Mystery Disease Leaves Man In Crippling Pain | Diagnosis: Unknown | Real Responders

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a Tennessee man is struck down by acute and terrifying pains I had no idea what was happening doctors struggled to diagnose the mysterious killer I feel like his chances of survival would have been probably a year or less they face one of the most puzzling cases of their careers as they desperately search for the the source of the disease before it destroys their [Music] [Music] patient Bartlett Tennessee December 1997 starting his day the same way he has for most of his 57 years Phil Rouse gets a nasty surprise one of his teeth snaps off at the [Music] root then another well it was very disturbing for me to have my teeth break like that because I'd never had problems with my teeth before I went to the dentist and U the dentist was a little surprised that he had noticed some abrupt loss of Jawbone as compared to my previous ex-rays with this discovery Phil's dentist becomes worried about about his patient's Health now I'm going to touch the thought crosses your mind when you see aggressive bone loss that there may be another condition there that that we're just not spotting such as leukemia diabetes lupus numerous diseases such as that that would contribute to it concerned he encourages Phil to see a doctor the dentist is also perplexed by Phil's Behavior he doesn't seem to be himself he's always been a very sharp articulate individual very inquisitive and um we certainly noted a decline in in his mental state of mine what could be causing Phil's mysterious symptoms he looked like he'd been on a slow decline he was obviously there was something taking it toll on him Phil's troubles began months earlier March of 1997 he and a close friend Kimo Coello prepare to open an antique auto restoration business this was my hobby it's been my hobby since I was about 15 I always loved antique cars Phil could line up the business um he knew a lot of people who owned old cars and Kimo was a pain and body man he knew how to restore them we had about I guess about 30 or $35,000 work worth of work lined up to do and it was all by Word of Mouth there was no advertising it and we saw that we really had something here that it could be a tiger by the tail but barely a month after the shop opens Phil is struck by strange burn burning pains in his stomach and chest he's fighting for breath when I opened the business I was in perfect perfect help all of a sudden I started getting sick I had such a burning and a pain and I didn't know what it was we were worried about him but we figured if something's wrong with you you go see a doctor he diagnoses the problem you take a few pills and you're fine but Phil hates hospitals and he doesn't want to cause a commotion in the neighborhood by calling paramedics okay he asks Gino to take him to the fire station I took him to the fire station so they could do a heart check on because he really thought that he was having a heart attack okay paramedics check Phil's heart and abdomen but they can't find anything wrong they would come back normal blood pressure normal the stomach might be a little irritated but that was all they could find I would be thinking what could possibly be happening to him the paramedics suspect Phil Is His Own Worst Enemy they tell him to start taking better care of himself I thought maybe smoke sming was my problem but you know if you get any grown toenail they' tell you to go smoking the chest pains subside and Phil returns to his new business but he and Kimo need help they have plenty of customers but neither knows much about organizing a business Steve White came over and U he had been our neighbor for 15 years and um I'd always had a lot of respect for him he said with his knowledge of business and finance he would be glad to take care of all the paperwork Phil and Kemo are relieved they accept Steve's offer it was a venture that uh I had thought about for many years it was a dream I had that I I thought it was finally going to come true but just a few days later the mysterious pains return I told my wife I said honey I said my stomach I've got a burning in my stomach real bad burning and I H you got to get me to a doctor this time Phil has no choice Josephine insists on taking him to the emergency room she rushes him to Memphis Baptist Hospital he says my stomach is really bothering me and my legs I can't hard get them to move he said it's like burning it's burning and I had no idea what was happening I had such a burning in a pain in in the central right right in the center of my stomach I didn't know what it was as they examine Phil the doctors question him thoroughly about his sudden pains I just felt like I was coming to pieces I explained that I just had to have some help like the paramedics the doctors can find nothing wrong and as quickly as the violent pains came on they mysteriously vanish it seemed like we had no answers we just we just couldn't find an answer my wife and I both were very very disra with it what they don't know is that there is a hidden killer ravaging Phil's body soon after his released from the hospital Phil discovers he must endure more than just physical pain something is affecting his mind I was on my way to the shop one day to take some paint out to the shop and I actually forgot where I was going I I remember stopping my car and I remember where I stopped because when I stopped I wrote down the location and U I set a prayer I remember asking God God to please get me home and get me out of there what kind of disease is attacking Phil's mind and racking his body with such violent [Music] pain a few days later Phil's legs go numb again and Searing