiquette teachers uh-huh so I wasn't more into like British Dedekind things like that I do follow a lot of YouTube channels but I follow more to get an idea of what everybody else is looking at and seeing and hearing I know a lot of people mention well I'm gonna put you back on the wave II appreciate you following appreciate you like the channel twice but the show was about the power couple thing appreciate it thank you alright here's what we're gonna do you gotta come already to talk about what you're talking about Robert what's up I'm opt-ins going mr. Samuels hey what do you got for me I'm basically I want to talk to you about the whole thing about the Power couples about how is another layer to the whole thing how old first up how old are you oh okay sorry I am 43 and I live in the area 43 Bay Area are you married I'm married I'm single have you ever been married I'm not nothing married what's the large relationship you've ever had five years five years how long ago was that um that's about ten years ago ten years ago and what do you do for a living I am in tech okay so above average income guy yes I am sir so why would you be in a relationship for ten years um basically I wanted to like work on myself and restore other things so ten years and what did you need to get done to take ten years basically like cutting myself to moving off the barrier in terms of my skill set and everything well there's nothing really relationships I've been prioritize relationships why because I didn't need them at the time well but see what you call into a show to talk about couples basically no no no no you called into the show to talk about couples in a ladder yes if you had was ten years ago and you said that our last four five years I need to know anything I need to know who I'm talking to and whether or not your opinion matters on this subject no offense or I totally understand that okay so I'm so I'm trying to understand is why I've grown 43 year old man I understand having to work prioritizing yourself but if you had a five year relationship and there's been ten years and you've had nothing I mean that's unusual so basically within the last ten years I did see people but then I was just saying that my longest relationship was five years of that ended about ten years ago right but I've had relationships there were four years and stuff along the way all right so but I'm trying to understand what do you want to head to the power couple thing cuz you're not a couple whole it's not like I mean are you even out here dating actively are you dating towards any goal are you just going out with people and hooking up and getting back to your computers and things I mean whatever is cool but I just need no um yes I am like starting a dates but then I'm the whole co-ed thing so I basically be doing online things here and there casually okay I don't think you're qualified for this conversation thank you I mean no offense guys no offense but I've got to be honest women don't want to hear what you talk about relationships if you don't want a relationship honestly no one cares you just want to be heard but if you know about if you you don't go to a restaurant or two or any place to eat just to go in smell the food stand in line and then it's your turn to get up and you start asking about the menu and you leave out and don't make a purchase so artsy classy book a session chica you're not coming back on the show book a book a session I mean I thank you and understand something is that offend some of you guys this late the platform for you either this is not the platform for mig tau or any of that stuff i don't have problems with them but guys my platform is about men who want to build networks of people who want to expand their life men in the top 10% tribe in the top 5% those are not loners those men end up marrying or having long-term relationships and powerful networks they don't sit around in that house doing this they're out there no [ __ ] kovat they do they have a network and at 43 I mean trust me I know the reason I ended because I talked to many mean if you don't know I've had an entire segment of guys who were let's say socially different those are different conversations everybody's in the dating market but not you but you're not in the market for a relationship all right let's start admitting some more people in here shout out to the tech crew I'm gonna tell you my tech crew guys something you my tech crew guys you are going to have to improve your soft skills sound up some designer toes clutch you've mentioned that far too many tech guys stem guys think that that their earning potential and the degrees and certifications are enough it is not it is not it has it never has been in order to have a well-rounded life you're going to have to improve your soft skills Cal bean whatever this person is Cal and see that's the thing a lot of guys will sit back and talk about women and women see I don't know the last caller but this guy's like who speak like that who you make a group and then they'll come to a mixer and they can't talk to anybody they're just nobody wants to talk to a guy who's you can be intelligent but Ben Stein da-da-da-da-da it is not the norm for healthy red-blooded men to not have some sort of ten years it's a long time to have nothing all right I'm gonna put you back because you're not talking I don't know what some of you folk with some of you folks are doing bullet let's see we're going to [Music] hello hey 908 what's going on 908 hey I'm being you who bean bean mean be e and E be what do you have for