Mystique - All Scenes | Wolverine & The X-Men

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see you Angel hey uh what a surprise sir Logan here no I think he's gone I wanted to see if there'd been any change with the professor after we got the professor back I guess Logan's here after all I bit the wrong house to sneak into Bob and you totally lost it it's a shape-shifter what can I say the nose nose Emma there's an intruder a shape-shifter [Music] man shapeshifters are freaky I just hope the professor's okay thank you [Music] you really don't remember me Logan all too well how do you know who I am I don't know who you are not anymore [Music] [Music] ah sorry we'll have to continue this another time I thought you were in genocia Logan I have him I don't know you pulled me out before I could confirm his condition something is going on no for now return to tunertia sorry sir you don't have clearance below this floor who does well Colonel moss and Dr Rao but you should already know foreign mutants never to be seen again make no mistake the humans will strike first [Music] I told you she was in danger I don't have her who does it's pretty obvious isn't it that's a weapon x Chopper you're in the business of turning mutants into weapons if anyone can get her back it's you right I'll handle it if they follow protocol they'll land at a safe house you better tell me where the safe house is not unless I come you the longer you wait the less chance you'll have of getting to Christy in time get in [Music] you pilot of course good pick me up later where are you going I need some air [Music] you could have waited for me you could have caught me when I was falling out of the plane let's make this interesting [Music] in an abandoned lot of half click south of here but you don't know where they're going wait I know their destination if I did would you have taken me with you I have my own orders how do you how do you know so much about Weapon X because I was one of them her Black Ops unit called T-Max we did things I thought were right but they weren't when the professor wanted more he brought in a scientist to enhance us did I know you would they do to you nothing I got away man I loved gave his life to get me out personal I'll deal with this jump you go look for Christy yeah oh I'll find you [Music] carload in 10 minutes okay don't move hello Wolverine welcome home get to the transport Sabertooth I'll deal with our wayward agent what about Raven she's already been apprehended I told you to go on without me and look how well that turned out Logan four minutes this place will be a crater in the ground get her out of the building [Music] foreign [Music] you can't force this on people yes I can [Music] find you go Raven don't the man who saved me the man who sacrificed himself so I could get away he's gone they took him tell me please you can never be him again [Music] Trask we're back on schedule start bringing the Sentinels online why we're attacking genocia tonight 15. you halted production remember how long before they're ready how long four hours maybe more you have won it's the X-Men all right they'll be here in three minutes then we launch now I won't do it what have you lost your mind get those Sentinels in the air now then vacate the building foreign [Music]
Channel: Lady TV Scenes
Views: 151,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystique, wolverine, x-men
Id: rFgtUEAnV3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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