stomach pains double him over we were worried about him he couldn't feel his hands and his feet and I remember him saying it feels like I'm walking on a sponge pad this time Phil is rushed to nearby Methodist hospital he asks to see Dr Sydney Birdsong a surgeon who treated him for an ulcer 7 years earlier when I first saw Mr Rous the greatest concern I had was that perhaps he had recurrence of his Ultra symptoms I thought maybe that that the scar from that previous operation was starting to open up I said doc I've got a blowtorch in my stomach up breath take a deep breath and hold it Dr Birdsong is also worried about Phil's stress level lay you back down he said well Phil I think it might be your nerves or something maybe the business and everything is getting to you bird song orders an extensive series of tests we did some blood chemistries which check his kidney and liver function and that's sort of thing and all of those came back [Music] normal Phil tells Dr Birdsong about his work on antique cars could his mysterious symptoms be the result of something in this work environment he's been using a new type of paint and painting process in the shop certain warnings come with the process if you're in a pain Booth who don't breathe the fumes and you have certain masks that you're supposed to wear how long are chemicals seeping into Phil's body affecting his mind and causing him massive pain I don't know how much exposure he had to paints he was beginning to obviously be frustrated a bit by the fact that I'm sick and I'm having symptoms but nobody can tell me why this is strange unable to offer any explanation bird song sends Phil home with no diagnosis and no cure nobody knew what was wrong with it and it had us concerned kind what kind of work do you do we didn't know what to expect in the days to come he couldn't find anything wrong with Phil uh that would cause the symptoms that he had so we were still kind of in a days has some strange virus invaded Phil's body something his doctors have never seen before they had little time to find out before it was too late I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription required shortly after opening a new business Phil Rouse repeatedly suffers from mysterious and excruciating pains I've got a burning in my stomach real bad burning I honey you got to get me to a doctor could the stress of starting a new business be affecting his health or has Phil's heavy smoking finally caught up to him his doctors have no answers less than 24 hours after his second Hospital release fills in an ambulance again wondering if he'll make it back to the hospital alive the fear at that point was was my dad going to be okay we really got worried uh we just knew that something was wrong and nobody knew what was wrong with it ring in pain Phil is again admitted to Methodist hospital with strange and terrifying symptoms he really complained of his stomach hurting and his hands and his feet going numb he was seeing doctors uh but it just seemed like it kept getting worse I I don't do it I don't do any of that stuff the doctors want to help but Phil's bizarre symptoms baffle them how long have you doing that they don't indicate any disease they recognize basically we were dealing with a gentleman who had abdominal pain and who was not feeling well and not doing well uh for no obvious uh reasons painer again Phil's doctors consider his business could something toxic in his work environment be causing the mysterious symptoms they've been trying out new paints at the shop could he be having an allergic reaction Phil insists that he's never done any painting that's left to his business partner Kimo good I don't know how much exposure he had to paint I didn't think that that had anything to do with his abdominal paint without any clear cause and unable to see a pattern Dr Birdsong decides to address Phil's complaints one by one the numbness in Phil's hands and feet suggest a number of frightening diseases his doctor suspects Phil may even have multiple sclerosis now this is going to be a big pinch you ready he sends Phil for a spinal tap okay you understand but when those results come back negative Dr Birdsong refers Phil to another doctor for his chest panes he was sent over to our department from Dr birdsong's office just to have a routine screening chest uh which we typically do many in the course of the day uh chest x-ray was brought to me uh if I looked at it and it did have an abnormality uh in the right lung field could this finally be a clue to Phil's agonizing problems I felt at that point in my mind well he's most likely got a lung cancer other evidence supports Shelton's conclusion he told me he had been smoking for about 40 years on the average about two packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years I think probably at least 90% of the lung cancers we see the patient does have a smoking History Mr the mass in Phil's chest is large it was 5 to 6 cm you know there was a good chance that it may have spread to other organs um when a cancer gets this big there's often involvement in other areas of the chest he said I want you to have a CAT scan get started take your hand I knew then that they had found [Music] something for Phil even bad news is now better than no news at all he didn't really appear surprised almost relieved in the fact that you know I felt so bad for so long I'm glad finally somebody found out that I do have a problem thanks the CAT scan reinforces his Grim prognosis I was much more certain that it was going to be a malignant tumor after looking at the CAT scan I feel like his chances of survival would have been probably a year or less the doctor breaks the bad news to Phil and his wife I