me I'm just wondering what kind of options would be available to me I'll give you a quick synopsis I'm 42 years old last year I used the way 209 how none no I'm not finished no yeah you are last year this year 155 oh man I said you're finished you're finished sometime yep there's nothing good for me not realistically I'm now going for C it's the age and the weight and then if you have any children so my kids okay ma'am I don't need to okay I'm gonna be honest it's due and I don't want to be rude you sound like Robert see when you over 40 and you're obese and you know even if you're coming down you still can go the other way and then you have children okay the only way that there was ever be any chance with you is if you were gorgeous and if you were gorgeous you would be calling so I need the people to understand I'm not being rude he's just oftentimes well I'll get women who want to call in they want to tell me the story in that then I know where it's gonna end ma'am you kind of knew that in order to overcome just your age alone you're gonna have to be very feminine very submissive very cooperative if you have to bring a lot to the table that's before you before your weight and before your children and your children are a messy detail for a man I don't mean and you can love your children but we but people don't look at our kids the same way so that's why when you asked like and were you married in the past yeah for 10 years why'd you divorce he wouldn't work what do you mean he would work he wouldn't work you mean he said him that he said he was in the house all day why are you going to work yeah okay and what did you do in the house cool now what else did he do eat good what else and when the children were there what did you do with them you were good with the kids so in other words you had and you hold on you you call so oh okay but you had a husband and you were working yeah okay well you in did you get foreclosed or get evicted it was very difficult you know ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am I asked a specific question did you give for clothes or evicting well we were lucky we had did you get foreclosed see another will probably black ok wives if you gonna if I'm gonna talk to you ma'am you're gonna answer my questions directly please neither okay so you weren't for closed-door evicting you just did not have the easiest of times right right but you were main how are you guys married ten years how long you been divorced eight eight and were you the same and were you two hundred pounds in the marriage were you a big girl in the marriage I don't think so I think maybe like 10 pounds less 10 pounds a smaller now no no ma'am ma'am you you ten pounds less than what you were taller or smaller I was a little smaller how tall are you thankfully 5'4 and are you trying to tell me you weren't two hundred and something pounds in the marriage that's that's correct I think I weighed like between the 170s and the 180 so you were still morbidly obese yeah okay so it really does not matter you don't play semantics and what did you do for what do you do for a living um my barking education oh where I work in education a teacher something like yes I don't know you ma'am I'm so your clerical okay that's fair to call it I don't care what do you cut what is your title man see when you ladies not here understand let me explain something when you ladies call up here and ask me for my advice if you don't want to answer these on on-air you could always go to my website and book your own one-on-one session and pay the fee but if you're going to be on my show you have to answer the questions that's only what a polite guess would do I didn't you I don't no one knows you no one can see you I'm trying to understand what it is to help me the best I can aid news a right so did you have to go to college to get that did you need to call your degree I do have one did you need it for you no did you need a phone I want you to understand how much black women over 30 like to deflect when the questions that they don't want to answer every time I ask her a direct question is she's not proud of the answer it's just this Neal [ __ ] you have a degree but it came after you got a four-year you didn't need a four-year degree to be a teacher's aide granted so you were high school grad maybe you had an associate's you married a guy at what age 24 24 and how old was he 28 is he the father of all your children yeah all right so 24 28 and he was lazy according to you he would not work but he did take care of the house so you guys had flipped roles you had an average job and he was an average housewife pretty much right hold on hold on hold on but then you did with ten years later ten years into it you divorced him because he was just he won't work so you say he never worked during the marriage he didn't collect one paycheck very little I asked no see no no no see I know how women play these things did he work did he have a w-2 be defiled tax did he did he have a w-2 and did he file taxes yeah all right he just did not make as much as you made or was not fully employed I'm not judging it just trying to understand it see often women like the paint men in a lesser position but the net-net of it man hold on net net net net of it is you've been divorced for eight years has anyone asked you to marry them since then no right have you had a serious relationship since then like engagement no no so you're so are you are you still doing the same job it teaches aid yeah okay so the only thing that has changed since you divorced your husband is you've got an older creating law where is he yet oh the ex-husband I don't know really he's the father of your how many children one two three - so you don't know what the father of your two children is live so how did your oldest 18 right 18 so and he just turned 18 how did your youngest so and then you've been divorced for eight years so ten yeah ten and seven and you don't know where their father is no I know he's living his life you know we don't believe in all right much right do kids see their father all the time right see their father all time hmm so would you say he's a pretty good father I would okay so you had him you were married to a man who was a good father who took care of the house who cooked clean and he and even post-divorce is still actively involved in his children's life you are an average educated woman doing an average job and you are and you are twice the weight of the average that if I foot for a woman should be I'm 165 I'm not twice the weight maybe okay okay you're right not now not now but do it but before you were too but before you were plus 200 pounds that's not true okay I can run the tape back how much did you say you weigh when you first came on I said last year I've been divorced for eight years or so i fluctuate so much that was my biggest point you will scream but the biggest point was how much - okay okay split the difference ma'am how about this let's not get hung up on the particular pound because I know it makes a difference to you but it doesn't make a difference of this conversation I gotta ask you're an average sounding woman why should you have more than what you had no no one I'm gonna tell you why there I'm and when I say it was no and as I started to roll down this line of questioning what it sounds to me is that you had a man that the reason you divorced him because he was not making a lot of money but she would never bankrupt no difference between not making it he said you were never evicted or foreclosed you had the husband you had and honestly I think anybody with any sense would say you had a better situation when you were married I don't understand ma'am you know you don't like the fact that he did not work but did he work before was he fully employed was he like this go go-getter prior to your marriage I don't think no no ma'am I don't I can't hear I don't think so from a grown 40 plus year old woman was he a go-getter prior to you saying I do I see I don't think we knew each other well oh Jesus Christ he was 28 years old you were 24 didn't have a job he was in school at that time it was in college so when you ask do you have a chance this is when somebody starts off when the man starts asking you about your past mm-hmm how does this sound therefore I'm calling you your duck right well well I'm trying to tell you but you're rejecting in a man's going to ask you about your about your dating and marital history because you're set you're saying I'm a to Ottoman woman who got married at 24 and the way you're trying to frame this is that he just would not work and you like you meant like you marry like you made the guy without knowing him you were together for Tim that's what happened what happened you know what happened ma'am I'm gonna tell you what I think happened it sounds like you a lot it sounds like you're like a lot of women who called my channel and you got too big for your britches you thought you should get more go back to a video I did Kevin does a one-on-one with a married woman five foot four two hundred and some odd pounds another teacher just like you talking about how she could level up and leave her husband she was hella average to see the problem is men you shouldn't divorced your husband you'd have been better off still with this man cuz you both broke your both broke your both broke and you're not better off by yourself if you were you wouldn't be calling some guy on YouTube you know you should have stayed with him but you divorced him for a reason it's not like you could say you divorced him and you went on to a hot like like you married him a rich man or man doing something else you've just been alone you've gone backwards and what you said is your children are still seeing their father it's not like he just went away see you don't you I think you know because I started asking you more questions about him I think you realize that you might have made an error in divorcing your husband because the open dating market his women have been told that it's so easy and you got out here after being married divorced at 34 years old at five foot four teacher's aide and an overweight woman with two kids and no one has been serious with you that's the market have you ever considered masala which I know you've already won no so ma'am no ma'am not ma'am what I need you understand is this you've already had you already won you got the husband for you he just wasn't the one on paper that you want why see what you didn't say is he was a drug addict and beating your ass and cheating on you he just wasn't working and earning the kind of money but you didn't say he was sitting on the couch he was an active house husband why didn't you just go rican reconcile with him and make a life you already made babies I mean it's not like you're a nuclear physicist ma'am you're a teacher's aide but but but honestly listening to you is almost like I could do better okay prove it go back to your husband up there pick up the phone huh well guess what and guess what you couldn't afford this session the way you I'm trying I'm saying that because take the