know you guys have been through a lot of things he said I've been in this business many years he said anytime I've seen something like this it's always been cancer he said 99% of the time it's cancer I was very disra with that news I didn't think I was going to be around to see my grandkids he said um I think we might have to remove one lung but before I do I won't fail to take this uh biopsy test to make sure there's such a high mortality rate with lung cancer um it's very important to determine what cell type lung cancer it may be to see if it can be treated and how it can be treated Dr Shelton consults with a surgeon looking at the CT scan and the chest film which were both available this did appear to be a rather ominous lesion at that point we've gotten more and more concerned about his weakness there is a syndrome called etin Lambert syndrome and that involves it's predominantly from one particular type of lung cancer one called small cell in some patients they get a very SE severe peripheral weakness the additional test should reveal what has invaded Phil's chest we ordered a ctg guided needle biopsy of this Legion really thinking it was probably lung cancer stated put a small needle through the chest wall into this mass and try to aspirate a few cells out of it the biopsy offers surprising results it doesn't show anything the legion was successfully uh engaged but the but no diagnostic material came back so we still had no diagnosis but the doctors are still convinced the mass in Phil's lung is a cancer different areas of tumors grow at different rates we although I'm sure the needle was inside the mass we may not have been in an area that was actively growing trying to confirm the diagnosis Dr Cole performs a more invasive test a bronchoscopy a tiny scope on a flexible hose is directed down Phil's windpipe and into the lower right lobe of his lung and you can basically examine all of the Airways again the results baffle Phil's doctors instead of a cancer they find something bizarre and totally unexpected we had a very interesting finding because we did get a specific benign diagnosis and that was a relatively rare one he had a particular bacteria called eom micosis I got a call from the hospital telling me that they had some good news for me that what they found the spot to be was a a fungus in my lung the doctor tells Phil the fungus can be easily treated he said Phil you know 3 months of uh penilla treatment will probably clear this up and we were real relieved because we thought that was that's what was wrong with him all along now he's going to get you know treatment and he's going to be back to his old self again but his doctors still have questions how did Phil contract such a rare disease it's a very unusual fungal disease very destructive process that invades and just eats up tissues so it's not typically seen in the lungs particularly without other areas of involvement it's almost unheard of for a patient to present with such a diagnosis unless he had been exposed to a tremendously massive dose of an agent has some strange virus weakened Phil's immune system leaving him vulnerable to this rare disease or had he somehow been exposed to massive amounts of the fungus although how Phil ingested this fungus remains a mystery it seems Phil's health problems are finally solved this treatment was carried out for about 2 months and appeared to be quite successful The Mask got smaller and we felt that it did you know had represented the diagnosis the spot in my long had completely disappeared and my wife and I and youo we all thought that I would be getting better then just as things begin looking up the strange illness returns with a Vengeance suddenly his legs were getting numb and he was stumbling my ability to walk was getting worse and worse he couldn't stand anything on his body he said when I put something on it's like burning it's burning and I had no idea what was happening soon he's so weak he can't make it into work today reluctantly he tells his partner Steve White to take over the operation of their business you'll have to take over the disease is costing Phil Rouse his beloved business he begins to fear it may cost him his life there he's a good man he knows where [Music] everything after a malignant cancer scare and a rare fungus in his lung Phil Rouse is struck down again by debilitating weakness and pains with his life fall falling apart he can no longer run his business it really made him feel bad but um there was nothing he could do he he just couldn't do anything for the business he was just backed up into a corner you have to pick up the SL my main objective was to get well that was more important to me than the business but Phil can't stay away after a few weeks at home he drags himself to the shop he's now so weak he must use a cane to walk while he's there Kimo finds an opportunity to vent his feelings about Steve we just buted head from day one I did not like the guy did not want nothing to do with him he knew nothing about the business he knew nothing about vehicles Kimo and Steve putting them two together was like a train wreck they just couldn't get along Phil tries to smooth their relationship in spite of his own problems he still thinks the business can succeed I would tell Steve that it's important to get along with chemo what's wrong if you can't get along with chemo this this business is not going to work but Phil is losing control of the situation his business is rapidly unraveling and Steve blames chemo and Mr White would come early in the morning and have coffee with Phil and he would start complaining about the business he told me that Kimo was spending too much money on equipment he wasn't buying the right kind