advice from somebody who has no dog in it you need to go back or your hundred and sixty pounds right now right all right as we age injuries and things like that happen maybe you maybe you stay a hundred and sixty but I doubt it the likelihood is we continue to age as we get older health issues occur you know I don't know if you're on blood pressure medication if you're pre-diabetic whatever I know what your physical history is like but you do not want to age as an overweight woman by herself this is the time where you need someone around you have history with this man ma'am I'm gonna tell you what a lot women wouldn't tell you you need to pick that phone up and reconcile with your husband because he does not sound like he's a catch and you don't sound like you're a catch either but together you guys make sense stop looking at the TV stop looking at Disney stop looking at these Instagram and what's supposed to be the lady on my channel last night said that she's listening to so many women who left their husbands because they were looking at other people and then judging their husbands you said your husband cooked clean to care the kids he said he was a good father and you've divorced him the nerve of you thank you for your perspective no but I want to hear what you think about it I think there's some truth so just say I definitely definitely see it there's some truth to it definitely well I got another question would he take you back I try not to show any you know interest I mean ma'am I just asked you a question would he would he I mean right maybe you don't think so you don't think so I said maybe okay maybe me okay so here's the here's gonna be the hard question did you did you run him down or talk bad about him to other people and/or your children did you talk bad about him run him down to people or your kids maybe in the in the beginning right right right so basically your ex-husband what's between you and him is him knowing that he was a good father and two took care of you the house and the kids he didn't earn the way he wanted to listen listen listen if you had all the answers you would be here please I think you you had a good husband I'm you had a good father a man who cook clean other kind of stuff he didn't earn the way you wanted them to and it did not look like what's marketed to us but these kind of relationships happen everywhere you divorced him for no other reason other and the reason you gave is cause he wouldn't work all right but then you don't talk about him like you have respect for him inevitably you insulted this man you put this out in the world he heard how you spoke about him between you guys and in public it got back to him your kids have had to hear this stuff so he probably has hard feelings towards you that's the gulf between you so even if you decided to say that makes perfect sense you would have to fix what you broke and that is where your ego and your pride is keeping you stuck got a long a go that's why wouldn't you that's why regardless is that after I knew why I was right or not I was right when I said there's no there's no hope for this outside of that ego and pride have you ever said Amen maybe I was a little too hard my bad even after the divorce I gotta tell you you still take care of the kids when I talk about he's out living his own life doing his own thing you make it just seem like this dude's um just just there's this big in the wind just twirling around and that's not the truth well is it is it he's a part of the to me he isn't acting bad but I stay out the picture I don't give a damn about and he's an act of death that's all he has to do because you divorced him you didn't call you didn't say he's an act when I said what is he doing you didn't say he's an active dad I had to freaking pull that out of you what is he doing what does it work I don't know what is he doing I don't know he's out there living his own life see a woman who you did not give that man any credit you did not say he's an actor father you've not said one nice thing about this man this man ain't [ __ ] to you and ma'am honestly he sound like he's kind of too good for you I said I mean this purpose this power couple [ __ ] a man who was mr. mom white folks made a movie about this but a black man doesn't he ain't [ __ ] a black man doesn't he ain't about he ain't [ __ ] okay I'm serious and I doubt that you will ever hear any women tell her yet girl do whatever whatever 22 24 28 and ain't had no success and sitting up on this phone like your teachers a I need a lot of our women to ask where do where do you get all this arrogance from I mean I don't really think a little [ __ ] when your average normal normal people aren't the [ __ ] but this is what happens when we run around telling everybody you a queen and your queen you deserve your best life you deserve whatever and this is what it reaps it reaps a woman her age her weight going it alone until death no I don't think about that when y'all out hood saying don't hurt no feelings I don't say it that way I don't say it this way but you're not there when they give her the type 1 or type 2 diabetes diagnosis you're not there when she's on the on the blood pressure medication you're not there when she can't pay for because she's a teacher that means it's in the probably in the public sector excuse me these people aren't rich what happens if she and she's a teacher's aide I mean you haven't your career is here she's one budget cut away what's going on hello yes hi um I was wondering if you could help me out navigating how to get into the dating world I've never treated in a relationship before no let me let me take this mm-hmm you said let me do what how to navigate getting into getting into the dating world that's really not this conversation but how are you I'm about to turn 20 yeah I'll tell you what you do call back on a night where there is the conversation because that's not it that's off topic but I would ask you this though mom and dad did you raise by your dad yes all right Lee see you in the household yes okay you should be having this conversation with him is there a reason you haven't um they're very protective of me and they don't really they don't like it whenever I talk to guys okay oh yay your parents from the USA no they are not there Nigeria they are Ghanian Ghanaian okay so what is their preferred path for you they would prefer for me to go through college and get a masters and then find a guide to settle down with after I finished my schooling or schooling job are you in school now yes sir all right yes sir are they paying for it no they are not okay that's normal for the average American person but I would be wrong to have your father and mother have a preferred path that you know and then supersede your father's advice I would be wrong yes sir listen you're okay I understand you may feel like you want something different right now I get it but do you believe your father loves you yes okay you believe your mother loves you yes do you know it yes then there's nothing that they're doing this trying to hurt you right yeah they want what's best for you right mm-hmm it sounds like they've helped you by putting you in a position they'd be able to give you a plan to go to college university masters and if you are willing to talk to them now you may not like the solution they made me end up talking something like an arranged marriage or something like that but would you rather have an arranged marriage by your mother and father with the man that's going to be suitable who you may grow to love you may grow to love like many people in this world have done so for time immemorial would you rather it that way or would you rather with the last caller had arranged marriage listen to your mother father young lady yes yeah thank you thank you very much bye-bye okay mm-hmm now she's supposed to call me sir I mean she was raised right I just blocked somebody coming here talking about I need to show receipts like if you think I'm going to jump up here and show you guys my personal life to prove something to somebody I don't know you're out of your mind but if you're on IG all you gotta do is go to IG you'll see my private life yeah she's but yeah I don't yeah I'm quite sure she was attractive but I mean I saw that she was young so I mean she did have a picture up but no look man her father is a man that I have to respect and you think please what kind of man I look like you know giving her some advice opposite to her father I think I want to run into that man in the world he'd have every reason to come to me with all kind of smoke and he'd be right I mean I have to beat your daddy's butt but no no look the power couple things how do you enter the call first of all I'm only talking with certain people right now so I'm early he of course he's a hater see what those guys are guys tend to come in here into my chat room and especially a lot of young black men they they were raised by their mothers so they don't know how to pay a compliment or give respect they come at the world like women when they see something that intrigues them or something that they may admire the first instinct is to tear it down because it makes them feel somewhere insecure I understand but you don't get a voice over here like I said at the end of the day oh who is this hmm I mean hello hello hello can hear me yes your first name yeah my name is IO okay how are you yeah I'm 22 years old twenty-two uh what do you have on the topic yeah so my main question is uh you know as a young black man you know what do you kind of look for in a woman you know I'm getting at that age where I'm finishing up school trying to move forward and you know one I've kind of been a tricky topic for me well you raised what your father well you raised by your father yeah it's my parents are split so your father wasn't an help so your father wasn't in a household no man neither was mine yeah okay for a while but at 22 years old I can tell in your voice that you're young you have a lot of yup if I were 22 I would have my head down working 60 to 80 hours a week getting up my skills my money multiple streams of income you got a lot of things to do other than women you don't need to start thinking about women seriously until 30 years old at the soonest you're not ready for it you can't afford it and you're not emotionally I'm emotionally I'm at or to deal with the ups and downs plus staying on track for your purpose women will throw you off if you go at them too soon and more men should have been told this 30 at the soonest marriage 35 okay last thing last thing the closer you get to 30 the more you and all of us realize we didn't know [ __ ] in our 20s that's for us all keep your head down and while you're out here having in a rack anyway sex your number one goal is don't get anybody pregnant that's the main thing there's nobody pregnant everything else is here's a possibility sound good sounds good thank you very appreciate it all right you double what's going on need to unmute yourself hello hey Kevin I have a question for you okay would you say that if a woman is you know relatively