of sandpaper does exactly what I do he doesn't get sick he was telling Phil that we weren't doing as good as we should have been doing that we should have been producing more cars uh we should be making more money it's kind of hard when there's only one person working I would ask Steve please get along with Chemo when you go out to the shop and he would tell me that he wasn't doing anything to chemo he wasn't making chemo mad soon Kemo starts showing up at Phil's house after work this guy I couldn't get filed to see what Steve was doing uh see how Steve was uh treating us or how he was getting in our way Steve thought I was ripping the shop off I was very very upset with Steve about accusing me of stealing Phil is now caught between the business and their friendship you don't do something about it like the next 24 hours I don't know what I can do Phil's personality changed because of me and St weren't getting along he was playing both sides he was trying to get both sides to to uh come together and they just weren't working and uh it it kind of put a strain on our relationship and the stress adds to the unbearable strain on Phil's Health he wakes up twisting in pain I had that severe burning in my stomach and my my feet and legs and my hands were burning like they were on fire and I didn't know what to do I did not know what to do I didn't have any idea what was going on and it was nothing I could do we were taking him to doctors putting him on bland food but it was nothing was improving it was getting worse he really thought that he was going to die and uh we didn't know what to think Phil is rushed back to Methodist Hospital for the third time in 8 months I told Dr burong I said sir please you've got to get me some relief even if you have to put me on some dope do something get this pain out of my stomach something's got to happen he quit eating all together he couldn't sleep and he decided that he knew he was dying Dr Birdsong is still puzzled by what's causing the burning in his patient stomach and Phil's frustration is mounting something's wrong with me I don't know what it is but please I said I've prayed every night I've done everything I know something's got to happen I've been like this for six six or eight months now I can't can't go on living like this I said there's got to be something wrong there's got to be he was obviously frustrated in that we didn't have a good reason for his pain hoping to finally help Phil Dr Birdsong consults with yet another specialist he had had a previous operation on his stomach so Dr Birdsong wanted me to look not only at the lining of stomach but also at his anastomosis where he had put the stomach back together is the torturous burning in Phil's stomach related to this old surgery Dr acok inserts a fiber optic camera through Phil's esophagus and into his stomach to find out we can not only get a visual feel for what's in his stomach but also can take biopsies and do a number of therapeutic Maneuvers after the procedure Phil is sent home to wait out the results despite his own physical problems he is still worried about his quarreling Partners I called out there one day and there was no answer on the phone at the shop when I got out there Kimo's tools were gone and I knew I knew that Kimo left hey Mr with his business self-destructing Phil drags himself back to the hospital for the results of the endoscopy we didn't find any ulceration at all the lining of Phil's stomach is bright red and Dr acok doesn't know why the stomach L could this be the clue doctors are looking for oh really I did not have a specific answer for him but I was concerned because because I did not think that the degree of inflammation he had in his stomach could account for all of his symptoms acock orders an ultrasound Phil's irritated stomach along with his weak Limbs and considerable weight loss could suggest abdominal cancer something I was looking for any evidence of malignancy uh be it pancreatic um kidneys something in his liver something along in his lymph node chains the tests are negative but when Dr acok delivers the news Phil surprises his doctor he asks a question that sends the search for a diagnosis in a stunning and terrifying Direction could someone very close to Phil be a killer when his business partner abruptly disappears a desperately sick Phil Rouse collapses from the strange symptoms that have plagued him for months where are we going my feet and legs and my hands were burning like they were on fire think I'm being poison then after another cancer scare he reveals new information that may be the answer to his mysterious symptoms we I said doc I I don't want you to think this is absurd I said if there any way you can find out if there's anything foreign in my body something that shouldn't be there I don't know what but anything that shouldn't be there I said I feel like I'm I'm being murdered I I feel like I'm slowly being murdered I was fine six or eight months ago and today I'm near death and really I thought death is welcome I don't even care if death comes now because it's not a bad it's not a a bad uh venue to take Phil has the bizarre idea that somebody's trying to poison him but his story seems impossible to believe could it be poisoning it was a little surprising we rarely see even accidental poisonings much less an intentional poisoning but acok is forced to admit that Phil's strange mixture of symptoms now makes sense he realizes Phil's burning stomach pain and the numbness in his limbs could only be caused by one thing going when you put that together with the early neurological findings and the muscle weakness and the numbness and then the patient comes flat out and says I think I may be being poisoned well