attractive that continues to meet roadblocks which like men look like not getting the ring like not getting proposed to would you say that she's in fact the issue well I can't say that definitively without understanding what the roadblocks are and why they're coming up is this you you referring to here all right so let's let's start here no one can see you how old are you I'm 29 29 yeah a girl up in San Francisco yeah that's me all right I'm gonna tell you this right now you can't call back to this show I've answered your calls one two on the third call you said you're gonna book a session I can't just continue to give you generic free advice if you serious man you have to book a session okay all right coming up I mean seriously I've said this before I don't know why that's not gonna work Riddler says yes you're the problem yeah yeah see let me see how I can use that to my advantage okay let's move her specifically aside because I don't know but more often than not it is you that are the problem see it's not just so much about not knowing what to do or getting good advice it's deciding to act upon him calling into a place where I mean makes no sense seeing unfortunately like the previous caller the one the lady who was the teacher's aide she said she's heard it before this needs to go back to her husband it's like the other woman the night before who says she was an 8 you know she said she's been told before that she needs to lower her standards these women have been told the truth they've been given good advice they just don't want to heat it they don't want to do what they need to do and that's a lot of ego and a lot of damn pride if you know you need to go how about this I don't want to go down a path too sensitive but if you know you need to go right and you go to determine I'm gonna keep going left well you can either go right or you can make you can either go right or you can make three left's and you'll still be there if where you're going is over here you can go right or you can go left left left left another thing the older women get the more stubborn acting they tend to be 20 the previous young lady was yes no yeah yo but women who are close to 30 mine too many of you have a mind of meadow so I will tell you if you're a hard-hitting uncooperative you will be good for you will be great to have sex with even good to go on a date with has some fun but commitment hell no men are not fools so yes ma'am I and why said that I need to say it to the groom I've spoken to this woman one time and gave a really in-depth advice and she called a couple three a couple of weeks later and I gave her a further answer a follow-up she acted on what I told her so my advice proved to be effective but then instead of booking her session she calls back and instead of just saying no you know so I should've did that I should've did it but then after that it was like I'm gonna book a session and then she didn't she can afford it according her she can pay for it so this is wrong but I'm gonna tell you I don't like passive aggressive manipulative cutesy girls the women who try to you know that talk like this bye-bye and they try to sugar and sweet you and try to finesse you you cannot finesse me in like myself we will hurt you for trying to insult our intelligence I don't know what it is what summer uses is to think you can finesse a man who is above you let's just go there the dude the man I'm talking about the top 10% trying to get to the top 5% these aren't pool butts these aren't suckers these aren't weaklings they're not fools you cannot finesse these dudes and I would think that older you get the more you've seen no one wants to take you seriously put a ring on your finger the more you realize maybe you ain't what you think you are and it's a ding to your ego ding to your pride which is why there's a service shout-out to up see the immediate Network he said a stalker service called rent a gent rent a gym after the show go look it up it's a service where women around the country rent a man you know the football player the musician the disc that and guys are they are skilled I mean they actually have to go through they have to be what they say they are attractive guys in shape he comes over there and puts in a ceiling fan or something and she'll rent a jet to do house or repairs you can rent a jet cut your yard I'm going to date with nothing sexual and white women are eating this up because they enjoy men being around and they don't mind paying for it obsidian said manic with the women in Atlanta seventeen to one that's before you know the gay status you you you should you Corinne started up and clean up then I was like never happened like why so many corporate sisters in Atlanta I was like not black woman's ego no they feel like they should get you for free but I was like sisters will never ever pay for a man now cuz they don't see the value in it because they wouldn't want to hear what the other one would have to say so he would rather try to hustle and finesse it or go without it which is dumb black women you see what every other group of women does to get keep them in black men have been telling you for years what they want cooperation femininity you will wear the hair of a white woman oh oh you were the hair of another woman but she won't take the things in the culture that may allows that woman to keep her man so ask yourself a question if you are one of the women who can't seem to get a man to wife you what do you ultimately think about most and sadly many of you think you're better than us I've had women who down here compared to my step as far as a ranking and they will talk to you like they on your same level even talk to you like that better than [ __ ] out of here man she call back to my show with that blue lady and you owe me an apology honestly you owe me an apology because I took it easy on you I should anyway that's some bull man it's artsy let's see oh I did the wrong way I didn't want to do that so let's get up out of here at the end of the day the myth of the Black Power couple has real harm 7 couples over 70 years we've been given to look up to know I would rather look up to mr. and mrs. Johnson who he owns a chain of dry cleaners or he's the VP of mergers and acquisitions I would rather look up to we need a business class not an entertainment and an athletic class and it's going to be on us the white collar the blue collar and the hit squad Blake and Keith Henry blue Henry and the hit squad it's gonna be us as men to make the business class of black men we need to compete with the rest of the world ain't nobody gonna help us they're not gonna give us no leg up we're gonna have to do it with us and here's the thing black me and you're gonna have to support it how do you make what you want happen you you think what happened in the mix with one brother meeting his sister and inside of ten days he's floating out and whatever and they talking magic if you want to make that happen guess what that story needs to be told on black male media run by black me and four black men you think the mainstream media is gonna tell a positive story about a black man meeting woman and interacting and seeing where things go you think they're gonna tell that now they're gonna tell it they're gonna give you love to hear popping cops that's what they're gonna give you you want blackmail you want it you better get blackmail media run so the women come in here in support how many are you black being out there have not even hit the subscribe button on this channel subscribe if you can't afford to support because you're in college you're young hit the subscribe button and make sure you like here's how you pay you want to give you want to give you $5 here's what's equivalent to $5 like the video subscribe to the channel comment on the video share it out to Instagram I mean share it out to Facebook or Twitter just click the share button all in one button that's like giving $5 like comment share subscribe it's like giving five bucks I hear are you brother man oh I love this I love a minute and I see a nice brother over dude why do you only see why is the only one Kevin why it's only one because you got people with millions of subscribers able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars on their YouTube channels with talking cats and carrying on you want to see more black men support black male media so more black men can see if I leave the corporation or such and so forth I can make my own company here black women doing shout out to Paris Milan Paris Milan has bloat she has blown up good job sis I don't like 98% of the stuff she talks about good for you like it or not crystal and garrison Kirsten Lee Kara's her the pink peel person I don't agree well I think she says about from what I've heard I don't care she's building a business you you wanna you want to not make you want to even those voices out to where Paris Milan and crystalline cares in April Mason whoever you want essence whatever whatever then you better make sure the black man can do what they do Tasha Kay had a stream earlier today she had 21,000 people watching their stream young Pharaoh you know who is that brothers getting anywhere from seven to twelve thousand people are you sharing this out are you like are you subscribed now as the notifications turn to all when you come in do you hit the like button that's what it's gonna take because I would tell you this give me three minutes or get up out and then I will start reading the super chance see I've said it before Ben you can shed any warming up with your work you can shutter warming up with your work she ain't gotta like you but if you got the work to show see people can call me look at that pretentious dude over here he's lame he's weak he's what I did he gained would say whatever you want to but you cannot show the work oh he's got a group and people over there what they gonna say you know foolish you look talking against work let me give you let me give an example how foolish somebody looks talking against work I imagine this you go town downtown to a 70 storey building and you stand outside you see somebody standing against a 70 storey building just screaming at it against the 70 storey building they just screaming at the top of their lungs who looks crazy the one talking or the work the work hain't worried about the work is like it works good black men black women are not your enemy black women black men are not your enemy either there's a disconnect no one's gonna fix it for you each one each one of us gonna have to fix it on our own i'ma say something's gonna be real controversial if you have children already you're not a baby mama you're not a single mother you got a broken home go back to the man that you made a baby with that's gonna be your best bet and guys same thing to you too you got a woman with a kid gone over there marry that woman do the right thing you divorced you best kill oh no matter your man you know I mean it is amazing the people I have worked with couples who divorce straight-up divorced and inside the three months they are back living in the same house together and