that triggers certain responses a different part of town he has him tested for heavy metal poisoning the test for heavy metals takes a week to analyze while they wait for the results Phil's family struggles to believe him who could be poisoning him and how could someone get to him he's been home for months we'll be fine they fear his long illness is taking a toll on him we knew something was affecting his mind when he started talking about the poison we were surprised because you don't think of something like that happening to you or someone you know it always happens to someone else or something you watch on TV so you want to try to rule out everything else before you come to something like that we didn't want to overreact until we got those test results back that night Josephine suddenly realizes Phil is gone Phil Phil she panics my mom and I woke up early that morning and I remember looking out the window and seeing the cars there and my dad wasn't at home so we were concerned we didn't know where he was we had thought initially that he went to the the fire station on his own frantic they call the fire station and the hospital but Phil's not at either one now they're worried sick and don't know what to do father is missing name is Josephine and Gino are relieved when Phil is delivered home safely just minutes later thank you but when they hear what he's done they are frightened and angry he tells them that he woke up with a hot searing pain in his gut the worst he's experienced yet I was convinced that I wouldn't make it to see morning the pain in my stomach had gotten so severe and actually to be honest I didn't want to live but Phil decides to fight he vows to stay alive as I laid there that night I kept thinking if I've got enough strength and enough faith in God I'm going to stay alive long enough to go somewhere and tell somebody what I think is happening and I think that's what increased my resolve to stay alive that night I call the police department I didn't want to have to have lived 60 years and let somebody get away with killing me I didn't want that to happen the car was here within 3 minutes I told him I said take me to the police station I want to make a statement to police I made it after the car and I said take me to see the the man with the most Authority at the police station Lieutenant Doug Bailey is the detective on duty Phil came to the police department with a complaint that he thought he was being poisoned I told detective Bailey that I felt positively that I just positive that I was poisoned that somebody was going to cause my death what happened and I told him that my wife didn't believe me and no matter what my wife said no matter what my sons or my family said to be sure and have an autopsy on my body that if somebody was murdering me I didn't want them to get away with murder I want an autopsy performed uh it seemed outlandish examiner performed at first it was uh really unbelievable you're sick we'll get you to the hospital I was upset by the reaction of the police because I think they just considered me a kind of whacko is it I'm dying at first he did kind of sound it sounded unbelievable but as we spoke uh he started making more and more sense going on I was surprised that he had gone to the police so quickly I would have thought that we would have gotten the results back from the heavy metals tests that Dr acok had run and then we would confront the police he justt and didn't tell Phil's wife is terrified his bizarre accusations will ruin their lives there's nothing they can do until you've got proof and he got all down you know but he said I just want something to be done if I die and they say it's a heart attack I don't want them to just bury me I'm in trouble I'm dying my wife is mad at me my son is upset and I didn't know what to do I think I was at my wi Phil has reached a point of Despair I seriously considered going to the garage and just putting my dad's old 38 police special in my mouth and just pulling the trigger 3 days later he gets a call from Dr acok that changes everything when I got the call from Dr acok it scared me it scared me real bad Dr AC Dr AOK told me he said Mr Rouse he said I've got some bad news for you I said what's that he said Mr Rouse evidently somebody want you dead he said we found ARS sake in your system okay well I uhuh I guess I lost it I I said am I going to die I said am I going to die he said I don't think the level is high enough to kill you at this point all right I'll call the police Phil's family is finally forced to believe him my dad was in shock I remember he kept asking the doctor am I going to be okay do I need to go to the hospital what do I need to do next and that's when it really hit home we knew that at the whole time my dad was correct in assuming that he was being poisoned we were shocked and but we were also relieved to find out what was wrong and then we had all we had to figure out what do you do about this where do you go what's the procedure finally after a year of hellish torture Phil has a reason for his pain and the proof that someone's out to kill him but two terrifying questions remain who wants Phil Rouse dead and why after a year of mysterious illness that brought Phil Rouse to the brink of death pain in my stomach gotten so severe to be honest I didn't want to live because I want he finally had has the answer he performed Phil's absolutely sure he's being poisoned we have a the police are skeptical until they get the results of his Ur analysis it's arsenic Phil goes for some further testing with a local toxicologist like the police the doctor is unsure what to think of Phil's story I was wondering if you had the results on I received a call from a detective