been together 12 years when you ask them why they divorced it was the pressure of the paper how crazy is that 12 years they were married for six years got divorced but in three months they were back in the same house and together 12 years and happy you know what happened faint when it hit and got married again they're like we stupid as hell we just missed out on all these tax breaks and this dumbest just dumb just dumb Karl Anthony you know you don't like everything I say I know a lot of Erica you I know I ain't right about a lot of [ __ ] I say but I know we know black people we know how to do this we know how to do this that woman who was on the phone who was just teacher's aide if she had got around Erika Williams myself some other people good counsel and she came with her you know concerns about her husband if she had got some good counsel I could she could have sat down with Eric and Eric could have been like well sis I feel you but you got to get me in at least he's doing this he's doing that I got this friend named Kevin you know he's over there Kevin's gonna talk and I can talk to him a bruh hold up man I feel you you're mr. mom but man you're gonna have to you gonna have to bring some bread home you ain't got to be Superman but you can't just not make nothing I know the movie but that's not the way our women are black women want you to work man black them I get it you wanted to be you want to be mr. mom you're doing a good job but black woman want to see you getting up off that couch you got to make a home-based business something you're gonna have to give her the air cover cuz I women to built a little different they got more ego more forgiving a man we freaking accept it with Italian women another latin women and more spicy alright weak laughter you have to do that man and as your man you know you can't feel right with this [ __ ] man come on and have them both sit down and say Isis she gonna give you six months to get your business up or something man something she got to bring something in here something not just two dollars I mean some real money I said she's gonna back up off of them and then you're still gonna drop the weight and if you got a community support net a group support net what's gonna happen if three months later he got a job and here she comes talking about I'm divorced I mean the way the commune like oh you're a horrible woman the man would turn down you can divorce somebody nobody we ain't gonna take you if she knew that she had a community supporting her and they had a plan here buying a commune if she knew that there was no not gonna be a man she's a stadium in our marriage and if he knew and if he didn't get that job and she lose not waiting doing what she's supposed to I'll do we can't talk to you no more no no no basketball you want to come over the house and watch the game now Negro you need to be at work man you're a woman who lost 30 pounds and not working you want to come watch the game play mad no no no sir no no man the only way you can get in as we got to see a pay stub we're gonna you gotta work at least you got to work at least 30 hours to come over here and play man yep we don't need to see your pay stub you put in least 30 hours what you own your place at controller yeah bro you didn't understand see the new PS 5 in order to log into the controller you got to show your paycheck you got to run it through with the chip and it has to it has to verify that you worked at least 30 hours that last 60 days last 30 hours a week last 60 days and after the glass will come down and the controller will come over to you but it also comes with a beer or soda whichever you like I mean we're not defective people know the mix proves that you've seen it we're not we're only done if we choose to be and it's a choice god keep them yeah what they have one person say I didn't know you were that funny yeah I will tell you something guys if let me say this Lobby yeah intelligent guys serious guys man you got it you got to find a way to get some humor you've seen it more on my channel humor is always doing my secret weapon but most people see me they think I'm stuffy stuck-up or whatever whatever most people when i crack a joke or say something la there's like a shadow punch horror you can he kept him out of nowhere like well that was kind of funny keep them guessing gentlemen keeps me guessing alright so there you go we're up out of here until the next time peace we are gone [Music] they like the camera angles working with new camera angles Oh check it out caramel a join me on patreon for videos you will only see there Monday 6:30 Eastern Standard Time [Music] join me on IG the things you only see in the frat room when they're there they're there when they're gone they're gone [Music] female your show ideas things like that - info it by Kevin Salmons com or even better go online and book your one-on-one session the advice line is on there by Kevin sandwich calm pick your session pick your time checkout stop - you keep a business [Music] I don't get a man I grew up on Street Fighter see what are you talking about [Music] big video gamer play yugioh competitively [ __ ] you didn't know [Music] [Music] you can choose people you can choose question is what is your choice piece [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Samuels
Views: 243,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zcdy71VTxY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 17sec (8717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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