Bailey from the Bartlett Police he asked me if I evaluated patients for poisoning uh my comment to him was simple is the patient mentally secure is he is he all right or is he kind of mentally imbalanced and he said no I I think the man is probably legitimate Dr morigan takes Phil's hair for testing he finds that the man is lucky to be alive Phil has more poison in his body than just arsenic his test results also tested positive for mercury and um other heavy metals such as antimony well at that point we knew we were going to have to pursue a a criminal investigation against the person that he believes is one that's poisoning so you've been friends way before it you we went straight from the doctor's office to the police department they appeared to take me very seriously and uh their demeanor had completely changed from the first time I had met him how about Phil does he have anybody that you can think of the police quickly determined that Phil's wife Josephine has no motive to kill him neither does Gino been sick for the next suspect is Kimo he admits he was unhappy at work I starting to feel a little bit betrayed and and my Partnership of the business I seen it going from being a third owner to uh down to nothing the police determine Kimo has nothing to gain by Phil's death but Steve White does he has a motive money I found out that he had $100,000 life insurance policy on my life and we never discussed life insurance also I found a a business contract that we signed where if I died he would get all of my cash investment the real estate my building it turns out that White's even been telling people that Phil is sick and dying you never know Lieutenant Bailey gets a search warrant for White's home see this yeah we took several articles from the house several jars of powder mysterious looking liquids until we had them tested we really didn't know what we had if we had anything the materials test positive for arsenic Mercury antimony and lead the same poisons found in Phil Rouse's body now we've got the man in possession of heavy metals that the average person's not going to have so we'd already knew what the motive possible motive could have been and now he had the capability if Steve White was poisoning Phil how did he do it you get sick after drinking I kept thinking I I kept wondering about how he could have done this and it occurred to me that he had several opportunities think up cuz I like them Steve would come and get Phil in the afternoons Phil come on I'm taking you out to dinner and I said Steve I've got supper ready uh oh forget it he likes steak I'm taking him out to dinner and uh so he's had plenty of opportunities just a little problem we to go eat and it seemed like every time we'd eat I'd get sick afterward I'd get real sick and I just put all that together were saying it all it became so clear that that all this was inwoven need some more coffee and Mr White would come early in the morning sugar and I'd hear him in the kitchen and I would get up and he would go and uh get some coffee and get Phil's Coffee or Phil had some coffee and he'd say oh let me just get it and he'd fix his coffee well I'd get up and come on and sit on the S well I noticed when I got up he kind of left for someone to do this to you he's got to know your habits he's got to gain your trust and he's got to be the last person you [Music] suspect on January 19th 1998 Steve White is arrested for attempted murder in the first degree Phil's mysterious pain wasn't a medical mystery but an attempted murder this is a warant okay War for your the motive had to been money because of the $100,000 life insurance and our business property out there could have been sold probably for $150,000 he did something that was very cold and um very ugly and very cruel to another human being that was supposed to be his friend in January 2000 Steve White is tried and found guilty of attempted murder theft and tax violations he sentenced to 31 years in prison Phil and Josephine still struggle with the ravaging effects of the poison that cost Phil the use of his legs it has damaged my stomach and some of my internal organs I'm not the same person I used to be physically and I've learned to live with that I've learned to live that this was a big speed bump in my life I don't make plans any Phil doesn't yeah we found out the poisoning it's still in the bones it's in his nervous system it's destroying in it slowly and slowly and slowly so we don't know what kind of future we have we don't know what kind of shape he's going to be in 6 months from now a year from now but in spite of the toll on his body Phil doesn't let the past ruin his life I was very angry I was angry and I was full of bitterness and I guess I I would like to have harmed him but I reached a point and I know my family may think it's strange that I'm even saying this but although I know that a move has been made against me to take my life I knew that if I didn't find forgiveness in my heart even though he never he's never asked me to this day to forgive him but I forgave him a long time ago I never dwell on [Music] that [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 346,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Responders, catching toxic criminals, disease investigation, emergency medical care, healthcare drama, medical anomaly, medical breakthroughs, medical drama, medical emergency, medical experts, medical hardship, medical thriller, mystery disease case study., near-death experience, poisonous infection case, toxic substances, undetermined diagnosis, undiagnosed symptoms, unknown illness
Id: 7kgtkUvhiRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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